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February 14, 1974 The Othello Outlook | |
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February 14, 1974 |
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Typing Scoville Gets u ,ies io many area .e
called the district buildings THE OTHELLO OUTLOOK - Pale 3
and grounds 'in deplorable
es Open Top Country condition', negotiations are still under-listedasalaryincreaseofsix i
"Come out and take a look at way. per cent as part of the '~
Tuesday Club Office. oughtthis levy'" he added" "Y°u [ MMthe facilitieSto havebef°remore studyy°U Seton The original levy proposal estimatedTrailerSalesfigures" =
typing classes offering Clifford Scoville was re-
credit arescheduled to elected president of the the physical needs of the I
underway here next ,e::::4 Othello Golf and Country Club district." I m Grand Coulee, fall Collect 633-0303
lay, Feb. 19, officials of ; here last Saturday night as Following the action by the
directors on the levy amount, I SAVE ON THIS ONE!
end Community College club members were offered an Padgett said he felt "the public I The Famous and Precious HOLIDAY RAMBLER
Moses Lake announced this optimistic outlook during their will go for more. You're way I 1970....8/29 Excellent! Excellent Condition! This is the
~ek. annual meeting, under." [ top line merchandise on display here!
The classes, SEC 101 - Scoville, whohas served the Board President Ray Gross
inning Typewriting, and : ..... past year as president, was
'. 102- Intermediate Type- also re-elected to a new answered"Ifwedon'tgetthat, I JUST ARRIVED!!!!!
ing, will each offer two two-year term on the associ- think what we've got."
its and be instructed by ...... tion board. Other new board Salary Question I 14 WIDE! 2 Baths...3 bedrooms ....
Olinsky. _ members are Harry SargentThe one question remaining I This one has all the goodies!
e reported that the and Stephen Connors. unresolved at the meetingwas
sesate designed for those Sargent was elected new the amount of salary increase I Whee! Whee!
wish to pursue a college vice president with Hazelthe staff members will receive I M&M has 4 Double Wides Set Up for Your Inspection!
lsecretarialscience, Gatlinger serving as secre- next year. Lyda reported ] 3....3bedrooms 1....2bedrooms
their professional tary-treasurer.Holdoverduring the meeting that
board members are Tom Para,
ng skills or improve their
skills for personal :
Gaff Para and Bill Trescott.
During the meeting, the
members got a look at the
financial statement and then
~ :~: set a new assessment aimed at
increasing use of the club-
house facilities.
"The step was taken in lieu
of raising the dues and we
hope it will promote more
participation by all members,"
Scoville reported.
The new assessment will be
RIGHT OUT OF THE FIFTIES - Six Othello High School seniors clown a bit in attire $10 per month, $30 per quarter
right out oI the 1950s as they prepare for a skit to be presented during the Senior Class or $120 per year and will give
Variety Show scheduled tonight. From left are Dana Loman, Mike Kostad, Kenny Mobs, members credit toward food,
Keri Boyd, Rich Mollotte and Suzan Guenther. drink and entertainment inthe
" ' ceja ~--------:----:--------:--------------- clubhouse.
Winners Are Announ Talent Show Scoville said that board
members are presently in-
ning Typing will
mastery of the
and introduction to
letter forms and
personal typing problems.
class will meet Tuesday
Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m.
inn Feb. 19 for 11 weeks
14 at Othello High
~e Intermediate Typing
tinuation of typing
and letter forms.
work situations
introduced as well as
work. The class
meet at the same time and
as the other course.
n will be held at
le first and second class
InNs with a course fee of
per credit hour.
ig vestigating the possibility of
In 4 H Contest Is TO" ht providing mealsonFridayor
" An evening of fun under the Saturday nights or a Sunday
theme of "Fabulous Fifties buffet. "We hope to have
E i EPHRATA - Presentation will be held at the Big Bend with Love" is promised here something moretooffer soon,"
Ven ng of American and 4-H display Community College commun-tonight when the Othello High he explained.
flag sets to each area president ity centeron the North School Class of 1974 presents The new president noted
C highlighted the February Campus. its talent show. • that board meetings are held
ounts meeting of the Grant-AdamsIt is set for Mar. 9 and will The event is scheduled for on the second Thursday of
4.H Leaders Council last week. open at noon. Booths will be 7:30 p.m. at the High School each month and all members
for BBCC The flag presentation wasopen from 2 to 5 p.m. withthe gymnasiumwithafull-evening are welcome to attend.
made by leaders council program scheduled from 6 to9 of entertainment on tap. More Al,out...•
MOSESLAKE.EnroIlment president Margaret Schiffner. p.m. The 4-H Teens will Class officials reported that
sp°ns°radancefr°mgt°ll m°rethantw°dozenactswillp.m. ~ h OH
adult evening classes and Special committees were C
:tended campus activities be in the talent competition in C G S
.~hin the college district appointed to judge the several Featured will be movies, fun the show with several skits by
,,-pea more than 50 per cent contests 4-Hers had entered, booths, ponyrides, door prizes class members on the 1950sdent and members of the com-
wring the winter quarter, Winners of county record and food. All area residents also on the program, munityforimprovementofthe
red Huston, director of adult books apply for the 4-H are invited to attend. Trophies will be awarded to educational program in gen-
scholarships in winning order
nd continuing education, told were George Keilman of the first three finishers in the eraland theMcFarland Junior
ig Bend Community CollegeQuincy; Doug Berg, Warden; 0the[[o BPW talent competition. High program in particular,"
,UStees this week. and Karla Parker,Royal Proceeds from the event Hardt said. "In the spirit of
ae0n the Moses Lake campuS,enrollment increased from Slope. will be used for theSenior Bali, progress that has been made,
Delegates at class promotion and a class gift let us all continue our efforts."
24 students in 43 classe to the school.
~t:~ng::e fall quarter to 815 The winning 4-H scholarship . In adding his support, Davis
applicant is Jim Richins of State MeeiJng ~ ........ noted that the elective pro-
n 55 classes at the Moses Lake. gram at the junior high was
~tartofthewinter quarter last The only fund raising event Peggy Klingeman, Norine 0theHo Student wiped out by the levy loss two
the Leaders Council sponsors Guenther and Letha Nihoul years agoand still hasn't been
in Quincy the enrollment during the year is the annual attended Business and Pro- Named Board Rep restored.
from 44 students inFun Fair. This year the event fessional Club winter board in Higher Figure
classes to 206 in 12 Wenatcheethis past weekend.
LAK~, ~ Also urging a higher levy
MOSES ~ - lwo .
non "" • hgure was Dwayne Padgett,
lngs. Coulee City, Geor- Director Named t'~ans were made for state changes in ~oun osi-
g P ........
p Lake and convention scheduled for May tions on the board of trustees ~ auto. shop. instructor at tlie
arden, which offered no
last fall, now have By Masonic Unit 16-19 in Spokane. of Big Bend Community Col- Othello High School.
than 200 students Attending the meet were lege were noted at the board's Padgett pointed to hard
work of employees of the dis-
mding various courses. At its annual session 195 women from around the regular February meeting, trict and noted that they are
two communities Monday, the Temple Associ- state, many of them arriving Richard Griffin, faculty re-
drops in enrollment, ation of Paul Revere Masonic by chartered buses from the presentative to the board, working without adequate
itzville and Odessa. Ephrata Lodge reelected Frederick J. Spokane, Seattle and Tacoma submitted his resignation. He I
bOWed only a slight gain over Kliphardt of Warden to the areas, said he felt he was ineffective
, previous quarter, association's board of direr- The local club will spotlight as a faculty representative and
he statistics did not tots for a three-year term. International BPW Club Week that he had become heavily
ude adult basic education Everett A. Watson was also and Washington State Heri- involved in a number of other
being conducted in reelected to the board for a tage Month at the Feb. 21 noon matters. The BBCC Faculty
Royal City, Quincy, three-year term. luncheon at Freddie's restau- Association will name his sac- "Leave It
Land Moses Lake, with Kliphardt, junior past mas- rant. cessor.
enrollment of 115.ter of the fraternal order, was A special program will be Ken Woody, Othello, a
also reelected chairman of the presented by club officers, student in the recreational
°~[~eY Won board. LymanB. Hanley, wor- New members welcomed equipment repair program,
shipful master, was elected into the club in recent weeks was introduced as new student
vice chairman, and Charles L. have been Peggy Ann Norr]s, representative to the board.
Davidson, secretary-tree-Martha Counsil, Elaine Ottem He was recently named to the
Jr BaseUnder_30team surer, and Joyce Gregg. post by the Student Senate.
season in
Air Base gym | '
they polish- lfOSTETT£R
Over-30, 3-2, to
tp in the Better Ideas
Imunity Volleyball ~ r -
team went
per'f~c~egular schedule
a t 8-0 record and
on last Thursday
a 3-1 victory over
een :mplement to get
)nd win against the
:;lI ~w. Over-30 finish-
. n the tournament
vergreen third and
and Associates in Now Is The Time To Check Your
(e plans are now
f°] m°ther r°und of Front End, Steering and Shock Absorbers.
ay on Wednesday
~reste d teams,
tang reported
Junior Varsity AB, AX and AA Series
t Saturday
handled the
team had
one of their few Each
season in the Installed Installed
twoweeks Lifetime Guarantee to The
dominated' Original Buyer
With the Pups
With their only pin
m the 190-pound
(O) d. Bob Passenger Cars Only
mdy Renken
; 129 - Brad
4-2; 135-
Heer, 9-8;
d. 262 S. 1st Othello 488-2626
(O) p.
No Liel
It's the truth! For 4 big days
Buy a bucket or barrel
of Colonel Sanders'
"finger lickin' good
Kentucky Fried Chicken®
and take home a freshly
baked large
Fri. thru Mon.
Feb. 15-18
4th & Main
Offer Good While Supply Lasts
To Soil & Crop "
No secret at all
applied by Soil & Crop Service.
Fluids, especially liquid phosphate fertilizer grades promote early development
and sets the stage for top yields at the end of the year.
The more gorwers use liquids on root crops, the more the rest will hear'about
their good performances. It's time to start turning heads toward the good looking
beets you meet on your way.