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The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
January 17, 1974     The Othello Outlook
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January 17, 1974
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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'Pest' Course Is Scheduled MOSES LAKE - A Pest Management short course has been scheduled at Big Bend Community College for Jan. 23 to 25 under the sponsorship of the Grant-Adams Area Exten sion Service, Agent Bill Foeppel announced today. Classes will begin on Jan. 23 ...... at 9 a•m. and run through Jan. 25 when the State Department of Agriculture will give tests for all categories. Foeppel said the course will not be taught for any specificPISTIL CHECK license, but will be on ento- mology, plant pathology, ro- F|LE |OK dents, weeds, chemical, pesti-Keep checks cide safety and laws• handy for r-~-~ -- p m easy reference\lmji Area Leeders AreDirectors 99' On State Unit Joe Herres. Lowden, was=..=.. ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 4.- 4 • . ". • . . " ] ". . .. . " . . " • elected president of the ! Washington Cattle Feeders ~~ • Association at the annual L~l | convention held last weekend [I:|~ NtM..-:dn I • in Pasco• [~!,[ s~._f.I n O Other officers named were [q'i I ..,.--.'.~J~mm Bob Lundgren, Pasco, vice ~~J',,~ll president; Mike Cantwell, ~,.,..It.~lW.-l Sunnyside, secretary, and IdA.,ACOROIId ! John McGregor, Pasco, trea- nv-nwrmnmn | y surer. TABIn, C v P Ill Elected to the board of M mmmmm~ . i PA~I • 1L n I = PULLMAN McDer ida directors were Jim McDonald The pain reliever for those I ession tor a ~! il:!e~: ]rr~! and Robin VanWoerden, both who can't *1~'' | Next [uesday lfi:nt:j ~:Ya: a SEun]ny:,d(~T?lmP::~v~dg;: ~:o,:Spinn' ,,Fnvv ~ eH~rha qs~:titYo;~b~ototf~lo:foth;e ~ H. RATA . Orchardists northwest) 9 miles south •of program will be Richard Bart- search centers at Washington gor, Lundgren 'and Cantwell. v looking forl Wally McMinimee, Outlook, =~ .... ~ o ~ 1 I1~ ~, past president of the associa- : 100 ma lO0's -'~" tion was named ,, "Cattle Audioscmic ~ VITAMIN =" Feeder of the Year. Irwin RLANK , c I~A,_ Dyer, Pullman, professor of ~ ! ,~ 250 rag., lO0's animal sciences at Washington j,~s~l~, qbmlka~K 1 i . --.--.-i State University, was, there- JI, VAPH t ....... an© cipient of the asso6iation's [~[T,.,,'~Tm'~-- A ~ :~uu mg., luu's 77 "Friend of the Feeders" r'e';roduvc't'i°n for high | ....,.,. ~ ~ ~ .,,,,. ~ ~ .,,.. ~ ~ 0 ~., awara. • P""---~[ q uality recordings! i llllll~ John Greenwalt, Quincy, a I~ ~'j~Pack of 3. f ~ Nram HnlK long-time member and past I~ AAd, i ~ ....... president of the association, ]l UU'b v imllll[UPe was awarded a lifetime ~ 11 i m~uaniE~ hdae a~hh:!tn~:~i ahMsa2ofCgoleonrd~:t:::b;tNugainSeltO?i3b~itan!!! membership on the Associa- • , .. All your favorite styles CS Appoints cwhF°~12:iigt tmnsboard of trustees. ---.----------o--re.---.1-0 /and colors each*th Washington's feedlots turn ~ l ~ flexible bristles for i ~_* m . . ~]PU N~ee[s . Grange, Tom Hughes, Royal McDermid's relatively weak out some 350,000 head of cattle . • . | ~ pretty hairl forsaleforbeefeachyear. -" 39 , ew o,o,og,s, Here Tonight C;aty'Bp:esideI~°tr?/ctuh:uf/luSm: i!?a~'lPm°~Vtetie~sMf°rSirS°;:~Jd ~~~ ~' ' Ler u oerve Area Thefirst 1974meetingofthe ~iestYne:jlls::sndUcJf tt~e ~'~°nu;l ri~C~I~)r?mid's resistance to P CALL OF WARRANTS I~ Pack of 10 ~ .... The Treasurer for the Town of brilll'ant and ~ ,= ,. Royal City does hereby give notice l~ ~-Iasting • • 1 ." I • • • that the Town of Royal City is calling I\~l~/-Wr~a ~ v -- all registered water warrantsl~-~-'rn'l;~r~r~ ~/~ beginning with Water Warrant #784 I Ik- i l ?,',:;'ko-Z2"L.:; .. . _ _ through #s0a. I ..... t ,. ,, .ll--- I l"d I IPI Attest: l~\ • :~ lllm~ c~ . . , , ~a ll WAWJ /s/ Allice Delay ' ' ' Clerk/Treasurer I Town of Royal City ~QQQOOQQO-OO(O-Q~ Royal City, Washington ............ / t~7-1T1 , , I I II " Thieme Named a° e:tia°g2°Pf° chwa; P r f cur??i gt0 Proebsting, horticulturist said foundation CHINOOK I **ooLs - ,, .. se °rr on 'hservati°n'Se~'viceDistrict |O ~*aTe LJnl' fr°m Pr°sser discussing ed as distrib"uted to //[~~ ~/nd Lacrosse, SPECIALS I ~:::vai~i~nista at Fairfield, Appointment of Othello ;;°~'Jhtr:[ul~t°[¢eUSe:sma:h; gr:s~!;s~tnfthle P:~ff~cfNo~h[ -~ ~shington. implement, dealer Roger p.m. The meeting will con- quantities, of seed should be In the Re ,~- Th]eme to the Washington elude with a discussion period ayadable for commercial hist ositios°urce ~unserva- State Committee on lrrigation at 4p.m. planting next fall. V ~ = FRESH SMELT 39¢ LB. 1 • P n Johnson will be rvmgasas .- -_ and Reclamation was an-i~~~~__~l~ ''" RIB $11 39 I rue .~eclahst In re- nounced last week b Gover Open Tuff 6:00 P 14 la plannER thr Y - " " It !rth Centra g Oughout nor Dan Evans. THE 1 Washington.The new unit will be an ~s area of responsibility will ~lude Okan~ ~ .... advisory committee to the ~P ?At ' llo )uglas, Gran?,~'aln~nc~neanI, Department of Ecology and IlllV llIVVIW1- l mlA OTHELLO .... STEAK 1 I tams coun " d will deal specifically with the II ~, t,es PEOPLE ~Work" .~ .... allocation of funds from Re- i ,,a: • . -- LB. I qude ass'isnt ~,e area wm ferendum 27 which provided a gooa place to 2 LB. FAMItY PACK ;vat]on Se~:eet~iS(~'LfCf?:; Sd2e5veion;im]l~Ontinft~e:::~gahi?~ place your confidence MENER$ $1.!t9 px~ I ranc tSr° el and conservation ..... ,.7.-, most " FISH STICKS 891 ts I ,,~,cts in re - its passage m tff.~, l ~" ]t source lanning The 15 mum er t ) rK W" h cit P - b commit eei WESTERN FAMILY " O/~2~O~onalplanniy, coun!y.and ineludesdireetorsof the state now oferinc~xserviceb BACON $1.89 u0z. st,fro ~l their staf}sng, c°m.m.'~'m.",~ departments of Ecology, Ag- no~:.,Nrnun: ray ..... ~ issistance . , ~w~s sam. riculture, Washin ton Fu- unc uu~u~mw, tuna reurt¢ i CAMPBELLS 10OZ. TIN CENTENNIAL DEL MONTE SPECIALS interp;:~laltibz provided in tures and IndustriaP Develop-lille -- CO, Us a resource"Un'sn°retm: ments' f°ur legislat°rs and I~l~~l~ TOMATO t FLOUR • ~nagement, landconse.rvat!onUSe pla- seven representatives from $0. 6th ycg' agriculture. Rep. Otto Amen SOUP t 25 LB BAG • I CATSUPDEL MONTE 20 OZ. 39¢ lr/ ,per'mentatnon'Nel°Pment~ development, andtechmcalPr°,v,dualgmde~'m the°fRitzville was named one Oflast legislative members late ekd| ,A.,.-GPhOfle 4.-m,,.,. S,,.,d,,, ,., 7/$1 I $3.99 I FRUIT COCKTAIL 3/99¢ II year. [venings By Appointment planmng ass,s- -=-- ------------- .... ..... I ¢v=w=a I I -"-tsaR Was born and " u^u~v v lllnrt: " I TOMATOES PEt MONTE 303 aN 3/89¢ li |sed in the Red River Val'ey B & H APPAREL 0o,. CREST ' , H,-C ,16 OZ. ASS, I a.=;w=u . II eea of Northern Minnesota. null¢l t aura I-- --- --- Q---"- .'T_'--...'Z "" - • e,s agraduate of North ,tB. ;,, , DRINKS -I YOUR CHOKE mix UK mATCH ,roll irOS. jKOta ~tate University and • ! ~_ JANUARY ---- $399.~---, 4/$1 t erAS 0a m*E aetY "era "0Z. || owe'fl|ce 1955. Figures SL"--'.CE'--:. 3 ...... I EkN$ DEL MONTE REG. CUT OR FRENCH SLICED 16 OZl | phow Gain . ,U.'R,,'-- t COKE o, I ~ SPINkCH De MONTE ,6 OZ. -- II gL! AIIANCE SALE ' "'" iOLYMPIA'Hayst°redby" ' CHEESE ~ 0U'~ ~/~O* ti~ll iashingt°n farmers was esti I/ I 411r enn~tedat 1,200,000 tons of Jan.n, accordingcro to the. Washln" " $3.99 t 4/811¢ ~rtin~and Lw.estock Re- . .D-- .... r----- - ="1 | ~, orv,ce. The figureis t rts Saturda Januar 19 ~ercenthigherthantheOOtons~or ..... S a y, y GOLDEN O~Am l rnAn~cw~ I SWEETHEART LIQUID SOAP zz0z. 3/$1 i ~,~,] -- eu Ull dan. I, . l ~VVlIII~ h" even per cent below RICE ARONI t RIPPLU. ICED RAISIN, t PUREX BLEACH GALLON 59¢ l 30():000, *972. tons stored on 8:30 A.M. to 6 P.M. Weekdays ASSORTED. t" ZEBEk ,' Clff CENT$ ,i PINESOL DISINFECTANT oz. 59¢ mm :ee D,rectorfigures of A.gT.,cu~ Noon till 5 P M Sundays 3/99¢ I 3/$1 t PAPER TOWELS CHIFFON tZ0's 39¢ I tewart Bledsoe sa~d th indicate a CALIFORNIA NAVEL l" FACIAL TISSUES NORTHERN 15O's 41$1 I "--"-" "-" -- "--" "-" "-'- "-" "-" "----"--" i / ~ntiar' improvement in YdrouSituati°nh from last fall, • " . g t. conditions in Im :ry.~ahsh'.ngtonresulted Spe .lals All De, frtments A t I' 1/ J, SALAD DRESSING wsffn eAmff aT. 69¢ I a"-~;~eTa'baled~n°reages'?-~ supp,iesStrawBledS°ewithand -- P " ¢c llR I , ) I V[, LB. ( PINEAPPLE DOtE OZ. TIN 3/89¢ I .-- # MARGARINE HRs. FILBERT'S ! LB. BOWL 49¢ I s'ouot"erf°rages-oe Pointed out that WE HONoR MAsTERcHARGE AND BANKAMERIcARDS rlJ 5 1;11 I hay in storage is at a CHOCOLATE CHIPS MADmn OZ. 4/99¢ fie for sale. He said a canducted by the SALAD BELL QUIK NESTLE' INSTANT CHOCOUTE Z UL 89¢ I d 'Agricultural StabilE and COnservation Ser- E I'.k.' ', CATFOOD ,=e oz. m 8/$1 "1 about 15,000 tons state, mostly in CONNELL ' 10¢i ! Basin. , , ', , I -- Public Notice