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Newspaper Archive of
The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
January 25, 1952     The Othello Outlook
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January 25, 1952
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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FRIDAY, SR.NUARY 25, 195Z THE OTHELLO~ OUTLOOK PAGE $ .... Mr. ~ Drake w-as in Pore- lard TCmvsHasr on. business. [Mr. arid iMP. [Paul Brown 'and fam$1y spenCt ,the wt~ekend in ~Rie,hland a,t 0he ~o~rm of her siscer Mrs. Miles Patrick m~d fam'ily. Mr. Harley Dirks is leav,ing ,Sa~u:rday for SeatVle on busin- ess. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Bisoho¢[ spen,t ]tam 'Wednesday in 2Yloses L'a~ke visiting friends. 'Mrs. Audie Hays and son, dish, left Monday ,to spend a few tlays a,t the 'home of her da'ughter, Mrs. Ray Stevens, In iShelton, VCa,~hir~g~on. Mrs. Clem H,u,~ch'inson of Cle E],um was the weekend guest ,o,f her son-in-l,aw and dm~yhter, Mr. and Mrs. Jo,hn- ny ~Para Mr. and Mrs. Rormld Crider bf Pas~o spen,t Tuesd,ay even- here visi,ting his parents, Mr. end Mrs. John Cri,der, and a¢- tend~n!g the baske~bal{l game. Mr. Ed Emry spent Tuesday in Spokane on business. M,rs. Paul .M~cA~le,e starts Monday as secretary ¢or At- ,he Omar ,Bixler ho~ne in Mos- JAYCEES SPONSOR es .Lake Tuesdey. iMp. and Mrs. Viotor McLeod spen Saturday tn Pasco. CUBBING PROGRAM Mrs. Ray Myers entertained at Canasta Monday a$,ternoon. Guests incloded Mrs. trarley Werner, Mrs. Esther Kraft, and Mrs. 'Bee Trout. ~Vf~-. and Mrs. L. W. Oney spen:t Friday in MosesL~ke. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hanks and children were dinner guests of the Johnny Mercers F'ri,0.ay evenin,g. Mrs. Olive Bartz o~ Grand Coule~ arrived Monday for a visit with Mr..anal Mrs. C. J. B,~g, a and Mrs Edith Pess- ein. Mr. and 'Mrs. Everett Michel s,pen~ Mond'ay in Paseo shop- ping. ~VIr. and Mrs. Clyde Mat% hews, Mr. and Mrs. Bo~bert Rolo~'f, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mdehel, Mr. and Mrs. Cl~ff Mi~ohel and Mr. and Mrs. ~on- ~ld Crider of Pasta wen,t bo~rl in!z in Moses Lake Sa,t~rday evening. ~g¢. and Mrs. Weft ~eidel- berg of Pasco were weekend guests o.f her parents, .Mr. and The Othello Junior Chamber of Commerce is the sponsoring body for a Cub Scout Pack in Othello. "~i~'e Ct~bb]ng program is pa~ of the Boy Scouts of Am- eNca and is for boys of ~he ~ges of 8, 9. and 10 year'. The whole program is de- signed to bring a closer rela- tionship of the boy with his home and parents while asso- ciating w~ith other boys. his own age. The cu,bs learn through a program of games, stunts~ han- dicrafts, hobbies and a chance. to do thin~s for others. ~bout 17 parents were at a m~eting held in .the City hall Tuesday evening under the auspicies of the Jr. Chamber. All parents of boys wh~ wish to join ~he Cub Scouts are ask- ed to attend a .series of ~meet- ings and movies as an indoc- trinatign course, since the movement is ma,inly a parent- child relationship. The first meeting has ,been planned for February 7 and a second meeting .to start at ,~ p.m. on Sunday February 10. A third meeting will be held fol- lowing a potluck dinner on the evening of the 10Vh. The third meeting vcilfl be the final session when parents will be chosen for Cubmaster and Den,mothers and 'the ~boys will be divided into dens. The whole Othello Cub Scout organization should be in full operation by February 15, according to Floyd Harri- man. Scout Field Executive for the Inland Empire Council for this district. ¢~rney Paul B onnelt. ~Vlrs. Ru,th Burns of Ephra,'t~ was the weekend guest o,f the J'ack Bmckens. Mrs. Ira E'a,gan and Mrs. J,'.¢k ,Bracken were ,gues,ts at ELECTROLUX Sales and Service Polisher and Accessories H. S. SULGROVE Ritzville, Washington Call Phone 385-W Mrs. Frank Scht~macher. Mr. an!d Mrs. Frank Schu- m~cher end daugh,te,r, DOrothy are 'l~lanning to spend the w e~lnd |n Ri~hland a~ct Fas,eo visiting son, Bob and daughter Donna ,Heidelberg. ,Ch,ar4~es :S.~afer has 'been ill for a ~ew days and ou,t of ~Chool. Mr. ,and Mrs. D. V¢. G~asty of Cheney are spending a few days her sister, Mrs. John ny Mercer and family. CRAB CiREtEK SKATING Ska.ting 'has proven very good on Crab Creek th,is year just below the Taunton sub- station. Try a Classified Ad AUTO GLASS INSTALLED TABLE "f~) PS MIRRORS PLATE GLASS ALL TYPES OF GLAZING RitZville Paint and Blass g0. "DUTCH BOY" PAINTS CUSTOM GLASS AND MIRROR WORK OF ALL TYPES PHONE 306 RITZVILLE STANDARD M. A. TERRY, Wholesale Distributor Standard Oil Co. of California PHONE 3401 OTHELLO BLUEBIRDS ELECT OFFICERS MONDAY ~he Violets group of Blue- birds met Mond'ay a:~ternoon at "he home of Mrs.Matt 'Ken- nedy. Work wa~ started on the C~'n'!~,fire birth'day ~orojec't. "Design for Friends~hip," and n~,xv officer~ were elected for 'the comin< two months, Sandra Brown is president; Sa'ly H~¢on, vice presiden:t:. Sharon Kennedy, secre~Jary: ('(;re Bis hof", 'reasurer: Shir- ley Ftewart, scribe: Trudy Mc- Courtie, scrapbook: Mary Ann "ve~"~er and Felly Zyph, can- d!eli,~hters and games. Report Cards Will Be Issued Monday Report cards for the first semester of the 1951-52 school year will be issued Monday, Exams have kept both stu- dents and teachers busy at the semester end last week, and papers are now being corrected by the faculty. Publication of the honor roll will follow issuan¢e of report cards. Try a Classified Ad FOR REALLY DEPENDABLE DRY CLEANING SERVICE It's The MODERN DRY' CLEANERS OF RITZVILLE Pickups and deliveries each Thursday in Othello. We'll stop when your card is up. If you don't have a card and want one, see Harley's Clo- thing." It's the green Modern Dry Cleaners truck for depend- able dry cleaning. PTA lV~EETS Ab(mt 20 people a~tended the 'PTA meeting heltl ~t the high school Tuesday n'~t~hl. Mr. H. E. Wersen, safety e~:gineer for the Bureau of Reelamalion at I~phrata w,as the principal speaker, assisted by Mr. V. Graybeek. They arowd3 two movi'eh---~r~e on so,feW and one on t:he life his- tory o'," the rat. Mr. Tom Bo~ker gave a progress report on the 'l.ay c~m mittee appointed to assist t,he School Board in p,l~nning .for a new building. Carl Loeh- nffller, Glenn Warner and Jc~hn Kisler will £omn the nu- e!cus of the eommi,ttee. A Chinese afletion wah held afttr the business n~eeting, and was reported to be very successful The seven,th and eig~,th grades ,had the m~s,t vartm~-s in attendance. HERE'S MORE otrr-- OTHELLO BEHIND cording to Othello Mayor Clyde Ma~hews, Thursday an application was sen,t in from the west coast defense area towns, asking .for vnore money to be ,provided for the ones left "behind the door." If more funds are appropria- ted and Othello gets in line for her share of federal aid th,is may well ~ the answer to a sewer system, commercial wa- ter and ,pler~ty more knotty problems vchich are worrying the city council and towns- people of this area. Try a Classified Ad A. H. Varnes, O. D. OPTOMETRIST Phone 22-J Ritsville, Washington ,,, ..... = { 9 Reg. 2.75 Folding V/J. Clothes Dryer No excuse ¢or not 'washin:.~ when it's raining: this roomy dryer with 32 ,feet of .drying space is handy for porch, basement or in- doors. Smoothly finished. 2 Gal. Can Auto- King Motor Oil ..... ~ 100 pcrcvnt distilled, clean oil that's,~ ~ee from wax c.nd 'hard and s i!~ky car- bon~. Flows freely, lubri- cates thoraughly. Your car deserves this ~consistently good oil. R egg 103~?Sp e r 2~a i~ a~:Top early ~or t~his ~ ~ big saving gloves. ~ Reg 8.95 Qt. Blow Torch Wilh brass tank and bron- ze burner. Generates ex- tremely hot flame. Co~l valve 'handle. A depend- able torch for general use. Guaranteed. Fine Pocket Knife Wonder knife value! Hand so'me 'fancy plastic handles brass liners. n i~clcled bol- ,~V,~: s. ~:g~4,9c Marshall-Wells Stores Assoc. I