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The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
February 14, 1974     The Othello Outlook
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February 14, 1974
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Page 14 . 0 tL0, WASHmI0a THE OTHELLO OUTLOOK THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1974 GMs' AAU e @ A strong Othe,o team will Ii I, STRIKES 'N ;I ! uo .ooeio ,. ti.o,two. ' here last year when it hosts After managing a split in outstanding floor play from • the Inland Empire AAU Girls action last weekend, Coachtheir guards. Burton also had Othello youths, Joanna Tournament play will get Guenther-Lee's ~.--~. ~ Basketball championships this Gene Boyd's Junmr Varsity one ofhisbestperformancesof Norton, Mike Williams, Bob underway next week in the ament game w~ weekend, wdl be facing three tough the year in just two quarters of Harem, John Bliss, Kyle Bets Moses Lake Basketball Lea-~ make-ul~ gaI ,, ,J . . , , ,~= -~ The tournament, which will games as it att.empts to.fin!sh action. He pumped through 19 and John Hamm, were amonggue with Othello's Guenther- Monday the local feature entries from Colfax, its season wlth a winning points- 15 of them in the third Inland Empire athletes honor- Lee expected to go into the up a 90-84 win , SUNDAY MIXED LEAGUE 2348; high team game, "T" Brids, Quincy and Ephrata along record, quarter - picked off 12 ed recentl) at the 26th annual event with the No. 1 seeding. Body-Central To~ 2-3-74 W L 792; high individual series, Howard TPTP ' 18 6 Schindler, 529 and Marge Nielsen, with the Othello champs, is The Pups, who now stand rebounds and blocked fourSports Awards banquet held The local squad, which scoring including K~ Scroops 15 9 486; high individualgame, Howard scheduled for Friday and 9-7 for the season, lost a 53-51 shots. Guard Joey Niblett also in Spokane at the Ridpathcurrently holds a 13-2 record 24; Run Brandt, 2Plus2 14 10 Schindler, 207 and Marion Deeter, Saturday at the McFarlandheart-breaker to Omak herehad his best game of the year Motor Inn. The banquet was and is tied with Quincy Mer- Parker, 20; Mary A Miracles 14 10 201;bowlers of the week, Howard Junior High gym. Friday, but then bounced back hitting five For six from the sponsored by the Greater chants for first place, will get and Gary Snyder, ! Ni htOwls 12 12 Schindler 622 and Marion Deeter A~idents 10 14 604. ' ' Game times will be 6 p.m. on with one of their best per- floor Spokane Sports Association the top seed on the basis of a Last Wednesday4 You'uns 9 15 ************* Friday and 11 a.m. Saturday formances of .the year in FRII)AY: Fg Ft ef Tp and the Inland Empire point-margin over the Mer-Lee breezed to a141" B&B 4 20 TOWN AND COUNTRY LEAGUE with the championship game dumping Hermlston 69-65 onBurton 2 6 2 10 Sportswriters and Broadcas- chants in regular season play. in its biggest offen~ High team series, 2 Plus 2, 2378; 2-5-74 W L high team game, Scroops, 813; high Guenther_-Lee 15 5 scheduled for 1 p.m. A free Saturday. The team will play Goodwin 5 1 3 11 ters. Guenther-Lee was scheduled ing of the season individual series, R. Hartwig, 585 l.arwestFoods 14 6 throw championship will also at Eastmont and Quincy this!'ecka 3 2 3 8 All AAU athletes who won to meet the Jaycees, a teamdumping in 39 l~ andJ. Widman, 505; high individual ~ucxyLa~er 12 8 be scheduled during the weekend and then close out its ~i~(]~an ~ g ~)~ national recognition or set beaten 127-63 earlier in the Brandt hitting ~ame R•Hartwi~ 220and J Floyd ~runswicg lavern 10 10 Saturday afternoon finals,year against Ephrata here on Dell~nger 1 2 3 4 Inland Empire records in AAU season, in final regular season scoring included 195; ~wlers of t~e week, D.'Bun~eh', LampeJewelers 10 10 Feb 22 Krupa 1 0 1 1 competition were included in action on Wednesday of thisSnyder and Parker, 650 and J. Floyd 616. McLeansHardware 9 11 ****$** .... ** Cima~a?2otel 6 II Tourney to Open . Niblett 1 0 0 2 the awards ceremony" week• Fmday mght the Pups led" -T~.L and Phil Lawrence,I ..... TO S 19 II 16 51 EARLY BIRD LEAGUE Da •- 4 Othello Bowl will be host to most o[ the hrst three Score by quarters" Miss Norton's record came ...... Individual scoringI 2-4-74 W L High team series,Guenther- Othello Bow] 17% 2% Lee, 2926; high team game, the Southeastern Regionalquarters against Omak and • Othello " 12243951 in the shot put during the age liams, manager of the 1972- fo:2:enther.Lee tl~ FreddiesRestaurant 155 Guenther-Lee, 1033; high individual Veterans of Foreign Wars had a 39-31 lead going into the Omak 10 22 31 53 group championships held in 1973 world champion Oakland g are Ada~ final period. However with ..... l .... **' ..... ~**** .... Cheney last summer• Athletics; Bob Euker, voice of Brandt, 21•1• Fie~ MndeiLaundryOthell°Ir°nW°rks 99 1111individualSeries' Jimgame,Harper,John 562;Meintyre,high youth bowling tournament ' ~lt nl~: rg rt ~x ~p Kevin Lynch, 17-9; Basin Excavation 8 12 224; bowler of the week, John during the next three week- Todd Burton on the bench, Burton 7 5 1 19 All other Othello athletes the Milwaukee Brewers; and HostetterFord 8 12 Mclntyre, 635• ends. Omak quickly made a run at it• Goodwin 4 5 2 13 were honored for placing in Jane Driggers, winningest17.2; Larry Meyer, !-.a~ Good free throw shooting Pecks 2 8 4 12 AAU national wrestling last female jockey in the North- Snyder, 15~ Lamps Jewelers 71h 12VI ************* Local VFW Post official Oase 2 7 4 11 brought them close and theMc[ can 1 0 2 2 summer in Wyoming. west and Inland Empire ~ Empire SeedRestaurant,High team2983;series,hi~h 6teamFrnddieSgame,14 Akins25"74OUTERLIMITS LEAGUE13w L3 Georgethe event,HeagYwhichrep°rtedis expectedthatto visitors clinched it with a shot.. I')ellin'gcr~ 0 0 3 0 Featured guests at the athlete of the year• S ~"~m by Kevm Davis which went mKrupa 1 0 2 2 banquet were Dave Wattle, Others attending from More series,Othell° Bowl,Jan Widman,1047;~igh553;individualhigh vFWCentralLife 129 74throughoutattract up to the75 teamSarea,frOmis th,, air ~ th,~ h,,z~-.. • ToNiblettLs 2252501916910 1972 Olympic champion in the Othellowere ClairBets, ................. fe! Boyd had high prmse for hm Score by Ouarters. 800 meter run; Merlin Olson, Heather McDonald, Mrs. Bur- On Pa bowlerindividualoft~egame'week,JanFranWidman'Danielson,232; SargentsCabana 77 99 scheduled for Feb. 16 and 17, charges on Saturday as they " Othelio "~ ' 10 27 49 69 12-time all-pro trackle for the ley Norton, Janice Capps, 645. NewHolland 6 10 Feb. 23 and 24 and Mar. 2 and Hi-lites: Liz Ferguson 3-5-7; Eddies 5 11 3. • played good defense and gotHermiston 9 30 4365 Los Angeles Rams; Dick Wil- Scott Bliss and Kevin Beus. Bonnie Floyd, 5.7; LaVerne Hollen_ Kelley s . 5 .11 iBm" 7 beck 5-10; and Ellen VanderVlondt, Hzgh team seines, Central hfe, 2-7. 2986; high team game, Akins, 1012; ...-.....*..* high individual series, Jim Robinson,• Hanks & EAGLESMIXEDLEAGUE 622; high individual game, Mike 2-4-74 W L VanderVIoedt, 220; bowler of the Spnd-Niks 13 7 week, Mike VanderVloedt. 657. Stinkers 12 , *.*.......... ERICAN insurance Inc. Elhnw Bender, ~ _~2-6-74 W L i' !~ -..-2^.. - ;; h Sprouse Reitz 17 7 : ~A.c..'u~ m,,, Ho-,~fuls 10 10 ~.,ar!sA&W. 17 7 We Can Fill Your 8-2616 . ...,,_,,o.. ,1 :7,~ ~..__ ~n .a Ermes Amemcan 13 11 *~'l~ R: a. ~ ~ mercer s t~ea|ty 12 lz • ,~at am*stay - *' p~,in-..,u~'," : ~ Jack'sBargainBarn12 ~2 Insurance Requirements "1' ,."--'.'~--- . .• ,1.." Akins FoodCenter 10 14 mgh team series, rm ann Miss, PotterDrug 9 15 565 E. MAIN • NU 8-$031 FarwestFoods 6 18 l~ i '4 tASTM~m.OrSttte I lla___- .... I'__J High teamseries SprouseReitz 488-7602 ; ,vge 630 E. Main '488-2649 musmnm i,na .. .... , . i ' 2931' high team 'game Sprouse v Re*tz, 1022; h~gh lndwzdual serses, " "1 • iF Barb Bruner. 494; hi~zh individual ~ ~---~ l~-nr on LIIIg/ game. Barb Brunet, 2(~1; bowler of ............. the week, Barb Bruner, 632. ~~ H~ ............Moses SiveenfinishedMCF' arlandoff their Mustangseasonsr cagerswith Royal Chicks2674HolyUnderdolZsRollersCOT;E*EL*;A*GUEw121217 L883 I :El" ! Ill Elec ric'=Is For Every a doubleheader sweep against Misfits 11% 8'h ill i Chief Moses counterparts in Tryi_ngTrio 10 10. " , Call: 268' • . . rlotMama s ~/~ zx /~ actton Tuesday mght ]n Moses Th ee to(rues6 14 r s 7 • THE WASHINGTO Lake. , Pin Pals 3 1 Coach Run Hardt s eighth sonhiHigh team series, Misfits, 1660;h team game, Misfits 571"game,hi h : .... r ii ~i ~ ~ graders rolled up a 45-28 . ~ ........ ,__ 488-3348 WATER POWER vzctory to llnlSn tnelr season 528; high individual - [ with a break-even 6-6 mark, Charlotte Robinson, 200; bowler of while Coach Cecil Johnson's the week. Ha, z e, l,Y, ho,ma,s. 586. ~ " ~ ~ seventh grade squad had a MERCHANT~LEAGUE *Complete In Store ii ONE STOP SHOPPINt 32-25 decision to post a 9-3 2-7-74 W L : ~/:i~ ~i ~ : " t.,.~. mark. Peeka Realty 19 9 Baking ': ....... ..... The eighth grade game as Eagles 18 10 _~- ~i *Drygoods ni n t . r~ec t~au la za p a d uck through the first Broadwa-Lumber 14 14 *Procluce & Meat with ':) .......... *Meat " three quarters and tied at 'telsPlumbing 13 , [H _*Frozen It 26-26. However, the Mustangs Ernieshmoco 13 15 the Freshness You , *Grocery came out with a tight full-court Empire Seed 11 17 ........ pro Se e, ,u ,. Want. *Notions press m tne zlnal perzoa aflo High teamseries, MersPlumbin,~, broke the game wide open. 3074; high team game, Mels '"~ *Produce *oa ,,,,m,,,o.. Akins Food Center sin ........ Series, Run Zumwalt, 565; high gJe neJo goal ano poureo le .......... individual game, Run Haw y, 2"~3. tnrougn 1~ points tnemsewes ************* 4")5 E. Main ~ -2212 during the quarter. HOUSEWIVES LEAGUE Individual scoring included 2-7-74 w L Hellfighters 16 4 Ricky Zavaletta, 21; Fred Crazyladies 15 5 Lopez, nine; Tony Zumwalt Hot Strikers 12 8 and Peter Chiefchild, both Alley Burners 13 7 four; OmarMedina, three; and HitandMrs• 9 11 Coach Gene Boyd's junior varsity will be shooting for a winning season in action at Bowlerros 9 II • Brad Boersma and Stan Buck, Tumbleweeds 5 15 Eastmont and Quincy this weekend. Team members from left in front are John Erickson, both two. Sandbaggers 1 19 Jeff McLean, Tim Oase, Joey Niblett and Kenny Pecka. Standing are Brian Stickel, Paul ( In the preliminary the High team series, Alley Burners; • high team game, Alley Burners, 730; Logan, Dave McCole, Jan Krupa, Allen Dellinger and Run Regalado. All are sophomores. Dining - Dancing & Cock! seventh graders played one of high individual Series. Ruth Billman, their best games of the year as 493; high individual game, Nancy I Banquet Rooms they controlled the game all of Cortland, 181; bowler of the week, the way with early leads. Frances White, l, ey,,**5~**9** SERVING THE COLUMBIA BASIN Cantonese Fff American Scoring included Randy Roy- BUSINESSMEN LEAGUE i~ AtFridaY'EastmontFeb" 15, SaturdaY,At n; ,, Feb. 16. 67 So. 1st 481 lance, 11; Kevin Skogen, 2-7-74 w L OTHELLO-ZENITH 9807 eight; Gordon Killian, seven; Fullcircle I 14 6 ~1~![~1~ Barry Adams, four; and Greg FullCircle2 14 6 ,.,! OKTire 13 7 ......................... ...,..., "' ........... SunRoyal 9 11 Everything to Jng Slow-Pitch Hammers 812 Simplot 7 13 Yargers Market 4 16 Meet Slated .,gh team series, Full C|rde 1. FlX Your Car 2967; high team game, O K Tire, Preparations for summer 1039; high individual series, Jack Peppier. 529; high individual game, Leroy Hambly, 199; bowler of the AUTO rA l ' I~Al~qF't" diamond recreation activities are underway here, spokes-week, Jack Peppier, 658. ************* 13 N. BROADWAY , TAYLOR ROAD men reported this week. The Othello Umpire Associ- BALL AND CHAIN LEAGUE i;~ 2-8-74 W L ation is presently holding OddCouples 19 9 HU8-3378 ACROSS FROM LABOR weekly meetings on Wed- MaandPa 17 11 nesday at 8 p.m. at the Othello Wild Bunch 15 13 Outlaws 14 14 High School. All persons Pin benders 13 15 interested in working as M&M's 13 15 This 260-pound sophomore will umpires during the coming Avengers 12 16 baseball and softball seasons TumbleWeeds 9 19 be carrying the Huskie hopes at High team series, Odd Couples, heavyweight when they step into are invited to attend. 2415; high team game. Odd Couples, Preliminary plans for the835; high individual series, Jim district competition at Ephrata this 1974 Othello slow-pitch soft- Robinson, 567 and Kathy Blank, 465; Saturday. Lampe, who moved up to " ' high individual game, Bud Hawley, the varsity following the injury to i ball season are also due during 211 and Kathy Blank. 175; bowlers of a meeting scheduled for next the week, Jim Robinson, 669 and Mike Padilla, currently has a 4-1 I week. All persons interested Kathy Blaak$6~,;****** ..... season record. in playing in the league or EARLY BIRD MIXERS LEAGUE BANK entering a team are asked to 2-8.74 w L be present at the meeting Rocky Rollers 20 8 ............ 1400 On Your Radio scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. TheDemons 18 10 Othello Bran : 19' at 8 P'm" at Earl's A&I' TheHaHa'sOhOh 15'0",, === ====== i=== ====== fis Week' Aclio according to league president HitandMiss 12 16 $ I Hump Prieur. Gety UpGo 12 16 FourofaKind 11 17 TOS ]IBA ThefourJ's 8 IERGRE N I PLI High team series. The Ha Has, 1974 ¢OtOR T.V. 2409; high teamgame, the Ha Ha's, District VlTo ornament 826;Hammer,high608individualand ElaineSerieS'ottem,Dennis466; *Briter0n Tube Integrated Circuit At Ephrata " Serving the high individ.a, game. Dennis *UHF Delent Tuning Mid-Columbia Hammer, 217 and Elaine Ottem, 171;