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Newspaper Archive of
The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
January 25, 1952     The Othello Outlook
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January 25, 1952
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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. PAGE 4 ' ' ' ''":: i i .~ .," ''"i' " " ..... ..J FI~I ~" C Webb pointed out another --_-_~-~-_---v---~-~-_-_-~-~-~ I ----- is that R'has S~rnaries on both ~ L'IdlIlliWIL" ~ //~ L At N w High o TO B Explai basis, r.mF, nr. • Warden high h0ol Courgars trav'ei ,to Grand C flee latter is sirniliar to the cash sum-"" .... • • mary except that it also includes ,ml-~,. ~ mq*. I Mr. day evenlng, JanUary IB, to be i Defense bond buyers r n l~y- i ....... an inventory of crops and live- "|'IL~ L'A'|':L"~ I ~ard def~ated bY the ove~elming roll Savings pLa~s,in ~ state in- I~arrn accouhfi~g .systems gtock. ~.I~,~ J. ~tJJtL I ~r score of 6§ .to 37. Hig~ pointdustries and companies are atand farmers' income ax re lttan for Warden was Frank an albttme high" since" the end • • t ~ - income tax returns may be oi ,ann SeIfridge wLth 14 points, o~ the second World War. ports, will be explained at a made on either a cash or accru- LIND ] ~nU~' The next evening Warden A total o~ 77,692 employees rneezmg at 7 p. T/l. new al basis, Webb explained. "~------~---------v-"---~-"7 i ,r~ ~"as defealed on their home are regularly purchasing de- Wednesday, January 30, at Webb said other reasons for t-n~ ~" ~ ~:_e~| ~r., keeping accurate farm accounts .................... ~ a~d ] fl0orby Quincy, 46 to 30. High f e, nse bonds where.:they work. the Ritzvi]le high school farm include" "A Yo -- ~ Mr point man for Warden was Or- rne average mommy aeaue- shop " . . $ ung 2-~$ I s£ " Vflle Selfridge with 10 points, tion, over $22, brings to each T;~ W,~,~, w,,,~ti,,n~l a~-ic,,1 (1) To prowde a basra for ~r v- ~t " e~ur' The Warden grade school de- ,~m,,~ov .... a,,,~r-~e ,,~ ~4 ¢2~ ................ ~," ~ -studying features of farm man- IOU reel i ~ss. rented the Quincy grade school clef~=~"boncl~ eacl~ ,,=~ ~" " ture teacher lining Up the meet- aement to increase profits; } Mr w~ith a score of 25 to 16 the"~"I"-~"~'~'~;~'/',, ---,~-,o,.,r, ~,--":°r'~'~"----- f'~,~,----~ ...... ~ing'~,,,~said this~,,+,,,o;,,,,week that¢~r,.,,Arthur~n (2) To provide a complete list T~O~tmY W~tttleYrsl)en.t' same evening, on the effectiveness of last .... s-? .... ~."?:'?" "~..:"_"'~ " of farm property in case of a i L.a~ke Saturday, January 19. the ye-r,-~ ~ fir-'~ u-~efen-e~ bond u~riv^~ agemenz specmnsz,, wm oe .an fire; .... A ~J qrade school was defeated by Edward Cross, county savings hand to dmcuss record-keeping (3) To serve as a historical ! r~flrs lhe Soap Lake grade school bybonds chairman, stated that mr zarmers. ,,mL score of 44 to 19. 250 additional employees sign- All farmers and other inter- ness;rec°rd of farm and farm bust- SUN.,~ MON.o JAN. 27-28t~ ~ew~ t] SCHOOL DANCE e d up to buy bonds monthly, e sted persons are invited to at- ~n~~ ar ngem :?st T~: ~C£%e8 i ~d:~S! . Saturday, January" 19, theThere are now 863 compan- tend the meeting• County Ag- ~4) T?e PraOVind; arabamSe r s*~t~dents of Warden high school ies in the state with the pay- ent Bob Martin is cooperatinge a held a school party in the cam- roll savings plan in operation, on the plans. " - J Cle -mnity hall following the bas- Of 'the 140,000 employees in Webb said Cagle also will dis- (5) To determine financial Bin~ Crosbv -- Jane wv~ " progress during the year. "___" ..... -:--~-~ guest ketball game. these firms, 50,076. or 36 per cuss farm leases and rentals, ,~ da~yl: The theme of the dance was cent, are buying bonds regu- the operator-manager set-up, "Cold, Cold Heart." and the ~ar~y. th,~ ~ na .......... and problems arising from such ~ ny *P music was furnished by the ............ u. zeuerax~y era- arrangements. ! Mr. ? ~tdnight Rhvthmiers, a bandployees, excluding all armed "It is extremely important to ~'nmposed of high school stu-,, services personnel, 27,616, or keep farm record books," Webb IN OFHELLO • I~ebf cp: d,mts. - 52 per cent, are monthly bondcommented, "and this meeting en~ Hotdogs and poo were soia. ou,yers. , ....... will tell farmers why and ex- t~--_: C'hat~erones were Mr. and Mrs. ~ sys~emauc tnr]~ program plain how record books should SEE JACK DONLEY nd rM ~'illizm Felton. Mr. and Mrs. for employees, such as thepay- be kept. , _ r ~'m Nutlev,~and Mr. and Mrs. roll savings plan. for aetense."Record books often save" ~ar- AT in ~,'nil Suko. r bond purchasesl ~s essential for mers monev TOWN TEAM a sound financial economy in "Th~ ..... , DONLEY'S SUPER SERVICE ..... n't na ................... ' "" The Warden Town Team me ~amny commu i y or - ..... , .... ;,~ _ example, prowdes that the sale Cmrne,~ .... m its third straight league uon, t~ross sta~ea. 1-o. me of dairy animals, breeding stock, USED ~'sketball game on Tuesday. extent that an individua~ or~.~ w~ ~n;mM~ ,~v h,~ ,-,,, Mrs. f il cc m lates back lo .................... " ......" Jnuary 15. at Warden by de-. am y a u u . a " .g sidered as a sale of capital as-,.ck f,"ffing the Connell Townies of future spending power, ~o ~,t~ -~.~m ,,~,s t] 5" to 43, that extent will we strenghen~:'In most cases, if the ani- " ~ i~" Mrs Thursday evenin~.January the foundation of our local and real has been owned for at least ~X " the team traveled to Ritz-national economy;" ._ , ~ 12 months, only 50 per cent of / . . / .-22_ -;'le where they were defeated, t~ross expresseo manKs m. • O~ I : ....... the gain ]s taxable. The purch- i,~ the last minu,~e of play by memners o~ ms sawngs oonos • . ......... ase price of course, is deducted " core of 57 to 56. Ben Fuchs committee ior melr asmsmnce ........ .... . . . _ irom ~nc sale price ~o ae~erm- ~'~ Warden, scoring in botl~ m promonng me sine at he- i,~. th~ ,,v,,fi~ - ~,o:ues with 19 and 21 pointsfense bonds during last year "-"T'h'e ~si*e:'t .... to fi.~ th~ S re-~ectivelv, and encouraging companies to - - .~'. ............ ...... I" ~ . _ purchase prme is to refer to the "Icy. and Mrs. I-~usauer ofms,an, me payro. ~~avmgs farm account book for the year CW~ssa. Mrs. Charles Kuta. pron. of purchase." ~':;. Maria Knecht, and Miss ~" "lyn Knecht and Cpl. Jack KIWA~O---0--RG---~ZE ............................... S [ ]~'--dy, both of Riehland. were HERE NEXT THURSDAY ~~l Better Values- Lower Price r~, her~e on SundagUests nt the Ed Knecht tionTheremeetingWill bear an~heOrgani~a-Othello ~/"0~"~ 1951 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE DELUXE ..... 1995.|| H. h('sgt, andMrs.YEar] Pyle and ~'/'--~~ 13,000 miles, executive car, power glide, ] 1~ Kiwanis club on 2~hursda,v at ,J~/~f~g/]~t~ ,~onM,. andBill Mrs.°f MoseSEvan HalILake'visitedand 12:30 P.M. at Louise s Ca~e. ~~~ A very sharp car. |L__ ~dhaevAdOlph Jeske home on Representatives from the 1950 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE DELUXE 179t Spoka, ne and Ephrata ~ I~as everything for driving comfort .... rr, ,Fred SCJaz~.tder and Mr. ,clubs will, be present. Every- Power glide, radio, heater, seat covers. A ','~rt Gasw.fnt'bf Moses Lakeone in'terested is urged to at- - - • ,,r~" spendin~ a few days in I,~ iston. Idaho. ~-r. and Mrs. William Felton d~"e to Moses Lake Thursday. n/:r. and Mrs. Roy Gardiner ~r~. family visitel in Othello o~ r:ridav. T.'-mald Johanson. Dorena Cry" by, and Marilvn Dordey. ~'f e'heney, spent the week end .tend. SIT-SULIP CAMPFIRE GROUP MEETS day visiting in Odessa. The Sit-Sulip C~mpfire girls Mr. and Mrs. Carl Humphrey r,,et at the home of Mrs. Glad- and sons of Moses Lake visited ys Para on Wednesda•y after- at the Ed HumphreY home on n, oon.21he girls worked on ,their Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Knechf * memory books for part of the went to Ritzville Thursday. meetin,g. These books :are din- i,~ ~Varden. Mrs. Al~bert Gaswint and ries or records of ,t~he girls' ?.h's. Dan Burkholz spent children of Moses Lake are (-'mn~p¢ire experien~ces. Friday in Ritzville. spending a few days visiting atThe treasurer reported t,hat "Y ~eClnt~roS RfdviJl,~Sek~a~nd the Fred Schneider residence, an ~aTcount has been opened George Prekeges of Rich- at the Ot~hel]o St,a~e Bank in land visited here over the week ~he name o,f the group. J" ~ph Burkholz spent Satur-end. ~' t ....... ] Mr. and Mrs. Russell Radach A visitor, Valerie W~lson, at- of Pullman spent the week end.~tended the meetin~g. De nekas & Dunkan in Warden. Donna Stewart, a porter ] r', / Mr. Dan Burkholz and Ralph 'I funeral Home | wentto Moses Lake on Friday. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Rich CHES-KE-MAY GItOUP !, RITZY, [LLE i are the proud par~--nts of a baby MEET~ WEDNESDAY boy born last week at Ephrata. The Ches-Ke-M, ay Oam,l~fire ~~--~"~[ Week end guests of Miss Bey- group met wednesday at the ,151.151"I-It/IN 15 L son and Gerry Wiliscorph of ,0isitor, :Blanche Bush, was :] [ erly Steele were Carol Richard- h,,me of Mrs. Ran Drake. One --- - Ellensburg, Wash. I I',~ ~numen~ and Markerst ~ prels'errt" Tihe girls are working on a I Try a Classified Ad party fortheirsponsor~ on s.r,i e 2 :our' Ambulance Valentine day. i They bring Results! Mrs. Laura M.oore gave a e~;.lk on good grooming. Next " ' . week the girls will have a eon- tes~ for Vhe best l~air style. Mrs. Moore will be t:he judge. Ja~ckie Moore. Scribe l ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING and Wiring Othello Electric FI:tEE ESTIMATES PHONE 3332 SKID-RIDS would have PREVENTED THIS I And Skid-Rids on your car will prevent you from skid- cling into a dangerous acci- dent. Inquire at the . • • Ritzville Tire Shop Phone 270-W ~itzville, Wash. I f 1949 CHEVROLET STYLINE DELUXE ........... Radio, heater, as clean as they come 1949 PLYMOUTH CONVERTIBLE ................ It's a beauty -- see it and drive it. 1949 MERCURY SEDAN ........................................ Radio, heater, overdrive-- A big car for a small price 1949 DODGE SEDAN .......................................... Its' clean and ready to show its dependability 1951 CHEVROLET BEL AIR ................................ Tops every way, executive ear--two-tone green, Only 8,000 miles--like new ' I TRY YOUR FOR A DOWN PAYMEN TRADE-IN 1948 OLDSMOBILE CLUB COUPE .................... 1335 Radio, heater, hydramatic, exceptionally clean 1947 HUDSON SUPER-SIX .................................... 872 Brougham---You-"ll have to see it to believe it 1942, NASH COUPE ........................................... ,.. 412 600' New paint, Brougham 1939 FORD TUDOR .................................................. Runs good--Try it 1939 FORD TUDOR ' 295 It runs good, too 1940 SASH COUPE .................................................. 221 You'll like it for 1941 STUDEBAKER TUDOR ................................ 271 "Champ" you'll be surprised for THE BEsT SELECTION OF USED CARS 1948 FORD TRUCK .... : ............................................. 1391 F5, 20,000 miles, flatbed 1938 INTERNATIONAL TRUCK ........................ 391 Flatbed--Lot of hauling left for 1937 GMC PICKUP .................................................... 271 ,Flatbed ~-Ton, 1944 Chev. Motor 1944 CHEVROLET BUS ....................................... 65t "A fine truck--bus body Phone 12 Th Eh l~ 0ms011 8vr0 Ritzvil Pl i