National Sponsors
January 25, 1952 The Othello Outlook | ![]() |
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January 25, 1952 |
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. PAGE 4 ' ' ' ''":: i i .~ .," ''"i' " " ..... ..J FI~I
~" C Webb pointed out another --_-_~-~-_---v---~-~-_-_-~-~-~ I -----
is that R'has S~rnaries on both ~ L'IdlIlliWIL" ~ //~
At N w High o TO B Explai basis, r.mF, nr.
• Warden high h0ol Courgars
trav'ei ,to Grand C flee latter is sirniliar to the cash sum-"" .... •
• mary except that it also includes ,ml-~,. ~ mq*. I Mr.
day evenlng, JanUary IB, to be i Defense bond buyers r n l~y- i ....... an inventory of crops and live- "|'IL~ L'A'|':L"~ I ~ard
def~ated bY the ove~elming roll Savings pLa~s,in ~ state in- I~arrn accouhfi~g .systems gtock. ~.I~,~ J. ~tJJtL I ~r
score of 6§ .to 37. Hig~ pointdustries and companies are atand farmers' income ax re
lttan for Warden was Frank an albttme high" since" the end • • t ~ - income tax returns may be oi ,ann
SeIfridge wLth 14 points, o~ the second World War. ports, will be explained at a made on either a cash or accru- LIND ] ~nU~'
The next evening Warden A total o~ 77,692 employees rneezmg at 7 p. T/l. new al basis, Webb explained. "~------~---------v-"---~-"7 i ,r~
~"as defealed on their home are regularly purchasing de- Wednesday, January 30, at Webb said other reasons for t-n~ ~" ~ ~:_e~| ~r.,
keeping accurate farm accounts .................... ~ a~d ]
fl0orby Quincy, 46 to 30. High f e, nse bonds where.:they work. the Ritzvi]le high school farm include" "A Yo -- ~ Mr
point man for Warden was Or- rne average mommy aeaue- shop " . . $ ung 2-~$ I s£ "
Vflle Selfridge with 10 points, tion, over $22, brings to each T;~ W,~,~, w,,,~ti,,n~l a~-ic,,1 (1) To prowde a basra for ~r v- ~t " e~ur'
The Warden grade school de- ,~m,,~ov .... a,,,~r-~e ,,~ ~4 ¢2~ ................ ~," ~ -studying features of farm man- IOU reel i ~ss.
rented the Quincy grade school clef~=~"boncl~ eacl~ ,,=~ ~" " ture teacher lining Up the meet- aement to increase profits; } Mr
w~ith a score of 25 to 16 the"~"I"-~"~'~'~;~'/',, ---,~-,o,.,r, ~,--":°r'~'~"----- f'~,~,----~ ...... ~ing'~,,,~said this~,,+,,,o;,,,,week that¢~r,.,,Arthur~n (2) To provide a complete list T~O~tmY W~tttleYrsl)en.t'
same evening, on the effectiveness of last .... s-? .... ~."?:'?" "~..:"_"'~ " of farm property in case of a i L.a~ke
Saturday, January 19. the ye-r,-~ ~ fir-'~ u-~efen-e~ bond u~riv^~ agemenz specmnsz,, wm oe .an fire; .... A ~J
qrade school was defeated by Edward Cross, county savings hand to dmcuss record-keeping (3) To serve as a historical ! r~flrs
lhe Soap Lake grade school bybonds chairman, stated that mr zarmers. ,,mL
score of 44 to 19. 250 additional employees sign- All farmers and other inter- ness;rec°rd of farm and farm bust- SUN.,~ MON.o JAN. 27-28t~ ~ew~ t]
SCHOOL DANCE e d up to buy bonds monthly, e sted persons are invited to at- ~n~~ ar ngem :?st T~: ~C£%e8 i ~d:~S!
. Saturday, January" 19, theThere are now 863 compan- tend the meeting• County Ag- ~4) T?e PraOVind; arabamSe r
s*~t~dents of Warden high school ies in the state with the pay- ent Bob Martin is cooperatinge a
held a school party in the cam- roll savings plan in operation, on the plans. " - J Cle
-mnity hall following the bas- Of 'the 140,000 employees in Webb said Cagle also will dis- (5) To determine financial Bin~ Crosbv -- Jane wv~ "
progress during the year. "___" ..... -:--~-~ guest
ketball game. these firms, 50,076. or 36 per cuss farm leases and rentals, ,~ da~yl:
The theme of the dance was cent, are buying bonds regu- the operator-manager set-up,
"Cold, Cold Heart." and the ~ar~y. th,~ ~ na .......... and problems arising from such ~ ny *P
music was furnished by the ............ u. zeuerax~y era- arrangements. ! Mr.
? ~tdnight Rhvthmiers, a bandployees, excluding all armed "It is extremely important to
~'nmposed of high school stu-,, services personnel, 27,616, or keep farm record books," Webb IN OFHELLO • I~ebf cp:
d,mts. - 52 per cent, are monthly bondcommented, "and this meeting en~
Hotdogs and poo were soia. ou,yers. , ....... will tell farmers why and ex- t~--_:
C'hat~erones were Mr. and Mrs. ~ sys~emauc tnr]~ program plain how record books should SEE JACK DONLEY nd rM
~'illizm Felton. Mr. and Mrs. for employees, such as thepay- be kept. , _ r
~'m Nutlev,~and Mr. and Mrs. roll savings plan. for aetense."Record books often save" ~ar- AT in
~,'nil Suko. r bond purchasesl ~s essential for mers monev
TOWN TEAM a sound financial economy in "Th~ ..... , DONLEY'S SUPER SERVICE
..... n't na ................... ' ""
The Warden Town Team me ~amny commu i y or -
..... , .... ;,~ _ example, prowdes that the sale Cmrne,~
.... m its third straight league uon, t~ross sta~ea. 1-o. me of dairy animals, breeding stock, USED
~'sketball game on Tuesday. extent that an individua~ or~.~ w~ ~n;mM~ ,~v h,~ ,-,,, Mrs.
f il cc m lates back lo .................... " ......"
Jnuary 15. at Warden by de-. am y a u u . a " .g sidered as a sale of capital as-,.ck
f,"ffing the Connell Townies of future spending power, ~o ~,t~ -~.~m ,,~,s
5" to 43, that extent will we strenghen~:'In most cases, if the ani- " ~ i~" Mrs
Thursday evenin~.January the foundation of our local and real has been owned for at least ~X
" the team traveled to Ritz-national economy;" ._ , ~ 12 months, only 50 per cent of
/ . . /
-;'le where they were defeated, t~ross expresseo manKs m. • O~ I :
....... the gain ]s taxable. The purch-
i,~ the last minu,~e of play by memners o~ ms sawngs oonos • .
......... ase price of course, is deducted
" core of 57 to 56. Ben Fuchs committee ior melr asmsmnce ........
.... . . . _ irom ~nc sale price ~o ae~erm-
~'~ Warden, scoring in botl~ m promonng me sine at he- i,~. th~ ,,v,,fi~
- ~,o:ues with 19 and 21 pointsfense bonds during last year "-"T'h'e ~si*e:'t .... to fi.~ th~ S
re-~ectivelv, and encouraging companies to - - .~'. ............
...... I" ~ . _ purchase prme is to refer to the
"Icy. and Mrs. I-~usauer ofms,an, me payro. ~~avmgs farm account book for the year
CW~ssa. Mrs. Charles Kuta. pron. of purchase."
~':;. Maria Knecht, and Miss
~" "lyn Knecht and Cpl. Jack KIWA~O---0--RG---~ZE ............................... S [
]~'--dy, both of Riehland. were HERE NEXT THURSDAY ~~l Better Values- Lower Price
r~, her~e on SundagUests nt the Ed Knecht tionTheremeetingWill bear an~heOrgani~a-Othello ~/"0~"~ 1951 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE DELUXE ..... 1995.|| H.
h('sgt, andMrs.YEar] Pyle and ~'/'--~~ 13,000 miles, executive car, power glide, ] 1~
Kiwanis club on 2~hursda,v at ,J~/~f~g/]~t~
,~onM,. andBill Mrs.°f MoseSEvan HalILake'visitedand 12:30 P.M. at Louise s Ca~e. ~~~ A very sharp car. |L__
~dhaevAdOlph Jeske home on Representatives from the 1950 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE DELUXE 179t
Spoka, ne and Ephrata ~ I~as everything for driving comfort ....
rr, ,Fred SCJaz~.tder and Mr. ,clubs will, be present. Every-
Power glide, radio, heater, seat covers.
A ','~rt Gasw.fnt'bf Moses Lakeone in'terested is urged to at- - -
• ,,r~" spendin~ a few days in
I,~ iston. Idaho.
~-r. and Mrs. William Felton
d~"e to Moses Lake Thursday.
n/:r. and Mrs. Roy Gardiner
~r~. family visitel in Othello
o~ r:ridav.
T.'-mald Johanson. Dorena
Cry" by, and Marilvn Dordey.
~'f e'heney, spent the week end
day visiting in Odessa. The Sit-Sulip C~mpfire girls
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Humphrey r,,et at the home of Mrs. Glad-
and sons of Moses Lake visited ys Para on Wednesda•y after-
at the Ed HumphreY home on n, oon.21he girls worked on ,their
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Knechf * memory books for part of the
went to Ritzville Thursday. meetin,g. These books :are din-
i,~ ~Varden. Mrs. Al~bert Gaswint and ries or records of ,t~he girls'
?.h's. Dan Burkholz spent children of Moses Lake are (-'mn~p¢ire experien~ces.
Friday in Ritzville. spending a few days visiting atThe treasurer reported t,hat
"Y ~eClnt~roS RfdviJl,~Sek~a~nd the Fred Schneider residence, an ~aTcount has been opened
George Prekeges of Rich- at the Ot~hel]o St,a~e Bank in
land visited here over the week ~he name o,f the group.
J" ~ph Burkholz spent Satur-end. ~'
t ....... ] Mr. and Mrs. Russell Radach A visitor, Valerie W~lson, at-
of Pullman spent the week end.~tended the meetin~g.
De nekas & Dunkan in Warden. Donna Stewart, a porter
] r', / Mr. Dan Burkholz and Ralph
'I funeral Home | wentto Moses Lake on Friday.
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Rich CHES-KE-MAY GItOUP
!, RITZY, [LLE i are the proud par~--nts of a baby MEET~ WEDNESDAY
boy born last week at Ephrata. The Ches-Ke-M, ay Oam,l~fire
~~--~"~[ Week end guests of Miss Bey- group met wednesday at the
,151.151"I-It/IN 15
L son and Gerry Wiliscorph of ,0isitor, :Blanche Bush, was
:] [ erly Steele were Carol Richard- h,,me of Mrs. Ran Drake. One
--- - Ellensburg, Wash.
I I',~ ~numen~ and Markerst ~ prels'errt"
Tihe girls are working on a
I Try a Classified Ad party fortheirsponsor~ on
s.r,i e
Valentine day.
i They bring Results! Mrs. Laura M.oore gave a
e~;.lk on good grooming. Next
" ' . week the girls will have a eon-
tes~ for Vhe best l~air style.
Mrs. Moore will be t:he judge.
Ja~ckie Moore. Scribe
and Wiring
Othello Electric
would have
I And Skid-Rids on your car
will prevent you from skid-
cling into a dangerous acci-
dent. Inquire at the . • •
Ritzville Tire Shop
Phone 270-W ~itzville, Wash.
Radio, heater, as clean as they come
1949 PLYMOUTH CONVERTIBLE ................
It's a beauty -- see it and drive it.
1949 MERCURY SEDAN ........................................
Radio, heater, overdrive--
A big car for a small price
1949 DODGE SEDAN ..........................................
Its' clean and ready to show its dependability
1951 CHEVROLET BEL AIR ................................
Tops every way, executive ear--two-tone green,
Only 8,000 miles--like new '
1948 OLDSMOBILE CLUB COUPE .................... 1335
Radio, heater, hydramatic, exceptionally clean
1947 HUDSON SUPER-SIX .................................... 872
Brougham---You-"ll have to see it to believe it
1942, NASH COUPE ........................................... ,.. 412
600' New paint, Brougham
1939 FORD TUDOR ..................................................
Runs good--Try it
1939 FORD TUDOR ' 295
It runs good, too
1940 SASH COUPE .................................................. 221
You'll like it for
1941 STUDEBAKER TUDOR ................................ 271
"Champ" you'll be surprised for
1948 FORD TRUCK .... : ............................................. 1391
F5, 20,000 miles, flatbed
1938 INTERNATIONAL TRUCK ........................ 391
Flatbed--Lot of hauling left for
1937 GMC PICKUP .................................................... 271
,Flatbed ~-Ton, 1944 Chev. Motor
1944 CHEVROLET BUS ....................................... 65t
"A fine truck--bus body
Phone 12
Th Eh l~
0ms011 8vr0