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January 25, 1952 The Othello Outlook | ![]() |
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January 25, 1952 |
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' x)ro Y ".. 1.2 ......... .. L . ownx .K .................... pxaz s '
• '. -" , )(.
o, 1 • o . . ,. A.•,n, :.,.. tt r 1 . n --.-, mSr,,XTtON SLOW
, . " Watmnxakex,. ~tlie superinten'-
omaent t ntest oo, .-----enm ...rn MarKS! A • of rental un-
Esther Kra~ he,re .'laSt week, its in, the Othello area is pro.
: ca: .; :~; : ......... ... _ Those presentwere Mr. and ' ceeding at~a slow pace.,' it was
: • " ~ "Classes On such an , Mrs. Gegrge Benson, Mr. antl reported by Mr. .Kertworthy,
For Basra Seal .oo ,oo w,. thutes Hit Snag JustinMrs" ElmerTrou,, Bob Hale, arelt direetor'of the Office Of Reiio and Jerry Roth. Ren, Stabilization.
• ,to the coumy superintenoent , .: - ' Landlords have only abotrt
Wh~t is an Empire wghout ~ho w.)!:l arrange, for a judging O,~hello's two "farm to mar- were in Othello last week to 45 days le~ to,,re~er" and are
'an official seal? . co~ryee. "Ires .eommlttee ket roads hit a snag this weel~ view the situation first hand.urgea not to put-lt~l~".
............... :.. :via semct tim county winner,as they were about to reaela Under present plans the fed- . "
w,,,~n ~ area coml~arao,m ~,,~ and 'doe winning county seal the bid calling stage, eral government will pay about~trs. Gl~lon fractures Wrist
s,ze zo me szate oI t~tocte is- design will be sent ~o the UnG The ,troucble encountered b half or considerably more ~aanAnother mishap on the icy
land, raw and awaiting devel- • • ' ~ • y ha~ the cost of the roads, streets and ~teps around Othel-
.......... verm*y of Washington, Seattle, the Adams eounecy commls- 'We hope that a certa~in lo was added ¢o ever-growing
opmenL me t~oiumora t~asm oi where final selection of the stoners was the fact that some
~empire proportions is on theofficial seal wilt be made byeight landholders will not amoun.t of access road mileagecasulty list. Mrs. Clarence
Cthreshold o~f a vas'~ develop- a panel of -'ud ........ waiver easements to the coun-may be undertaken at the same Godon suffered a broken
men*L program to 'be launchedn ~er stat~s gas, lvirs, wand- ty for the two proposed roads, derway,"time as constructiOnwalt Athey,giftScountyUn" wriSton thewhenice WednesdayShe sligpednoon.and fell
this spring with bhe ~irst corn- ~Entries mus .... The two roads are the only
road engineer eommen~md. . She was treated a£ the office
in~ of water >to ~ts arid but t de scn~ irom roads in this area that are eli- "This access mileage will be of Dr. Glenn Warner.
. ~., , ~, ~ . "( . Cbe county superintendents of-gible for federal aid money, financed jointly by county and ,
Ierme 'lands. rmt to me peoplerice by Pebruarv 8. Judging atOne of these farm arteries will state bond issue money• BIRTHDAY PARTY
ot .~he Basin. it is an embryonic ,the 0niversRy 'of Washington run from Othello 5.6 miles ~---_ TO BE HELD "
emlpire coming ol age without will be completed on February south to the Frankl,in county ,-, ~,~,. -- A birthday party honoring
the official seal of empire. ~5 ¢ line, and the other will start
" Winning Seal ~own"*--P^:"'an~t~ run*-'-'f;r ~? mies --"es3-^u"- I-" ~a9e With BOb Hale will be given at the
1 o o • n i home of Clayton Finkbeiner
• l:lanning committee of C, olum-Upon final selection by Vhe west. . tJ. ~. avlngs DonGs on Saturday, Janu'ary 25.
b.ia Basin Celebration, Inc., Board of Judges. the winning It is very imperative tha¢
upon whose shoulders :has ~all- school will be given an an- these routes be started assoon
en the task of procuring an of- graved lovin~ cud ,and have 'its as possible in the soring, ac-
ficial se;al will soon have an cptry m,ade the officiat seal of co~r, ding to ~:he commissioners. Portable- Acetylin
• " "lTlere are but very taw mon-
answer as a vast statewxde ,the Columbia Basra Water ths in the"ear that roads can -Light Overall Machine Work [
c)mpetitive contest among Festival. S'econd and third bo huil~ '; y
i h .....
h gh se ool and college stu- place schools will receive sil- If these roads are not in this
den4s gets unde.rway to deve]-('er and bronze plaques res-spring, they wiH not be in be- Lawn Mower Sharpening" I- '
op ~he official of the peotively,and these entries fore the water arrives in 1953."
The Bureau of Pubhe Roads
............... • , , ~ ..... cannot call tor dins until all
vat wmcn ]s to de nela ±vtav z2 velectea seal enwms at tne absolute clearance of ri-ht of
taro'ugh June. 1. . "Little World's. Fair", one of wa--y has been acqo~ro- theilo ....
Seal entrms" mus,t be era- the outsVandlng features of the If these roads are not in or
• blem~tie of the ~reat Columbia Colu~n.bia Basin Water Fcsti- at least in the construction EVERB~r (SLIM)__ _CARR II
Basin, m~st be in three colors val. ~t~rgaetlo:dore 7~eitbureau of Rec/
and feature bot,h pdwer and ............ . ;. mteral ann Othello, Washirrgton
, .^r~o~.r.~o=.=ur,~r,~-w wasteways rouen more money
raclamation It ,must con ain ,.,.,o .-,~.,,~.., ..,~..,.,.,~.~, ... _ • .......
..... , .. wm oe neeaea to ~uliel neees-
the words-, "In . ~he St,~te of Mrs, ~ll,a. Once. ann mlrs. sary br, u~:-~ .... e~.*~ ,
"~V'ashinzton" and "Columbia Corinne Mmhel were ,hostesses The county commissioners
Basin Water Festival" at a baby shower hone,ring .....
T~he contest is open to all Mrs. h-ma Mercer Saturday ~ro,-~-t.. rt~B~ID~EsC::UB'E - "~ --~'"- ~-~ --.~-"f-a'P~
students attonding high schoolafternoon at Mrs. Michel's -.., .....
or eolh:~e n the sta,te of Wash- home, ~ne ~uesctay saight bridge
"'°°" '" ,i r/
i,~,gton " Guests inchldcd Mrs. Bet- club met at !he home of Mrs.
" ~ " " • ~"++~'"" " ~*~ s Viol'~Olive Cal}?t,ron this week It
A,, entries lnust be submrt- r,,ce ~,,~,,,~, ,,, .. < - . - .
'intendents prior' to February 2 Mrs. 1,orraine Bonnell~ Mrs. "Wna4s lrmn,p",
- : . . - , _ I ueilleCam~'bd] M~s Clarl Hio,h s.eorers for the evening
ariamus% oe postmarKecl .oe- -,' .' " ~, ~, ,. ' ~ . ' , - " ,
foremidniglat, February 2. ,S,cott. Mrs. LilaBrown. Mrs, were .~eien Warner m~d Ann
' rs Gl(n,an I ochmflter Collc(n Lvons was
' In order to derive the great Jane Hanks M s. "" " - ' ~ .... ; " :
t E II @ti The Riehland Townies, Warren Baslee Jim tta-s C/a//',~.,,,.,~.f.f,,~__
/ | Ih~ 1 triet AAU champs of last year ~- • ;- ~ ; - .-. .. ~"
- " ~ ~ ' " - - "- "1 LSHCK i~lttVeCla JaCK lJ3VltlSOn
t |@. ~ i have writtenfora oasKetom . ~. '..'. ,
| ~- -'a~l| game with the Othello Town sea tcscar ~enm, or.
l ' ,, Team. No datehas been set Games were played and re- MANY OTHER
il ~'-- "" / t for the game. frcs:hnaents we,re serw~d, :~;
ii I ' .... [i7 'I I/ \ ARRIVALS
3.95 and
it \~/ I I . jar r0aitl-read¥ I !
It \/ ,.I I Here show we smooth your road to driving pleasure: |
|l | CHAllIS LUBRICATION takes out squeaks, protects bear- l
l iII l "11 I ingsurfaceswitht°ughRPMlubricants" I '
|i I 0It (HANOI--Drain crankcase, refill with wear-saving I
l] ! RPM Motor Oil. I
II I BAE|R¥ INSPlCTlON--test fells, make sure plates are -I
co, ered with distilled water. I
"" ! ¥1RI INSPECTI0N--the right pressure for safe, comfort- "1 ill! This is the .
.- M J _.. I able driving--the spare, too. ' I ]] ti" thatWear'everywherewins dress .
n 1 oraer , . '
r II- "~ - ' I GEAR ¢.~$E itlSP~CTIOd--Drain and refill if neccss.~ry. J
J /' compliments! Detailed
It] 11 II II ll q A l} .q I hW CT Ag!0 5~Rgt£{--Master brake cylinder--front i / ] with fine faggoting and '
-- M liI, U Jl.lJ.iillt Ull'!llllU [ wheel bearings--air clcancr and oil breatEer cap-- | II graceful gored skirt .... it
silo k -~ ,'s--.,sr~.~k ,~ ~5s rid~ato- i* h,s