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ON ME? - Omak's Don McCormack has a look of disbelief
as he questions the referee about a foul he just committed
in action last Friday. Taking his place quietly at the key
line is Johnny Capps.
The "second season" will
start this Saturday for the
1973-74 Othello Huskie wrest-
lers who last weekend became
the first-ever OHS athletic
team to go through a regular
schedule with a perfect record.
Coach Don Mikiska's
c.hargcs, who polished off
Omak and Ephrata to close
with a 19-0 record, will be
hoping to take the first step
toward the perfect climax to
the year in a state calm-
pionshipthis Saturday at
The Huskies will be big
favorites to win the district
tournament, which will fea-
ture the five North Central
Washington AA schools and
qualify two wrestlers for the
Eastern Washington regionals
to be held in Cheney the
following weekend.
Tournament sessions are
set for 1:30 and 7 p.m. at the
Ephrata High School gym-
With lots of momentum
provided by one of their
"biggest ever" basketball
victories- a 57-56 stunner over
the unbeaten Omak Pioneers-
Coach Daryl Preuninger's
Othello Huskies will be right in
the thick of the race for a
post-season playoff spot as
they take to the road for a pair
of key contests this weekend.
in ,
two of three playoff to decide In first round play here in buckets. Freimuth pulled the rugged full-court press. They
the North Central entrant into January the Huskies beat Pioneers within one at 15-14 in rolled up three quick baskets
the four-team Eastern Wash- Eastmont81-71, but lost 79-68 the opening minutes of thewiththe Huskies unable toget
ington regional, to Quincy.
With three games remain- Personnel-wise the Huskies
ing on the schedule, Preun- won't be at full strength for
lager sees two victories a the rough weekend. Junior
necessity if the Huskies are to guard Pete Boyd, who stepped
qualify, into a starting spot last Friday
"We would be happy with a and was one of the keys in the
period, but the Huskies the ball across the center line,
doggedly hung on and still but then fouled Stephens with
were in front 23-22 at the half. just 13 seconds left and the
Omak Takes Lead score 57-54. The little junior,
The bubble appeared .to who bad a great game, missed
have burst for the Huskies as his chance to ice it for the
Billy Gunn and Freimuth hit Huskies. Omak came back
split this weekend, especially Omak victory, suffered an quick fielders to open the down for another quick basket
test. Both Nield
Mollotte went out of i
on fouls early in
period, leaving the
with just six players
the game. Hermiston !
five players on
closing seconds of
of Para, who had
from the floor, and
The young Huskies showedif the win could be against ankle sprain in first quarter second half and give the at :05, but couldn't get the ball who was four for
they hive"really come of age" Quincy," Preuninger reported play at Hermiston. He will be Pioneers the lead for the first for the game-winning shot as OTHELLO Fg
as they brought the league- Monday. "But, of course wesidelined this weekend with time at 26-23. However, the time ran out. Boyd 2
leading Pioneers' 16-game are going to go after themeither Dan Para or Greg Stephens came through with a The major difference in thePara 1
Stephens 4
winning streak to a screeching both. If we would win both of Goodwin movinginto the spot. pair to keep the Huskies in it. game came at the foulline as Goodwin 0
halt here Friday and then gave this weekend's games, we Follow Game Plan The Huskies then suddenly the Huskies converted on 21 of Skogley 1
a good account of themselves could sew it up right there.' In looking back to last broke in front with a flurry in 30 chances while the Pioneers Mollotte 2
in a wild 109-90 loss ton strong The coach pointed out thatFriday, Preuninger called the the final three minutes of the didn't make a free throw inNield 3
Capps 5
Hermiston, Ore., team on the big win over Omak lastHuskies' performance almost third quarter. Nieldhita lay-in seven chances. The Huskies TOTALS 18
Saturday night, weekend now gives the perfect from the standpoint of onagreat feed from Stephens, stat sheet alsoshowed Othello
Now they'll be down to even Huskies no worse than a tie for sticking to a pro-game plan. drew a foul and his three-with a 35-30 rebounding edge OMAK .......... Fg
more serious league play as the second spot if they can just "We knew we couldn't slow pointer made it 35-32. Ste- in the contest with Neild Gunn 2
Truitt 4
they attempt to finish no beat Quincy on Saturdaydown against them because phens came right back with a leading with 12. McCormack 5
worse than second and get into night, that is the kind of game they steal and Capps got the TrytoRun Bratrude 4 .
ac'tion. The Quincy Key play best. We also were afraid basket. Two free throws by Saturday at Hermiston, the Braver 1 0i
Huskies will be at East "We feel we should have of an all-out running game Capps and an eight-footer by Huskies attemptedtorun with --
Wenatchee to face the tough played better with Quincybecause of their board Stephens with six secondsthe state-rankedBulldogsand Frosb De
Eastmont Wildcats on Friday down here and will be goingall strength," the coach ex-left put the Huskies in a 44-36 just couldn't stay with them. - I~L_ .
night and Saturday move into out to win that one," he plained. "Our decision was to lead at the end of the quarter. The well-balanced HermistonCeO~]~] ~l]p L~
Quincy for a key showdown explained. "Actually we are try to work a mixture of'the Freimuth managed to nar- broke into a second quarter-- J
with the second place Jacks. lookingatboth games as being two. We looked for the quick, row the margin back to four lead and stayed there the rest TO Kenne~
Playoff at Stake equally tough and they'll be easy shot off the break, but if pointsin the fourth period, but of the way.
The Key incentive for the two hard nights in a row. we didn't get that asked the the Huskies' big edge in "Ithoughtofgoingtoamore The Othello Fresh~]lmmm"
Huskies will be a playoffspot. We've done well at home kids tostop, be pat!eat and go foul-shooting really took its deliberate game, but our big their season record t01wili Pal
The schedule calls for the con- through this final 10-gamefor the sure shot.' toll. The Huskies hit consis- men got fouls on them earlyaction here" earty' t'his~°rels~''~ yo~yo~
ference champ to host the stretch. Nowweare going,toThe plan worked for the tently from the free throwand Ididn'tfeelwewouldhave ~l~rotinmlv~o~i~ia°'Ybuatg~=~?they cla]meda thrdl:$1~t_lgS'wo~
second place team in a best have to do it on the road.Huskies most of the game, and line, and appeared headed the rebound strength to get
the local cagers came through home with the victory with a the ball backi' Preuninger
Y ,"
with the clutch victory.57-48 edge with only 1:13 reported. ~r,~****,
stopped 64-48 by ~. ~'"y'
"I was real pleased with the remaining. The Bulldogs controlled the ~ can hi
on Tuesday. .,~ a-';e"~
patience our kids showed," Pioneers Rally game through most of the The Fr°sh g°t °'*'di angVJr~][t)i la
Preuninger said."It was a real However, the Pioneers sad- second half, with fouls domin- overhme performan~ -'o ....
fine effort overall teamwise denly came to life with a ating the closely called con-" m n Miktlpr°ved
Brad Ada s a d ik~][~re°
and we got the best out of to finally nail down tl~.""
easilyeVery°ne we called on. We FINAL FULL WEEK the w d over im~r****~
could have folded a againstflConnell_t
nasium with Omak, Ephrata,
Eastmont and Quincy joining
the Huskies in the event.
On the basis of their regular
season showing this Satur-
day's action should be a breeze
for the Huskies who have eight
of their 12 entrants entered
with No. 1 seeds.
"We should take at least
nine or ten wrestlers into the
regionals the following week-
end," Mikiska reported Mon-
couple of times, but the kids were never more t,l~;ete~?
showed real poise in coming points apart through ttWt' u.
back." " ed | ****~
contest and finish
Jump In Front tion play at 52-a11. )s 60'x
The Huskies showed they
Pairings Listed meant business from the ue It was 56-all at the e~und uti
first overtime, with t~ _
Pairings will find theopening tip as they controlled finally breakingit oo40THE
regional entrants decidedtheballandathree-pointerby ~he.S~~d.
during the afternoon sessions Roger Nield gave them the Thanks to the Othello fashioning theirthrilling 57-56 s~:ond O:n~rti
of the district tournament. An lead. A floor-length drive by Huskies' stunner over the win over Omak to snap the p y y ;c~.
opening round will pit No. 4 Paul Stephens made it 9-4 at Omak Pioneers here last Pioneers' win string at 16, and hit three for six~ ~AT~
and S seeded wrestlers against 4:30 and the eioneers began to Friday, lots will be at stake in Quincy was beating Ephrata floor and 11 of 12 f~u~b'l~e~w]
each other. Action will then realize they were in for athe final full weekend of action handily 98-67 last Fridayfoullme, c°nvertedse.~e~w~" -.,a-o. ~e~
send the winner of that match rugged night, in the North Central Wash- night, free throws during ,t~g.. H
against the top-seeded men in The Huskie zone gave the ington AA League this FridayOn Saturday the Jack- time. ,lbeciate.
each weight withNo.2and No. Pioneers noticeable trouble, and Saturday. rabbits found just how tough Coach Jay Kosik a~.
P --C
3 men meetingin theother end but they slowly edged their While both Quincy and theOmak can be at home as they Adams, who iced the 7
of the bracket. Winners of way back through the second Huskies have mathematicallost 61-46 to the Pioneers and with 26 points, withe~
those matches will have quarter with big Steve Frei- chances of catching the missedachancetotakeashareclutch baskets in o~ ~
Other scoring inclu ~,~ ......
regionalspots and meet in the muth- who had a game high of Pioneers, that eventuallity of the lead. At Ephrata, ded~°ssese~
finals that evening. Wrestle- 24 points - getting key inside appears doubtful. The Pio- Eastmont kept its hold on 17; Rusty Taylor, eigl~ on .d
neers will finish off their fourth place with a 72-68 Nield, five; and
offs are also scheduled for the ,
losers for third place positions.
The Saturday night cham-
pionships will also be impor-
tant for seedings into the
In rather methodical and Four Are Perfect Schutte also leads the regional. The North Central
unspectacular fashion theIndividually, three of the "defensive" statistics. He has area will send two men to the
Othello Huskie wrestlers Huskies completed the dual been taken down only onceregional, with the Frontier of
made OHS sports history here meet season with perfect this season and has not given the Spokane area getting two
last Saturday night as they records. Schutte ended with a up any nearfall points. Mohs and a half and the Yakima
polished off the Ephrata 15-0 record with four pins, has been taken down just Valley three and a half. The
twice and has four nearfall
points against him.
Gilbert has lost just three
takedowns and has been on his
back just twice, while Emer-
son and Bliss also have been on
their backs only twice.
Tigers 34-15. Scott Bliss had 12-0 with seven
The victory, following a 47-0 pins and Kenny Mobs was 12-0
trouncing of Omak the night with six pins.
before, left the Huskies with a Right behind them are Neff
19-0 record as the first-ever Gilbert, 10-1 with three pins;
unbeaten school athletic Nels Emerson, 12-1 with a
squad. The Ephrata victoryteam high of nine pins; and
wasalso the 28th straight dual Bets at 8-1-1 with two pins.
match win for the Huskies and Records for other Huskies
"halves" will be decided by a
pre-regional wrestle-off be-
tween the Frontier tourna-
ment third place finishers and
the Yakima Valley tourna-
ment fourth place finishers.
Eight Ranked Tops
Gaining first place seeds
• into district for the Huskies
gave them their first undis- who will be going into district r01 ~ nomatch; 108-no match; 115 are Neil Gilbert, Kevin Beus,
puted North Central Wash- are Steve Niblett, 4-6-1: Steve Niblett (O) p. Steve Boyle, Kenny Schutte, Scott Bliss,
ington AA Conference title. Edson, 10-4; Craig Solbrack, 4:35; 122- Chan Bailey (O)p. Rich Kenny Mohs, Dan Edson,
Damskov, 4:33; 129- Kenny Schutte Craig Solbrack and Nels
The Huskies had shared the8-2; Dan Mendez, 4-6; Efrain (O) d. Rick Caryl, 22-8; 135 - Brad
crown with Ephrata last year, Ramirez, 4-6; and Andy Solbrack (O) d. Gary Stalder, 21-0; Emerson. Dan Mendez and
and Eastmont the year before Lampe, 4-1. 141-MarkMohs (O) p. Matt Cristoff, Efrain Ramirez have No. 2
5:42; 148- Dan Edson (O) p. Everett seeds; Andy Lampe, No. 3;
BigTake Down Total Morrison, 1:40; 158- Chris Jones (0) and Steve Niblett, No. 4.
Schutte leads the team in d. Steve Voelkers. 4-1; 168 - Dan
takedowns with the amazing Mendez(O) p. KimSmith, 5:58; 178- Mikiska reported that ex-
total of 46, while Bliss also has Mitch Buck (O) p. Reinhold Evold, cept for Schutte the Huskies
been impressive with 35. :37: 190- no, ma, t,c,h,;**H,w,t**- no match, should be in top physical shape
Edson is tops in reversals at 16 OTHELLO 34-EPHRATA 15 going into the district. Schutte
with Bliss next at 12. Bets 101 - Dave Toliver (E) by forfeit; re-injured a cracked rib in his
leads the team in escapes with 108 Nell Gilbert (O) d. Jay Delong, match against Dave Delong of
3-0; 115 - Kirk Delong (E) d. Steve Ephrata last Saturday, but is
12 and Bliss and Mendez both Niblett. 7-1; 122- Kevifi Bets (0) d.
have nine. Randy Wentworth. 14-7; 129-Kenny expected to be ready for
Although Emerson leads Schutte (0) d. Dave Delong, 13-3; district following medical
them in pins, Schutte and Bliss 135- Scott Bliss (O) d. Alan Gillette, treatment this week.
15-8; 141 - Kenny Mohs (O) d. Clint Weight-by-weight district
,have been the most effective Moore, 4-2i 148 - Dan Edson (0) d.
pairings follow:
Tim Yednak, 13-10; 158 - Craig
Solbrack (O) d. Ken Hoyt, 11-2; 168-
Scott Winona (E) d. Dan Mendez,
7-0; 178 - Nels Emerson (O) p. Dan
Wickwire, 3:44; 190 - Ran Coulson
(E) d. Efrain Ramirez, 11-6; Hwt -
Andy Lampe (O) by forfeit.
Huskies in getting points by
putting their opponents on
their backs. Schutte has 23
two-point nearfalls and 18
three-pointers, while Bliss has
totals of 15 and 14.
1Ol-Jay Delong, Ephrata, vs. Jeff
Ruff, Eastmont; and Kevin Bates,
Quincy, vs. Mike Theisman, Omak.
108 - Neff Gilbert, Othello, bye;
and Jack Thornton, Quincy, vs. Dave
Tolliver. Ephrata.
115 - Kirk Delong, Ephrata, vs.
winner of Steve Niblett. Othello, vs.
Steve Boyle, Omak; and Don Faw,
Quincy, vs. Duane Regehr, lEast-
122 Kevin Bets, Othello, vs.
winner of Rick Damskov, Omak, vs.
Cliff Webley, Quincy; and Randy
Wentworth, Ephrata, vs. Mark
Franklin, Eastmont.
129 Kenny Schutte, Othello, vs.
winner of Rick Caryl, Omak, vs. Dan
Hoffman, Eastmont; and Dave
Delong, Ephrata, vs. Kent Bates,
135 Scott Bliss, Othello, vs.
winner.of Neff O'Keefe, Omak, vs.
Gary Stakler, Eastmont; and Alan
Gillette, Ephrata, vs. Clyde Thomas,
141 Kenny Mohs, Othello, Vs.
winner of Matt Cristoff, Omak, vs.
Scott Ashby, Quincy; and Clint
Moore, Ephrata, vs. Randy Johnson,
148 Dan Edson, Othello, vs.
winner of Fred Helsey, Quincy, vs.
Everett Morrison, Omak; and Tim
Yedinak, Ephrata, vs. Rob Clark,
158 - Criag Solbrack. Othello, vs.
winner of Ken Hoyt, Ephrata, ys.
Steve Voelkers, Omak; and Don
Rose, Quincy, vs. Garrett Evans,
168- Scott Winona, Ephrata, vs.
winner of Tom Michaels, Eastmont,
vs. Kim Smith, Omak; and Dan
Mendez, Othello, vs. Jack Fogel-
- Nels Emerson, Othello, vs.
winner of Ewald Reinold, Omak, vs.
Paul Giraud, Quincy; and Brent
Leslie, Eastmont, vs. Dan Wickwire,
190 - Ran Coulson, Ephrata, vs.
winner of Fred Wiltse, Eastmont, vs.
Brace Webley, Quincy; and Efrtiin
Ramirez, Othello, vs. Dave Thes-
man, Omak.
Hwt- Mike Parsley, Quincy, bye;
and Chuck Reed, Eastmont, vs.
Andy Lampe, Othello.
"I was real pleased with the
showing of our kids," Coach
Mikiska reported Monday.
"They were really up for the
Ephrata match and realized
the obligation and respon-
sibility they had. I thought we
wrestled a smarter match than
they did."
Just One Change
The victory was actually an
easy one for the Huskies after
Kevin Beus at 122-pounds
provided the only "turn-
around" from the earlier
meeting of the twoteams.
Beus, who had lost 7-6 to the
Tigers' Randy Wentworth at
Ephrata, jumped to a big first
period lead and then came on
strong in the third round to
breeze home with a 14-7 win.
Aside from that, winners
were all the same from the
earlier meeting between the
two teams. Steve Niblett and
Dan Mendezs kept state
veterans Kirk Delong and
Scott Winona from getting
pins they had earlier, but Dan
Edson and Craig Solbrack also
failed to repeat pins over their
Ephrata opponents.
Edson Rallies
Edson's ~ match with Tim
Yedinak was one of the most
exciting of the evening. The
Othello junior fell behind
early, but then rallied to tie it
at 9-9 late in the final round.
Instead of settling for the
draw, Edson gambled on the
win as he let Yedinek up and
then came back with winning
takedown points.
Friday the Huskies com-
pletely overwhelmed the first-
year Omak team with reserves
competing at several of the
spots. Mikiska by-passed a
possible additional points in
the match by not taking for-
feits at 108, 190 and heavy-
In reviewing the past
season, Mikiska pointed out
that the Huskies averaged
40.2 points per dual event
while their opponents had
averag(,d just 16.
BEUS IN CONTROL - Othello's Kevin Beus stays in
control of Ephrata's Randy Wentworth during their match
here last Saturday. Beus reversed an earlier season loss to
Wentworth in one of the best'matches of the evening.
Windbreaker Play
To Open Mar. I0
Teams are now being
formed for the annual Wind-
breaker League which will get
underway Mar. 10 at the
Othello Golf and Country Club.
Pro Bill Porter reported six
teams will be featured in the
event again this year with
some changes planned in the
format. All persons interested
in playing should sign up at the
pro shop.
league season this weekend as
they take on the last-place
Ephrata Tigers at Ephrata
.Fa-iday, m~~
to their "secure home con-
fines" to host Eastmont.
The close race looms for
second place where the
Huskies have suddenly made
it interesting with their upset
over the Pioneers last Friday.
Now just a half game behind
the Jacks, the Huskies will be
at Eastmont on Friday night
and then move into Quincy for
a showdown on Saturday.
While the Huskies were
overtime victory over the
Tigers, who are still winless in
league action.
The Huskies saw the only
non-league action of the
weekend in a 109-90 loss to
Hermiston on Saturday night.
Quincy was also scheduled to
meet Lake Roosevelt of Coulee
Dam on Tuesday of this week.
League Season
Omak 5 1 17 1
Quincy 4 2 10 7
OTHELLO 3 2 11 6
Eastmont 2 3 10 7
Ephrata 0 6 9 7
Dave Tindell and
all two.
Frosh~ could
tracked. They
28-20 at the half, but
Scoring included
School, 11; Sandar,
three; Jeff Fegert,
Tindell, all two;
Dillard, one.
The Frosh will
their busiest week
season as they
Eastmont Sophs on l
the Quincy Sophs on
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