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February 14, 1974 The Othello Outlook | |
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February 14, 1974 |
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currently colk, cted, and the City OTHELLO, •WASHINGTON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1974
Automobiles Farm and
reserves the right to raise the design of not less than 48 inches nor
current rates to raise sufficient and Federal safety regulations, larger than 72 inches. The machine
FOR SALE: WANTED: MISC: revenue to defray the collection and Each bidder is required to submit hid nmst meet all State and Federal
1970 IH Travelall. 6 cyl. w/3 Farm or acreage wanted to Will the Warden party who disposal costs, a complete description and specifi- ~.,f., ..... t..+:..o
a Bidders may use the hid form cations on the machine bid and .... e.j-e.s ..... ., .... . .
| speed.A realgood one. purchase or lease. 140 or more ordered Pearson Stock Gate .................... Each bidder Is reqmred to submit
iurnlsneo ny the uty nut planer (lenver flare ) ....
please call 487-7911 Spokane -~ s " "t hi wn "' o .... in TheHi* o" ;'thellow .... ach a c( mplete descmphon and soeclfi-
I 488-2198. tillable acres for immediate m;v "unto1s o Iorm i Dla ~ty Iu IIISLUOye .- ...... 3 _n,i
r" lost "our name ,..- . . ~ . ...... ~. . . . cauons on ~ne machine mu a u
~..r~sMn .T¢~ !_~m All II FS-6-9-C possession. Send particulars our y a • ngntoztne umoreseencontmgencms ma ano specmcahon to oetermme a,4~ ,~ ,~,
~l~vvt I "tVlj~ h..Jl! r~l! | ************************* to P.O. Box 822 Bellevue M 7-9-C- resulting from the: closing of the which machine thev feelwillbemost.. . "~Av~'~''~eXtnet, lty oIutnelJo .......... WlU stuay eacn
• I . ' ************************* present dump rote before the beneficml to the (~lty of Othello ~.~ .......
~" .... A "~'-:'""- ' " ] |t'~alWe~ WAY TO GETI Washmgton 98004 or call 206 ............ " '* m. and speemcauon to aetermme
- I uontract term nas explreo. Ine ine City Council reserves toe whl.h mo~hlna thor foal will ha ~na~f
• ,,,,, ~ ATIS~.ACYrION | ITHAT NEW PICKUP YOU I 827-8037 (prefer land pre- I, ,, ,_, _ _ r., _ ,. ___ II interpretation of special bid forms. .~. . . .. ~ righttorejeetanyandallbidsandto, o . . :'"'~':'""'-;*"%"~"A':'~"';'7"7~":'""nenencm, to the ulty o, uLneuo.
I I"U ~[IC INIOI'IL~ t anuspecmcatmnslsreserveonytne wawe mrmahtms ...........
: __ ~ EL~ION I IWANT: LEASE IT FROM] sent 2n nay or gram~ ,~ ~ .- ". - . - . . • .he U,Ly ~ounc,, reserves the
| t ~,,~- ...... i City and m event of dsspute orDated thm llth day of February ri httore'ectan and all bids and to
Ik ~1 I Ius, I W-t)-~'U ~ --''~ ............ ' g J Y
, ~ otner 'lse, tile Ulty reserves tne l~tq, " "" s
~ ~ I I NO down payment. Low1 S~'PERIORCOURTOF~ASH- ' t to r "N2.~/~l~~ " n " , waive formabtle~.
' "' " " - ************************* ..... ~ ................... mgh eject any and all bids, a d /s/Judith M. Hawley OthelloCtty Dated this llth da" of Februar"
| FOR RENT: ru~ run ~.uL_Jl"~.. readvertise for bids. as deemed in Clerk ' 1974 ' * z ,,
" " ~ /s/auolLnIvi I~awtey ~nello~l~y
III ..J-L m ~ "
i o ~ . " "~ I Imonthly rate. That's what[ 5-years in corn, 115 Acre ....... '2:: .......... the best interest of the citizens of PUBI ISHED in the Othello . " ..................
., NO'l'~'l~'ljt)~l)ll,~t~ ,,~ Othello. Likewise the City reserves Outlook on Feb. 14andFeb. 21, 1974. Clerk " '
G ~-- _ -- - -'* .: " • • ....... * w~'en-ou lease.,our • potato grouna Ior lease, blOCK • ~ . r
g~L Over12 40 mobile homes for immediate delivery. Choose ! J~extsp~ckup ~rom us Call,I 88, no rocks, early area. (509) ES?A4£r~o;'~I:(~D "~" ~jn~-: ~(vr~ghLts~.a~epte3~Ynpidets~a:ftt~e .................. -_-_-_- ..... PUBIJSHED in the Othello
[ore "14 20'-24 "28 wide models. Rex- Leisure Manor:, i | :~.°~en;~d~e:e~veg2'enoi~ta~ tnn~ apparent low bidder. COMMISSIONERS ..... :--:---
18 21 and we'll come to you with488-9747. ALSO wanted used . GENITY, D(feased .... CirCe everY*though it may not be the ORDER OF BOARD OF COUNTY Outlo()k_ on Feb. 14andFeb£21, 197_4.
..... ~pacemaster.Elear. Star- Brookwood- Pacifiea- Star|Ate | [the best lease plan around.I sprinkler s.y.stem. Main line un0e . g. ! . .P.P . A co y of the pro used'bid form IN THE MATTER OF COM- NOqICEOFCALLFORBIDS
• ' and a cony of the nronosed Contract MISSIONERS MEETING ~ OL- E.R.P. NO.35
~g Ft ~nDyke ~ - | I 1974 V~ ton niekun- V8 -| and wheel lines, h~s quahfi~d as Admm~stratrsx of P" P ' •
00~ Open 9 a m to6p m || |[auto - ps.~ ..~ .~eav"v" d,...l~,Sl -.-******************-***************;.thatcm ms aga nst saal!o including" the specifications an(i I,OWINGw HOLIDAYr Notice is hereby given by the
P - " • "dternates mav be obtained from the HEREAS, V~ashington's birth- Board of Adams County CommAs-
de(cased art h(reby requwed to
0 ~ Mond tAr "S d " " • •Dumpers $vo.uu per month,• •'" : ' ~ ~ Othello CAt- Clerk at the address day will be observed on Monday ~ioners that they will receive sealed
0 ay u atur ay 1 |24 -'-n"~ lease | WANTED Family Wheat s~rvethes me duyverified onsad ' ~ ' . "" "' ~ " " ""
__ zt,u ~, . . *'~ "~ ' ,qvenabove duringre~ularbusmess I~ebruarv 18 1974 and that day b~dsforfurmshmgandstockpdmgof
[ 1 year free servsce I I GUENTHER-LEE I • ' Y hours bemg a regular commmssoners day; mineral aggregates, untd lh00 a.m.,
0 • Farm Will purchase farm at Admm stratrix or her attorne of s , ~ .... . . . - . .
r~cord at the address below stated B
• = - . - ~ - • • .......... ,,, • your desired terms with " , .... .~s ,. Dated th s llth day of February E IT RESOLVED that tlleFebruary25th, 1974, at their office in
Bank Fmanemg | I ~nr.,vttu~t •
' • 1974. ((unty Comm~ssmners wdl hold the Courthouse m Rttzvdle, Wash-
• I111 N.Broadway 488-26881 machinery. BBLCO- Big Bend md fl e the same w~th the u,er~ m - ' ") ......
sa~d Court together w~th proof of
such service wtthm four months
L CROWN MflRIII: IlflM|g I | ........ 31 Land Co. West 1507 Fourth, "'" ' . THE CITY OF OTHELLO their regular meeting on Tuesday, ington, at which time and place the
' ' . ! ' ~'~. " ...... BY: Judith M Hawley Othello City February 19, 1974. " bids willbe publicly opened and read
..... --r ...... . ...v--..~ .._--....-- _ • I S-okane 747-6318 Collect ffter the date m nrst pumtcatmn m -
[ Two loeations to serve you! i t [ Heir) W antedt R 47P " ~'thts notice' or the same wdl" be Clerk• " ' 1974Dated'thisllthday°fFebruary' for the following:
, , ' I UBLISHED in the Othello • - 12,000 tons mineral agre~rate.
L1 Cr,w,1 Cro n I I I-1 elp vv anTea I ************************** narrea. Outlook on the l4 day and the 21day Gordon ttavs Bidsmustbeaccompanied avaBid
plSo. lstSt :YAKIMA 18188olstSt l ~ ~ ~ 7D1~°ffirstpublicati°nFebruary of February, 1974. ' ~alphH. 13anekas Proposal deposit aeceptab'le to
CH8:3090 .... GL2:7186 " ! HELP WANTED: [ Reol Estate l .............. E. Longmeier Section 37 Chapter fi4 I aws of 1949
Orpha Megen[ty rAedm~mstr~rlx .......................... Board of County Commissioners. n the a nount of 5% oi the total bid'
-- '" ~" Need sprinkle hand linet ........ t of said Estate ~oo ss ~aa ~ast ATTEST Plms md s e " "
.... :. I~-~~ - ~ ua~,'~ ~ Othello, Wash. 99344 Sealed bidswillbe received by theNOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS ~uste~" i" ~.:~ ttazey, ..... Auams t.ounty obtained at~ .'.z the"PofficeCilicati°nSofthemay be
Lw,- pay you to see us] I r- c- t / movers immediately. Call FARMS FOR SALE ~ /s/Ge~ge R. Huff, Attorney !or Othello City Clerk at the City Hall Auditor and Clerk of the Board of Road Engineer at Ritzville,C°untYwash-
y?ubuy. We handle.| I r" O r o e l Elwyn Lyle 234-6471. l[ I
Estate r.o. pox ~, ~tneno, 512 East' Main Street Othello' County ~ommissioners. ington, without deposit.
['~ o°~., ,tame.lot and! ~ • HW-6-7-C 11165 Acres in alfalfa Goodl Washington, 99344. Telephone: (509) ur,~h;.:~ .......... ho h~ .... r a.n~214 1T Theright is reserved to reject any
r ..... oln~-i~ and d.,,hlol s . ************************* . . ". . s 4882?603, o"c'l~'k"Sp~.m': "~)ff"tl~e~ l']'[~a* day o'f .... __ _=_______--- ........ or all bids. ...
Ides. ° ............ • | FORSALE l .......... lJwheel hne sprmkler lrrlga-I z-z~-o ........ ) ~t
I ~tcd R~tzvdle Washmgton
•....... l I I nr~r wexz~mt~: I ltion. Estate: Must Sell.1 March, 1974, for the furnishingtothe NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS ' " ' ' , "
~***Y**** I" ca , 1 20x60 Stareraft mobilel Progressive fertilizer com- I lu. .l ~t,~o I ~ City of Othello of a current model Sealed hids will be received by the this 4th day of February, 1974.
I home
with 21
party needs full-time employee [
NOTICEOFCALLFORBIDS tra dr m g u p Othello C~ty Clerk at the C~ty Hall, ,., .................
Sealed written bids for a garbage of cutt nga smooth even swath of 512 East Main Street Othello. . , t.t~vs:vtz,~,~t~l~r~rt~
collection and disposal Contract with approximately 15 feet in width. All Washington, up to the hour of 8:00 Gnr(mn rt~ys, Cnairman. .
(he City of Othello will be received mowing units to be ground driven o'clock p.m. on the llth day of ~a~ph tt. Dant:kas. Commas.stoner
until the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m. on with semi-pneumatic tires. All units March, 1974 ior the furnishing to the . .~;b:,;,~,ongn~emr, ~ommmstoner
Monday, the 25th day of March, to be hydraulic controlled for lifting City of Othello of a current model ~t~,~bi~l: ~us]e ~: Razey, Auditor
1974, for a five-year Contract to facditate highway transporting, riding lawn mower with a minimum ~u~. ~;!er~ ol the rmaro
(.subj.ectdt~,mtroda~cantionida:dllneothrne" The machine bid must•eel State 14 HP~itha rotary euttmg z-'zl-Zl
O t S~oh ~cidS shalrl;ed~i2v ~edt t~Ithe l -- -" " " S --
Street oittYeCo Washington during I • • for tile tomlly $ good times
business hours before the date and
time indicated, and accompanied by ~.m~ ~ -- i am ~ ==" i i
a bid bond or certified check in the ~~ ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 lli
sum of One Thousand and NO/100 ~l -- -- I -- ll I
m,000.0m ollars, which shall be l/hill lr----uml
subject to forfeiture by the City ?f ~ll • • ~lll l~
Othello, if the accepted bidder faim
to enter upon and execute said ~ ~
Contract " -
" For the purpose of computing the I="-:-- - ~~-...~ ,~ D~II~ AT
current estzmated revenue collected L~~~i~d~ ~----~//~'~g" n I i [l
by the City ~nder its current rates in I~.,~k~ ~ ~-'~'/+~t~i~ ~ V ~•l~l
force, the current accounts are ~~~~-
i[~ " • 46-9370 or 34~ FOR SALE: App" / . " lSee "us now. Attaehe il approximately as follows: ~ "-~ • • ill I I[
~'g 7 "" "" Alfalfa seed for sale. Certi- perience salary, and fringe Igarage. Lot size 90 feet by! 0nee a week, residential .... ~ i ~'--'~I" '~ -- ~-- -~lll~ M i 1 IRI
Once weekly, commercial ------ " - -2 ~ ~ W W I
fled Ranger. $1.60 per lb. Call benefits at levels higher t na.n 1145 feet deep. l accounts
FORRa,. 932-4131 Mattawa. community average, zvtait I / accounts ~'~-'~:~=-
I'~ossesed-'d~ub~e wido. I S-6-9-C written resume, employmentI *********** / .... --~ee°'Fwice weekly, commercial !! ~ "**"X" ~ ~'; '' "i- _---:
~!~,-~o~t~.~n~°u°le wides | ************************* record last wage, desiredIo~/ ....... ,,q¢ .... ~..~,4~.......I '" y al
m- utopia ' ,, ,, : .................. Once ada~lU?t3ommerci .... "
~~[a.y%. See at I FOR SALE" wage to: Secretary % Othello o_ a, .... -__ n.,a accounts • ~FEBRUARY 5--R4
~ttul" ~ IYIO~)],l " IIUIIIU. UUU.Ut IU~O+bIUII. L~I~II
r : ?2 e H° rneL°t I 20 ton wheat straw 75c a Outlook, Box O, Othello, Wn. I__.~ ,, ,-, ..... ~ ....... :1 From these accounts the esti- I ..... L..'-- f'~..--al...--
m -~ ~nere see t " . ~tllU /2. Ucttd~U. ~asi ao~,..v
Vm~:~:re see the new I bale. Call 488-5361 evenings. HW-6-TFN-C ll. v i,, .... , mart .... +I commateduted from the schedule of rate'm°nthly revenue can be ] I ," .+.• 14111UI I IIIIII II I------- •~k..~k~llll~k~llallllall"
m~-~.';+'+~ ...... I FS-6-P ************************* | *~********'*+*~**~+" | indiPlted in the proposed Contract, ~ I ,~j~jl~,~llllt~lt~,
IZ "m~r s M°bile tl°m2e:L~lSALEdua trailer, 1 FORLaSzAyLBEoy*************************chairs and love ~ I JOHN~LMTEfCER / ,.oPVpl~0~pofo.~) ~3erm:Yn~oXF~de ;:t~l hunedi~e~ il Of)pWhich is attached hereto. Th,.p, " TRI-CMES -- PASCO. KENNEWlCK. RICHLAND -- WASHINGTOt,
• *****************************I.+II' 4"foot704 -TFN " C ti~-out v . Call , FS seat. 488-2702. ************************* -- 4 TFN -C + l Ears pierced free with I l .~ • | [Diamond ' earrings, rings, pendants,[ - ~ II | Next " 4+5,44 to Post L " Is°+ ,' OR EVEN SPECIALS
~AL t r.venlngs ann unoay
,. _ E: One 1958 292-Ford motor, Ipurchase of pierc'ng studs.] | ..... 31 |
u 2 ~oo o~
| ._ 4x44 Hearthside, 2 complete. One1967 327 + Che,v. | VESSJEWELRY 1 , / 'T GAMIILE ?N GAS MILEAGE GET A SURE THING .aT
:m, excellent condition motor, suitable for re-building. [61S.6th 488"28521 ' .... DON
'| ~).mes, carpet, drapes, ah: Call 488-2583. ' " FOR SALE:
,t~°noed-Call 488-3886. FS-7-9-P I ~l's PlumbinQ & HealiH I Three bedroom brick home GUEN!IHER tiE CHEVROLET. NOW iN STOCK
~1 ~,~,~ ************************* |~.'~.; .... ~ ~,; .... ~ | on corner lot. Double garage-
""''''''"..... ' ........ ............ - .... ................. I N0
i ~ '-'************ • 11 ctor Su--lies and ser i ~za,aoo. uan 4~-Z;~OO.
Wanted IItv~ae for P~ulld,ng anal ************************ 1974 NOVA 6 cylinder, 3 speed On W
! ~ W~NTED: --~ Irem°dehng Jobs. I FOR SALE:
~ ~rURSALELE ]_ orFeeder488-.._372a_.i-Iay" Call 488-9747 | 4S8-3541 , 3~ ~. I~I family. 3 bedroomS,room, fire lshplace,baths'new --the floor, bucket seats } $3295.00
,i+ ~,g Stor ..... Ma I W-48-10-C" I pA IPROVI~I)81NGI~I~'~--- .._ :| snag carpet, fenced back yard, ~-~--`--~-~--~-+-:~lP~--+~]C-+5--3-~:s~:~-~'-::2:2+--~++~i~:1-~:::~k~k~2:
'Ls aster Tool I ************************* I .+.,+. I covered patio. $22,500. 488-
IyIq tAIVIIrKU O £ lifluet pueU Ull lll¢ llOOH ,l,IY3 U
++. s nOa Iv.:+,..+.+., l
~P'~" Li~?n2a-r-%m°de!" .-~ new. ~ee at I WANTED. .t° rent, lease, Sales and servlc'e. We RE2363~ C
n Od lease w~th o tlon to buy Ha
....ri~if~ust;~°urn O~-Bul~e~l'a2ee at If .... .... r~ke In ************************* ~=i-9~7--4=:V--EGA;-S- b-e-a-utiiuii-y- -eq-0 dis
Bulk P " Y service all makes of sewin" - ----- -
~~'~" | Farm. Write P.O. Box a~a, I machines. Call 765-7701 inl ....... •
Monroe. Wa 98272 I~ Othello co,,| P u. ~bPu: ippe ____ __3262.15
~N'TGE " " ..............
+~i:GETUPN~ W-4-TFN-C I ^..,+ ~ooato m,...t. A~'] 9 city lots with 10 x 60 Van
relic? t48¢and 12hoursto ************************* I.q_~.q~ £n 1~ 1.~t A,~ A~il Dyke Mobile Homes. Do-
-or 0 ...................... "
dru Y Urmone back . . - mesttc water russ arden ~_-~------_-_---_-_-_-_-__-_-_-_-_-_-_~-_--_-----~-:~----:~-
~'~...g,c°unte~h~"c~ta~ [ Wa~TED TO BUY i [work Guaranteed 1 .... ',g. ' g + --+ -:-- ......... -=-
o/d27.n 'Y?Y:I ' -*" • i+. 2~9 TFN C " II Iruit ann snide rxees. Good
w+de boxier,/
~~sor~e_r~ cause| I YOUR GOLD - SILVER 1 I - - / location Matt-w-a.a~.a,_q,
+ ?+ I I OR COPPER COINS | • FR-6-9-C+ ..........
~1~ 3-tabs a , ~aKe gentle "-
"+~~p~ tm=n ~.',e | I (dated before 1965) ]III ************************** A I $3
~'ne;s"an~l~--~age N - IGold .and silver prices are~ I EDSONEXCAVATION II r~.°~................ utomattc PICKUP 495 O0 NOW at .... I |booming, unload those old[ I | ....... *
P0~[R I}RIIG. ,Tt~c I [c°ins while the prices are, IBackhoe for trenching, sep-I,z.. narowooone°r°°mnoors home. w~.n~lce sno in -- ~~----------------~-----i-------'------~[----------Ll~--Y--]---_:~=:-~==~- ....... - .............
~h--___ -.-vv alUKg I Ihi~h. If you have any forl ltle tanks. 488-9797. | .... • . . , P
1974 Long w al e ox, o cyl|naer, |
.. sI v .... , ~ ,-,_rees STFN • DaCK yara. t~arge snaoe trees.
' SALE~ i sam can me. ~mpn t~oII1 | Call 488-9981 after 6 " m
ore and .... refr" . 14883768 i ' • s+,c PICKUP
_~t eondit;., t~all "~ ~gerator 488-2844. in' I I ,iI ""'*'"'"'""*'"'"'" 4 spee 3275 :::.;::00
--,'~-, WANTED: CUSTOM PLOWING ,-, , ...... --,----~-- ......... - ..... --- ....... "---- ..... -~ ........... - ........ .......
. ***********-_~ Summer, and fall cattle I~ e n tals .
'ALE: "'***** pasture. 488-9747 or 488"3734. ImmasBrothers 4S 23171 I 1974 Loaded 6 Cylinder, 4 speed 4 WHEEL DRIVE
tee sa ,ana , . W-48-TFN-C 1 " | FOR RENT"
e Ta~ - u iast with *************************I 1 .. , •
, . ~ ~Spllls ~o and E"vap m-^-./~J1-" • rrraller space, Sunny Side models 2 to choose from. WAS $5753.15
r, ' ' tter Dru'd WANTED: | " " | West. Phone 488-9044.
~,~ s" Would hke to rent house m .= _"FR-7-TFN-C
reduced - .mples: "
1973 Impala custom coupe. 2 door hard top, tinted gl s, floor m ta, door edge guards, vinyl r f, rear
window deffogger, air conditioning, remote rear view mirror, posi-trae rear axle, speed ud cruise control,
nd skin 1970 Ford V~ ton pickup. Air 3 bedrooms, 1V'~ baths, 2 bedroom unfurnished 350 V8 engine, tilt steering wheel, wheel covers, WSW tires, stereo tape with radio, heavy duty radiator,
Pu blic Notice
Help W anted
Real Estate
For Sale
W on ed
Ren als
Potter conditioning, power steer- home with garage. Call apartment. Appliances fur- bumper guards, aux. lighting. #3368 WAS L5438.05 NOW $3950.00
for children
years old. 488-2198.
Todd wilt-resis.
and in
for spring
Au omobi es
filage and feeder hay.
east 6f Othello.
ing, power brakes, auto-
matic transmission, radio &
heater. $1995. Sargent
Pump and Irrigation 1155
So. Broadway. Phone 488-
A-51 -TFN-C
Automobile For Sale
1971 Ford LTD, Air condi-
tinning, power, steering,
power brakes. $1750. See at
Sargent Pump & Irrigation."
1155 So. Broadway. Phone
488-2047. hashed include washer and
W-2-13-C dryer, air conditioned. 488-
*************************9025 between 4 and 9 p.m.
Farm and
FOR SALE: 2 bedroom apartment partly
500 pair irrigated cow ranch furnished. No pets. Call
in Yakima Valley. Beautiful 5 488-2923. +
bedroom, 3 bath home plus FR-7-C
concrete block shop and
machine storage building.
Lost Found
With $100,000 down. Seller
will carry balance for only
7V~% interest. Price $250,000. LOST:
For information call Jefferis DAYTON H,78-15 6 ply
Agency Inc. 24 North 2nd pickup truck tire. Lost 4 miles
Street Walla Walla, Wash. south of Othello on Radar
Phone 525-7180 or Thomas Road. Reward. 488-9745. Joey
Realty 488-3593, Othello. Gardner.
RE-7-8-C L-7-C
************************* *************************
1973 Impala custom coupe, 2 door hardtop. Tinted ghum, floor rests, door edge guards, vinyl rear
window defogger, air conditioning, remote mirrers, 400" barrel V--, tilt wheel, WSW tires, deck, radio ami
rear speaker, heavy duty radiator, bumper guards, aux. lighting. #8866 WAS $,5086.05 NOW $$'/50.05
1973 Caprice 2 door coupe. Power seat, twin eusioa lrout treat, tinted ~s, floor mats, side moldings, door
edge guards, vinyl root, rear detogger, air eonditionhqg, remote mirror, vanity mirror, tilt wheel, WSW
tires, radio and rear speaker, heavy duty radiator, bumper guards. ~ WAS &5519.55 NOW ~995.00