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January 17, 1974 The Othello Outlook | |
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January 17, 1974 |
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~)o..t .pram With oars, By Owner: 3 bedrooms, 2
= n.; Clay-target Thrower, r~ a .... in alfalfa Good baths,carpeted,gas heat, Name Description Assessment Interest Costs Total
~.uu; and Argus 35 MM v .... :~ . "" ' D'p/idP Wi~en FU 247 Blk.45 $107920 $43.17 $1000 $1.13237
mera, $2500 488-2380 ~.¢¢~ffl'l Tf%l~ ~*.l~m ~[[ wheel hne sprinkler wings-attached garage.Call 488- R~IulC Mend()za(1972) Lot 18, Bonnell Residential Add. ' 4~ .63 1000 1513
~.o ~ ~ • • • ~.n,~,,,, *--vl.,~ ~-wn v hi, tion Estate•Must Sell• 3808•
lder ~t ~!:m ~Uamtbieng ite ~ ~ - $25,500 or $200 a month Call ..... enc f 11 " . sprmkleit W~" - RaUsystem:. Five~ wheels*'a (1 with H78 X 1~ ...... Road Engineer in the Courthouse in /s/ Robert J. Caw,
• *********************** W~h ~ ERVICE * Royal Slope******** RE-3-~ ******** lC'M~ndoz 973) Lotl8 Bonnell Residential Add 4"60 181000 1478
Carmen Cadengo, St. Lot 23, Bonne!! Residential Add. 4.60 .18 I0.00 14.78
)R SALE: wuul ATIS~,~CTION r~ )~vidV Deloach t~ot zo t~onnen tees Aaa 460 18 1000 147~
RamonM Garcia Lot 55, Bonnell Res Add 460 .18 10.00 14.78
Twin beds with mattress ~ ~:~EL~gI'ION . 206 A~ecS~in2 bAd.r~Onre ~avIted To Bu~ R. • .......
il , ouse M r,o erri, Lot 71 BonnellRes Add 18 1000 1478
S 1 ~onaraoVeliz Sr Lot 74 Bonnell Res Add 18 1000 1478
"' " ~ % ~ " ot ' • • 4.60 . • •
d s 40 x 40" play-pen with k _..-,aalMlm~lb~[ ~ unit in alfalfa ~j,th
neopy on top,• high chair, ~~ system wheelline. One un .... 1-" . .. BilIJ Lamb L 75, Bonnell Res Add. 4 60 .18 10.00 14.78
EspetacionV. Martinez Lot 77, Bonnell Res. Add. 4160 .18 10.00 14.78
~ser ann cnest oi arawers, ~ --"wU cement ditch rill irrigation a Dearooms, I /2 Darns, urenc~ F ~ dson Lot ~3 t~onnell Res Add . 18 1000 1478
ckmg chair, 30-inch electric ~ ~ _ ~ ...... --'J ************* " home with garage. Call Ia " . ~ , • • 4 60 . . •
~%r'-':( ~ men Lot 124 Bonnell Res Add • 18 1000 1478
~.,, e,c, )~,. Ra _ _, - • 460 . • • all in good condition• ~. ..... -~ ......... ~,: ' ..... 1108 irrigableacres on 488-2047...cRitter L. Brice' Lott~°t 12(50, Bonnell Res. Add. 4.60 .18 1000. 1478.
.:.e ~ ...... ' ~. n _ , • • 4.60 . . •
Ell after 4 m 4RR gflO.~ aver au monim nomes Ior immeoia~e aeuvery. ~noose ........ ,-, . _~_~a ,,~, ,o f, h, ",nd, o7 Brio es 13 Bonnell Res Add 18 1000 1478
___ P .... - ..... _, ........, .. __ . .~ . . I. iwamuKe ~[ope. L~eve~opvu w-~-io-w
P. ,.~.,rd I, Williamson Lot 136, Bonnell REs. Add. .18 10.00 14.78
~-Z-3-C from lg -14'g0':g4'-zU wule mo~els, nex - ~msure Manor - !..on,, ,, ,,, mhis is a new ************************* .............. 4.6o
._..__ ***************** Spacemaster- Elcar- Star - Brookwood - Paclfica - Starhte [listing Let us show you WANTED TO BUY: cSant°s ........ c" -"(iaGarcia'jrJr'l~73(1972) ]LOthot 138138' BonnellB°nnell ResRes" AddAdd" 4604"50 6318 10.001000 147815"13
~, ,~,, ...... ,,a, : ....... Lot 142' " ' ' •
VanDyke tnow. Late model Mark VI Lock- Edward E Feat " , Bonnell Res Add 4"60 .18 10.00 14.78
• '~. nlerlc~lB (It ~A. ,~ ' Y
Open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. *********~* wood or Brace potato nar- : " " "~'" `% sLots 7 thru 12 Othello Realt "
t~o's 1st. Add. to Othello 460 .18 10.50 14.78
kpproximately 350 Tons of~ Mond~ thru Saturday [Block 19 area 2 farm units, vester. Call Connell 234-6341....,,r:Mav T..~er~ma!~ ,, n -Let• .,4 .~Blk' 3, Bonnell's.. Add. 7"38 .... 30 1000 1768
reated su-~ar --bee(--tol~] w , [303 irrigable acres. 2 homes. W-3-4-C -Vrank E. ~.revaloa I,Ot • ...... ~onnen's and Addn 460 18 1000 1478
if s-; %W, 1year free service /Good farmin~, area Earl,, ************************* ,, ' ..... Lot 25 & N.10' of Lot 26,
ueage Ior sale. Call 488-1 ,~ ,,~. " • l ~ . g lhomas M. Pache(o Bonnell's 2nd Addition 4.60 .18 10.00 14.78
,231 evenings• ] uanKrmancmg [growing season. WANTED TO BUY: ~-,,~-io Cnr~,,z S. 5' of Lot 29 All 30 & N 5' of
CROWN MOBILE HOMES I ********** , 2 or 3 bedroom house from ............... LOt 31. Bonnell's 2nd Add." 460 .18 10.00 14.78
)R SAt~ ' . I HOMES FOR SALE owner. Moderate price range, t ~,,;~ t),,.m,, n.,r,, FU 16-2 Blk 48 210.50 8.42 10.00 228.92
,,, ~r~: Two locations to serve you! 14 *" * Go~)d Call 488-3752 ~:il,'::ffa"~i~. V a 7x iUb~ihu~(~!iO4n~Ol I & Cot n t ry 674': 2"71181100": :•:
~mer fireplace wood. Call '~-- " Crown II I oeuroom nome. u, an ,V~T ~ "
8-2177 vrowu a -t llocation. Fireplace, wall to . vv -~o-~r *.-w wa¢,. *, C..enther Lot 3, Edson Tracts #1 5"51 "22 10'00 15"73
i-hO-TFN-C 2311So. lstSt. YAKIMA 1818So. lst8. [wall carpets, IV~ baths. ,.. ' l ............ ot E ....
~a .... x, ~-ue~h,,r L 4, dson Tracts #1 456 18 1000 1474
• *********************** CH8-3090 GL2-7186 IBeautiful landscaping. ] ~' et s I I~d~in & Guenther Lot 9, Edson Tracts #1 5:51 122 10100 15~73
[)R SALE• FOR CAL~. I~------~----- ICompletely fenced back- ~ wa~-~,a,,--~her Lot 10, Edson Tracts#1 551 22 1000 1573
Edson &. Guenther Lo°~ 11, E~(~ °nn T,~ aeetSts # 1 4.56 .18 10.00 14.74
30-inch avocado green Sears Sacrifice: Must move. 10x I Automobiles I ,eardutifuGa agmee Ths ,s a FORSALE: .... Edson&Guenther , #1 4.56 .1810.00 14.74
enmore electric range with62 ft mobile home 4 ft tin out I~ | • Toy poome, iemam, • weeksaa~;mp~z Lot 2 Edson Tracts #2 551 22 1000 1573
. ~ " • • r ~ ***********. ;F'o'nvEstrada Lot 7, Edson Tracts #2 4156 118 10100 14174
!to. timer oven and matching living roomAll appliancesFOR SALE" | .......U~.RCIAL old. Call 346-2323. .t,~V~ll~.~re~ Lot 8 Edson Tracts #2 456 18 1000 1474
" ' • . ~u~w~var~ -3-C .......... ot ....
~ars Coldspot frostless re new carpet 488 2513 % ton Chew mku S P ***
~-e " ° - • • - • 1967 / • P P" I BUILDING ********************** Aa~Perez L 10 Edson Tracts //2 551 22 1000 1573
ige raTr ~reezer, very clean, ************************* Best offer. Call 488-2567.[Commercial building for .. . I i~au/Garza~ Lot 13, Edson Tracts #2 5:51 122 10:00 15:73
~_ --- ~ouu. Ior pare , A*3,TFN,C****************lsale. Former Lockwood ~ e r v~ c e s aosoVillareal Lot 16, Edson Tracts #2 5.17 .2110.00 15.38
~.52~l.37eve~nmgs. [ FORSALE I 1Building. Located at Bruce. I ~ e r v,c e s I ErnestoGarza Lot 17, Edson Tracts #2 4.56 .18 10.00 14.74
Adilina Ranms Lot 23, Edson Tracts #2 5.51 .22 10.00 15.73
F"-- .... -,~ =Re-ossesed double wideN • ___ n ........
~************** .........I P I FOR SALE" 1OIIme space. ~nop. t, an oe ...... ~ , JoseCortez Lot 26, Edson Tracts #2 4.52 .18 10.00 14.70
now on dis la See a
R I P Y" . I 1967 GMC pickup with Ipurchasod Good terms See I Mel s Plumbing & Heanng I Amador De Leon Lot 2, Blk. 1, Edson Tracts #313 4.56 .18 10.00 14.74
SALE: , . ~ _ . • • . . NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that unless the delinouent assessments, tomether with costs and accrued
6-foe, r, ....... IHammersM°bfleH°meL° | canopy. Call 488-9704 after 5 ]us mght away. |Plumbing and heating con- | il~terestarepaid~thepr~pertywi~l~es~ldatpu~li~aucti~nt~thehighestbiddertherefoceby~ashatthefront
!ainbed ~:~a stanaar~ |and while there see tne new | rim.- | ************* ltractor. Supplies and ser-| door~ftheAdams~untvC~urth~useinRitzville~AdamsC~unty~ashingt~n~nthe25thda~January~
i8-3864 ...... |1974 models. | A-49-TFN-C |FOR LEASE commercial |vice for building a | 1974, at the hour of 10:00 A.M., said date being not less than 21 days nor more than 28 days from the date of the
Hammer s Mobile Homes JI *************************
S-51-T~'N-C L ' " [building. Suitable for war- Iremodeling jobs. I first publication of this notice.
Dated this 26th day of December, 1973•
• ******************** ' "" ou to see us!FOR SALE: Iioususes.F°rmerGuenther l 488-3s4z $. FredaGrewe~~~~x~~ffi~i~Treasurer~fEastC~~umbiaBasinIrrigat~.onDistri~tandAdamsC~untyTreasurer.
'nde pf ;eAaLEClmeas:anc ~c~up°Pt: with such vacation of such Count ............. BOARD OF ADAMS COUNTY
' y L~ateu this dtfl oay el January ~nM~tq~m~aw~
.iServ Road. 1974 ' "~ ..................
Dated at Ritzville, Washington, B()ARD OF ADAMS COUNTY Gordo~ Hays, Chairman .
~c ' , cards andI L wideN" ! ************************* I JOHNNYMERC~I~ Appliance. Westingh~tlse Ser- ~his7 day of January, 1974. COMMISSIONERS ,~a~n uaneuas, ~omm~ss,o.ner
I[ " • ..... 1 I ....... 1 ~ ~ I 1 REALTY vice Center. Route 1 Box226K BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- Gordon Hays Chairman . w~sT~Ongmmre, t~ommmsioner
~LUMBI1N~H~EATINGI 13 bedroo~s~ed I I F ormlan d I 1 Next to Post Office 488-2490, Othello. SIONERS OF ADAMS COUNTY, Ralph Danekas Commissioner ~xr~ ~: ........
TE F W St - ~us]e r~ rtazey ~ud~tor ann umrK
STA 0 .. A IINGTON W.E. Longmiere, Commissioner .... " ~ '
~i~dSo. lst .. OthelloII ,,**,.,,,,.,,**** I ~ 1 S-18-TFN-c By /s/ Susie t~. r~azey, ClerkofBoard ATTEST: oxt.n%~oaro
Susm B r 1 24 ~'T
.... I Lots, 60' x 100' all under-I FARM FOR RENT: l 488-5N4 ................ : ............... - ...... -=:=:~ " . Razey, Audito and Clerk " "
AL of the Boardd '~
[l~h~,~,r~:.o .. lground untilities. | 6 circles and 350 acres of I ..- , I ArrRUVEDSINGER I NOTICEOFC LFORBIDS 1242T " ----':: ............... - ...... --
• nemcna~r, raiding walk- [ OTHELn~...~... 1 nermanent set virgin land I Evenmgsand~unoay I DEALER i that East Columbia Basin Irrigation -"-:-=- ........... :::--=--:::~--- ADAMS COUNTY, WASHINGTON
~etfe, crutches and Lofstran I Bench&~y'l'orRo~s | close to Othello, net rental l 488-3231 |Salesand service. We| District will receive bids at NOTICEOFCALLFORBIDS N0.4391
~ ~ ~ a~-;~233 daytime I 488-9261 1 15% of potatoes with mini- | servic.eallmake_so_fs_ewin.g ] at 55 North 8th, Othello, Wash- Notice is hereby given by the NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETI-
ington, until 9 a.m. on Wednesday, Board of Adams County Commis- TION FOR AWARD IN LIEU OF
, , .~3 - o alter o p.m. I I mum guarantee of $100. per ....... ,r, Imacmnes.~allT~b-7701 In | February 6,1974, at which time they sioners that they will receive sealed HOMESTEAD
ne aesp~- -~-~, ~ o ns m~ur~t,~,
: be~- t~************************ i--~ I acre; /a wheat, 27 Yo bea , |. ..~Vl~VU~a~-,,. I Moses Lake. Come in and |
,'he uiid R SA-" ~" I R e nt al s I etc. with guarantee of $60. |Ar~l)~aau~.,a~. l see the new Sincer free I will be opened publicly and tabulated bids until 11:00 a.m., Monday IN THE MATTER OF THE
for presentation to the Board of January 28, 1974, at their office in ESTATE OF MINNIE B. GOBEL,
' "~ hE: ~~___.._~ acre on off potato years. Will I381Main Street I ~r~Moses I Directors. Bids are requested on the the Courthouse in Ritzville, Wash- Deceased
~i:!i!:!/!!!::!: i~~!t~nbNtefdCr:l? h;d ii~!~ili~;Pii I[~~So~u31SilCA:rtH; ~ following: ington, at which time and place they NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN
6 (six) V~ Ton Standard Pickups will bepublicly ol~ned nod read for that a petition for an award in lieu of
with standard step side'bOxes. GroSs the :folfo~vifi~! ~ ........... homestead has been fildd with the
788_f~)~laS Vehicle Weight - 4,700# Regularly branded grades of Clerk of Court, and that the petition
Color: Dark Yellow gasoline diesel fuel, oilsand greases, will be heard on February 11, 1974,
li Equipment: Fresh-Air heaterBid proposal and specifications are at 10:00 o'clock a.m. in the Court-
do~n 8
. -9016. FR-1-TFN-C ************************* linto CASH!" Today "is a n .... i~ ~ with defroster; heavy duty coolin~ availaDle at the office of the County room, Ritzville, Washington.
5 rentalS' v : lsellers market, ~;aKe ao- I ,~-,~ r%'~='- :" -- ~_ I
-3-4-C **************************FnR RENT im o xooay__ma ]~'~'~'~ fr~e with I tires Ritzville, Washington. , Representative 41 South 5th, Box
Finale ~******************** FOR RENT" Units for rent on Wahluke. Ivantage of good interest [ p~rcha~rclngs~uus.| Motor: Six cylinder, not less than Dated this 7th day of January 355, Othello, Washington, 99344
240 ca. in., with oil filter and dry air 1974 ' --17-1T
attez ~p
_ . l(mm~v~a~ ........... 3 bedroom home for rent. Dwayne Michel. 488-9819. |returns and qual'ffied buy- I-_ ~ Y~.~,Daazt'w~,~ .... I cleaner " ' , -
ilag: ' [ iS !i [ ewYOnS!i r48f 6 i ~ Transmission: Three speeds for. ~l . ll~ ~lI . II n~qlll ~ itlI I
] d floors. 335 S 1stFR52TFN-C I ward automatic I~ IIL~u lll~" lln Ilm n
. elp W anted I g: tks[ OptionalItems:Qooteadditionai ra.m uu ..,um ,
~r: :i~re ************** : cost for following optional items: ,n.l... I¢ my 1~mmv.. s
4-speed standard transmission - ~..--. | ....... ~ la~A l&~ ~ all I
Fleetside bed - Wrap-around rear lUlls. Jll|lUUly /-~ 1 7/'~ • Vow ~e~ 1
miss~ d ~~b's-'~a'~ | : HELP WANTED: I Illlana accessorms, antennas. I
Furmshed a artment for Full
buta't~sh kidneys?~:| " P 29 time desk clerk and | HOME FOR SALE I [Stereo and auto tape decks. [ Specifications are available at About 8 miles Southwest of Walls Walls, Wash. on I
win ~ ~t l~a~'r~ '~.r~.sAGE" Your 48c | rent. $70.00. Call 488-32 • receptionist also part time I BY OWNER i I ... ~CH_R.ISWELL.~S .... ] East. Colu.mbia Basin .Irrigat!on Highway 11 to Stateline; West on Stateline Road 1 mile I
~nstrlct OiIlCe, aa i~. ~tn, Otneno, to old Milton Freewater Hi hw ....... I
ine a n~t~'~ .... m ~ nears.|FR-2-3-C ** maid work. Apply in person. 1 1 I °'41 ~" 10th 4~RS-Zt6U [ Washington. SPECIFY DELIVERY - g ay; ~outn a~out z miles I
es ba-ki~ PflI~$D ~llr. ¢~a~ | Cabana Motel, 665 Windsor. |Forced to relocate to Tri| ~ DATE. on M-F Highway; Signs from Highway 11. |
ust ~0 ...... ~uu anv~n: FOR SALE OR RENT: HW-2-3-C ** *** |Cit'ies. Must sell my 2[ ~~ staA:~b~da~eSsha~xmCwl~dicehW:;:ipdgt~ AUCTIONEERS NOTE: This is one ot the rmest lines ot I
on *********** * ********
3 bedroom brick home 1 home n Hemlockl I P, hE ; r ; ,- 1
ll.I I mbedroom o s n , ~ ~ ~ u ~_ , • ~.~ u u ~ ~ • listed separately. Do not include late model equipment we have ever listed. Lawrence has I
van ca corner lot Double garage
~l • • F HELPWANTED I 1Street. My loss is your gain.I [_~ N Federal Excise tax .......... is ! in o eratlons and .... e i
aecmea ~o curare n arm g p qm¢ m
, ! - - • • • IExperi ed u time me- I 1Call 488-9745. Call after 81 NOTICE OF HEARING All bids must be clearly marked: .... fin" his e ui t ....... in I
sally la , ......... - -- 4.8.8-2.3T6FhN .. [chanic. Hours 8-5- ~ days a I ]p.m. | In the Matter of the Vacation of "BID- 2/6/7"4"' and directed to C.D. sileage nusiness, lot n q preen ann is 1
Bailey, East Columbia Basin Irriga- excellent condition. /
ck coart~[ ..~r~rEDTOBUY 1 tt~-Z-T -u Iweek. All the benefits of a I |2-3-C | Portion of Harder Road County tion District, P.O. Box E, 55 N. 8th ....... /
• ~& Y||I TD C~_/'tll ~r~ ~,, ..... • ************************* | . . ~ ~• ~ • m m r~_ a '
rag. ~ growing oealersnlp. ~ee ~ = ~.,au
nlsse ,~~~R'~)~INV~l~ l Iglm Smlth-- Guenther Lee I ~ l th .............. t Othello, Washington, 99344. EQUIPMENT "rRAC~l'Ol~ 1
" ~I OR COPPE ' FOR RENT" • • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN The District reserves the right to IHC Grain Drill & grass seeder, Ford 8000 blower, cab l
' cl " at tne a~n oay ol renruary ~•a, a
be m ~aff~/, _, Iclate.d before 1965) ~House for small family. IChevrolet. | | HOUSES FORSALE | th,~ h ..... f m..~n .'~l.~l~ ~ ,~ in t.ha reject any or all bids and to waive 7-inch sl~acing, double disc Ford 5000' duals |
;s couldn--t-prices are[ 488-9080. " " | C.O~i .... R h,~¢h.~r.~ | of"fic'e~-of-'the'~B~)ar~i~"o~'"Co'un'ty an~ ~fol~mla:~t, Yd:c::t~rbyi~V~nannga, er LateMo~te~5-bottomTownerRoll- IHC Bdld'Diesel, 3-pt. hitch |
dow]~ c0~. mmg, unload'those old N FR-51-TFN-C HELP WANTED: 17" "~ 7~"~:, " ""'%,'?"" I ~Commissioners, Ritzville, Washing- East .Colum'bia Basin Irrigat~n H:verdr~o~ov~tPotr, 130-inch John. Deere M.T. w/6-row|
"" . *** nome ramn room rlre o
....1,1~~ ~'~[ ******** ************** w ....i~ed mechanic | " Y ." " I t n, has been fixed as the time and 1 3Dll~let 14-foot Ford Tandem dfsc, on cultivator /
........ e -~. "~,, ~_.prmes_ afel .... ~ ~" ~"~ ~. , I phce. Carpeting through- I place for hearing anon the report of
p s • xt you have an for neeoeoonlarmmacnlnery ant • the n " oint
Fg Ft ~le cal Y " out. Gas furnace wnth .Cot ty Road ~n meer app - .-.r.:_-=:--:=--_--~.r-:--~='-=.:::_-_;-..NOTICEOFCALLFORBIDS 12-foOtnaekerBrillOnon rubberPUlva crowfootMUlcher 1971-2-tonFord, steelNampabnd/
3 A u tomo b l [es tractors. High pay and up- I ~.t.~l.i. 9 ,~, ed m the matter of tghe vacatmn of " " rubber, near new TRUCKS |
5 2 ~88-3768 -~ .... | portunity for advancement. I ...................... I Portion of Harder County Road, the Notice is hereby given by the ~hoveis ' and rack~ hoist ._ .[
0 ~ a~o71 | garage. | termini, general course and wMth of Board of Adams County Commis-12-foot Calkins Weeder renter 1969-2-tonroru, steelNampabe~|
i ! I!ANTED;t ~ I FL~aie[/i:q;ioo:mbaht ~ 7:phht~f~enW~:r ~rR:~hd sioners that they will receive sealed d{'ive 3-nt ' and racks, hoist |
FORSALE ************************ ~lsm~ d bids unt~ 10~30 ,p..m.,o..Mo.nday Massey:Fe~guson 8-foot Tandem F f~0.^ F°~rda' n~Wrom°t°r.^,l~f~t1
e January z~ L~la a~ ~nelr oince in me • ,~l .q n ~©, ~..'... ~o, ...,.a,,. ,,,,-,
Courthouse m R~tzvdle, Washing- Tri,qe K S-rino~ooth 20-foot rubner 1
28 1~74s.. Call 488-2541 or 488- 1973,[or3dl?)ax~e÷2-door [ I=~,-~ ~,,;,-, lear garage. In good[ ~g[nonl~gT~p.tZbeNS~.3~°~.W.M.; , . . . Disc. Interned .... -_t ....
ton at which time and place they wfll f~)iain~, en~ ~w condition ' 1963 Ford, new motor, 2-ton,~
~, ,, 2.__ - ..... v ............. I - u •, ~, ~- M u i~ I location Close to schools. 1 thence easterly to the present be publicly opened and read for the IM'CO Rotarv'~,iower 3-nt near 16-foot bed and racks, hoist 1
"'"~'-" Ft !v-~-I'I"N-C P B Air Cond Radial Tires l.._ 1 ~ v~cated ortion of said roadin the following: new " ' ~ "' 1961 IHC, hoist and racks, motor]
r:i i~i;~d:i~a~b~=.~ ~!iga~C.0~}i~t~gdt.~ ~SA~:c0zr ~m~aCh~ Motor and Construction equip- Brower Grain Mixwer motor and rebuilt |
ment tires, tubes and recaps for the Switches ' 1960 IHC, hoist and racks, motor I
CUloa(~el~ga~ot year- February 11974 to January Snrav ..... ri~ was motor reb¢iltHc [
31.1975. . ...... 4-section Drag Harrow & hitch, 1954 H ..... [
• P. near n~.. ' • i
0 Y 2 3 C wzth 20 foot boom Sargent 488-9541
3 -'- - " See" at 220 N B'roadway " " "....... l I ~ l appe~r an~be beard at such hearing ilia fro osa,s ant s ecmeauons .w 1~4~ l~oage stee, oea !
are avalla~le at the office of the IHC manure snreader Low Boy Trader, all steel bed,
0 0 *********** .... on ~o~ ",, ~ o~o~ Pump and Irrigation 48~-3a4& 1 1 1 ~l KOSTAD 1 upon the report and recommend- County Road Engineer. Allis-ChalmersCorn Planter late duals, 16-foot loading space, 1-
• *********** Uall ~oo u.,vxv ..,,-,o ~,.,,,.,
3 0 N'l"~-'r, • - " - Othello 1 ,,,,£ ~~,v 1 ation of the County Road Engineer The right is reserved to reject any model, extra seed plates ton truck bed
"" ,~" evenln s " ,a~,~,--- • .
- " g " FS 3 ~ "~ 1 ~EALTOR .... - -• rather to proceed or not to proceed or all bids. Gehl chopper, 2-row corn head & PICKUPS AND
eder H " A 3 4 C - -o-~ 760 E Main
~837~'~ ay. Call 488-9747 ! - " ************************* I " I hay pickup
Ford post hole Auger 10-inch ACCESSORIES
-10-C FOR SALE: FOR SALE: Gehl Chopper, 2-row corn head, 1971 Chevrolet, low mileage,
Real Estate
Au omobi es
Farm and
Ren a[s
H el W an ed
Pub Notice
Automobi es
Farm Equi :)
*************** 5010 John Deere scraper, late model automatic
SUmmer, fall cattle
9747 or 488-3734.
Galiceno gelding,
ages of 13
are interested in
a mounted-drill team,
e, age, address and
'number to: Drill
~. x 634 Connell, Wa
12 and white fern
PL ale
EASE Call 488-
For Sale
1970 Ford V~ ton pickup. Air
conditioning, power steer-
ing, power brakes, auto-
matic transmission, radio &
heater. $1995. Sargent
Pump .and Irrigation 1155
So. Broadway. Phone 488-
1956 Ford pickup. 292
4-speed. Runs good. Has new
tires and paint. Good gas
mileage. Call 488-2773 after 6
1965 Jeep pickup. 2 wheel.
$525.00 or best offer 488-2337.
Good for land leveling and
farming. 488-2246.
3 bedroom home. Fully car-
peted. Quiet street. Close to
park, big yard. 488-5219.
way to get that
you want:
No down payment. Low monthly rate. That's
what you get when you lease your next pickup
from us. Call, and we'll come to you with the best
lease plan around.
1974 ~h ton pickup- V8 - auto - ps - heavy duty
bumpers. $96.00 per month, 24 month lease•
Saturday, January 26, 7:00 P.M.
Large six chair Bassett Dining Room set with matching
China Closet. Hardwood Early American Dining Room
set, with 6 Captains chairs & matching China Closet.
Hardwood Bedroom sets in several styles including
Mediteranean and Early American. Several Box spring
and mattress sets in full, King and twin size. 4 and 6
chair Dinette sets Hardwood Maple Bunkbed set
complete with mattresses. Front room furniture of all
kinds including hidebed. Late model appliances, refers,
ranges, washers and dryers. Several matching coffee
and lamp table sets. Large assortment of occassional
chairs including several styles in recliners and many
other styles. Some small kitchen appliances, cookware,
deep fat fryers, coffee perks, toasters and much more.
Hardwood bookcases. Hardwood desks. Stereos,
televisions and many, many more items to numerous to
Please bring in anything you have to sell, between 10:00
a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
1972 F11Farmhand Loader, big 8- 1969 Ford, 6-eyl., 4-speed, recent
foot bucket overhaul
Fll Farmhand Loader on truck 1965 Dodge
chassis Pickup fuel tank, electric pump
2-pickups. fuel tanks and pumps
Hay Basket for Fan loader, steel 2-Stor-All Pickup tool chests
Farmhand Hay Turner Pickup Tow Bar
Farmhand Beet Digger, w/row
3-Beet beds
Pasture Harrow
150-bushel Steel Grain Tank
Grain Auger
2-wheel Trailer
Dump Rake, 3-pt.
Honda 90, 2-wheel bike
Lincoln 200 amp. welder & leads
Electric Diesel Fuel Pump
4 - 30 x 3 V~ tires
3 - 450 x 20 tires
2- 19-inch Durant Wood wheels
Old Kerosene Stove
Several lengths of 4-inch Mainline,
valves & openers
Odds & Ends of 3-inch pipe &
Fuel Tanks & Barrels couplers
1250-watt Power Plant, gas 14 - No. 204 Rain Guns w/stands,
motor, new condition for corn irrigation
Wire Winder, gas motor 2 - 10-horse Centrifugal pumps &
Utility Gas Motor on trailer switches
2-ton Chain Hoist 2- 1973 3-wheel Hondas, low pres
I Air Compressor sure balloon tires w/brackets
II Air Grease Gun for sprinkler pipe
1 Steel Sow Farrowing crate Trailer for hauling Hondas
1 15-Steel Hog Troughs .... . ............. os.o.oo.o
1 2-Steel Hog self-feeders Lots of Hand & Power tools, nuts
1 Hog or Calf Shed Loading & bolts, pipe fittings & ect,
1 3-Feed Bunks Chute 12- new Tires off of trailer houses
Stack of Wood Pallets 12 - Sacks of Winter Oats .seed,
Some -Tack Squeeze Chute treated
TERMS: 938-3295, Milton-Freewat~r, Oregon
CASH *********************** LUNCH
525-3119, Wadla Walla 938-5921, Milton-Freewater