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The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
April 4, 1974     The Othello Outlook
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April 4, 1974
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Sprin ~nor'~ MISS OTHELLO CROWNED - Pretty Jana Beus title of Miss Othello of 1974 during the annual cant here last Friday night. Miss Beus sits ~r award winners at left. From left are Sarah iT FRIDAy PAGEANT Wilcox, first runner up; Kerri Roberts, talent winner; Princess Cindy Anderson, Princess Vicki Postas and Cindy Huff, second runner up. In the center Queen Jana looks 15 cents per copy startled as she hears herself named as the pageant winner. Society Editor Jessie Plant snapped the photo just as the announcement was made. At right 1973 Miss Othello Ingrid Millen and master of ceremonies Roger Thieme make trophy presentations to Miss Beus. Photos on left and right are by Mike Black. a pretty, blue- presentations and physical became Miss fitness during the pageant, 1974 here last which featured a theme of as she won "Good Morning Sunshine". Over nine other con- Shows Poise OTHELLO, WASHINGTON - IN THE HEART OF THE COLUMBIA BASIN VOt. XXV NO. 14 THUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1914 JC Egg Hunt Set Apr. 13 e Jaycees'Junior Miss Beus' talent for the Plans are underway here event wasaHungariandance, this week for the annual capacity crowd at the which was inadvertantly inter- Othello Easter Egg hunt gYmnasium saw upted with a curtain closuresponsored by the Jaycees. • BY CITY OFFICIALS Residential garbage collec- City officials reported fop tion rates are expected to lowing the meeting, that the increase by about 75 per cent new rates for residential cus- in Othello on May 1 as the tomers will probably jump result of the awarding of a new from their present rate of $2 to garbage contract here last about $3.50. The Quincy firm's Friday. bid calls for a price of $2.85 net During a special recessed to the contractor. meeting, members of the City's Costs Othello city council voted here City Clerk Judy Hawley Friday to award a new estimated that remaining 65 daughter of Mr. during the number. Showing Scott Wallace, chairman for five-year contract for garbage cents would probably be estBeusofOthello, lots of poise, the new Miss this year's event, reported collection in the city to required for city handling of DiversifiedInvestorsof the billing for the ,contract. onor of being the Othello went right on with her that the hunt, open to all kids "Would you believe a flood north in the 11th to 14th proposed identification will be Quincy. s official repre- dance when the curtain12 and under, will be held on in Othello?' That is theavenue area to Elm street, cancelled. During last Monday s council e the coming year. reopened. The action by the council meeting, representatives of as princesses to Miss Postas, who also won Apr. 13 at Lions park. question Othello city officials Basis Questioned "If the community does not came after the city officials Diversified Investors indi- Akin s Thrift Store willare asking themselves at pre- Both Mrs. Gallinger and city successfully refute FIA s pro- found that the Quincy firm's cated that other cities with ,~ coUrtv. .with Miss the Miss Congeniality trophy again be donating eggs for the sent following the receipt of supervisor Ed Meek have been posed identification, then it bid was the only one they had which they have contracts are • ]ck~ Postas, voted by "the other contes- hunt with prize eggsalsoto be some highly confusing and attempting to determine just must seek eligibility for the Lt. Col. and Mrs. tants, gave a reading onincluded. Mrs. Jaycees will be official looking information how Othello, which has never sale of federally-subsidized to act upon. charging a fiat 25 cents per At the opening of the special month per customer. ~,and Cindy And- "Casey at Bat" as her talent incharge of coloringtheeggs, from the federal government, had a flood in its knownflood insurance by adopting se~,ion on Friday, Charles ghter of Mr. and presentation. Miss Anderson's with assistance from residents According to city treasurer ~'" ~ :y,,~ -~.~:a~ .... ~,, ~ t.-~ gct~ prelir:~inary land u~e ,~d The Quincy firm presently Anderson. talent was a pantomime 0f' Of the Othello Convalescent Hazel Ga|linger, the situation i~eh~detl in the federal pro- control measures to help li~z oi ,~asvs Lake, the has the cont~t lot garbage contestants com- "King of The Road". Center. arose late last month when gram. reduce or avoid flood losses apparent tow bidder on thecollection with municipalities ning gowns, talent Selected as the top talent she received notification from To date they have had little and by applying to the FIA for contract, notified the council in the Grand Coulee area and presentation of the evening the Department of Housingluck, and the matter will go to participation in the program." that he was withdrawing his also handles rural collections was a humorous reading of the Butz Dinner and Urban Development that the city council at its meeting Theletter goes on to point bid. in several parts of Grand Fuller, whohad submittedaCoulee. Under the contract, Force "Lion and The Mouse" per- k j'° part of the Othello cityalargep°rti°n°fthes°uthernlimits next,,We had hoped to have someMOnday night, special flood hazard areas have°Ut that communities where bid under the name of Crops the firm will continue to d uy Inc. hadbid110percentofthe operate the city dump on ,o~O.~am.. ya erri.r t So ert a,. seco.. Tic ets Rea just north of Highway 26 have additional information on this been formally identified must present city rates. The Di- Radar road, with re-negotia- Ies Note runners uptothethree-mem- been designated as 'special before submitting it to the be actively participating in the versified Investors bid was for tion of parts of the contract her court were Sarah Wilcox Tickets went on sale here flood hazard areas", council,' Mrs. Gallinger re- program by June 30, 1975, or 142.5 per cent of present city possible when it becomes ent of two new and Cindy Huff. this week for the Tri-county Designated as the potential ported. "It would appear that else federal or private loans rates, necessary to move to another the Othello Police From Arizona Republican dinner later this flood areas are a portion of the we have to appeal the present will not be available for DOE Is Concern dump site. staff was an- The new queen, who movedmonth which will featureBonnelIAddition taking in the situation or anyone building in construction in the area. week by Chief here from Mesa, Ariz., just Secretary of Agriculture Earl area westof4thavenuealmost the designated areas will be In announcing the with- City officials pointed out about three months ago with Butz as guest speaker, over to Broadway. Another required to carry special Stiff No Takers drawal of his bid, Fuller during the meeting, the Apr. 1 Roer D. her parents, will now have the Kenny Foulkes, Adams large area takes in the un- federal flood insurance in the indicated that the uncertainty city-wide enforcement of the took over the honor of representing Othello county chairman for the event, developed Michel property in future." For Port Position on federal regulations on the ordinance calling for lids on disposa] of solid waste was the garbage cans and racks will vacancy on the in the Washington State reported that tickets are the southeast corner of the InfolsSought Port of Othello officials deciding factor, begin when the new contract Junior Miss pageant in Pull- available locally from Walt city limits. This area extends Meek reported that he has reported this week there still He indicated that he felt goes into effect on May 1. from Yakima, man next January. Tennant, Roger Thieme orPOrt ring been in contact with East have been no takers for the secure with his bid over about Some consideration for re- as the The second eldest in a family Wilma Dainard. Hea Irrigation District and Bureau vacant position on the district a tw~yea~ period, but said he bidding the contract was given the local of six children, Miss Beus The event is scheduled for S Friday of Reclamation officials in an board of commissioners, would be taking too big of a after Fuller withdrew his bid nee February of hopes to attend Brigham Apr. 30 at 7:15 p.m. at the St. et attempt to get data showing The District No. 1 position chance over the five-year on Friday, but city officials replaces PatYoung University after her Rose of Lima Catholic Church that thereisnoflooddangerin has been vacant since thelength of the contract, noted that they would not submitted his graduation from high schoolin in Ephrata. Sponsoring the A hearing on federal andthe city. resignation of Erhart Meyer During the Friday meeting have time to get new bids this month 1975 and would like to become dinner are the Republican state funding for the proposed "The whole thing appears to last December. Meyer had Fuller also again urged the before the present contract with alocal an interior decorator, central committees from Port of Othello industrial be ridiculous," Meek stated, been re-appointed last month, city to take on the garbage with Nash Janitorial expires She wore a purple formal Grant, Adams and Lincolnwaste disposal project is "Othello has never had any but refused to accept due to collection itself. He had made at the end ()f this month. ScheU as trimmed with silver sequins counties, scheduled for this Friday in record of flooding in these public disclosure regulations, the same written plea with his was MichealFriday night during the final Tickets for the dinner sell Olympia. areas. I don't know when such Officials said any personbid submitted earlier in the Lake. evening gown appearance, for$25 per person. Port manager Ted Muscotta survey could have beenresiding in the district is week. He said his basic reason Roller Skate reported that a delegation of taken to show these are eligible to apply for appoint- was that thecity would bein a • • port and city officials is potential flood areas." ment to the vacancy. The better position to dealwith the Pronosal Gets scheduled to appear before a The letter to the city from district takes in Othello No. 4, Department of Ecology than special state committee to George K. Bernstein, federal Rural North and Rural South- would an individual contrac- present their case for the local insurance administrator with east voter precincts, tor. Jaycee-Helo • IIO project. The hearing time is the HUD, points out that if the set for 1:30 p.m. council wishes to appeal, it • ' Othello Jaycees voted here g i- Muscott said he will be must do so in the next six Monday to pledge $400 to a attending the meeting with months. Community Schools-sponsor- of a large tor tires. The former service addition at the building was representatives from the portAppeal Possible ed program aimed at provid- including door in the building facing Ervin Lumber firm of Stevens, The letter states: "(the city) , ing roller skating activities a new five-bay Main street has been closed off Originally from the Yakima Thompson and Runyan. should submit to FIA what- here. Was announced as part of the expansion valley, Ruttan opened Basin Also tentatively planning on ever techincal or scientific Community schools director at Basin Tire program. Tire Center here in1969, inthe attending are port commis- data it may have that is Ruttan also said the display building that is now thesioners Dan Leary and Tom sufficient to prove its conten- The 21-member Othello Accompanying the group asMike Lang reported that tentative arrangements have OWner-man. and office area of the firm is storage area. He expanded Lyda, and city councilmen tion that it is not flood-prone. High School Stage Band will chaperones will be Mr. and been completed for the pur- being redesigned, into the display and office LynnOlsen, Ivan Whitney and If the FIA concurs in the evi- be among50 from throughout Mrs. Brandvold and Dr. and chase of 150 pairs of shoe on the Contractorforthe new building four years ago.Dean Hanley. dencesubmitted, thenthe Oregon, Washington, Idaho Mrs. Dean Largent. skatesata price of $9 per pair. completed and British Columbia corn- Special attraction for the The skates would be put to is in full peting this Friday and Satur- public will be concerts both use in a proposed program at ~hat a day in the Festival of Jazz at Friday and Saturday nights at the Lutacaga gymnasium. is planned the University of Portland in 8 p.m. in the University of Tentative plans would call for Portland, Ore. Portland Commons which will both youth, family and adult tire sales and Director Clarence Brand-feature the finalist bands, the skating times. at the void said the local group will University of Portland Jazz "The idea grew out of the and Main in be making its second ap-Ensemble and Combo, and community schoolscouneiland the new pearance at the event after guest soloists Roger Pember- has been getting a lot of 40 by competing there two Tears ton and Floyd Standifer. support," Laag said. "It in-, ago. Pemberton, now a free- appears that it will cost about bays for He noted that three top lance recording artist, has $1,500 to get started. If we can and front-end bands are picked in eachplayed saxophone with many get donations from enough catergory, and the local group nationally known bands in- community groups, it would be All are the latest hopes to be included in that cluding Woody Herman, Raypossible to operate the skating selection. Anthony, Ralph Marterie and on a no charge or minimal fee that with the Members of the OHS band recently has played lead alto basis." new service who will be participating in- sax with Peggy Lee,' Jack service clude Chan Bailey, Rick Jones, Sammy Davis, Jr. and east side of the Regalado, Brett Trescott and Pearl Bailey. He was the first converted Leslie Faires, trombones; instructor in saxophone and Craig Solbrack, Joey Hurli- jazz composition at Indiana A week's break from classes man, Jeff Rea and Allen Bird, University. will start this Friday for local of the trumpets; Greg Hastings,Standifer, who is presently students when the annual ad- Brian Blackburn, Jason instructor of brass, Jazzspring vacation gets under- ex- Goertz, Steve Niblett, Deann improvisation, and jazz his- way. build- Petersen, Todd Burton and tory at Olympic CommunitySuperintendent Tom Lyda Mark Danielson, saxophones; College, was a member of the reported that classes will be Donna Largent, piano; Mur- Quincy Jones orchestra during dismissed at the regular time swill ~,~i~!~::: ray Burden and Winnie its European tour. He andon Friday. Schools will be of the : ......... Burton, percussion; and Tony Pemberton will also present closed from Apr. 8 to 12 with remainder NEW SERVICE CENTER COMPLETED - Owner Don Tire Center, which has been completed and is now in Mohr and Sharon Caiahan,clinics during both days for classes scheduled to resume and trae- Ruttan is shown ha the new five-bay service center at Basin operation, guitars, students and directors, again on Monday, Apr. 1G.