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Bridq lect
Is Honored
With howers
Bride - To- be, Lauralyn
Brown, has been the recipient
of two recent miscellaneous
showers prior to her Jan. 12
wedding to Michael Hansch.
Co-hostesses for a Dec. 27
bridal shower were Mrs. Rich
Jackson and Mrs. Rick Lock-
miller. It was held at the
Jackson home.
Gathering for the party
were Carla Schaeffer, Mrs.
Jack Niblett, Mrs. Walt
Tennant; Mrs. Leo Mollotte,
Mrs. Feraid Roth, Mrs. Rod
Powell, Mrs. Ray Anderson,
Mrs. Dave DeLoach and Mrs.
Dave Long.
Unable to attend, but
sendibg gifts were Mrs. John
Melton and Mrs. Lee Fergu-
A luncheon shower held in
Tacoma was a Saturday event
in the home of Mrs. Stanley
Stemp. Assisting with party
arrangements was Mrs. Bill
Olsen, sister of the bride-
The luncheon table was
decorated with a floral ar-
rangement and blue and white
streamers with white wedding
Among the 17 guests
Othello Miss Is Wed
In Connecticut Rites
Town-Country Beginning Bridge New Daughter P., s . THE OTHELLO OUTLO E01
Club Welcomes Classes Slated Event Honoree ram0 WASHIN6TON THURSDAY,, ChristmasJANUARYTrips3' |~/~[[I.0,
A course in beginning The Scott Beckleys'
bridge will begin Jan. 8, An open house baby shower
' .m_as present from her
Yearv.t~ T;tler sponsored by the Women's honored Mrs. Peter Klaus- whoiiveinUeattle, was
Division of Othello Golf and bergerandsix-week-oldMarta
Country Club. Eva the afternoon and evening for the four children
Red banners, a Chinese Instructor will be Helen of Dec. 18 in the Klausberger
dragon and traditional dragon Fulks. home.
dance ushered in the year of The course will consist of 10 Hostesses for the occasion
the Tiger at the New Year's lessonsata cost of $15 and will were Mrs. Wilburt Coats and
Eve Town and Country Clubbe open to members and their Mrs. Tom Dopps.
guests. A special guest was Marta
More information may be Eva's grandmother, Mrs.
had by calling Mrs. Fulks at Marta Fornova, who has since
left for her home in Czecho-
Slate Dance
dance -- as the year of the Ox
departed on Dec. 31.
Music for the evening was
provided by Casey at the
organ and noisemakers, hats,
confetti and a midnight buffet
supper were part of the festive
evening's entertainment.
General chairmen for the
occasion were Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Baldridge. They were
assisted by the Harvey For Saturday
Yagers, Lloyd Ottems, Jack
Averetts, Dale Kintzleys, Don
Hunts, Fred Millers, Floyd
Keiths and Clyde Woods.
AAUW to Open
Year Tonight
Others arriving with small
apparel were Mrs. David
Sperl, Mrs. Walter Tennant,
Mrs. Ralph Lund, Mrs. Gerald
Shedden, Mrs. Don Brown,
Mrs. Ed Johnson, Mrs. Ho-
ward Jensen and Mrs. Vladi-
mir Sykora.
Others were Mrs. Ken
A "Winter Wonderland" Pointer and Mrs. Corrin
decor will again set the theme Rathbun, both Connell; Mrs.
for the Merrymaker Dance Maurice Peterson, Mrs. Ran
Club's January dance to be Pollard, and Mrs. John Mel-
held Saturday in the IOOF gren.
Hall. Sending gifts were Mrs. Bill
Art Church will furnish Sousa and Mrs. Wade Chris-
music for the event, to begin at well.
9 p.m.
Guests are welcome.
Working on the decorating
committee are the John Hays,
The Othello Branch of the
American Association of Uni-
versity Women meets tonight,
Jan. 3, 8 p.m., at the home of Joe VanderVloedts, Harold
Mrs. John Sargent. Assistant Hodges, Jan Wolffs, Gordon
hostess is Mrs. AI Franz. Hays and Bob Boersmas.
"Releasing our Potential A midnight lunch will be
ceremony in the 300-year-old baby's breath, accented with the legishtive report.
First United Church of Christ burgandy ribbons.
attending were Mrs. Willis
Barney, Edmonds, aunt of the The Dec. 1 wedding of encrusted with seed pearls with Paint", will be the provided by the Howard
honored guest; Mrs. William Margaret Rae Pease and and carried an arfil bouquet of program, to be given by June Sibleys, Harland Sampsons,
Hansch, her fiance's mother; Timothy Johnson took place pink and burgandy rosebuds Lampe. . Jack Averetts, Gordon Hays,
his grandmothers, Mrs. EdDec. lata6p.m, candlelighted with white carnations and Mrs. Dean Largent willgive John Hays and Harold
Hansch and Mrs. Frank Hodges.
Mrs. Norris Hazelton of
Tigard, Ore. attended her
sister as matron of honor.
Mary Orsini, New Haven, was
Attendants were gowned in
floor-length pink satin with
short crushed velvet bur-
gandy jackets." Their arm
bouquets matched that of the
William Johnson was his
brother's best man and
ushering was John O'Flah-
A buffet supper and dance
followed at the Masonic
Temple in Milford.
Following a wedding trip to
Poconoes, a winter resort in
the Pennsylvania mountains,
the newlyweds are at home in
Branford, Conn., where he
manages a Pet Center and she
is a program specialist for the
New Haven Regional Center.
Attending from Othello was
the bride's mother.
Initiation Set
* Berkeley * Sta-Rite
* Layne and Bowler
* Goulds * Cornell
° Jacuzzi
Winter Pump
Be Ready For Spring Water
Neighbors, Guests
Party The Pledge Ritual will be
Mrs. Mel Martin enter- held for new members at the
tained last Thursday after- Jan. 8 meeting of Delta
noon at a tea party for Upsilon, chapter of Beta
neighbors, friends and their Sigma Phi.
out-of-town holidayhouse- The8p.m. meeting will be at
guests, the home of Mrs. Dour
Visiting and getting ac- Schmidt, 240 S. 8th with Mrs.
quainted over tea and Christ- Steve Proctor assisting.
mas goodies were Mrs. Jerry Mrs. Don Rogers will give
Sabol and her grandmother;the program, "Self Analysis
Mrs. HeiRs Loveberg, Miss-and Self Estimate".
oula, Mont.; Mrs. Cecil John-
son and her husband's mother, Luncheon Today
Mrs. Inez Johnson, Palouse;
Mrs. Bob Skogen and Mrs. Othello chapter of Business
Chan Bailey. and Professional Women are
meeting at noon today, Jan. 3,
at Freddie's Restaurant.
Pledge Ritual
Thompson, and an aunt, Mrs.
Bill Barefield, all Tacoma.
The wedding will take place
at the Friend's Church in East
(Congregational Church) of
Milford, Conn.
Parents of the couple are
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pease,
Othello, and Mr. and Mrs.
William Johnson, Orange,
Escorted to the altar by the
father of her bridegroom, the
bride wore a gown of ivory
satin with self train. Seed
pearl embroidery trimmed the
high round neckline and long
tapered sleeves came to a
bridal point at the wrists. She
wore a caplet of satin
Beta Meet Tonight
Zeta Tau chapter of Beta
Sigma Phi meets at 7:30
tonight, Jan. 3, with Mrs.
Harlow Young. Co-hostess is
Mrs. Dan Elmore. The pro-
gram, "Dance and Theatre
Music", will be presented by
Mrs. Mel Martin and Mrs.
Larry Meyer.
The oil painting, donated by two babies with the resulting
June Lampe to Othello Child- attention remarkable."
ren's Orthopedic Auxiliary as Fully covered with insur-
a Seattle Hospital benefit, was ance, the Edwards were
won by Gordon Edwards of totally unaware that Seattle
Warden. Orthopedic is a charity has-
Edwards, a truck driver for petal if needed.
Western Farmers, purchased Sally Jo today shows only a
five tickets "just as a donation slight hyperactivity and her
for the hospital that hadparents say they will be
helped him and his family so "eternally grateful for her
much." care".
When his daughter, Sally The annual painting event,
Jo, now ten years old, was only one of several projects plan-
ten weeks old, the family was ned as hospital benefits by the
in an automobile wreck. Sally local auxiliary, realized a
profit of $400 this year.
Holiday Card
Party Is Held
Veta Fraser entertained at a
holiday bridge party this past
Sunday evening.
Invited guests were Zonda
~He~IL t Lewis, Mary Kelly, Elizabeth
Wolf, Clara St. Louis, Dorothy
Nygren, Catherine Bray and
Billie Kenfield.
1155 S. Bromdway
• II
Othello Chapter No. 234,
Order of Eastern Star, will
hold initiation at a regular
meeting tonight, Jan. 3, at 8
p.m. in Paul Revere Masonic
Jo was bounced around the
car, arriving in the Quincy
hospital with multiple brain
A Quincy doctor flew the
baby and her parents in his
private plane to Seattle Child-
rens' Orthopedic Hospital
where she was placed in the
care of a brain specialist.
During her stay the family
found a "nurse for every one to
Friday and Saturday
MONDAY, Jan. 7 - Italian High score went'to Mrs.
spaghetti, applesauce, green Kelly, with Mrs. Fraser
beans, hot French bread and second and Mrs. Bray, low.
milk. Refreshments of homemade
TUESDAY, Jan. 8 - Corn candies, cookies and an angel
dogs with mustard, tossedfood cake topped with pine-
salad with dressing, apricots, apple and whipped cream
hot rolls with butter and milk. were served.
Auxiliary to Meet
Mrs. Robert Boersma will
be hostess to the Jan. 8
meeting of Othello Orthopedic
Children's Auxiliary in her
home at 830 Larch. Mrs. Tom
Lyda will co-host the 1 p.m.
Burritos, vegetable sticks,
peaches, sweet rolls with
butter and milk.
Hamburger on bun, pork and
beans, pears, cake and milk.
FRIDAY, Jan. 11 - Pizza
with meat and cheese, corn
fruit cup, cookie and milk.
61 So. Isl
Pilgrim Lutheran
ALCW Board meets Tues-
day, Jan. 8, at 7:30 p.m.
Mrs. Herman Krupa will be
hostess for the Jan. 8 meeting
of the Martha Circle. The Bible
study will be led by Mrs. Ken-
neth Pershall. Meeting time is
1 p.m.
First Baptist
The annual business meet-
ing and potluck supper is
scheduled for 7 p.m. Wednes-
day, Jan. 9, at the church.
Dinner arrangements and re-
freshments arb being planned
by the social committee, Mrs.
Marshall Butcher, Mrs. Don
Alexander and Mrs. Mark
Sacred Heart Catholic
The Altar Society Board is
meeting at 8 p.m. tonight, Jan.
3, in the Rectory.
TAKACH, Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew, Othello, boy, 6 lbs.,
13 ozs., Dec. 28.
Mrs. Carl, Othello, boy, 7 lbs.,
13 ozs., Dec. 28.
PRESTWICH, Mr. and Mrs.
Richard, Othello, boy, 7 lbs., 3
1/2 ozs., Dec. 29.
Scott and Bonnie took a
Christmas trip.
On their return
the Beckleys saw her
off on a plane for Hawaii
coming home to our
Othello weather.
he m
J~Y both
is unto
The Christmas holiday t~ don't
Wayne and Ann Backtold ~save y,
Bryan and Eric to Walla W~is vet
for an overnight visit with~ll not
and her parents, the j~ss apE
Clinehens and the Al Ba~pound
tolds. /hat a
Monday, Feb. 4th
Rainbird Service
Truck Will Be at ,mr
Sargent Pump and Irrigation.
Bring Your Rainbird Sprinkler
Heads In NOW for Repairs.
1155 S. BroadwRy OTHELLO 488-3348
ins QTL
in alan
~pany f
!ing D
;. Denl
g, Alas
Mrs. F
) childr
nt. an(
I Mrs.
gent, b
aes for
!e beer
a Pool,
~). and
I Mrs.
!he tl
aver f(
80 F P,ne
While Quantifies Last! No Rain Checks or Layaways, Thank You
We want to move out aur winter goods
early We don't want to pack anything
away for next year. That's the whole
story. We're not about to pay big dollars
to haul winter gaod~ back to the wure-
house. Instead we're passing these spec-
tacular savings on to you, but you must
act now. Don't delay. Came in. Pick up
your bonus values. SAVE~
9 A.N. to 6 P.M Olhell0
Foam insulated Impor d Reg 907
, ...... , .... ,.d,. "--~u87
Wax mIp~flnated ba~ Reg 1495
Elga Dr-iO0 Stereo Headphones $1 4e8
Coi~ed card Volute. controls Reg 2995
All El~tdc Guitars
, ....... .... ,99, ...... 50% off
SLIPPERS ¢o~p~ ....
9..'" ......, 99 ,., ........ 99 1/2 off
Ladies' Fashion Boots 1/2 off
Many styk~t Reg 099 to 19|8
Toys & Decorations 1/2 off
Compt~t~ ~ack
~o,~-HuasewareSg,o.~ & Giftware 1/2 off
Coffee Caddy $2
Mirra Electric Coffee Pot
................ d ...... . ......... "--,~44
Value lS9S R.gula¢ price f207
Oster Foot Massager
, ..................... $1000
Reg 1999
Presto Log Carder
_,, ....99c
Value 4,95 Rag price I 99
Recreational Vehicle Anti-freeze
.................... S224
I g(dlon ~*~ 448
Jackets & Pant Coats, ~o,~..,o~p
...... ................ ............ 1/2 off
Uniforms & Maternity Wear ..........
.............. 0 1/2 off
W notchee • [tten burg only
Pants & Jeans ..,.. 9,0o,, ~ ....
................,, • ,. ,* ................, .o. oo 1/2 off
All Winter Yardage
................................. 1/2 off
w,, ,,~hr. ~, £11ensbu~9 only
G~rmont Foam Ski Boots
.................. $44u
tFmm9 e~tra~ ~eg 6994
Igloo Ice Chest
. .............. $2994
,,ramie C$. 1 O, Po~loble Cat.tie plopr $1444
Fast forward or ~twmd Tape Oeck
Value 2$9~ Re~ prKe 21 87
Panda Bear Radio s61 1
Value $295 Re9 p~i