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The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
January 17, 1974     The Othello Outlook
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January 17, 1974
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i By Jessie M. Plant Debbie and Scott couldn't 488-2935 have gone, too." ve been sitting up here in The balance of their time reporting the com- was spent in Corvallis, Ore., s of our town for with her parents, then taking over three years them, her brother and Debbie ~...anniversery, Jan. 7, last and Scott along for a visit with his parents in Riverside, Cal. ~bove my desk is a Peanuts Special doings? A visit to "Dicken's Fair" staged one has Snoopy at his type- week at Christmas in San thinking hard, then Francisco, where everyone is THE OTHELLO OUTLOOK - P qe II OT LLO, WASHI T THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1974 Presbyterian Rites Unite Local Couple Before an altar decoratedThe double-ring ceremony with candles and floral ar- was performed Dec. 15 at rangement of pink and white Othello First Presbyterian carnations with ChristmasChurch with the Rev. Glen Rainbow Sets Installation Jackie Hopwood will be installed worthy advisor of Assembly No. 119, Order of Rainbow for Girls, Sunday, Jan. 20, at Paul Revere greens, Kathleen Daugherty Hutchison officiating• Masonic Temple. Open to the became the bride of Michael The bride is the daughter of public, the ceremony will W. Simmons. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dough- begin at 2 p.m. erty, Con•ell, and his parents Miss Hopwood is the /~ ~ are Mr. and Mrs. George E.daughter of Mrs. Thelma ew,,,em,,ers Simmons, Othello. Hopwood. I1 The third scene straight out of Shakespeare in i ........ h" " " : ~@ . . • . . . t~emg seated wit• ner are im looking over what their mode of dress and ~:: A~^ |,~,$,,.,$A,J Given m marriage by her ....... r ........ s swritt " " i :: /'l, lq~ IlIlIlUI~U . emcuve omce s, holly rreu - r'h . en~ Book One,,Part talk...and a tm.p .to flen.o, ,: _ father, the .bride wore an choff, worthy assistant ad- apter une, rage t . wnere tney tOOK In tne uonnle h A ° ] ° empwe-stymo gown oI polyPs- vi~nr, r~,~hbie Davis t~h~,;t,, n the last scene he is sitin Stevens show ................ :?: D /4OXllla r ter crepe made by her mother -'"':-' ~'Y. ......... ~' 'k,bhssfuU g onda of last week, Y Y and carried a bo .... Elame Rlckman, Hope; Leah , y saying to Home M y ~: ::::: : ' ' • uquet oI pink V,,,~I¢ P~tth. _l~,d.,-i~ P~tr~ aself,"What a great start!" tofrozen water pipes•"Quitea ~:i : : ~:::::i: : .~ . , , Mrs. Larry Rosenberg, and white carnations. ~'-'-::-~*'-~'-.--::] ~.~:,~ Pri~r' 14e too**, Snoopy .... me, too change from the past three- ~?::~:zu:~:i~i:;ii! ~:: == -- ~ ~ mm~ Warden Mrs Gordon Cole- Wedding attendants, were. t~,easure%. : ..... • ********** and-a-half weeks" commented ::::i::::i::::::::~i: i;1 • 1 • 1 II I man and Mrs. Joe Camarata, Becky Dougherty bride's sis- / WriptoUtah Sandy. ~:ii:~i!::~ i:~iiil 1 1 • 1 II I both Othello, were initiated ~er, and Donald a. Simmons, AuctionSchedvled enaar!he Clark Rollins family is ************* i i!ii,ililill I 1 • mm []11 into memershi2Pl9i~kmHeaa::n br~t~:mi~f the groom• •. "~e following a two-and-one- Rovers Return ::iiiiiiiiiiiiiii::iii~ • I • I I I I Henry Unit No. , " " y reception was held A silent Chinese auction will ta Ufl~ week holiday in Utah And a rovin' good time for ® i!ii!!I I I I I II I Legion Auxiliary, last Wed- at the Simmons' home follow- be held at noon, Jan. 22, at , tests of both sets " the Bud Ham tons ~!iii~i nesda eve•in ing the ceremon OthelloGolfandCountr Club • .... w"" resldentstvlhes of P " Howard Sibley, gatekeeper;~'i~i:~;~;~:~ Reames, Jake. ....... IIM~ '~ Y ] I , • • Y" 'I~~JII$0rUse 0vr Yi" )eier Cuts, the Leland Beards Their recent holiday took ~, !~iI I I I I Ill In busines~,ltwasvoted to The newlywedsarehvingin Luncheon and an afternoon of lramter tOoi ~ etDan Rollins,.r~,O in their them touring the sunny island .... I ll~ |ill 1 []l J purchase 1,400 Veteran-made Ellensburg where he is a stu- bridge and pinochle will Pmeets:~n e°Wn .... Milford, they also of Oahu in Hawaii four. days - : ..... ii::i! .... ~ J l| J Poppies for the annual Poppy dent at Central Washington" follow. : ,~oy d visits with friends and back to San Francisco where ~ ~ I I []I I Days drive, scheduled for State College. He will gradu- The event, sponsored by the )b McCu~tives including Clark's they rode the Cable Cars, ~ ~ ~ I []| I May. ate in June with a major in Women's Division, is open to .)2. ~ther and family in Lo~an roamed Fisherman's Wharf I~ • ~ 1 i []| I Plans were made to send land geography, members and guests. 11 be MrS ************* ~ " and toured the old ships...then ~ • i []I I home-baked goods, paperback = -- ~ t Weather A Problem on to Seattle for a visit with i • i I I I books, pens, stationery and I I board mSeon and Remi Maggard her brotherandtoBremerton ~ I I • Ill stamps to the Servicemen's I rAKE THE ENTIRE FAMIL .,.~F=~.,~ I vening •tare ..... ' '' _ ~" ~4 ,w';:7, ~] centhohdaywlthher for a visit with the grand- ~ I I • Ill Md,tary Lounge at SeaTac I . coLoR I ,teve Pr~entsinGreenVallev, Ariz., children, Ken, Kevin, Colleen • • • II I Airport. Community contrl- I ,:';, 'the bala~.r Tucson. ~ and Kara. " | • • []l I buttons are welcomed. Infor- I " %'L/,; I l, I planned l htsee ************* F ~_-" ~$~' ~ ~ ~ t ,,,-, ~.g. , ing highlights were , I I Ill mation on the lounge and its I :W#i : : !!- I ........ .psit 'over the boarder" in Skiing Holiday I • I I I needs may be had by contact- I , : ", . • Ct, I n Ameri~ales, Mexico, and a tour of The Kenny Foulkes spent a ! • II I ing Mrs. B.J. Plant, Unit I - %~.... ' : : '. I inl~sB~.Xavier Del Bac Mission, two-week skiing holiday at ~~ $ ~ • []11 Rehabilitation chairman at I ,=: :" ; | ~" ~a~hite Dove of the Desert", their condominium home in ~~ll # • []! I 488-2935. I --': :' )' I ~of Tucson. Schweitzer Basin. Iall ~ I • I Ii ] Joint meetings with Post I ~ ".-'::'w~I L ~ " ~ "~ --~ '' ~ ' ' I rip highlight was comingSpending both Christmas ~ ..... .-= . ~- = members and a social hour are ~ k ~-~" ~ ",' " e ,, ,• , .... ALL-STATERS- Othello High School Music Director Clarity Brandvold goes over I ~ ~ [¢ dl~ll ~ I by way of sunn. and theNewYearcelebra~m.~ ......... ". ,. .... held at the Eagles Hall the / ~, ~ . ,I z ,~ ~ I ~fornia" and beinc~cau~ht in there, they saw and enter- music with two of his students who have been seleccea for an-state honors, narpls~ ~aran secondWednesda" of each I ~ ~-~." \.~'-~II , ~ [ '~ } i I recent bad o o Wilcox will a ear with the all state band and vocalist Deann Petersen with the all state ~ [ ( , ~~ . storm Becausetained friends seen only at " " PP " - " " " month Veterans and their 1 ~'-~'~'~'~" ~ f x[ ~ l( I ~'oad closures~ they had'an"skiing time" and began the chorus, wives "are welcome. I [ X/ m k" / ;, ' I ~xpected overnight stay in New Year with a roast goose . I I II • • T ¢~1"/ . , / k_,~JL\l :, I !1 I Angeles...and weren't dinner for eight guests. M..~uu I ,-rkv Bridne I g M I i e i gm I @NI i our naes t k:' : / '.-." t to otoR ************* u,n~vv~"'='/ ~ ~ L- ~ '~-~ l~ g eno, as planned I I I • I I I I I _ ,..... / T ][, I ommen 9 Othelm wna ter P~o 234, ~)1 l[ 11~ r 1~ t. "It was just ToNebraska ¢___:.._ t~ ....A P • ] A: nsationai insight into I ~n and Sand S Taking part are Gerry h r the two local students are the Co hostesses are Mrs Ed . y mith, who A H Friesens, in Grant, they ' in March was announced e e ~. - ...... ". F-~mr~~T~ nu vu~ - 1 n • " " " • " a lvir ~mu~. IL~/URLI/[. UII /n[. |! t the first part of it in also visited her brother and Johnson, Jean Petersen, Wfl- this week first selected from Othello in rreuscnoH an s. rtobert I PI I IK .............................. I , ~rto Vallarta, Mex ,h.. ~;~, .... a ,ho;. f-mil;,=~ ;n ma Dainard, Catharine Para, ~"¢o~. ~ua..... ,~-,,=hter of several years He noted that Roloff. I IIklI~=It LtUtNUARI tRtAlUgt KNOWR I kl fishing village madeScotts Bluff "~,ettin~ to see Hazel Foisy, Helen Fulks, Mr and Mrs Harold Wilcox the school has not been making ~"~.~8--01400L AS BIGFOOT/SASQUATCH n°usbyt,hemovie,~'Nightof people they' ha~dn't seen for Dorothy Harris, Sal Lottes, w"lli participate as a harpist application for the program., | . I--iR--- | | | Iguana Marian Deeter Sandy Boyd and and but decided to participate this ~ • years and years". ' ' with the all-state b , I ~tayingata new hotel "Thevhaveanewhosnital RubyLeary, GlorianRoloff, DeannPetersen dau~hterofyear since the event is being k~ h.r.cnnv UAU nB rAcv')| ~ino Real...swimming and sinceIwas there, though,"she AbigailPara, Kay Sheltonand Mr. and Mrs, G[K. Petersen, held in Richland. MONDAY, Jan. 21- Beef-a- II}IU IUM/¢ IVl/4R UK M L/4J/: I ~txing in 85 degrees of said. "This is very modern, a Mrs. Purl. will be a member of the The studentswillbepartici- roni, peaches, green beans, hot 1 1 ~utiful sun...they hope to hospital-in-the-round." pating with the all-state rolls with butter and milk. / * qua lb. ||,¢t ~,,Ihant|e nhnta'¢ ever taken of I ~arn, next time taking the Visited enroute home was I I I1 r I &l • groups during the State Music TUESDAY, Jan. 22 - Chili / , ...... • ........... ,,~ v ...... 1 ,~dren along, an uncle ofBill in Cheyenne, r~nrnin tt rl :nn mnmsn Educators Convention sche- with crackers, tossed salad /the BIGFO01 creature, i ts a lace t 1 l~t~l.~.It~l~ ~~ ~ s ~,~•~,~ or Mar 14 and 16 in ~!' P hat caters* to Wyo. .............. durdd f " with dressing, pears, cinna- / ...... ... , l Plastic ren_and families," said ************* a.| ll a an . Richland. mort rolls and milk. I* Relive that etcmng m0men~ tn nlsl0ry IS Roger | aY We dldnt The all staters will practice WEDNESDAY, Jan 23 .mUter • " go a place ,~. At reeder Meet -. I )'l'hcslln [ir,',n,',,, M.¢t, r "' • •'" .... - ' . " / Patterson comes face to lace with 200 year I ,1 u _ L • . the Washington State Cat- vii iq~llllV v ~ i Ilql~lV • • I~FUV togetner during tne nrst ~ tiamDurger on nun, corn, / ..IJ t .... a 1 .12-oz..::Innllnl IUIt r,.k tie Feeders Convention, held ~ days and then present a con- applesauce, cake and milk. / u,. n,~,t,u. I i .. ii!~ ..... u~ tvt~I~ll Thursday through Saturday of At the Jan 11meeting ofvisiting Granue members and cert on the final night. THURSDAY, Jan. 24 - ISAIInltA .^ I :::""""!:i::l ¢_L__I I I last week, attracted several Othello Grange it was voted contacting prospective mem- Brandvold reported that from Oven-fried chicken, mashed I [UMIIlt IU I o neaulea Othello couples this year. that present officers continue bers. 300 to 400 students from high potatoes with gravy, cran- / .... / i .~ . .- Social highlight was Satur- in their official capacities for Othello Grange will host schools throughout the state berry sauce, fruit cup, bread I OTHELLO S HIGH SCHOOL GYM I iV [~t~ [dfllll day nights dinner dance with the coming year. Adams County Pomona Grin-willbe participatingtnis year. and butter and milk. I ..... I / --v. leg /Idlqdl music furnishedby The Many Grange master willbe ~e Feb 9 "An afternoon The localstudentswere FRIDAY, Jan. 25 - CornI IrlUK3U,~I, sar~uan~ ~ I • -- ° " • * * 0 " leo~ ,~ ..... Sounds of Nine. Harold Carlson. meeting will benin at 2 in the selected byauditionfr m dogs, pork and beans, aprlcots, |7 P M / ~r~,_]-~ mira consecutiveAttending the three-day Serving with him will be Washington V~Tater Power tapes they had made of hot rolls with butter, fruit [ ........ | ~;a ~'aa?lg~'l? Phi's chapter, event were the Merlin El-Howard Moats, lecturer; Mrs. Building, with a 5:30 dinner performances, juice and milk. I • ~}~ualMoO, .... c0n~uct the mores, Ed McKays, Tom Harvey Bayley, secretary;scheduled at the Pizza Par ........... _,__11 ilL .-"=~ ~ zvzarcn lor ~ne raras, John Paras; Six William McLean, overseer;lear. . ....................... ~:~:::~:~:~:~:~:~:~ ........ s. ~ rims. Uounty March of Flemings, Royal City; JimMrs. Harold Carlson, lady as- . ~..:::;::~i~ ::~ .................... !~:~ Fl~:p~rivejnbO:h:llwOilI Taylors, Clayton Michels,sistant steward; and BrickC__J.._A___ ~. , .:~!~.~i ' .~ .:i:~ I~in .... " be Dennis Murphys and DwaynePatterson, chaplain. .)UHUU~]~[~ ~f"~iik ................ ~ / ~PP' ~ ~i~ i,~ ~ ~; ~ne aoor-to-door effort Michels Gerald Weyns, treasurer; I I ":" i!~i ):ii:i:i. ~ay.after,noon, Jan. 27, ************* Nn t H. bnnr]_ Ii ,~ ~,u ~ OClOCK . ....... .~ ~=.= ~=..~ ::i:::~'.