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Newspaper Archive of
The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
April 4, 1952     The Othello Outlook
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April 4, 1952
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 2 THE OTHELLO OUTLOOK OUTLOOK WANT ADS (Formerly the Othello Progress-News) Entered as second class matter January 21, 1947, at the post office at Othello, Washington, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Published every Friday afternoon at Othello. FOR SALE THOR WASHER Good Condi- tion, Used Three mon~ths. Othello Second Hand Store Phone 3322 FOR SALE FURNITU~RE Othello Second Hand Store Phone 3322 WARREN BASLEE Editor and Publisher Subscriptions $2.50 per year in Adams, Franklin, and Grant counties. $3.00 per year elsewhere. LADIES AID TO HAVE HAT PARTY The Ladies Aid of the Oth- ello Presbyterian church will meet Wednesday a~ernoon at the church. Hostesses will be Mrs. Victgr McLeod and Mrs. Audy Hays. It will be the an- nual hat party of the group. DOMESTIC ~EWING. CENTER Thursday ~nd Friday Service --- Machine Over- haul and Adjustment acro~ from MarshalLWells Phone 3322 Sales 6 days a week Warden Miss Weds Lieutenant in Air Force At a pretty chapel wedding, Jaequeline Louise ,Burgess, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James L. Burgess of Warden, Wash- ington, became the bride of Lieutenant Robert A. Hardin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Har- Festival Drawing Dance at Warden Last Saturday Douglas MaeRae. public re- lations representative of the Columbia Basin Water Festival was in Lind Tuesday, with praise for the interest and co- operation found in some towns in the district in promoting and taking part in the celebra- tion. A festival drawing dance, stpon~ored by Mrs. Betty Ira- din of Paul, Idaho. The cere- bert, president of the Legion Auxiliary as chairman, attract- ,~ mony took place at four p.m. ed an attendance of 225 Satur- March 15, at the Largon Air day, March 29, at the Warden ~ Force Base at Moses Lake and Community ball. was performed by Chaplain " Voight Sink. The service was a'.tended by parents of the couple, the bridegroom's sister, Mrs. Knox Craig who came from Des Moines, Iowa, and a few close criends. Princesses that attended the dance were from Grand Cou- lee, Coulee City, Soap Lake, Ephrata, Moses Lake, Pasco and Warden. Master of ceremon,ies was Charles Brinkerhoff rrmnager of the Pasco Chamber of Com- merce. Adrian Awan, execu- tive director of the Columbia NEW Basin Water Festival supervis- ed the queens bounty drawing S ' ' arney Molohan, pu~bhc refor- mation officer Of the Bureau of Reclamation at Ephrata, was present. Till GRIP-SAFE! BASKET SOCIAL A basket social will be held 6 Widest, flattest tread in A.tlas hlstoryl ~ April 3 at the Warden high school gym, at 7:00 p. m. The O PutS IwWe rubber on the roadl .~~j~/ social is being given by the • You get more mileage.., proved by octual tostsl~ Annual s,',aff to raise money @ |very Atlas Grip'Safe Tire backed by 1.year "~\\\X,~/AWfor better Annual covers. A program will be held, after warranty, honored in 48 states, 7 days a weekl ~ which will follow 'a pie and . onion eating contest. Free cot- IT'S NEW.., SEE IT AND SELL YOURSELF] fee is to be served. Everyone bring a basket, and watch the entertainment. TIRES "BATTERIES ACCE$SC ~ i~$ Jack Donley's SUPER SERVICE BASIN CHURCHES Warden last Sunday was host to an executive meeting of the Central Columbia Basin Coun- cil of Churches. Wardenites at- tending were R-ev. A. Haus- auer, A1 Widmer, and Dan Burk.tiolz. Dr. Claton Rice, president of the State Council of Churches, was a surprize.vis. it0r. Paul Booker and Rev. Don Fitzsimmons of Othello also at- tended the meeting. Plans were made for the Council's annual meeting on May 4. Attention All NEW ONE DOSE e Wiring Ri[zville Electric RITZVILLE, WAS~I. FOR SALE Rug and Pad, End Table, Cof- fee 'Fable, Had,to, Cosco Step- chair, bookcase-books, drapes, blankets bedspreads, table lamps, refrigerator, laundro- mat, electric range, beds, pil- lows, dressers, metal ironing board, air conditioner, lawn- mower. WE MUST SELL THIS WEEK Make offer -- Roy Hersch, jr. WANTED 0thClo Second Hand Store SMALL Tables, End tables Phone 3322 GOOD FOOD ANYTIME! BASIN CENTER Coffee Shop O.~hello, Washington NEW e america~s favorite ,.. STETSON whippet slO You can wear the smart, casual Whippet on any occasion, with 'any ensemble, and know you're well dressed. THEATER LIND FRI., SAT., APRIL 4-3 "The Man With Cloak" Barbara Stanwyck. Jose'ph Cotton SUN., MON., APRIL "My Favorite S Bob Hope -- Hedy YOUR NEW The Miss Elaine Precislonal slip fits 99 out of 100 women perfectly. Mode of the finest shrink proof acetate nylon crepe trimmed with imported Val lace and pure nylon short, medlum and tall lengths...overage ! ond full hip figure types • .. white, pink'and black. 32 to 44, Straight cut skirt will not twist or ride up Mokes~your clothes look better.., and fit better. FOR A YOUNG MISS We Ftmture Charming At Moderate Prices!! -- STYLES PRICED $1.98. $2.98 and $3.95 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 9 P.M. II