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April 4, 1974 The Othello Outlook | |
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April 4, 1974 |
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W an ed
Publ c Notice
Wan ed o Buy
Farm Ec ui
Real Es a e
He W an ed
Classffied Rates 0TRLL0/ WA INGTON ': THURSDAY, 4, 1974
;;;..week . Minimum 15 words or less $1.50 each | ROSES, ROSES, ROSES j CENTER PIVOT tech- Speeiaiizing in homes. We i IA/#"~ IA/l[ I County Engineer in the Courthouse
JAil kinds- both new, patent I nicians - rare apportunity on ~u • are available at the Office of the
uultlonal word 10 cents. Hand old favorites - best i relivately large farming op- need your listing today! 1 YV V VV:. I in Ritzy|lie, Washington. The Board
[selection now. Fruit, flow- i eration. For people with **************** 1 I reservesbids, the right to reject any or all
Two. wee'Ks or more - Minimum 15 words or less $1.20 |ering and shade trees, [ knowledge and a desire to FOR SALE I DEM O [ 1974.Dated this 18th day of March,
[shrubs and strawberries, i work. Pay is excellent, cam- Acre and I/z with double I CLOgl:~3HT | BOARD OF COUNTY
each additional word 8 cents. [Also get sawdust now for ] mensurate with experience, wide mobile home. Under- i ........ | COMMISSIONERS
|easy organic weed control i If you don't like to workground sprinkler and gar- i i Gordon Hays, Chairman
• Deadline 5 p.m. Tuesdays. |and take the work out of i outside - don't apply. Call age. i | Ralph Danekas, Commissioner
]gardening. [ K2H Farms, Inc. 547-8879. ************* i IA~ lUaA|& | W.E. Longmeier, Commissioner
Call 488-3342 l EDWARDS NURSERY | HW-13-14-C 4 bedroom.-3ih baths. I IllO ImrALA I ATTEST: Susie B. Razey, Auditor
I(acrossfromBBCC.S. cam_| ************************* Family room, central air i CUSTOM COUPE I erk°fthe rd"
Counter service hours 8 a m - '5 p m Daily. Closed |pus, Moses Lake, WA | MAN WANTED for gen- conditioning, 2 car garage. ,~,,~,.~.~..~-,.-,~-~
SatUrdays iR056367. I eral farm work, need someNice location. IDark brown with whiteI NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS FOR
L1415-C ' , i j experience. 488-9734. ************* Ivinyltop, vinyl interior, | COUNTY PRINTING -
The Othello180 EMainOUtl°°k ie i!~ IWater| WELL DRILLINGwell drilling, brand x|| HW-13-14-C************************* , 2 . choice buildingcali: lots. $brakes,=np°wer|$autOmatic' airamSteerlng,_ tape'C°nditi°ning' |PecK,. , poWercrulse- "-- •• • | theLne"thatNOTICE~°unw t;ommissioners'",%_sealed'.~_ ..bidsIS ........... willHEREBYbe receivedRoomGIVENatin
m • ~ urmouse in l~lI.ZVllle, was|-.
WA 99344 |drilling, air, rotary or cablei STUDENT TO wash ~ RAYKOSTAD
idrilling. Licensed, insured,| windows2 to 3 hours a week.• l~ 488-9541 icontrol, tilt wheel and more. i ington until 2:00 p.m., Monday, April
~~ [bonded. Division of Slier[ Apply at Weeks Steak House. ~ KOSTAD I I 15, 1974 for printing of legal notices
• -- •and summary of the Commissioners'
iEquipment Sales Inc. P.O.i HW-14-15-C RFAITc'5"--'~'~' REALTY, INC. I dP TAA AA I proceedings for Adams County for a
• ~]L_~ • • •• • I~I~ i term of one year beginning June 1,
ADT~i~'0VERWEIGHT~TrT i IBex 565 Kellogg, IdahoI ************************* ....... 760E.Sain l | Legal notices and summary of
"- 183837. Office phone (208)I DRY CLEANING position | 4|F1i#l VVO'qFIp' i 1974.
iadax alan Reduce We flow have alarge 1786-6551 After hours callJ available• Will train. Call NICE LOCATION 3 bed- I r, uani[ ar.iaa i commissionersproceedingsaretobe
ess fl • ~. " room house, ll/z baths, family . .....u.....i,.. • printed in 8 point solid type.
SO" Uld with Fluidex no • , = ms • . 1 The successful bidder will be
rmt" - ...... i selection d used 8', 1687-3232 or 784-8911. Lin| 962-9132 after 6 p.m.
,lo,,acrotterl)rugs. j, , i i ************************* N" 12th" Call 4889451 t° see" i - I amount of the contract.
S-le.p l0 and 12 wides.-" 1Cor@nI 14-17 jHW-14-C room, large fenced yard, 240 I cnevr0[et I required to furnish bond double the
RE-13-14-C i 4t4 M I}.,,.d,,..,, ' • The right is reserved to rejeet any
• ********************** 10' and 12' wid;s STUMPS REMOVED ************************* i ill n, uavauwu| I and all bids and no bid will be
J HBAMMEH%SM j I JJlll ?/dE| I considered unless accompanied by a
ALL IRISES, assorted HAMMERS 1 .,vv- .... MI circulation statement of the bidder's
rs, Each 15c. Mums, each i Iwith Stump Grinder. CallI HOMES HEEDED .... paper, and the percentage of that
uce. " M ES 1 IM,, a 265-4203. Licensed| WANTED USED sprinkler TF. TN CI.A.~.~IFY circuit|on within the
.ter 25c. See at 1255 E Mr}BILE HOMES land insured. I system. Main line and wheel TOO LA ............. DA Y•
TED this llth day of March
[3,[4"C Radar Rd. Othello 488-9202 11316.P j lines. 488-9747 or 488-3734. If you are interested inFOUR ADJACENT circles, 1974. '
W-7-TFN-C selling your home we have ---~ ....................... ... ,_ • y
_ ****************** viv,,in f,~r,-,~nt -lust west /s?SusieB Razey AdamsCount
EDUCE SAFE ~.a fo~, 1969 BI'I)I)Y mobile home ************************* several qualified buyersi .......... ~^,^ ~^., ~umtor an{] uterK O[ the Board of
OI rtaoar 1"1111, Ut.v.'.n. zt,c.t, aunt o " '
L ........ waiting. Good financing.I o .. C ,V C mmmsioners
15 Vo of potato gross, with 4-11-5'~'
GoBese Tablets and Call 488 2272 vvl.nings. SUMMER, AND fall cattle Contact us at once. I mmlmumguaranteeof$125an .... ...---~,.~.~-,.~-.~,
~P 'Water nilt¢" p,~tt,~r MH-12-1 l ( 1 pasture. 488-9747 or 488-3734.
acre. Water available Apr. 20. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS
g. ~ ..........************************* W-48-TFN-C FOR SALE ] Either one year or 5 year FOR WELLNO. 5PUMP
2-14.p 1964 KIT 10 x 55, 2 bedroom. *************************
Well located 3 bedroom lease. Usual crop percentages STATION
~NOpy**********************FOR 8 foot bed T-14-15-C4883215" WE DO CUSTOM haro- home. Freshly painted in- • EQUIPMENT PURCHASE
up. Call 488-3565 ************************* bedding. Call 488-3765. side and out. Large kitchen, on .off potato years, with FOR THE CITY OF
mzmmum guarantee oi ~,~u per OTHELLO WASHIN~-TON
,8~C " 14 x 70 MOBILE HOME. [Ne~ and used T.V.'s. Black WW-14-15-P Single garage. All fenced, acre. Call Dan teary, 488-2740 Sealed proposals will be'~received
• ************************ Priced to sell. or 488-3342. Leave word. at the City Hall, Othello, Wash-
"*'*'*************** land white and color. Parts GENTLE SADDLE horse ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
TERANEAN GATE - - • *** land accessories, antennas, wanted for 12 year-old girl. Nice 3 bedroom home. PR_,_~_***_,.**.**.***IA Tl~Nl P ........... ingtonDaylightuPTimetO on8:00the p.m•22nd PacifiCday of
ng room table and *********** ********** IStereo and auto tape decks.. Contact: Jodi Guenther 488-Corner lot,Oak Street. ~ ........... April, 1974, for furnish|riga vertical
1 CHRISWELLS 9930. turbine deep well pump and/or a
Pecan finish Call10 x 60 VAN DYKE Mobile 1441 S. 10th 488-2730 W-14-TFN-C eluded, air conditioned, and of Othello, Washington• A contract
~ornings to see. Home on 1 acre in Mattawa. Stove and refrigerator in- pump starter assembly, to the City
Water, lawn, trees and ************************* will be awarded or bids will be
N*:;::;:::*~: garden. 932-4132. For Sale
CON d MH-11-14-C 1970 Ford ~/~ ton pickup. Air
's flute and metro- ************************* conditioning, power steer-
all 488-2320. 1960 NASHUA 12 x 65 ing, power brakes, auto-
Mobile Home with 14-foot matic transmission, radio &
****************** ripe|t, 2 bedrooms, front .heater. $1995.Sargent
DANGERSIGNALS I kitchen, large living and Pump and Irrigation 1155
up nights, burning,1 extra's - washer, dryer andSo. Broadway. Phone 488-
,rscanty flow legpains,1 dishwasher. For appointment 3348.
"KE may warn of funci call 488-2596. A-51-TFN-C
~e.y disorders- "Dangerl - - -
~lve a lift with gentleI 1972 JEEP C J-5, new V8
3-tabs-a-day treatment.][ engine, low mileage, roll bar,
kidneys REi good tires. 488-2967.
PASSA(~E~ Your 4sol
~TPleased in 12 hours,I A-13-14-P
j wheel drive, very dependable
w/canopy on back. Willing to
trade or $1,000. 488-9748.
~E HOME, 12 x 65, *************************
,ms. Semi-furnished
~er, dryer, and dish- 1965 CHEVY IMPALA
283. New transmission, new
Large yard, dog brakes $500. or best offer.
garden space and
~88-2596. Jerry Emry, Box 393 or
~***************** A-13-14-C
cPhone 488-9044.
',E SPACE, contact
Son at 488 9636
N-C - "
ROOM house for
~. Call 488-9465.
pickup. $350. 488-3866.
ASHUA Mobile LEASING *************************
with . 4-foot Cars or pickups 24 or 36
1 V~ baths, months. See us for real deal.'
Guenther - Lee Chevrolet
Serving the Basin Since 1965
We're No. 1 & 2
Sellers in the World
824 West 3rd Ave.
765-7472 or 765-8121
"Complete lawn and garden
care" *Insect control *Mow-
ing *Weed Control *Ferti-
ilizing *Fruit Tree and
Shrub trimming *Edging
Licensed pesticide ap-
plicator. Licensed pesticide
consultant, 20 years exper-
Call 488-2308 for Estimate
Sasles and service. We[
service all makes of sewingI
machines. Call 765-7701 in]
Moses Lake. All workI
Guaranteed. t
S-29-TFN-C ._i
W anted to B
rooms, 1V~ baths, home with
garage. Call 488-2047.
homerUgs" Very nice garage with NOTICE ()FCAIA, FOR BIDS rejected within fifteen {15) days
calling for bids on roof coating and ?nly those manufacturers which
27 years old. Willing to learn. Terms. The Othello School District is after hid opening•
P•O. Box 378, Othello. ************* I painting materials by April 8, 1974• ha~e representatives permanently
Details are available at 800 S. based within a 150 mile radius of
WW-14=P 2 bedroom home. Fair Tenth Ave., Othello, Washington. the City of Othello shall be
************************* condition. All fenced yard, Signed: Tom Lyda considered as eligible to bid on the
I fruit trees. $12,000. Superintendent of Schools equipment specified.
************* 4-4-2T Specifications may be examined
• - -- -r 8 acres. Good homesite. ~A~-n ............... Main, Othello, Washington, or at
----~--~.~---...-~--. at the Othello City Hall, 512 E.
" DEMO SALE" Terms. h~~,, ~%-~,~z ~ v the offices of Stevens. ,l~hompson &
************* ~ N~"~''~''~a'~'~'~'~'~..TI.~.~ .._ ..-.~.,~v,~ *~ Runyan,. Inc., Engineers/Planners,
h P P W n ~ ~ r A m ~ ~ • r ~ • • ~, Suite 700, elaz~ 600, Seattle,
JOHNNY MERCER ........ "~4~.¢ ..... '~ " Washington 98101 or Symons
REALTY TAKE NOTI'C~'~'~'~ ....... Building 7 South Howard Spo-
t 2 DOOR CAPRICE i Next to Post Office J : ' " '
Damon of Oth~l~ ~'~hin~g'~oan~eotnn kane, Washing.ton 99.~.4._.
i 488-5244 i ........ ' ..... ~opses ol sala speclncauons may
l~ovemoerz, I~Y3 unuer ~ppncatlon I~, ,~l-,t.~'.~ A ...... I;...~*;....., th~
CLASSIC COUPE Evenings and Sunday J No G3-22020 filed for hermit to "7-"''~"me"ue .... ve ...............
• . . - . mfices ot the Engineers/Planners
approprmtepubllcwaters, sub~ect to Stevens Thom,-~on & Run-an Inc'
IRed with black vinyl roof,i 488-3231II II i i tumgo l h )' fr?lomna ~eell4n:he Swui~inYt0~on ~0~1~ uG~0~n :Se~tele[
Ired cloth interior, auto-l ~~~
mmatic, power steering,1 for the purpose of irrigation during o .... g . ....%, poj. p y ....
• ' • l a Ut?pOSlt Ol ~ UU wnlc~ WUl De
lPower brakes, air, cruise[ ~rrzgatmn~season.... "
The so.tea ,~f tho~ ......,.~Aa remnoea upon return of the do, u-
[control, tilt wheel, powerB -- - • ..-•-= ,~" .~':~ ..(:~-~2~? ments In good condition within
[$ I ::~)pr°prm(ll~)n~SolwTsal~?;l~II~n.mR~nEg~ fifteen (15)days after bid opening.
plit seats and more. OUR APPRECIATION to -, .~ ,.,-o ' .... ": eL//proposals must be submitted
,*l ~•w.xz., in Aaams t~ounty on the r " " " ~ ~ "~
our friends and the many Protests or objections to approval the s-- e.~.umr mrmsmrnlsneo wltn
people for their concern, ,,t this appacatlon must Incmoe a accomnanied b,, a certified check
prayers and kindness duringdetailed statement of the basis for ca "" ~' ;" "~ ...... '
ob:e(tions rote " . ~ snlers CheCK or Bin ~ono in an
• my illness. ('o~anied; p a :wtSo ~o~atr ~$2 {~ amount not less than five percent
~s/Tommy Tindell & family recordin ~ ~ ...... 3'~ """ ~ (50/°)Theof theoftOtaIothellobid.
Departngen~teeotn~coI~e~ w~t:st~rnne City reserves the
......... ~..:.'.. .~ . right to reject any or all bids, waive
[ 60enther.iee i ************************-- ~0~snIng~°natte~l::auleglll~e'%k~:st in't:ormalities, or to accept any bid
.............. : ..e~ ,^, which appears to serve the best
I Chevrolet i Financial wasamgton,~gu, wltnlntnlrtyi~u, in* .... *-*,'*h o•*
days from April 11, 1974• "'Bv~or'de~" of'~h~n~it"" Council
4-11-2T ~ Y
~,..~..s...~.~.s.~. City of Othello, Washington
Notice is hereb~ given by the "~"~~~
| 488-2688 i
, Board of Adams ~ounty Carom|s- h 6real Form
and your dollar from sioners that they will receive sealed
inflation. Invest in silver, bids until 11:00 P.m., Monday, April We custom nrint ~II
15, 1974, at their office in the ......... r ........
pure silver coins, bars, Courthouse in Ritzville, Washing- business forms just as
and nuggets. Best prices, ton, atwhichtimeandplacethevwfll "'^U want them t-_l,
Call your Silver Comm~ be publicly opened and read ~or: ?v . ...,.,,t
Structural Steel Brid~e Stringers for estimate.
FOR SALE OR TRADE dities Exchange represen-and Flooring for the per~ed April l5, THI P INTE
Case 400 tractor and AC tative 349-2308. 1974 to April 15, 1975. ~ £ii~
Baler both good condition. 5 13-16-C Bid proposals and specifications485 2073
Thank You
miles south of Othello on
Radar Road. George Rues-
berry. 488-2234.
******* Othello, WA WANTED, GOOD home
, m ~ Basset Hound,female. 488-Basin Alfalfa Growers; Sell
t'AR.GEST STOCK OF MOBILE HOMES IN 9539 after six. direct to Dairymen. Do APALOOSA GELDING for
NORTH CENTRAL WASHINGTON W-14-TFN-C you need cash NOW? We sale. Well broke-needs to be
*************************will contract good Dairyridden. Call 488-2775 after 5
DINGO PUPPIES for sale. hay and pay you 30% in p.m.
Bob Horn, 488-2514. advance. For informationL-14-C ******
~ack, P-14-16-C call (206 352-1619 or (509) *******************
' °equ°ia" ~ , 12-13-14 ,
NEW 12 wides $6795.00 & up ~ ALFALFA SEED for sale.
NEW 14 wides $7395.00 & Up Certified Granger. $1.60 per FARM LAND near Royal
NEW Double wides $9995.00 & Up I ! pound. Call 932_4131" City. Irrigable acres for rent.
LOTS OF USED HOMES EDSON EXCAVATION FS-11-14-C Should be suitable cantaloups,
• ************************* watermellons, hay, or what-
|Backhoe for trenching, sep-[ ALFALFA SEED for sale,ever. Alberg, MA 4-3033
(~OOPER'S MOBILE HOMES, WENATCHEE i tic tanks. 488-9797.i certified Ranger and Washoe. Seattle Investment Co. or
1821-North Wenatchee Ave. I,TFN ] Call Moses Lake 765-3024 or write 2001 - 5th, Seattle.
| | 662-6189 I [ Odessa 982-2594. FS-12-14-C
Apr. 13. Easter eggs, 16 pair
Ii rown Tops 'Em AllI new pillow cases, odds and
ends. Voda Griffith, 1216
]l IPEI ViCE-...... "J 4 DOOR Call ACCESS 1-659-1111i Hemlock.
a ATISFACTION J CAPRICE CLASSIC collect. Confidentia124-houri
service. | *************************
i! ~h=:: Silver with white vinyl top, Ll122 _Hel p_~
vinyl interior, power split L~
seats, air, power steering, MUST SACRIFICE-out of
' ' 'anD power brakes, automatic; town owner must sell large 2
rear window defogger, WAITRESS WANTED bedroom home. New wall to
speed control, tilt wheel, apply in person Week's Steak wall carpet, drapes and
steelbelted tires, tape deck, House. appliances plus 3 furnished
ke " " ood - Pacific - with am radio and more. HW-13-15-C apartment units. Rental in-
************************** come from apartments exceed
Open 9 P.m. to6 p.m. '4950 Oi I- =walla Waila" C°mmunttyl appraisedl°W$75" mortgage. $$$$ belOWvalue. Youmake the
Monday through Saturday } • [College will graduate 16 eg-l terms, unbelievable $15,500.
' 1 year free service mechanics, May 3, •1974, Call 488-3229.
Bank Financing OuentSer-Lee students are available for RE-14-TFN-C
, interview. Call 529-0700 or *************************
i:$ CSevrolet 529-0670ext23orwriteRay 3 BEDROOMS, attached
Farm and
Barnes, Waila Waih Cam-garage (almost complete to
Crown II | I 1 N. Broad way munity College, 340 S. Park
t St. YAKIMA 1818 So. 1st St. family room). 130 N. 12th.
GL2-7186 488.Z688 Waila Walla 99362. Call 488-9411.
WW-10-12-14-16-C RE-13-14-C
~x~Y~ IEastern Star " ' | !~."
x IIsagehens |
"" I DD, t'S -
ine I_Rotary Club n ~el"~l nI ~Affin~P
- IBusiness & Professional I Kn IAUKAH/
fizza Factory i ~wnt0wn 0~11o
sr~u~z, ~pr. o, 1974 m
INothing [ Vi~t The
103 S. 1st 8.3252 iS TU Dm, pr. 6, 19 4 • LOTUS ROOM
,~iii~--.i~i 1Nothing ~i~".=o~i~mmnm
LOCKER BEEF nSUNDm, pr. 7, [
i ttend the Church ] ll 0 CaiH
• " Of Your Choice
Custom Cutting I I i klnk
..... IMONDAY, Apr. 8, 1974
L0{Ker Kenlal$ |American Le~ion Auxiliary J
On lhe Farm Slaugh ring|Pioneer Homemakers " n nAnin
I Volunteer Meeting ! I .t UI
iN_L~_ i • iOthello Moose i
DOD $ LO KOr Iaycees I
....... _ . ! 1400 on yaur
Ulr tly senin0 |uoy acout Troop #806 II I
' ' Boy Scout Troop #805 1 "
Jack s Baqann B rn I DlaJ
4~t Ooc~ mTUESDAY, Apr. 9, 1974 I
,----,-2-~LZ~--li~Kiwanis Club t =i--i--= ,---
|Sandusters I ..-..., ...
' P =SchooIBoardlCampFire Council I
iargent. Pro. n n,~LRVlt,L
• ___a___._iBeta Si ma Phi I is what you
& Irrlgal[ion, IDe ta I
• IxI Beta Xi I "
Distributor for !WEDNESDAY, Apr. 10 1974| get more
1Crafty Homemakers j .
Irrigation Equipment !American Legion i oF at
iTops Wa # 669 i
Pump Soles & Equipment [
|1 I
1155 S. Broadway i IAMERICAN SERVICE