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The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
January 17, 1974     The Othello Outlook
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January 17, 1974
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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~---_---------_--_--__--__--__--_ Spa'i:: ;7 ~ " e • The matter of "unethicalcounty hospitals. The suspen and unprofessional" charges sion of his temporary privi- against Dr. Thomas VanEaton ledges, which had been given Othello city council mem- Getting Better Ted Muscott, Menser inform- treat its lagoon affluent at of the Othello Family Health just a few days before, was bers voted here Monday night The supervisor estimateded him that the council would sometime in the future. The Center will go before the State made two weeks ago by theto deduct expenses incurred thatasofMondaythesituation take his request under ad- port manager reported that ! Medical Societygrievancelocal staff !n response to state- during the past month onwas 90 per cent better than a visement, the city's permit is due to ~ts to sound out public The two meetings this week committee today, ments made by Dr. Van Eaton garbage collection clean-up week ago". He stated that Muscott had asked that the expire in the next couple of ~_and arrive at a special will be information sessions, 'The announcement was in a newspaper article• from the payment to the there were only a few local city provide the port with a years, and it will probably ~nount acceptable to a with the persons attending made here early this week by Officials said Dr. Van Eaton current contractor and then residences that had not been letterofintenttohavetheport have to find something to do [ty of voters in the local them then asked to return to officials of the Adams County will be notified of any action of moved ahead with study on picked up for two or three ........ with the overflow at that time. ~d.istrict got underway sessions on Jan. 29 and 30 to Medical staff. L t hestate grievance committee what steps to take when the weeks. --~~-~---~-- ---~-~'--- M uscott explained that such ]his week. express their views on what Dr. James Jardee, presi-and then have 10 days to current garbage contract ex- Both Meek and Menser ~Lq~ ~=~==& a letter, which would not be Ifirst of two publicsize levy they willbe willingto dent of the county staff, appeal. There are no members pires on May 1. expressed confidence that the binding on the city, would ~gs aimed at taking a support, reported that the matter will from Adams, Grant or Lincoln During a briskly-paced Garbage operation can get For C~un~l probably help the port in {~ the school financing Tonight's meeting will also be taken under advisement by counties on the committee. ~n was held here last beheldin conjunction with the the state committee. He noted meeting conducted under the back on schedule "now that the getting state and federal second session of a publicthat since the matter is anThe matter of Dr. Van firm control of the gavel of new weather has cleared up". ~.withsecond scheduled district "goals assessment"issue of professional ethics, Eaton's hospital privileges is Mayor LyallMenser, thecity Meek noted that the con- AppoJntm~ts funding for its proposed I~ project, which is located about tractor, NasA Janitorial, has officials also took under ad- a mile west of the city lagoons• In School District of- meeting. - the findings of the committee also expected to come before visement a request from the now leased trucks ancl hasAction to fill the two ~ !xtended a special invi- About 40 persons attendedwill not be made public, the regular monthly meeting Port of Othello, for 'expression itPurchasedhas equipmentan°therto°nedo theS° thatjob. CouncilVacancieSmay°n comethe OthellOat the nextCity MenserPlantstatedQUesti°nedthat the city t .hancing oftheir[X)all persons interestedschools Thursdaythe first meetingunder heldthe directionhere last matterHe explainedwas referredthatto thethe 'OfBoardthe Adamsof CommissionersC°unty Hospitalhere of an interest for service by He stressed that equipmentmeeting on Jan. 28, Mayorhas several problems before it ~ JSsage of this spring's of Administrative Assistant state unit by the Lincolnnext Monday night, the port s proposed industrial break-downs were the majorLyall Menser reported here should get involved with any i levy to be in at- Mary Adams. The same County Medical Society where The meeting is set for 7:30 waste disposal system, other disposalsystem. Hesaid l .'e at tonight, smeeting• persons will meet again Dr. Van Eaton is a member, p.m. at theOthelloCommunity Indications that the garbage cause of the problem for the Wednesday. situation, which has been a contractor• Menser said he hasn't made he wanted to find out why the Jmion is set to start at tonight to finalize thee goal At present Dr. Van Eaton is Hospital. Staff privileges are serious city problem for the Action by the council was up his mind when action will be city disposal plant, which was I I P.m. at the Othello rankings, temporarily suspended from recommended by the staff :hool Corridor. Lyda said the levy session the Adams County Medicalwith the board members then pastmonth, is improving were taken to support ,City At- taken on vacancies, but built at a cost of $100,000, was I rintendent Tom Lyda will follow the goalsdis-s S~taff and can not practice at making the appointment. MensergiVen tOandthe CityC°UnCilsupervisorbY both torneyFredcalling in BasinSheltonDisposalSacti°ntoin Monday•eXpects Hot° saiddecidehe feltbYactionneXt years.Cl°sed after running only three i hat meetings similar to cussion. ~-=-=----=-:----~---~-=~- Ed Meek• help clean up the local garbage should be taken on the Muscott answered that it is [ 's scheduled this week ..... situation during the Christmas openings soon. because it is much less costly I aelpful last year in ,, holidays. The council also Officials at the City Hall to run a lagoon and stressed t a levy am°unt which ?]SI cen!: !r )' appr°vedthededucti°n °f c°st rep°rted they now have a list that it is n°w time t° l°°k ! ~supportof the vo~ers of the Basin Disposal service of seven "applicants" for the forward. ! ~listrict. The previous from Nash's payment, positions with names of "The city looked forward in ~ters in the district CostsGiven interested persons still being 1956 when the treatment plant i ~ the special levy Shelton reported that the accepted. City residents in- was built and somebody blew }is twice. Basin Disposal fee amounted terested in serving on the the cork," Menser countered. | ~noted that complete to $1,465 for 29 and a half councilshould contact the City " Other Action |~tiononthe financing of hours of work at $50 per hour. Hall. In other action during the |~rict will be available at CO The present list of appli- meeting the council: |iI~ meeting. He noted that officials of Nash have protested his action and cants includes Dean Hanley, -Approved the installation |twant to urge people to have threatened to counter Ivan Whitney, Jiri Vanourek, of two gasoline tanks. Helena Everett Cole, R.E. Elliott, Chemical will install a 200-gal- |~nd listen and express sue the city if the deduction is Alvin Fox and Rodney De- lon tank on Tech Street and /~iews on what they want 0TH[IL0, WASHINGTON made. ~ed in the 1974-75 local - IN THE HEART OF THE COLUMBIA BASIN The action to start work Leon. the Othello School District an i ~pr°gram,'' Lyda said• ! ver VOL. XXV NO. 3 ..... THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1974 Victim of ~lea for Othello drivers to ~specially careful during |chool hours was issued ~_ Wedneday by Police ~Lew Johnson. I oungsters are walking to ~| in the darkness and we ~had some near misses in ~tsday~," Johnson noted. -" tion is very dan- ~LUs." ~hnson said" the most ~I problem has been I|14th avenue He stated l~°ungsters are s~r~lek~ng lithe side of the th.ud and are hard for [~sts to see.,2te nasa noted |ue to flooding of the ~g area at Scootney reportedly suffered burns six months the present dump ~s, buses have been over 60 per cent of her body would either be full or closed I to unload on 14th. New procedural rules for ,~ing the last few morn- ~/nd four other persons also bytheDepartmentofEcology. ne street has been closed required medical aid for burnsPort Request presenting matters to the Following a presentation on Othello City Council were laid t and injury suffered in the fire. the Port of Othello's waste down here Monday night by ~g the unloading time• The injured woman was anson stressed that the I tion has been worse this official action• first treated at the local disposal system by Manager Mayor Lyall Menser in his first hospital, taken by ambulance Menser reported that under due to the melting of the to Richland and later trans- Lions' Calendars his administration only items • Visibility has been ferred by helicopter to the on the agenda will be ~.mely. poor during the Sacred Heart Medical Center Due off Jan. 24 discussed during the council , rainy mornings this intensive care unit in Spokane. sessions. • Officials there reported that Delivery of the Othello He said persons wishing to )mlnees Are theburns varied from first to Lions Club's 1974 community have items placed on the third degree, calendar is now scheduled for agenda must notify the City According to Harold Hil-Jan. 24, club officials an- Hall on the Thursday pre- f q mes, chief of Adams County nounced this week. ceeding the Monday council ,uht^II _or Fire Protection District No. 5, Club President Dan Leary meeting. Included in the "/~ rlonors p.m. in the duplex unit calendars was delayed, caus- of the subject to be brought m,)mittees are the fire erupted about 9:35 reported that shipping of the notification must be a resume occupied by Mr. and members to miss delivery i ag nominationsn°Wfor busYthe Ramon Martinez and theirpr!or to Jan. 1. before the council. In his opening remarks I s of 'young men" awards four children. The Vallez We regret the inconven- Menser also challenged the ,~l^Wfli be made at tne woman is Mrs. Martinezfence this has caused calendar council members to work hard sister, purchasers," Leary said. " ~ oaycees' Annual Dis- at their city duties. I'uished Service Award At the time of the fire, the two women and four children ~ ~.~ ~lquet scheduled here Jan. were in the home. A unit next i eneral chairman Pat door, occupied by a single man, i rson said erso was vacant at the time. ~. • P nswsth :ii~:tm~s for any of the Hilmes said the fire ap parently was started when a • nOUld contact the i )emteine a chairman. The can of gasoline was spilled and came in contact with a natural re Distinguished LABOR CAMP FIRE - Steam and smoke billows trom the door and windows of a unit gas heating unit. Officials said i ice Award, Rich Jackson. at the Othello Labor Camp as firemen work at moping up the blaze last Saturday night. A the injured woman was i :tanding Young Law Of'- local woman was reported still in serious condition in a Spokane hospital on Wednesday bt~rned while getting the i', LYnn Olsen; Outstand- Young Farmer, Terry as a result o! the fire. Several children were also injured, children out of the house. |lenbeck;~ng Educator,and Outstandingivan Whit- NEXT TUESDA Y Tax Re[ands childrenMrs" alsoMartineZwere takenand tothreethe "L°calresidentsbetween Crop Outlooks Are localhospital.Allweretreated and36 are eligible to re- Are Mailed and released, except for Lisa Martinez, who was reported in ;~(~be presented during RITZVILLE - Tax refund satisfactory condition with ,it are the Boss of the checks totalling $50,650.91 smoke inhalation. and Booster Awarqs F II m went out to Adams countyFour trucks and 15 men by the Jaycees. ~, ~~ ~ ~~ property owners here Tues- responded to the call and the fire was brought under control ~on Said former D~ |VI ~111 I~ ~|~1~1 ~ day, according to Countyby about 11:30, according to Roger Thieme will be Treasurer Freda Grewell. tured speaker at the A close look at the market Beginning at 9:40 a.m. the The treasurer renorted that Hilmes. The interior of the t. The no-host event prospects, for area crops, the. forum participants will receive allpersons making" ~ full pay- Martinez living unit, which is • held at Freddie's Envzronmental. Protectmn. a look at. the market outlook, ments on thmr" first" half taxes of cast concrete construction, "ant with tickets sell- Agency's wew. on farm. pesU- for ma3or crops produced, m will receive a refund check, was totally destroyed by the $5 per plate, cides and a dmcussmn of how the Othello area. First speaker She noted that the checks are fire, with considerable smoke the farm ..... commodity marketwill be Henry Michael of the invarvin~amounLs~i-h-.~nm~._t ........ and water damage reported to V ,. operates will all be featured Washington Potato Commis- of them lust for on~ c~nt.o p the adjacent unit. t -acancr . when the Othello Chamber of stun, discussing the potato "We want to urge all / I Miss 011 T J __ er Commerce ,olds .onu l o.tlool, ...... Local - o . . .. .. .. ,... •.. . o p sons to cain Lrle checks, no .o..v .rm.o.umoe*enex**°e u--o.,ono ep*e ,oen o. matter.o, w ma,,to oe o° day, Jan 22, at Freddie's the Washington Beet Growers count re ---'---~* .... nits iOners • . ....... y cords st~a~S.~, Mrs. In of the Port Restaurant. AsSoclatmn, will vmw that Grewell said rasean, .qlo are scheduled to The day-long session, which crop at 10:30 a.m. with the hay The reiund was ma" ere today to fill the is open to all area farmers, will marketing getting a look by ........ ue ......... Ken "a - f - , necessary aue ~o ~ne musage left by the mcmae a ~ree mncn mr tne d conson o .~naersonrollback voted in 1973 ancl Miss Othello of 1973, Ingrid Millen left Monday for Pull- of Erhart participants at noon. The Hay andGrain at11:10 a.m. upheld by the ~ashington man where she will be forum is sponsored annually regular session by'the Chamber of Commerce Following lunch the market State Supreme Court. competing in the 1974 Wash- the appoint- in an effort to boost local outlook series will continue Tests O I" ington State Junior Miss but no agriculture, with John Para of Para /or /OllCe Pageant. Dan Leary was According to co-chairmen Brothers viewing beef, Joe A busyfivedaysofactivities new board chair- Garth Lybbert and Carl Counsil of Northrup-King Position Slated was scheduled to open on Tom Lyda as Klingeman, the session will discussing alfalfa seed and Tests for applicants for Tuesday and will run through open at 9 a.m. with a welcome Fenton Hirschi of Empire Othello City Police patrolmen Saturday night for the con- action during the by Richard Jackson, Chamber Seed talking •aboutbean positions will be held here Feb. testants representing com- directors voted president, prospects. 2, it was announced today, munities throughout the state. mrequest Stevens and The use of pesticides and" The concluding topic at 2:30 The civil service tests, to be Preliminary competition is n~."engmeers, to makepesticide control will be the will be "Using Commoditygiven by the Othello Police scheduled on Thursday and e~ re • quiredon the opening subject with Clarke Futures as, A Guide to Farm Commission, are set for 9:30 Friday nights, with the )ose~ Sewage dis osal em . P partment of Agriculture, re- Williams of Merrill and Lynch persons interested in the open night at the new Washington aftra::; )t to meet Brown, representing the De- Marketing with Glen D. a.m. at the city hall. All pageant climax on Saturday 'al a* -~ .o! Ecology ap- gulatory branch,as the of Spokane as the featured city patrolman position should State University Performing tatar own expense, featured speaker, speaker, take the test, officials said. Arts Center. toward a plan when the pre- The two council vacancies800-gallon tank at its shop site. sent contract with NasA ex- were created last month by The action was taken late in pires on May 1 came at the the resignation of Haynesthe meeting after Menser had urging of Shelton. He noted Gearheart and Ray Burden,originally dismissed the re- that the city had three ohoices who cited the new financial quests because they hadn't - to let a contract again, set up disclosure law as the reason, been before the planning com- a franchise or take over the The five remaining council mission. He noted that he had garbage collection itself,members will make the acted "hastily" and the plans Late in the meeting follow- vacancy appointments, had been approved by the fire ing the urging of Shelton, In action during their first chief: i ~ Menser named a council corn- meeting here Monday night-Tabledinstal!ationofalight mittee to work on a new members of the new council pole onHamletandPth follow- contract• indicated they plan to fill the ing an objection lodged by A Prosser woman was Dump Problem ' two positions prior to electing adjacent property owners Milt reported still in serious During the session Menser a new mayor pro-tern. Coun- Zilliox and John Magoteaux: condition early this weekafter expressed more concern over cilman Lynn Olsen was elected -Appointed Lynn Olsen, receiving burns over 60 per the future of city dump sites mayor pro-tern by the former Jack Clark and LaVerne cent of her body in a house fire than the garbage collection, council in December. Prieur to the auditing corn- at the Othello Labor Camp He revealed that the Depart- --_--~-'-_---~---_---_-----_-~-.~-. mittee. Saturday night, ment of Ecology has declared The fire, which apparently that a proposed county dump started from gasoline, swept site located just across High- tJ~rpugh one-half of a two way 24 from the present dump ~ily living unit at the camp. has been declared unsuitable. Helen Vallez, 30, Prosser, He emphasized that within "You have been elected to representative positions that will require time and lots of homework," the mayor stated. "Know what you are talking about before you get here. WALLS GO IN PLACE - Principal Jack Clark gets a demonstration bn how the new folding walls st Scootney Springs Elementary operate [rom Ray Trottier, installer with Dupree Specialties of Spokane. Two of the three wails were in place this week in the firth grade pod at Scootney. Two short wall sections and one long were approved last spring on a '~rial" basis by the local school board. The removeable walls were originally part of the Scootney plan, but later dropped due to cost. Handling the business of a $1.3 million operation is no small responsibility." Menser called on the councilmen to read the city code "from cover to cover" so they know the city laws. "The job will require time and sacrafice on your part," he added. Menser also noted that he had attended the last four sessions of the council and had seen most matters referred for surveys and reports. "I want to see more action and less surveys and reports from this council," he added.