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The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
January 11, 1952     The Othello Outlook
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January 11, 1952
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 4 OTHELLO OUTLOOK FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1952 (Formerly the Othelh) Progress-News Entered as second class matter January 21, 1947, at the post office at Othello, Washington. under the Act of March 3, 1879. Published every Friday afternoon at Othello. WARREN BASLEE Editor and Publisher BILL OPPLIGER School Reporter Subscriptions $2.50 per year in Adams, Franklin, and Grant counties. $3.00 per year elsewhere. By WARREN BASLEE Editor of the Outlook There has been some comment about the lack of pro- gress being made m getting a new school. We will admit that it does take plenty of red tape to do something of this sort, but time is very short. Within a year we will be need- ing as much as three to four times the facilities we now have. In a short time there will be new families coming in at an appaling rate. The question in everyone's minds should be,"What are we going to do with all of the school- age children?" We won't be able to do anything if we don't get this school problem in high gear. The talking part of the problem is over, we had better start doing a little shooting in the right direction. As far as schools, the most pressing need as I see it is the building of a new grade school. Even though one might say that the wheels are in motion in the right direction it is up to every person in Othello to get behind such a pro- ject and push. In a very short time our entirely inadequate school system will be more than bursting at the seams. There are some in town who would be holding out for a new high school, the factions that want a new high school seem to only want a new gymnasium and not a place of education. Why not build a grade school and new gym in conjunction? The existing building would serve as a high school for sev- several more years "as is" but wouldn't begin to handle the influx of grade school pupils. The existing building cannot be added to or extensively remodeled to any degree, according to a structural engineer who was hired to make this survey some time ago. The whole thing boils down to the fact that WE NEED SCHOOL FACILITIES -- GRADE, HIGH, OR KINDER- GARTEN -- Everyone in Othello should out in their own way and push for a new school, ANYKIND! I expect a vast expansion in the building within the next sixty days in Othello, more business buildinffs, homes etc. also I really expect to see Practically all the profes- sional services which we sorely need in. our town before next fall. This may be wishful thinking new, but it's com- ing. Portable Acetyline & Arc Welding Light Overall Machine Work Lawn Mower Sharpening EVERETT (SLIM) CARR Othello, Washington AUTO GLASS INSTALLED TABLE TOPS MIRRORS PLATE GLASS ALL TYPESOF GLAZING RitzviUe Paint and Glass £0. "DUTCH BOY" PAINTS CUSTOM GLASS AND MIRROR WORK OF ALL TYPES PHONE 306 RITZVILLE notes CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev, Don Fitzsimmons 10 A. M. Bible School -- everyone welcome. 11 A. M. Morning Worship, 7:30 P.M. Evening Worship, 7:30 P. M. Wednesday, Bible Gideon Lutheran Church Rev. R. O. Wittrock Connell, Wash (8 miles N. W.) MONDAY, December 24. Christmas Program 7:30 MONTH OF JANUARY Sunday School- 10:45 Worship Service 11:45 (all Sundays) SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH Fr. C. M. Deplete Mass held first Sunday of each month. PRESBYTERIAN 10 A.M. Sunday School 11 A. M. Morning Service, M~-os~ge by F. G. Torrenee. ASSEMBLY OF GOD L~tar Byrd, Pastor S~d~, 10 aan. Bilbl~ Study 1,1 'a.rm Morning Message Friday ni~h.t 'Prayer m~a~ting. Ser~'ees a¢ pastor's ~home, Sou~,h end o4 Thhxt Ave. All are Welcome FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Clarence Blazer l~astor Meets in Pastime Hall A.M. ~e,,'vie~ P~,timt~ Hall I}. M. Services ~t Pa:'so,2:,a{, Mcssa~< '% Ch,istian Walk'" "W'hP.! T'," V,,~r ! if{,?" 7:30 Wednesday, Bible Studay and Prayer service. CHURCH OF CHRIST Chester Hewett, Minister Meets in new basement build- ing in Scott -Schroeder addi t~cn east of town. ~{,:0'~ h M. Bibh~ C1:~es ll:00 A.M. Mor'i~in;;> \\;~vship Speaker--Mr Thurston Kern l::reJI, Dni1~is~er Pasta Churv|~ %," Christ. 7:?,0 Evening Service 7:30 Wednesday Evening Bible Class. Everyone Welcome OUTLOOK WANT ADS FOR SALE FOR SALE. 1 yr. old a,p~.-size e}ec~ric range. Excel,lent condS- tion $90. Brand new 6 yr. size crib and maettress $30. Dale Helbig Tel. 3556 FOR SALE WHITE "I~READLE SEWING machine, perfect condition, ~25. Mrs. C. J. Bougardus. FOR REALLY DEPENDABLE DRY CLEANING SERVICE It's The MODERN DRY CLEANERS OF RITZVILLE Pickups and deliveries each Thursday in Othello. We'll stop when your card is up. If you don't have a card and want one, see Harley's Clo- thing. It's the green Modern Dry Cleaners truck for depend- able dry cleaning. PHIL HERMANS FETED Mr. and Mrs. Phil tterman were ]~onc,red {m '.?:.~ occlusion of lheir 35% w:~ddi~g axmi- versary on Monday evening ',!i:,en MrJ Clay.ton Mic~hel and Mrs. Claude Cam.pbell were c{}-hos~tesses ct ;la open h(>tl~;t, at Mrs. Campbell's home t'rom 4:00 u,n~til 8:00 p.m. Mrs. R[alph Then iault of ~& ardenpoured. Deeora'tions included'a ,t h r e e - t i e v e d u eddingcake arid flow.ers. A- bout 60 guests calked durir~g ,the eveni.rrg. A. H. Varnes, O. D. OPTOMETRIST Phone 22-J Ritzville, Washington EMPIRE THEATER LIND FRI., SAT., JAN. 11-12 "Backfire" Gordon Melee SUN., MEN., JAN. 13-14 "A Place In The Sun" Montgomery Clift Elizabeth Taylor BANK ELECTS NEW HEADS The Stockholders of the Oth- ello State Bank, met Wednes- day evening in the bank offices to elect a new Board of Direc- tors. The new directors elected to guide the bank through the coming year are O. F. Ken- field, Carl Lochmiller, Everett Michel, and Gordon Hays of Othello and R. E. Polacheck of Ephrata. Following the election, the new directors held their first Board meeting of the year. Try a Classified Ad TRACTORS AND TRUCKS HOT WATER HEATERS RANGES REFRIGERATORS HOME FREEZERS BORER-WISE INC. Moses Lake Ritzville FOR QUICK STARTS ON COLD MORNINGS WINTER WEIGHT OIL WIPER BLADES EVEREADY FLASHLIGHTS THERMOSTATS to fit all popular cars Othello Garage Earl (Luke) Dan,ielgon Phone -- 3391 II 1 ARE HOME AND YOUR AUTO ADEQUATELY INSURER? DROP IN TODAY/ OTHELLO STATE BANK COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES Othello, Washington 1