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Newspaper Archive of
The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
April 4, 1974     The Othello Outlook
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April 4, 1974
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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r Chamber of Cam- were urged to begin im- g local en- to be featured Day at Expo 74 the plea at the luncheon meeting representative who pre- on the fair which May 4. reported that should get an on the Expo and provide enter: for that day. She said other communities Washington are also expressed for the fair and reservations for far more than expected the big to be during the but May is of schedule," said. several Chamber Were also announced week. President Jackson explained car and bicycle being planned by check will be in with Police De- bike check Jaycee program. events will be later. reported that a promotion has 20, with the planning to fishing contest this ~oup president also r the Chamber to on areas Listed were area west of Sewage and water confronting that the traffic tieups at crossing on Main. QUEEN CANDIDATES - Five of the seven candidates for queen of the Mother's Day Fiesta being sponsored by the Sacred Heart Catholic Church are shown above. From left are Marie Silvaz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Silvaz; Debbie Snyder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snyder; Mary Ann Zavala, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gonzalo Zavala; Theresa Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Clark; and Faith Jimenez, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Block ]6 Job Bids Listed EPHRATA - Bids were opened Mar. 28 at the Bureau of Reclamation office in Ephrata, for the construction of drains in Block 16. The lone bidder was John M. Keltch, Inc., of Pasco with a bid of $465,684. The Bureau engineers' estimate was $445,- 870. The principal parts of the work include constructing 22.4 miles of buried pipe drains with four- to 15-inch diameter pipe, and constructing struc- tures along the drains includ- ing pipe drain outlets, man- holes, and reestablishing con- crete-lined farm ditches. Skills Tournament Slated typing and spelling. The contests will be held during the morning, with a workshop in the afternoon, according to Mrs. Marilyn Mizer, BBCC business education instructs. Presentation of awards w~l LAKE- A business for high scheduled to on the Big Bend College south 19. conclude the day's activities. The tournament is being sponsored by Phi Beta Lamb- da, post-secondary business education organization. from 18 high the Big Bend service been invited to the competition bookkeeping, Ricardo Jimenez. Other candidtes not pictured are Ben Ramos, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesus Ramos, and Jessica Mitzer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Mitzer. The candidates will compete in ticket sales for the fiesta and will be introduced at a pre-fiesta dance to be held Easter night. Aurora Zavala and Delores Sllvaz are co-chairmen of the fiesta queen committee. Thefts Are Probed SBA Service At Two Businesses Visits Here Are Resumed Scheduled visits of Small Business Administration re- presentatives to four Colum- bia Basin communities will be resumed in April, William S. Schumacher, SBA district director in Spokane, said today. Cities to which SBA "circuit rider" visits will be made every other month include Othello, Quincy, and Ephrata. Monthly visits will be made to Moses Lake. Othello's April visit is set for next Wednesday, Apr. 10 from 10 a.m. to noon at the City Hall Two thefts at businesses located along North Broadway are under investigation here by Othello Police. Officers reported a motor- cycle valued at $200 and nails and lumber valued at more than $100 were reported stolen from near the cold storage building at Farwest Foods early this week. Personnel at the plant also reported that about $2,000 worth of copper wire was stolen from there last month. Police said two motor blocks valued at about $100 were taken from behind the Guen- ther-Lee Chevrolet building sometime Monday night. "'Jesus Christ, Risen Lord, Savior, Baptizer, Healer, Soon-Coming King!" ASSEMBL Y OF GOD SEVENTH AND JUNIPER 9:45 a.m. Christian Education Sunday 11:00 a,m., Worship Service_.. Pastor John- .... "son's Messkge: "Is There~ an"Alternative to Recession, Rebellion, Tragedy, and Destruc- tion?" 7"30 p.m. Service of Holy C ommunion. Church 488-9439 R. Dayle Johnson, Pastor council chambers. Purpose of the visits, said Schumacher, is to meet indivi- dually with businessmen in- terested in SBA financial or management assistance. Persons in business or contemplating the start of a new business may qualify for SBA loans, Schumacher said. To help determine eligibility, businessmen should bring with them current income statements and a balance sheet for at least the last complete business year. Group Seeking rile OTHELLO OUTLOOK . Ban on Public o, u0, w m,u ram.. n 4. m, arising from the burning Coalition to protect the health Place Smokin9 eirgarette, than "main- o|non-smo~e~by~mG stream" smoke, that inhaled smoking to areas where only . by the smoker, requires action the smoker himself runs the YAKIMA th/ regulation to protect the nob-smoker,risk of lung damage. protecting health of spokesmen said. Tobacco non-smokers from the adverse effects of tobacco smoke was scheduled to be heard by the Washington State Board of Health on Apr. 3. The regulation suppoted by the Washington Lung Associ- ation's Non-Smokers' Coali- tion, prohibits smoking in all public places except outdoor areas where the ambient air can remove the smoke, designated smoking rooms, and public rooms which are designated for private use temporarily or permanently. Penalties for violation in- clude a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $500 and at- tendance at an educational program approved by the Health Department. Recently reported medical evidence indicating a higher level of carbon monoxide in "side-stream" smoke, that smoking is by far the most For more information per- important single factor in sons should call Frank Erick- chronic lung disease, accord- son, Regional Program Diree- ing to researchers, tar, Central Region office of Support for this regulation the Washington Lung Associ- marks the start of an all out ation, 409 W. Nob Hill Blvd., thrust by the Non-Smokers'~ Yakima, WA 98902, 248-4384. 1i11.6:00 11 DAYS may save as HELP AT Chuck Call us for details AUTO • l,IIP'm • I~llC • HO~ • ~ . Coilamc~ 325 S. 1st EVERY I APPLIANCE IN THE STORE #6d~417624 "Leave It To Soil & Crop" To catch the eye quickly the ad layouts often "talk loud" and "say little". Let:s try a different approach. Our series of ads "BEHIND THE SCENES" shall bring forth the often overlooked details in our operation which add significantly to the quality of our products, services and operations. • • • • #6'114 },M/FM STEREO 8-TRACK SYSTEM NITH DELUXE CONTROLS! tog. $119.95 • Vernier slide rule dial; Stereo*indic. light • Slide controls; push b'n function selector • Auto/Manual 8-Track tape playe0 • 2 sneaks, enclosures. 2 speakers in each 20-LB. AUTOMATIC WASHER WITH 10 CYCLES 20-LB. CAPACITY AUTOMATIC DRYER Was | Elec. Was $199.95 • 4 speeds • 30-rain. pro-soak cycle • Infinite watur-level con#el • Auto. bleaCh • fabric cend. dispensers • Colors $5 more • Two auto drying jottings • 4 heat Jottings • I O-rain. end-of-cycle Cool Down • Stop 'N' Dry feature • Colors SS morn • Ges $~0 kiehee ONE CALL--ONE STOP DOES IT ALL TI T : !! Olj SHOP WARDS CATALOG Soil and Crop Service, inc. now has over I J !I 40 spheres-truck mounted, 450 Gal. field ]1 storage units-available for your use. They are designed to handle all fertilizer, pest, ] i l! icides (For Example: Roneet and water mix) and soil fumigants. Each unit was designed to mix and agitate all mixes; is rust free ,t (baked-on enamel); SSfitted, with freely , operating valves; with a sight tube; with a permanent easy read-out calibration scale "DELUXE 17-CU. FT. v WARDS BiG.CAPACITY UPRIGKIr12-CYCLE nDISHWASHER Sphere can be connected in series. FREEZER PACKS THE FOOD IN WITH SOAK CYCLE FROSTLESS REFRIGERATOR leg. $329.95 • Big 166-1b. capacity Freezer Separate cold controls Convertible Doors Moves on rollers Choice of four colors Ice Maker Optional, extra NF Available with gas driven pomps and hoses to make your fertilizer, chem- ical or fumigant job easier, trouble free, pleasant. ...-s219 • ! 9-cu. ft, size hews up le 66$ ibs. --stocks plenty • Lock, cold, cqmtral, light HURRY IN TODAY! EVERY APPLIANCE IN THE leg. $319.95 • 6-level wash action • tlnJo Dispenser • Forced Air Drying • Attractive walnut tup • Colon $S "m,wO STORE ON SALE! *Plus transportation [ f Othello, Wash. 53 N. I ST "488-2609 III I II II