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The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
January 3, 1974     The Othello Outlook
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January 3, 1974
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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!TLO E OTHELLO OUTLO01( - Pqe ? 3, | tELLO, WASHINGTON THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1974 By Jessie M. Plant return home Sunday. 488-2935 ************* for New Year's Pastor and Mrs. Brad ilutions? ~e man in our house said, Kolbo, with year-old Scott, spent the holiday at a reunion *** Uy bother? Your last year's of his family in Nampa, Ida. ,Is untouched good as new. Attending were both Brad's oliday ~don't you just use it again grandfathers and grandmoth- cktoldv'~Saveyourselfthetrouble." ers, as well as uncles, aunts Yalla W~s version of the list.--~ and cousins, several coming sit with|ll not talk so much. I will from other states. the J~ss opinionated. I will lose They were l~ouseguests of ; Al ]~pounds." his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neal 7hat a terrible thing to Kolbo. and on a quiet, peace- ************* morning, too. No Busy Holiday lan in her right mindA busy holiday for Jack and ld resolve such things, let Karen Anthony and their four e tell her husband! children. that really makes me mad Leaving Othello Dec. 22, lit I've turned this house they visited with her mother, down looking for thatPhyllis Achziger in Tacoma ~ORAL: two days; a cousin, Mr. and Keep all resol- Mrs. Don Thompson in Wood- Ins QUIET and work at inville, spending Christmas ~n alone. And Happy 1974! Eve in Everett with his sister, ************* the Les Carney family. H i olidayGuests And as did many others, 1 houseful of holiday arriving home Chirstmas |piny for the David Sperls afternoon. i here for two weeks, ************* ring Dec. 28. , Another family reunion for iavid s brother Mr. ana the the holidays, this at the i. Dennis Sperl'with their home of the Thomas Bookers, i children from Peters- Jr. g, Alaska. Ann's sister, Mr. Arriving for the Christmas !Mrs. Roger Thompson and celebration and visiting were children from Great Falls, their daughter, the Frank m. and her parents, Mr. Parentes, with Steve and i Mrs. Willard Olson, of Tony, from Seattle, and son ~ent, N.D. David who is attending the ************* University of Washington. ~: From Colorado Joining round the "Festive |r tuests of- Don and Betty Board" on Chirstmas day were aes for the past two weeks the Randy Bookers and their ~. !e been her mother, Mrs. three children; the Bruce a Pool, from Fort Collins, Reames with their four :OST O. and Dan's parents, Mr. I Mrs. Wilbur Hines of Orado Springs. !he threesome met in ~ver for the plan ride to )kane, and left yesterday their homes. children; the Evan Bookers with Fay, and Pat's mother, Mrs. O.J. Patterson, visiting from Pullman. Arriving Dec. 22 for an extended visit at the home of ************* Harry and Mallie Fisher were Parents Here Dorothy Greve, a longtime [oliday company for the friend from Pueblo, Colo., and Thiemes. His parents, Fred Thiemes of Kimberly eher parents, the Delmar rsens, of Boise; her sister, and Mrs. John Royston children, and friends, Mr. Mrs. Frank Nielsen and hie, all of Couer d'Alene. family gathering of 15 day. le Thiemes.honored their at~ an,: ~ei~ hO1~e Irda~ evening. houseguests of the : Lochmillers were her ,'nts, Mr. and Mrs. Z.W. with her 'l. so visiting were Karen's Ran and Virginia John, their two youngsters Wilbur, houseguests of ~rents, the David Johns. opening began at 6 a.m. morning with the of the younger Johns and d!nner that day ed Rick s parents, carl nne Lockmiller and his parents, visiting from ~nd, Ore. Home for Holidays ith the arrival of their ;hter, Alice, from Lo: ele:, the Walt Daniel . the ~hole family home tor stn as. [ice is studying under an program of the of Puget Sound. ************* ered around the table turkey and at the Joe Vander- t house were the whole Mr. and Clink with ~non, and a son, Mr. and Joe VanderVloedt, with lael, all of Moses Lake. son Michael, recen~olY from Germany . , Ellen especially cooKeo n the cob, not to be found rseas-, a requested treat. ~m and Irene Hoehn Christmas with the Russells, guests of his Its, Mr. and Mrs. Ross HL out in Block 16 hers ~a,~ , " s b, ,th e/%: wit er: and children from Eph- a sister, Marcie, home Fort Lewis where she is Ined with the Army, and grandmother, Pernie Pasco. them for the even- another brother and e Russell, from querque, N.M. ************* |ce of the Ice for Al and - called by them delightful this ~y was dinner at the new Restaurant, an and arrival ~-~-uay morning. ************ We~s vist for Edna aan OVer the Chirstmas her son and his and Sue Coffman, A special treat s before her Mallies's cousin, Erwin Flem- ing, of Deer Lodge, Mont. Expected at the home for the New Year holiday is a son, Don Fisher, of Olympia with his wife, Term and daughter Cherell. To California Another Christmas visit - this one for Hobart and June Roberts, v~hospent4gea~tays in San Jose, Calif. visiting their daugher and son-in-law, Phyl- lis and Rod Barrie, and grand- children, Bennie and Jennifer. Shopping, visiting and sightseeing Carmel, Monterey and the "17-mile drive" in balmy weather .... Over to Olympia for Mel and Bernice Sherbert, accompani- ed by Ronald, of Pullman. To the home of another son, Bueford and family, where they opened gifts on Christ- mas Eve with dinner on Christmas day. Dinner guests included Selma's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gaddis of Olympia and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Chitty and sons of Tacoma, long-time friends of the Sherberts from Kansas days. From Alaska And down from Eagle River, Alaska, for Christmas with her parents, the Jo Jensens, came the Dan Doughertys with Dahette. Leaving Alaska Dec. 27 in 46 degree weather, they arrived at Pasco Airport in Friday's snowstorm. Coming for a late Christmas celebration and big turkey dinner were the Jensens' other children- Mike and Mary Ann Jeffers, Moses Lake; Mike and Donna Adams with Don and Lori, and son, Larry, all Othello. The first time the family has been together in nine years, they spent a part of the day having family pictures taken. A family gathering cele- brated Lori's first birthday and Larry's birthday, -both Jan. 1- Tuesday at the Mike Adams home on Royal Slope. The Doughertys will leave Sunday for Fowler, Colo., where they plan to visit with her maternal grandmother. Then on to Arizona where they will visit her paternal grand- mother and his parents in Phoenix before the flight home to Alaska. Highway Quiet The road to Bend, Ore., both coming and going, was rem- inescent of the poem, "...not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse!". So very few cars. Gas stations closed . . . restaur- ants, too, especially on Chirst- mas day. Arriving home with us after the holiday celebration with our daughter and family were the three granddaughters, Kim,12,Kelly,10 and Heather, ALMOST nine, as she says. They returned home Sun- day, excited about their first bus ride . . . and looking for- ward to a week of skiing in Bend's high country. • TWIN FULL LADY PEPPERELL NO-IRON SHEETS Splashy pattel n "F lowers CANNON ¢ EA LUXURIOUS NO-IRON DENIM Everywhere", flat or fitted sheets and matchinn cases CANNON VELOUR BED PILLOWS BEDSPREADS