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The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
January 4, 1952     The Othello Outlook
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January 4, 1952
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1952 THE OTHELLO OUTLOOK PAGE 3 ling 1heir way back towards theQuota Raised Richard L, Stimpson, son of ~' camp. Shortly after the son's Mr. and Mrs. Gene Sflmpson arrival the rest of the party for Tn-County" Of DRi~ville-o showed up. Two men had legs ,.~ ~ 1-~ - ale Thomason of Slmkane, frozen so badly they were forced nears neqlon son o~ Rex Thommmn. to ride horses, which were bad- . . Elmer d, Sackman and Vic. ly frozen themselves. PASCO--- The ri-coun y for T. Pouley, both of Lind. M~iller heaped up the fire and area s induction quota tor Stim son is a student at A man who works in Pasco but lives in Ritzville has put the two men with frozen P Eas- returned from a neFve-wracking ordeal in the Blue noun- legs into his car, hoping the car January has been almost tern Washington College of Edu- dou ' w t nun tains which might have cost him his life. heater might thaw them out bled i h the bet of cation'Thomason, son of a for- The man is Leland Miller, fire inspector at the armysomewhat. ....... aams county men mmng comer ............. football and basketball The party spent a cold, sleep- . acn at ttgzvnie mgn scnool, immediate service leapmg from gained fame last summer ass supply depot in Pasco. His wife is employed in the Adams less night, two to seven mem'er ..... .. • • "~ .... O OI a Montana town county treasurer's office, , Wednesday morning they at- Fr~r~nUSly d,~ai~lolnc~aatr~¢s'baseball team which reached the Miller and his son, Leland, .................................. tempted to drive both the car , an t~n~ n oun~ es finals of a n ..... jr. who works for the North- named Sancier, who said he and pickup down a snow-filledwere scheduled for induction in Michi~,o,,'au°nal tournament mountain road. • . he January quota of 51 is one ern Pacific railway in Pasco, thought he could be up to haul The pickup, driven by the son, January 14 T b--- . ^£nlmYs :WOn of these_werefrom of ~he heaviest since the post- .........|,de+ l~virtaxr.y, ~"':."'-*':T3a°amha"..... 99, -..-¢nr outThethe elkMillersMOndayphonedafternoon.two slipped off the road after hours ~u ,,~ c un~y--~.~ran~ ~.. ~ec~- Korean rh-af+ n,~m-om,,~* ,n SOme elk-huntmg in the Blue frien ...... of treacherous going---it waser and Donald E. Arnst, both of derwo,, "-" " ~"~'* ..... "* .... " }~:eiai%s • as in rasc.o, memnow about 1:30 a. m. Wednesday Ritzville. "~"¢ m t~eea%W?l~ghWalnl~'it ~c°%ed°g~ ~oltwhnaiPiCkUmP,o~e~ --and plowed some distance Now Selective Service has i ! wasn t too long after the seas- i'or me ..... night =* down the mountain---without called for 25 more men from the [ ELECTI~OL~ [ on opened Sunday that both .... " ....... turning over, however, tri-county area to be inducted [ [ .........nailpcl an ~lk Miller's was n 4- ntolVmnaay- me lwmers, went oacK. About the same time the car January 15, making a total ofI Sales a ~ e~ . ! ~ointer and the son's a 5-pointer. }. the mountm.n, .,expectmg got stuck and nothing the men 51 for January. [ no ervlce I .~tlrnntod o'~h of ch wa me packer m arrive mat aIter- Included in the 25 additions| I gs .......W~l~, t ea s ..... could do, in the bitter cold, are five men registered from[ Polisher and ! Ann ..... ,~ noon. ±he weatner rooked dirty could loosen it. "Sh~r~lt'"~after the second elk but wasn't too bad so the fatI{ Another Party Recalled Adams county. They are: , [ [ Was sho~it began to cloud over. er and son camped out Monday Someone remembered another Roderick A. Kinch of Wash- [ Accessdries i A wind began rising. Having n,gnt.. . party of hunters had been camp- tuena, son of Mrs. Bill Allert I | no wish to be eaught in asternTuesday the packing party lag farther down the road. Leeof Benge: ][' . ROY |] tn a remote region of the Blueshowed up---Sancier, three oth- struggled off to seek help and mountains, the two men hurried er men, and four horses. The fortunately located the hunters. ~ ..... -- H, So SUL(~ to the foot. pickup from Pasco also was driv- They returned in a powerful but conditions weren't promis- t Ritzville, Washington | There they contacted a packer en up to where the Millers were army surplus truck, which was in~ so they didn't try. .'" .I .~ ..... ..:- 2 .... t ._ -_ camping, about the only type of vehicle The pickup--and the ~!l/;~are i . L~u rnone :~-w | Everybody except Lee Miller short of a tractor capable ofstill up in the mountainS" "~ - ~ set out to haul in the elk. He making headway in the snow- ~ ..............~ .... A .............~ .....A ..... remained behind to keep a roar- clogged road. ing fire going at the camp. After efforts to extract the car • ' Order RUBBER STAMPS ltIK PADS and STAMP INKS, DATERS CORPORATE and NOTARY SEALS THE OTHELLO OUTLOOK Hours passed. A real storm began blowing up. The temper- ature dropped, and the wind 'blew clouds of snow through the camp. It was past midnight Tuesday before Miller's son, half-frozen and with his wrist chained to a horse, emerged from the howling storm into the firelight. The storm had caught the packing party in the heart of a wilderness area. They had loc- ated the elk, covered with snow, but because of the cold were un- able to take them o:at. Battle Back to Camp For hours they had been batt- ~F II ii : ii OR REALLY ~ DEPENDABLE [DRY CLEANING SERVICE It's The TRUCK MODERN DRY CLEANERS OF RITZVILLE Pickups and deliveries each Thursday in Othello. We'll stop when your card is up. If you don't have a card and want one, see Harley's Clo- thing. It's the green Modern Dry Cleaners truck for depend- able dry cleaning. ii I I Why Not Take Your Wile THE FINEST AL. VISIT OUR NEW II I I failed, everybody climbed into the truck which returned to the camp down the road. There the Miller party spent another un- pleasant, virtually sleepless night, but at least they had the consolation of a canvas tent and a glowing pot-bellied stove. It was now Thursday morn- ing. The Millers had gone three nights without sleep and the rest of the party too. At the foot of the mountain the p~cker's wife had become worried over her husband's ab- sence in blizzard conditions. She notified the sheriff. It was Friday morning, how- ever. before a road crew could gel started up the mountain. Af- ter their fourth night in the wilderness the Millers were somewbat overjoyed to see the snowplow breaking trail to their camp midway through Friday. Ew,rvhodv was able to get dov,~ ,~f:" tim m-untain. T~y ~o Get Pick-up Nex~ day 1he Millers made a u'y ~:t ~e'ting their pickup out ~f the snow. A wreck,:r maned up ?kc. road B,.:I lhr :~:,rn,~ bad luck which gad p~agu~d the Millers ever si~cc q~ev she: the two elk con- tin"ed ",./Jthout !ctLing up. FiI',;'t the wrecker had a flat ~ire. The spare a],:o proved to be flat. l~ was repuircd and put on N,w: ~,e b,qttery was dead. "Think nothing of it." said the wreck(,r d:iver. "We always ear- ~y a spare battery." The spare battery was hooked vp--rmd i'~ was dead too The wrccker gave. Everybody re- tinned to lo'.,vn. So that conc}t,de~ the epoch st,)rv of- Lee ~.illel"S elk-hunt- ]n~ t~ ~p, ~P.,, ~ b~s sqn returned to Ibe a:ca last weekend with hop~,s o? recovering C~c pickup e FOR A COMtPLETE ONE-STOP CHECK UP! Give that car a break for the new season! We'll re-charge your battery while you wait with Atlas Safety-Fast Charg- er, check your tires, change your oil and grease, flushyour radiator, check lights, and fill 'er up... all in one stop that takes no time at all. J'aek Don 1Oy's SUPER SERVICE I WITH YOUR CAR, YOUR HOME. YOUR Let Us Take The Risk! INSURE, IN SURE INSURANCE PHONE 3455 Othello _ " v v v v v vv v vvv vvvVv vvvvqr'q~'qr'qrvv - . NYLONS OF CALIFORNIA Choose Yours. Today, in newest Spr~r~g Colors! Two pairs of Trimfit's Sturdy Sheer nylons are guaranteed to give you satisfactory wear for two months or we will replace them, Luxurious nylons for everyday that last and last... 60 gauge for sheerness and 30 denier for durabilltyl Made for quality and style by Trimflt of California. HARLEY'S CLOTHING Othello, Washington Open Until 9:00 On Friday :iI