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Newspaper Archive of
The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
January 4, 1952     The Othello Outlook
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January 4, 1952
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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\ PAGE 2 OTHELLO OUTLOOK FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1952 i/ (Formerly the Othello Progress-News) Entered as second class matter January 21, 1947, at the post office at Othello, Washington, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Published every Friday afternoon at Othello. WARREN BASLEE BILL OPPLIGER Editor and Publisher School Reporter Subscriptions $2.50 per year in Adams, Franklin, and Grant counties. $3.00 per year elsewhere. Livestock Topic When UP Car Visits Washtucna Livestock problems will be given expert attention when the Union Pacific railroad's agricul- tural improvement car visits Adams county at Washtucna Wednesday, January 16, County Agent Bob Martin announced this week. During four previous annual visits to Adams county the UP display usually has emphasized wheat, but this year the spot- light has been focused on live- stock, Martin said. Discussions in the auditorium car will start at 9:30 a. m. and 1:30 p. m., with the morning sessions of particular interest to 4-H and FFA members and the afternoon program directed to adult farmers. Two Films Planned Two up-to:date fihns, "Cattle GOOD FOOD ANYTIME ! BASIN CENTER Coffee Shop Othello, Washington Country" and "Western Sheep" both with full color and sound, will be shown. George L. Penrose, Union Pac- ific agricultural agent, Portland, David H. Brannon, entomology specialist, and Charles Kyd, livestock specialist, both from Washington State College, will be aboard to lead discussions. The benefits of the "Grassman of the Year" program, sponsored by the .Portland Chamber of Commerce in Oregon, will be reviewed by Kenneth W. Saw- yer; agricultural manager of the Portland chamber, and Walter Holt, manager of the Pacific In- ,- ternational Livestock Exposi- tion. In the discussion field, Pen- rose will tackle the problem of livestock loss prevention with emphasis on shipping. He will illustrate his points by using .colored slides. Talk on Parasites Brannon, who is a specialist on insects, will talk about ex- ternal parasite control as it ef- fects all types of livestock. To round out the program, Kyd will take up the topics of ~rassland and range improve- ment and livestock manage- ment. All of the talks will be held in the Union Pacific car which is equipped with a public ad- dress system that has a micro- phone on each aisle of scats so that any person can easily ask questions. AUTO G,LASS INSTALLED TABLE TOPS MIRRORS PLATE GLASS ALL TYPES OF GLAZING Ritz lle Paint and Glass Co. "DUTCH BOY" PAINTS CUSTOM GLASS AND MIRROR WORK OF ALL TYPES PHONE 306 RITZVILLE ANNOUNCEMENT Effective with the month of January, 1952, custom, er accounts will be closed on the last day of each calendar month rather than on the 26th of each month as we have been doing in the past. Why are we changing? Because of through extensive sur- veys we have found that you, the customer, would prefer to receive a statement for a full calendar month's business. You will, of course, receive your monthly statement a few days later than you ha~,e been getting ii heretofore. M. A. TERRY, Wholesale Distributor Standard Oil Co. of California PHONE 3401 OTHELLO P.S. If you are also one of our valued Credit Card CustoM- ers, :'t~is will not e~fec~, in any way, your CrEdit Card Acct. LOCALS-- O U T L 00 K Mr. and Mrs. Barge Para gave a dinner for Jerry Emry W A N r A D S on his second birthday Sunday FOR SALE n~g~ht. Those a,ttending were~ " Mr. a,nd Mrs. J'ohn PaPa and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Emry. ~0use~ues'ts fo:r the hol!iday season at the Ruml,ey home were Mr. an:t Mrs. Donald L. Jeffries and d~ughters Acan and Rebecca Lynn of Siibni~e, Idaho: Miss Darltme ~'umley of Moses Lake and Mrs. Owen A Bu,mqey, Jr. and son, O~een A. HI, o~ Somers, Mon tana. Miss Colleen Rmnley ~as un~a~b,le, 1o be home from San Jose Sta4.e Ce¢le,ge {'or ¢,he hoh- days, so visited wi,th ,the f~rn- ily by 'telephone on Christrn,as Day. FOR SALE. 1 yr. old a,p¢.-size e~ecltric range. Exedlen,t condfi- tion $90. Brand new 6 yr. size crib and mactress $30. D,.ale Helb~g Tel. 3556 FOR SALE WHITE T~R:EA:DG,E SNWING machine, perfeot cond~on, $25. Mrs. C. J. Bo~agard,us. LOST $15.00 REWARD ¢o anyone fin'di:ng ,tiny yellow or ¢,an Male dog, Has .harness on. n,ame Tea. Alva Edwards, Rangier Cour.t, Apt. 1. ltp Miss Jentiie Leach, Mrs. Vir-- .............. ginia Pesscin and Mrs. Edi'th NOTICE Fessein a'r~d c.hildrenwere gues~.s 'e~ Mr. and ..Mrs. Man- I w'il~l no~ be responsible for ¢ord Str,~m~rne for New Years any debts con!tra~cted by any- dinner, one oliver fhan mysel{. W,arren G. Brew~zr LICENSE DEADLINE NEAR notes CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. Don Fitzsimmons 10 A. M. Bible School -- everyone welcome. 11 A. M. Morning Worship, 7:30 P.M. Evening Worship, 7:30 P. M. Wednesday, Bible The fiinal deadline for %he purdhose of 195'2 a,a'co licenses ,is near, l~he 8%h af J~rmary ~o be exact, aecortti~g ~ Jack ~h~bbard, who is ~ntlllei~g ,the sales of ~l'm stickers. Try A Classified Ad LOCALS -- Mr. and Mrs. C. Sumner of Malden were ,guests o~ Mrs. C. J. Bog~o:rdus over ~he weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Bogar- dus and family a~d Mr. and Mrs. Eel Oolley, all of Wa]]~ V¢~alla, spenit New Years Day w~th Mrs. C. J. Bo~mrdus. !Mr. and Mrs. Ed Emry en- te~tairmd Mr. and Mrs. Paul BonneH and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hubbard Saturday n~,ght. Mr. and Mrs. CA~ce Show alter stmnt the weementi in t~rtland, Oregon. I TRACTORS AND TRUCKS HOT WATER HEATERS RANGES REFRIGERATORS • HOME FREEZERS i DONNER-WISE iNC. Moses Lake Rit-ville Gideon Lutheran Church Rev. R. O. Wittrock Connell, Wash (8 miles N. W.) MONDAY, December 24. Christmas Program 7:30 MONTH OF JANUARY Sunday School- 10:45 Worship Service 11:45 (all Sundays) SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH Fr. C. M. Depiere Mass held first Sunday of each month. 9 a. m. January 6. P[!ESBYTERIAN 10 A.M. Sunday School 11 A. M. Morning Service, Message by F. G. Tor,:enee. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Lester Byrd, Pastor Sunday ]0 a.m. Bible Study 11 a.m. Morning Message Friday night, Prayer m~'e,ting. Serv:,ces a,t pp, stor's home, South end or Third Ave. All are Welcome FIRST BAPTIST CHUItCH Cbrence Blazer Pastor Meets in Pastime !talt :.2~!. 5;'crvices P:~:ti-ne J-I:~l! !~. ~.~. ~Ot'\'iO(~S ~it ":''!F 7(1: 2](") M:"SS~*g?: "A Christian: W,!lk" "V,:>' i'!', "7 ,,' ] iTe?" 7:30 Wednesday, Bible Studay and Prayer service. CHEVRON-STARTING FLUIn DUPONT GAS GUARD Atlas Perme-Guard - Othello araqe Earl (Luke) Danielson Phone -- 3391 TO ALWAYS LOOK YOUR LOVLIEST, YOU SHOULD HAVE THE LOV- LIEST OF PERMANENTS, THE ULTIMATE IN GOOD GROOMING.. Modern Beautg Shop Lz~,u:'a 3doo~-e OTHELLO RIGHT NOW IS THE TIME TO TRANSFER YOUR SAVINGS T ACCOUNTS TRANSFERRED BEFORE THE 10TH DAY OF JANUARY WILL DRAW INTREST FROM JANUARY 1 AT THE RATE OF 2 PER-CENT INTEREST--- ~CT NOW! OTHELL 0 STATE BANK COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES Othello, Washington i q ;i INK [ ¢OR :t