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By Jessie M. Plant
With the coming of spring,
all sorts of things begin to pop
besides crocuses, forsythia
and violets.
One thing popping to mind is
fashion. And there are two
annual fashion shows this
weekend. One, on Friday, by
Othello Children's Orthopedic
Auxiliary, with a "first" this
year...male models, escorts to
the new Miss Othello and her
Next morning bright and
early is the Easter Bunny
Brunch, clever brainchild of
Othello Newcomer's Club,
with fashions for the little
Nature is blossoming out in
bright colors of spring...our
cue, it seems, to rid ourselves
of winter's doldrums.
Here for Brunch
Coming all the way from
SantE Barbara, Calif., this
weekend, especially for-the
Easter Bunny Brunch, are
Kathy Francisco's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Davis.
"That's all they heard about
for two months last year," said
Kathy. "And they couldn't get
over then."
This year Mrs. Davis will
see what all the excitement's
about when she attends with
her two grandchildren, Tom-
my and Leigh Anne.
Jack Jelmberg, back the
evening of ~5,ar. 23
Coming overnight for the
celebration were former re-
sidents, Harlan and Dorothy
Denning, now of Richland...
and joining the group were
Marie Sisemore and her son,
Lee, visiting from Gilroy,
Two Celebrations
Todd Newman, son of the
Gary Newmans, celebrated his
sixth birthday Saturday, Mar.
30, with two parties.
The first was a cake-and-ice
cream affair for seven of his
school friends.
The second, that evening,
for a houseful of relatives, all
from out-of-town.
Overnight guests were
Bee's sister, Carolyn Baur-
rick, with her son, Jason, and
Gene Luisi, all of Seattle.
Coming for the evening
were Todd's maternal grand-
parents, the Guy Newmans;
great-grandmother, Mrs. Nel-
lie Newman; aunt and uncle,
Larry Fendell with Heather
and Eric, all of ZiHah; and aunt
and uncle, the Richard Scha-
fers, with.Scott and Carrie, of
Granger, and another uncle
and wife, the Gay Newmans,
with their daughter, Kristina,
who came from Hermiston,
Thirteen adults and eight
children for dinner and a party
commentator Jeanne Lyda gives instructions to the Othello
Rodeo court and their escorts for modeling in this Friday's
Othello Orthopedic auxiliary luncheon and style show.
From left are Karla Miller, Curt Bets, Linet Palmer and
Kevin Bets.
Local Couple Exchange Marriage
Vows in Christian Church Rites
I,ighted candles in seven-
tiered candelabra and baskets
of white roses, blue carnations
and white gladioli decorated
the altar area of First
Christian Church Mar. 16 for
the wedding of Pamela Ann
McKeen and Karl Anthony
Officiating at the 4 p.m.
ceremony was the Rev. Jack
Weekend Visitors complete with decorated
Weekend visitors for the cake...afire engine theme...for
Robert Hartwigs...their a young fireman.
daughter and son-in-law, Gary
and Deanne Way of Spokane, For Installation
with their new son, Derek Weekend guests of Edna Barker of Pasco.
Dylan, two weeks.old. Coffman, here to attend her Parents of the couple are
************* installation as worthy matron Mr. and Mrs. Harold McKeen
Home fromCollege of Othello chapter of Eastern and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
College kids home on spring Star, were her brother and his Johnson, all Othello.
break, or, who have boen home .wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Given in marriage by her
on spring break...Mike John- HuebschmanofTacoma; sister father, the bride wore a nylon
son, Nancy OtteqL John and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. organza gown in . empire )!~i
Shields, Fred Miller, Val Harry Coffman, Seattle, and styling. Venise lace trimmed . : :i~: ;..
Preuschoff, Chris Johnson, son and daughter-in-law, the gown and edged the
Mary Sandar, Laura Holland, David and Sue Coffman, of mantilla veil and her bouquet
Cindy Anderson, Doug and Spokane. was of white roses, blue
Keith Pershall and Michele ************* carnations and baby's breath
Emerick. . Bookers Busy with white satin streamers.
************* Nellie Booker called with
Harvey Bayley home from two news items. Attendants to the bride
were her sister, Cheryl
Sacred Heart Hospital Mar. Number one, their son, McKeen, maid of honor, and
26...following surgery on the David, has been home for two
18th. weeks from the University of Grace Sanchez. Their empire-
************* Washington. A good change styled gowns were of light
blue polyester crepe with deep
, Post-EventParty from the study routine, that of blue braid trim and short
An after-the-pageant party helping with spring work on puffed sleeves. Each carried a
at the home of Dick and the farm.
Pauline Keeney Friday night. Number two item: Nellie's singlelong-stemmed white
A buffet supper for mem- mother, Grace Raudenbush, rose.
bers of the Jaycees and their celebrated her 100th birthday Flower girl was Crissy
wives, pageant judges and anniversary Mar. 14. Sheridan and ring bearer was
their spouses and Othello Traveling to the coast from Richard Johnson, groom's
community float committee Othello for the birthdaynephew.
members, celebration, attended byAttending the bridegroom MR. AND MRS. KARL JOHNSON
A time for relaxing before around 35 friends and family was Barry Perkins, best man, Photo by Mike Black
beginning to think of the members, were Tom and and Dale Johnson, groom'swhich followed in the church Othello High School. Thebride
summer and pdrades to come. Nellie. brother, basement were Sandra Sheri- attends Modern Business Col-
************* Mrs. Raudenbush express-Traditional organmusicwas dan, guest book and Gall lege in Kennewick and the
Birthday Party ed delight at having attained provided by Mrs. Tom Lyda. Johnson and Kathy Martin,groom is employed at Chef
And a birthday party for the centennial age. Assisting at the reception gifts. Reddy.
At the refreshment table, They are making their first
Coruler and Victor De/_.eon centeredweddingcakeicedinwith a four-tieredwhiteand home in Othello.
decorated with blue and white Phurmucy Ph=ts
Wed i Fi st Baptist Ce flowers, wereReneFieldand
n r remony Donza Shafer. by Bill Belhmann
' , The newlyweds honey-
Coralee Booth and Victor mooned in Coeur d'Alene and
DeLeon repeated their wed- Spokane. IMPORTANT
ding vows to Pastor Brad Both are graduates of VDINFORMATION
Kolbo Mar. 1 in 7 p.m. rites at If you're at all curious about
H|L'*O L uK -|° why VD (venereal disease)
Othello First Baptist Church. S [1 0 infection is increasing at such a
Parents of the couple are rapid rate then here are a few
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Booth
Gi B of the most important reasons
and Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester van eras for this continually growing
Wearing a white satin and At Pi Yi it (what else?) epidemic. (1) The
lace gown and chapel length ro s contraceptive effectiveness of
illusion veil trimmed with "the pill" has
"The Great Gatsby Look",had the effect
matching lace, the bride was just beginning to come into of greatly in-
given in marriage by her
father. She carried a bouquet fashion was seen by members creasing sex-
of Xi Beta Xi chapter of Beta ual relations
of white roses and pink ~,~ meeting at Piro's in Pasco participating
Sigma Phi during their annual without those'
Mrs. Robert Parrish at- ~~::!:: '~!!~ Mar. 26. showing any
tended as matron of honor. :: .... ~i!
She was attired in a floor- :: ~ Most admired during the real under-
length gown ofpinkin empire i evening during which mem- standing or re-
styling with capped sleeves ~ bars modeled clothes for each gard for the
and carried a long stemmed other, were the season's pastel constant neces-
white rose. shades and ice cream colors - sity for the prevention of VD.
Bridesmaids were Mrs. lime and orange sherbert and (2) There is an almost total
Santos Escamilla, Othello; lemon ice. lack of knowledge concerning
Mrs. Jim Haynes, Seattle, The meeting, attended by 20 the cause of VD plus a sur-
sisters of the bride; and Patti members and their guests, prisingly-casual attitude
Cyr. Their gowns, fashioned Mrs. Kermit Pollock and Mrs. where the great dangers
after the matron of honor's, Bob McCullough, was followed arising from these diseases are
were of lavender and each by dinner at the Black Angus. concerned. (3) There is often a
Next regular meeting will feeling of shame and em-
carried a single long-stemmed be Tuesday, Apr. 9, 8 p.m. at barrassment when it comes to
white rose.
Cindi Escamilla and Juli the home of Mrs. Cecil admitting and reporting VD.
Haynes, bride's nieces, were Derrick. Mrs. John Matthews (4) The correct use of pro-
flower girls in pinkg0wns With will presentthe program,phylactics for the prevention
pink floral wreaths in their "Mexico". of VDisstill little-understood-
hair. Serving. as ring bearer A cti [dnnell let alone the necessity for
was groom's nephew, Randy U on their usage. (5) Many people
DeLeon, and candle lighters : who actually have VD are too
were DianaSnyderandMrs. By NeWCO ignorant to recognize the
Frank Booth, bridCs sister-in- m ers symptoms. And (6) even those
law. who recognize the probability
Dewey McDonald served Mrs. Gil Johnson was they have contracted VD often
the groom as best man. Ushers auctioneer for a Chinese auc- fail to arrange for immediate,
were Richard Silva and bride tion featured at a meeting of professional treatment of their
groom's brothers, Sylvester MR. AND MRS. VICTOR DELEON the Othello Newcomers Club conditions. SoPLEASE, if you
and Ramiro DeLeon." Photo by Mike Black Mar. 26 in the Communityhave the slightest suspicion.
Nuptial music was provided Savings meeting room. you may have contracted VD
by Peggy Reichert and Mrs. and served the three-tiered 1972 and attended Western Committee reports were PLEASE do consult your
Lyndsey Roberts with Mrs. wedding Cake, baked by Mrs. Baptist College and Spokane heard on the upcoming Easter medical doctor - for your own
M.E. Keller, bride's aunt, M.L. Hilmes. Mrs. Clyde Community College. Bunny Brunch and plans were sake, let alone that of others.
organist. Farwell poured coffee andHer husband is a 1967 finalized. Here at724Mainwe're glad
• White wedding bells and Mrs. Marshall Butcher at-graduate from Othello High A crafts meeting is set for 8 to fiveyour prescriptions TLC
decorations of lavender and tended the purichbowl. Others School. p.m. Tuesday, Apr. 9, at the (tender, loving care) because
pink decorated the chhrch assisting were Mrs. Leo Followings honeymoon trip home of Mrs. Bill Hartman. this is the "priceless ingre-
basement for the reception McRoberts and Mrs. Ernestto Vancouver, Canada, the Eggshell art, used for picture dient included with each pre-
which followed. Vance. newlyweds are at home inframing, will be learned under scription we fill for you. You
Mrs. Don Alexander and The bride was graduated Othello where the groom is the direction of Mrs. Lowell get TLChereat OthelloRexall
Mrs. Roy Blankenbaker cut from Othello High School in self employed. Napier, crafts chairman.Drug - always.
Details Set
For Luncheon
Luncheon will be served
beginning at 11:45 a.m. at the
Othello Children's Orthopedic
Auxiliary luncheon-style
show, set for Friday, Apr. 5, at
Othello Golf and Country Club.
The style show will begin at
12:15 p.m. with commentary
by Mrs. Tom Lyda.
Making their first official
appearance will be Jana Beus,
Miss Othello 1974, her prin-
cesses, Cindy Anderson and
Vicki Pastas, and their es-
South Kon
Telling of her stay in South electrification of
Korea to members of the South Korea.
America Legion Post and Last month's gu(
AuxiliaryNo. 219 Wednesday, ers were Francine
Apr. 10, will be Mrs. Skip Othello Rotary Club
(Susie) Allred. student from
The program and following bec, Canada, with a
meetings will be held at 7:30 narrative
p.m. in the IOOF hall. home life and city;
The program is being held Rosenberg, Warden,
locally as a part of theslides of helicopter
nationally-sponsored Auxili- training in Tennessee
ary-Care program which lea- simulated situations
tares as this year's project, ham.
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City ,,,
BPW Meets Today : '
Regular meeting of the
Othello Business and Profes- ~ mORTGRGE & IRITIE
sional Women Club will be at t W. 929 SPRAGUE AVE., SPOKANE, WA 99204/AC S( 9-
noon today, Apr. 4. at Th,~,~ °o, .. o..,,o ~.. °o, ~ ~o,,¢,t=,,o° o,~. o..,,o boy
Freddie's Restaurant. T.~ offer ,S made o.'y by the prosoectus ,0 Wash*nglon Res,dentS
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Del Lampo roconffv counpbted nn intensilied course in diamond setting
at the Gemological Institute of hmnti-ca in Los Angebs. Tim course
covered nil phases of diamond ned stone setting. ....
$15 Gift Certificate- Jim Murphy
$10 Gift Certificate- Joyce Lurid
$5 Gift Certiflwate. Fran Weible
* Expo 74 Adult Ticket - George Heaggy
* Expo 74 Adult Ticket- Jo Charles Meyers
* Expo '74 Tickets Compliments of KPQ Radio.
724 E. Main 488-9031