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January 11, 1952 The Othello Outlook | |
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January 11, 1952 |
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AI'i E, ,
Adams county's first 1952 baby is Barbara Jo Wilkie,
daughter ofMr. andMrs. VerneWilkieofOthello, whowasCh b T ld
born at 3:26 a. m. Saturday, January 5, at Samaritan hos- am 8r [I
pital in Moses Lake.
Barbara Jo's arrival entitles her parents to more than
8170 worth of gifts donated by Lind and Ritzville merchants.
The baby's father is a con- -- .....................................
struction man employed by J.
A. Terteling and Sons, Colum-
bia Basin contractors operating
in the Othello area.
Her mother's parents are Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Gillespie of
The Wilkies have lived in
Adams county for more than a
Year. and thus qualified under
the rule that parents must have
been residents of the countty
for at least six months.
The contest also stipulated
that the baby need not neces-
sarily be born in Adams coun-
ty. This rule was adopted be.-
cause so many mothers-to-be
from Lind. Ritzville and Wash-
tucna often go to Spokane hos-
Pitals rather than the hospilal
at l~itzville.
There were no "close" sec-
t)weir !,; 11 Lllt!})Cl" f~]' \';/{C~*:4 fl'l)ll/
" :Ulnil~'F ~::1 ~'~1' t}:c" ("~lt'il::',::
Grant County Treasurer Ro-
bert S. O'Brien has announced
the sale of about 500 pieces of
Columbia Basin project land
on which irrigation district as-
sessment of two cents an acre
are unpaid since March 15. The
sale to be conducted by Dep-
uty Treasurer Margaret Harris
is to be held at 10:00 a. m..
January 23, in the court house
at Ephrata.
The price bid for the ]and
cannot exceed the amount of
unpaid assessments, olus costs
and penalaties. O'Brien ex-
olained. This is usually about
five cents an acre.
Those who purchase the land
1hey bid on cannot get deeds
for two years. Owners are
uiven that time in which lo
redeem their proper+y by re-
1)avian" the amounl dlle.
Thn assessment of two ccnls
:~n ;~ere this past year provided
rn etm:rnii nine pieces. < + local residents who Darliculnr-
E~'e!'s Chevron statbm---Tenthe baby. :tee ,to tareslib:ate hhc feasibil ------~ 1v undertake ihe task in order
gallons of Chevron Supreme Fred's Barber Sl:op--Baby's Continued on Page 4 BLAZERS HAVE WRECK that local Droblel~ will be ad-
gasoline for dad's car. firs~ haircut. " ministered by local people.
Lind Dry Cleaners---Moth- .~ Modern Dry Cleaners --- ON Friday evening the car "The new'urogram reouires
in which Rev. Clarence Blazerall owners of rental ~ro~erdv
er's dress dry cleaned. ~ ad's wrinkled suit dry clean- SCHOOL BOARD CALLS and famil.~ were driving to to re~ister their" unlts," "" said
Lind Market--Six boxes of ed and Dressed. SPECIAL SESSION Paste slid" into a ditch nearPeterson.
baby cereal. Ritzville Drug Company -- The School Board of the Mesa and turned over on its "Under the new certification
. Carlock's Grocery--Case of Mermen or Johnson baby set. Othello School District has side. rent stabilization extends to
baby food. Service Grocery -- Case of called a special ineeting to be Mrs Blazer was thrown a- all types of housin~ accomoda-
,_ Glady's Gift and Baby shop-- baby food. held at the home of Mr. Tom ~,ainst the windshield breaking lions, including homes, apart-
lteceiving blanket and Playtex Leneer Jewelry and Gift Booker. The purpose of this her glasses and sustaining ments, hotels, rooming houses,
gift set. Shol~--Tiny gold ring and a closed meeting is the select- bruises about the head anal tourist accomodations, trailer
. Lind Leader -- 50 printed silver baby spoon, ing of a Lay Committee to be eyes. Roseann, a daughter, suf- courts, and trailer spaces. For
birth announcements. J.C. Penney Store--Pair of composed of approximately 15 fered a cut on the chin whicht*ho firs¢ ~ime ~t al~ ;-,-h,do~
From Rttlvlll~ crtb sheets, citizens to investigate the reauired several stitches. The new construction and all types
Charles W. Breltkreutz -- Wentworth Jewelry and Gift building of new school .fdcili- re{st of the family received of housing,'" Peterson'san-
Electric bottle warmer. Shop---IS47Rogers educator ties in Othello and the finan- minor cuts and bruises, nouncement void.
Ritzville Trading company--- set. ring of them. They were able to get out Under New Controls ,
Bathinette. Ritzville Journal-Times ---- According to Chairman of the car. an English Austin Rules Provide to Punish
Campbell's Furniture--Bask-Year's subscription. Booker it will take a probablethrough the convertible top, Landlords may be punished
---HA~E YOU ,mv'~'~llN two BookerYears beforesaid thisa schoolfigure after which first aid was given for violations, Violations of the
could b ebuilt and in actual at a nearby farmhouse and maximum rent provisions take
ED? use. they returned home. various forms. Some of the
was one supplied by the state
more common are listed below.
Deartment of Education at $OHN PAR~S F.~T~IN Straight overcharges --- A
sometheir timemeetingago.heldA yearin Yakimais neel- ,Mr. and Mrs John Para en- landlord may not charge more
ed to obtain £he data bids and~erta~ne'd Su,n~4av wVch a din- than the mximum rent suecib
financing and another year to nc~" a,t LeuL~v's Gaffe. ted under federal rent st~bili-
build a school of any size. G ue,~,ts included Mr. and zation. A tenant does not have
The board voiced the OF- Mrs. Tommy Dara and child- to pay more than the maximum
rent, regardless of anv demand,
inion that newer and beter fac- ten, Mr. a~d Mrs. t~a,~to l~ara, lease or agreement. Rent regu-
i,,~lienand thethattsituationn"w~r andwilla, o.+terbecomef,n,. Mr, an~d Mrs. J0hnny, ~Para, Mr. letter, s state that no payment
even more critical as more m~'d M~. l~d F~mrv ,~,ntd child- of rent need be made by the
people move to the Othello ten, Mr. and M~. I_uke Daniel.tenant unless the landlord of.
area. son and Miss Peggy Emry. fers a receipt. The receipt, is
the tenants evidence of rent
oaid and is useful in determin-
Popular Spolt Squished bg Wind beening whether anBonusmade..PavmentsOVercharge.__ It ishaSil-
legal for a landlord to require
The "Flexible Flyer set's" the red-faced youths who did a tenant to pay a bonus in cash
spirits took a dive this week not seem to mind if the toasted or merchandise or to render a
service to obtain a place to live.
as Chinook winds from the wieners and marshmallows did p~,,,o~,.~.~ ~¢ ¢,,rn;,*,,ro ,~, __
south took the snow and ice
down to a mass of slush and have ,the unmistakable ~aint It is illegal for the landlordto
water. For the past ~everal of roasted tire casings, require the tenant to purchase
weeks the most popular spot The winter pleasure of sled- furn~t,,~-~ ~r ~nvether~rrmertv
in town has been the blockedding has not been limited to (Continual on page 3)
off section of Hemlock street the younger kids as plenty of
between First Ave. and Thirdthe "Old Kids" have nightly SECOND HA~D STORE
Ave. , tried their hand at riding bob- TO OPEN HERE
sleds hitched behind cars and
Every type of coasting con- ever popular "jeeps" which A second hand store will ,be'
trivance from shiny new sleds furnish a much rougher and ouened in Othello on January
to apple boxes on two-by-f0urs 15, tt was announced this week
has been utilized by the Oth- more bruising ride. by Dale Palmer new owner
ello youngsters. Even two out- Even though your reporter and operator of the busine~,
moded hose carts from bygonegives this sort of sport a very Palmer told the Outlook this
fire department days were apprehensive look, the kids, week he not only intends to
hitched in tandem and cut young and old are giving the buy and sell used stoves, re-
loose to come roaring down the sky even more wry glances frigerators, washing machines
two block hill covered with and asking "When is it going ~,~c.. bu't will ~haw a~uli,~.?~
from five to fifteen happy, to snow again?" and radio Drepair in eonjune-
howling youngsters. For my money I'll take a tion. "",
A bonfire fed with anything moresafe and sane spbrt--like ~' The Stbre will be in the old
-.--- from grocery boxes to old tires jumping in front of a moving" Marshall-Wells store building
furnished heat and warmth to truck, at the lower end of Main street.