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Newspaper Archive of
The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
January 25, 1952     The Othello Outlook
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January 25, 1952
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 2 THE OTHELLO O~K FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1952 (Formerly the Othello Progress-News} Enterec as second class matter January 21, 1947, at the post office at Othello, Washington, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Published every Friday afternoon at Othello. WARREN BASLEE Edll r and Publisher BILL OPPLIGER School Reporter Subscriptions $2.50 per year in Adams, Franklin, and Grant counties. $3.00 per year elsewhere. k By WARREN BASLEE Editor of the Outlook Well, it looks as if Othello "missed the boat" on the Feder- al aid money under Public Law 139. This is just one of those things that seems to be "too good to be true." Mean while we should keep right in there trying to help our town grow and prosper. One of the main things is to not get too discouraged too easily. Another is to do what you think is right. The widening of First street has stirred up some contro- versy in town lately. As I see it this is just another step in the growth of a growing community. We should help to ad- vance any part of our town. The following is another poem by Millie Rumley, In a note to the Outlook, she suggested that we ask for more poetry on the Columbia Basin and the area around Othello Her Poem should inspire anyone to want to write. COME GREEN ABUNDANCE To ¢,his l,an.d o¢ open spaces Wandering west coward the se,a W]t'h ~ne,mories of indian :faces Gr,ea~ dry lake and g~and coulee, Come thou ri,pp]ing, laughing water Bring a green abundance here. Folks have only" had the rain god To len~t !them a sy,mpa,the~ic ear Ant to fitfully bring feast or famine By his moods, from year to year. To .this land of a great horizon Then came master minds and jaws of steel. EavUh felt 'her whole being tremble For prom'ise of new ,life she could ~eel; The promis.e that ~chitdren's fee,t will patter Down ea,ch .lonesome, dusty bunny trail, And youth wil,1 linger long to eh,a~ter Where ~green, cool sh,adow will no~ fail For m~an dreamed long o~ damming coulee Not as fain~tinrg, th,irs,ty ,pioneers dammed But by h,arnessing turbuler~t ol~d C¢>l~mb,ia Thus brir~g'ing green abunc~ance here so ,grand, Tha~t church, schoolhouse, fa~c~ory workrnan's ¢~tage Ki~ll m~ke Infl~and E~pire the Dus.i~s~ corner ~f our land. by Millie B. Rumley THE STOVE IN THE LOCAL STORE? YES, THE OLD STOVE IN THE VILLAGE STORE WITH ITS CHERRY RED SIDES SEEMED TO DRAW THE TOWNFOLK TO IT ON COLD WINTER DAYS. THE OLD STOVE WAS ALMOST" AN INS,TITUTION IN ITSELF. YOUR BANK HOLDS ALMOST THE SAME PO- SITION IN A TOWN. ALWAYS THERE, AL- WAYS READY TO SERVE YOUR NEEDS. OTHELLO STATE BANK COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES Othello, Washington ........ School News - -- LEGAL ADVERTISEM]E2fT NOTICE I,S ~EREBY C~I~¢ By Bill Oppliger EN that :the caucus ,for ~fh, LIBRARY GETS NEW ~¢~OKS non~ir, ation of 0andid~ates fo~ According to Bill Oppliger three sea~s onft~e Othello Cit~ CHRISTIAN CHURCH Presiden,t of the S,tudent Coun- Counci~ ~md for the office oJ Rev. Don Fitzsimrnons cil of the Othello school, the Treasurer of the Ci,ty of Othel- recent plea for new books to 10 A. M. Bible School -- bring the li~barary upt~da~e ~) will be held ,a,t 8 p.m. on the everyone welcome, has been granted by the school 29th ,day of January 1952, at 11 A. M. Morning Worship, board. The board said they the Othello City Hall. 7:30 P.M. Evening Worship, would give the student council Clyde Ma,tchews 7:30 P. M. Wednesday, Bible $200 for this purpose. Mayor c -- -- -- A. W. 'I-rays < Gideon Lutheran Church Othello to Have Second Treas.-Clerk Rev. R. O. Wittrock Homecoming Events Wash The Othello high school will T. ~ ': (8C°nnell'miles N.W.) hold their second annual home- O U T,., _ _ K t MONTH OF JANUARY coming game Friday, January WAN T A D S i: Sunday School- 10:45 26 with Kahlotus. Following f, Worship Service II:45 the game there will be dancing --AN-NOuN-CI~,MEI~rs-- ~ (' (all Sundays) in the, gym. Everyone ]s invi- _________~ _~ ~. ted to attend. The regular a~- DR,~:~--~AK'I~G, -~:~-onhol~s! t] SACRED HEART mission will be charged for theanti draperies -- House 39~[ CATHOLIC CHURCH game end 25c per person will U.S.B.R.Mrs. Newkirk 3tci be charged for the dance. _ 1= Fr. C. M. Depiere Game time is 7 p.m. The first Child care, during day. A:pplyl ~; Mass held firstSunday of game will be a preliminary be- . each month, fween the grade school teams ~or rates. • Helen R. MooreI u PR~AN with the main game at 8 p.m. M~dern Homes dup,lex wes~i e end corner Second & Cedar fi 10 A.M. Sunday School Sophomores Schedule Dance ' 3tcI ~" 11 A. M. Morning Service, The Sophomore Class l~as --~i 1~ Mt~age by F. G. Torrance. picked February 9 as the date ~t d~ Wedne,~day evening ~hoir for their "Sweetheart Dance". BAT$I TU~ FOR SALE, gliger, C ASSEMBLY OF GOD Ph.~lMs Hays, Jan ice Kanen- $25.00.Hi,bard Hot~ \~ wisher, Audry Hai ght, Sharon ------~--- ! t~ L~ter Byrd, Pastor Tennyhill. S~nd~y 10 'a.m. Bi, ble S~udy ~~-Fo~ ~1 11 a.m. Morning Message Don' er !,& ton, Army bed. $17~5 ' Friday nigh.t Prayer, m~e~ting. Services at pastors ~home, Lines Down--Towne Phone 3405, Box 175, Othe;llot P'~ South end of Third Ave. If you see a power line "down" l~p! ~'~a~ --don't touch it, Louie Towne, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH power use advisor for the Big Clarence Blazer Fastor Meets in Pastime Hall A.M. S, ervices Pastime Hall P. M. Services at Parsonage 10:00 A.M. Bible School 9~,1 :(!:9 A.M. .Public Wors~hip "The Christian Family" • 7:30 P.M. Evening Service 7.39 P.M. Wc~:n:'::tay Pray- ¢r Service and Bible Study "Christ-lik eMinistry" 7:30 I~.M. ~Yhu:~day, Youn,g Feolcle CHURCH OF CHRIST Che~ter Hewett, Minister Meets in new basemenI build- ing in Sco~t -Schroe:ler addi *ion east of town. 10:00 A.M. Bib,le Classes 11:00 A.M. Morning Wprshi~o 7:30 Eve, ning, Service 7:30 Wednesday Evening Bible Class. Everyone Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Hal Lyons v.,cre in Walla Walla Saturday and Sunday on business. Do you have modern protection? STATE FARM MUTUAL offers 80% collision coverage--first in the field---originated by the State Form Mutual Automobile Insurance Company in 1922. C. KENDALL Box 196 Othello STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY |LOOMINGTON, ILLINOI| ....... ~2.= ....... Bend Electric cooperative, warn- ed this week. Towne said most lines down in snow still are "hot". Leave it alone, he advised, and notify the power company. I GOOD FOOD ANYTIME! BASIN CENTER Coffee Shop Oihello, Washington OTHELLO Shoe Repair TRACTORS AND TRUCKS HOT WATER HEATERS RANGES REFRIGERATORS HOME FREEZERS DORNER-WISE INC. JOHN SOBESKI OTHELLO Moses Lake Ritzville CORDUROY ROMPERS, SIZES TO 8 YEARS % v v ~~vvvvvvvvvvvvvv~ ~vv~vvvvvv vvv~ Wool Work Socks pair 35¢ AFTER ALL, THE BEST PLACE TO TRADE I MEMBER OF U. R. M. STORES Othello, Wash. (You Name It, We Get It) WE TAKE ORDERS FOR FLOWERS Funeral Sprays and Wreaths Boquets and Wedding Arrangements FILM DEVELOPING --- Bring Your Films Here We take orders for Special Cakes