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The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
January 3, 1974     The Othello Outlook
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January 3, 1974
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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KIWt ~V "'- i Ag Yearbook 3110W$ . , Now Available catt,e ,oo a mert, uo.ys o: from throughout the North- prices to bring about the de- Quincy;Dick VanDeGraaf, Executive Secretary, Pasco. b I~ t( Titled "Handbook for the west will gather in Pasco cline in Washington cattle 10pen Tiff 6:00 P.N. Home," the 1973 Yearbook of Friday and Saturday, Jan. 11 feeding," he said. THELLO O TL K - ICoMHEE T.a ~)LYMPIA It appears THE 0 U 00 Page 5 Agriculture is a guide to help and 12, for the 16th annual Some 200 cattle feeders and ~;~ ~tshington wheat farmers 0THEtt0 WASHINGTON 1HURSOAY, JANUARY 3, 1974 families use their incomes to convention of the Washington industry representatives are -~ ~ ~endtoplantfence-to-fence~.lmm ======= == ~~_..~ best advantage. Cattle Feeders Association at expected to attend the con- ~1974production. As ofDec, l|//m ~ • I m]~ml~f Ken Waud, Washington the Red Lion Motor Inn. vent•on. Cattle feeders from ~hey had seeded 2,800,000 • I~,|. I | • ~T •.~1 ~ L¢.1'A'k~r~ State University's Grant - The convention program Canada, Oregon and Idaho will PEOPLE :: dmorewillbeplan d | ~r;~ ~ ~m ~~ Adams Area Extension agent, will include nationally-recog- also be present. Other officers and board a good place to • .. ry weather permits, ~_. ~e u" • 1 ~ ~ ~ said the 388- page book nized authorities on all phases ~1 lrector of Agrmulture ~ll~ ~ ~~ contains 78 chapters and of the cattle feeding industry, members of the Association place your confidence wart Bledsoe said today. D -- containsa great dealof "This is by far the finest are James McDonald, Sunny- most ~hnormalweatherthestate L NN IIIBll II IB~jl ~1 ~B ever offered at the Wash-Prior, Warden, secretary; consumer material, selection of speakers we have side, vice president; Chester ~ld produce a record crop ~l~U| I~1~ ~ |~/| ~!~ covered"Typicalin themaJ°rbook subjectSinclude ingto,n Cattle Feeders conven-John McGregor, Pasco, treas- now offer income tax service by ~,:;,~ ~7 '~ year. ~Many growers report that It • l • I I I tion,' said Wally McMinimee, urer. Board members consist families, dwellings, furnish- THE INCOME TAX ~o~ .treme drought conditions in L,~dq,J@~ II,IIAD ]1' dPlL'~l" ings and communities. The Outlook, Association presi- of Mike Cantwell,Sunnyside; ; ~gust and September fol- ~LIB|~[U Ul~L i ~~ book really centers around the dent. J.C. Courtright, Warden; Sid H'R ~~~¢~ -~ed b- heav., rain and snow F~ ......... U .. 1.- home--whether the home is a Two industry awards will be Flanagan, Quincy; J~ Richard 33-0303 November prevented YAKIMA Mint growers of Mark Rettig Connell. suburban house, a country forPresentedthe firstbYtimetheatASs°ciati°nthe meet. Greenwalt,G°l°b' Sunnyside;Quincy; JoeJ°hnA. S| $o. 6lk ~ntings in some areas of the the state will gather in Members of the board of place or a city apartment," he They are the "Cattle Feeder of )u like.,.Lte,'Bledsoesaid."Growers Yak•ms, Tuesday, Jan. 8, for directors of the Washington said. ay frome eyeing the weather and if the 13th annual Washington Mint Growers Association The hardback book costs the Year" and the "Friend of remains open there will be Mint Convention at the Holt- include Rettig, president; $5.70and is available from the the Cattle Feeding Industry" • ,ftsidemble more seeding." day Inn. Co-sponsors of the Harry Visser, Sunnyside, vice Superintendent of Docu- award. ys The figure of 2,800,000 acres one-day meeting are the president; Ken Gasseling,ments, U.S. Government Thenumberofcattleon feed ..... ~eadyseeded resulted froma Washington Mint Commission Wapato, secretary-treasurer; Printing Office, Washington, in the state of Washington has ever conducted by the and the Washington Mint Ron Halverson, Toppenish;D.C. 20402. Also, each mem- declined considerably during ashington Crop and Li e-Growers Association. Dale Miller, Outlook, Gordon ber of Congress has a limited the past year. It is estimated number of copies for freethat some 180,000 head were .Dck Reporting Service. It Opening sessions at 9:30 Stover, Harrah, and Christen- distribution to constituents, on feed in the state as of Jan. )awed the1973 winter wheat a.m. will report on various sen. 1, which could be down as TODAYedings exceeded 1972 plant- research projects being car- ried on under contract to the Are(] He(] !ings Set year ago. WIDE!![¢~ee ~62~7:O,000 acres by much as ~0 per cent over a Mint Commission given by "The sharp break in cattle CropP'rojected personnel of the Irrigated prices and the heavy financial ~sed on present seedings, Agriculture Research and losses suffered by feeders r/4 production of winter Extension Center, Washing-On Uses or 2 4 D during thelaterpartof1973 heatin thestate is projected ton State University, at I 126 million bushels. This Presser. Making reports will ~ 1 havecaused thecutback inthe gure would be up about 70 be Dr. J. Lewis Allison, number of cattle on feed,"said ~rcent from the small 1973 McMinimee. superintendent; Dr. E. C. OLYMPIA - The third in a already are the tig test of any "The increased costs of feed inter wheat crop of 74.2: Kiostermeyer, Dr. C•B. Skot- series of four public hearings area in the state. Under and the replacement of cattle ,ill•on bushels. Although land, A.I. Dew and Dr. A.G. by the State Department of proposed changes restrictions needed to stock feedlots ~Vmers seeded 2,700,000 egg. Dr. C.E. Horner, Oregon Agriculture on proposed on 2,4-D use would be further xes to winter wheat a yearState University, will present changes in 2,4-D regulations restricted in the outlying Meetings Slated io, only 2,100,000acres were a progress report on the willbe held in Pasco on Friday, dryland sections in these irvested because of winter control of wilt disease in mint. Jan. 11. The hearing is counties. The major proposed The American Legion and eezes and spring drought. Two mint industry awards,scheduled at 9 a.m. in the changes would ban the saleAuxiliary will hold meetings ~eyield peracre dropped to "Mint Grower of the Year," Franklin County PUD aud- and use of high volatile Wednesday, Jan. 9, 7:30 p.m. i bushels per acre from 48 and "Friend of the Mint •torture. formulations, ban the use of at the Eagle's Hall. lshels the year before.Industry,"willbepresented at The other hearings are low volatile formulations after Initiation of new members If 1974 production reaches the conclusion of the morning scheduled at Moses Lake on April 15, and prohibit anywill be held during the aux- ,6 million bushels, it will program. Jan. 3, Wilbur on Jan. 4, and applications when the tem-iliary meeting, with Mrs. B.J. ,!ceed the record production To open the afternoon pro- Co[fax on Jan. 12. perature is above 80 degrees. Plant, Twelfth District presi- i122 million bushels of both gram at 1:30 p.m., Dr. Ralph Proposed regulations for a The present temperature limit dent, initiating officer. inter and spring wheat in E. Berry, Oregon State different area will be con- is 85 degrees. if2. University will discuss "Bi- sidered at each of the Two major changes in- of Homes - Mitchell. Others Same • ~Winter wheat seedings in elegy and Control of Insect hearings. The Pasco hearing volving relaxation of existing Feb. 6-Horse Selection and Pests in Mint.' W.B. Snyder, will consider primarily the regulations also are proposed, f::etics - Dr. Richard John- iher Northwest states and " Procter & Gamble Company,regulations for Yak•ms, Klick- One would allow aerial ap- ,i.her producing areas follow- Cincinnati, Ohio, will discuss •tat, Benton and Franklinplication of amine formu- F'eb. 13 - Keeping Your I the Washington pattern. "A User Views the Mint Oil countiesandthesouthwestern lations in irrigated lands of Horse Healthy - Dr. Roy I. !Oregon growers seeded Market," at 2 p.m. part of Adams county and the Franklin county. The otherHostetler, Extension Veterin- ~20,000 acres, compared to Remarks on boiler safety in western part of Walls Walls would allow application ofarian, WSU. ~)20,000 in 1972. Idahomint distilling operations will county, amine formulations on wheat Feb. 20- Basic Riding Tack, towers seeded 1,060,000bemadeat3p.m.byMartinM. Involved in the Pasco stubble in outlying dry-land Selection, Fit and Care - ~res, compared with 900,000. Forseth, Seattle, deputy boil- hearing are irrigated areas in sections of Benton county on Carroll McLean, Agriculture regon Production in 1974 is er inspector for the state. The the Yakima Valley and thethe same conditions as on Representative, Washington ~ojected at 44,800,000 bush- and Idaho production atconvention will close at ap- Lower Columbia Basin where growing wheat. Currently Water Power. proximately 3:30 p.m. after a there are large plantings of stubble applications are al- Feb.27-The Balanced Ride- ;,600,000 bushels, discussion of production fig- grapes and other crops highly lowed only under permit and Dr. Joe Johnson. !Total U.S. seedings ofares for 1973. susceptible to 2,4-D damage, undertighterrestrictionsthan PleaseregisterfortheShort inter wheat hit 51,000,000 There are some 150 mintRegulations in these areas those on wheat. Course with Mrs. Mel Holben, ~res, u p18 percent from1973,growers in the state with Extes$iog ~ orse S~ort 1331Brad Street, MosesLake, .... -~ ~d production is estimated at production areas centered in Washington 98857 today. A ,Dre than 1.5 billion bushels, the Yakima Valley and the charge of $10 per family to ~ increase of l9 percent and Columbia Basin. Mint brought t$ Ja~ 9 offset costslsneeded. ~e hrgest winter wheat crop in over$6-millioniastyearto Course Ope record. Washington farmers and the '~rhe increased production i • state ranks second in the ~ssiblefromthis,nation-wide nation in mint production. ence-to-fence planting An eight session Horse women. ~ould come as good news ¢o Washington produces almost Short Coursewillstart Jan. 9 The eight (7 to 10 p.m.) half of the spearment grown in at 7 p.m. at the Moses Lake Horse Short Course topics are Orthwest consumers," Bled- the United States. ~e said. Adequate domestic Grange Hall at the Fair- as follows: htee~t supplies can be trans- Spearmint and peppermint grounds in Moses Lake, Ladd Jan. 9 - Your Horse and oils are used in the flavoring of A. Mitchel!, Washington State What Makes Him Tick - Dr. aintoreasonablepricesfor dentifrices, medicines, foods Universitys Grant - AdamsJoe Johnson, Extension Live- read, meat and milk and a o!d-up on accelerated food and other products. Area ExtensionAgentpointed stock Specialist, WSU. Washington Mint Commis- out today. It is sponsored by Jan. 17- Things You Should rme boosts. The ability to sion members are Roger Hull, the Extension Service andKnow ' About Basic Horse met foreign commitments is a ~us in our energy - short Sunnyside, chairman; Shirley Grant County Horsemen. Nutrition - Dr. Richard John- Christensen, Othello, vice ¢onomy. Continued food ex- chairman; Leo Bos, Harrah,[ The short course will son, Animal Scientist, WSU. feature speakers well known Jan. 23 - Basic Nutrition prt will help purchase treasurer; Gene Batali, Wap- in Washington and will beContinued - Dr. Richard if-shore energy (Venezuela ~d Asia) to supplement crit- ate; Lee Iverson, Othello; Dick dealingwithtopices requested Johnson. aL domestic supplies. Kassebaum, Outlook, and by horsemen and horse- Jan. 30-Least Cost Feeding !tudent Teacher iSsignment Made CHENEY An Othello inior at Eastern Washington ate _ College, Galyn D. eCoria, will be in st dent ~ching at the G~ver ~l~nior !~de ~t h i~ P;k? ~ee :rgXt, ~we eskc teaching coordinator, ~id he is among 122 students ~signed to 15 school districts Iroughout the state. ~The son of Mr. and Mrs. red DeCoria, 809 E. Main, he majoring in industrial .Jucation at EWSC. =rmecy Phacts by Bill k mmP YOu're a newcomer here in .... ~r COmmunity' and you ven't t ye chosen your [~o onal pharmacist and drug i~e we here a t Othello Rexall C..g. will appreciate the [WUege of knowingand being service to you Sooner or i~r YOu and your family are to i. lervices, and zts l idea that we both know each other when that time arrives. We'll appreciate your coming in and saying en UX O Hem d & kVs Ww 111 [. Nil, IIU 8-]104 Oghdlo "Hello" whether ~ou actually ne- anything at time or not. ~h This is the place ere you can be sure of old- ~snioned . friendly service, ~ p,lace where we apprecmte t" "~"mking of us. After all, if ~We,re, n't for people like you 'r~re d [~e no store like ours. ~TGo~d Health to All from _/~exah is always our rule of ~e day here at Othello Rexall ~.~g. This is the nlace where ~:~['~.,alwaYs gla(l to see and • ~- ~ervice to you (724Main ~cott~e) • , GEORGIA PACIFIC All Star VALLEY FORGE Reg. $7.49 Reg. $7.50 RENAISSANCE Reg. $12.50 sHoen:re~,elaLOWde~;n %.nL~ Mo~Weekdays ,ll~.°M.e-~.~!"S||llrdnT$ '-S Para, Othello; Allen Sire•n, n Evenings By Appointmentl [] l .~ .~n ... Lnght E ,ll Ph010 nrlzlm w xx Albums itt Wr 2 '" 39 Sl" Yz Pri ~ Permanents Diet Scale: Jewelr $1.29 59 1 "t/z PrtcAlia Seltzer 75¢ SIZE 59¢ SUAVE LEMON Maalox Shampoo Antacid Drnstan $1 59 SIZE • Nasal Spray ]6 oz. 79¢ $1.19 SIZE $1.49 Westclox Watches Reg. $27.95 $16.95 Panel 95 Georgia4:tacific Panel 95 ,It" Simulated woodgrain finish on particteboard %z" S Gives as much beauty as it only takes punishment! Handsome x8' woodgrain designs --durable panel vinyl surface. Low, low price• Panel REG. $4.29