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The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
April 11, 1974     The Othello Outlook
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April 11, 1974
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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0g, 2 - )TH[LLO, WASIflNSTON THE OTHELLO OUTLOOK THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1974 We will welcome all identifying information, particularly corrections which have to offer for pictures appearing in this column. Just call The Outlook 488-334~ Gladys Para 488-2812• The pictures are provided by the Museum and Arts Society Mrs. Para providing the text. 'Working , for Othello's Baianced ....... (Continued from last week] ~":!~i!ii~;: ":'~~~ . growth" Entered as Second Class ~> ~ TOWN TEAM H-In 1940 ~+'~::i~,~: ¢~ ~, Mat~ter January 21, 1947, at the Post town team baseball was re- ~d ~£ Office at Othello, Washington under the .~ organized, and there were ~i !!! . tr Act of March 3, 1879. Published every TEN YEARS AGO District school board Tuesday enough players available so April9,1964 evening to replace Fritzthat high school students were Auae~ffoa-Fo~m~@/llell Ttmrsday morning at Othello, Washing- ~.~.'/ Mrs. John (Eve!en) Unbe- Garmann in the reorganization no longer needed to fill out the~i • " ton 99344 by the Basin Publishing ....... ~ Comp}lny. wust is Othe!lo's 'Woman of of the board. George Locke numbers• The team soon i : Achievement' for 1963• Ap-was elected vice chairman and earned the reputation for .......... :::: ::: i~ R.D. (Dan) LEARY .............................. MANAGING EDITOR plauding the announcementMrs. Velma Bayley was being unbeatable• DEAN H. JUDD ........................................................ EDITOR 180 E. Main last Sunday at the achieve- re-appointed clerk• This was in the days when ........ ........ ment tea were members of the sponsoring 13usiness and Professional Women's Club, past women of achievement and special guests. ************* Luke Danielson and Bob Two Othello youths were McCourtie were pitching, and elected State Farmers when the members included the two the Future Farmers of Ameri- Roloffs, Elmer and Rob; the ca named their 1959-60 state two Paras, John and Tom; the officers at Washington State late O.F. Kenfield; George College last week. The'voting Hall, Wayne Benton, AI Lewis RICHARD REX .............................................. AD MANAGER Subscriptions $5.00 JESSIE M. PLANT .................................. SOCIAL EDITOR yearly in Adams, Grant, Benton and BETTY HASTINGS ............................................. SECRETARY FranklinCounties, MARGE FEYDER .............................................. AD LAYOUT $6.00 elsewhere. SHELLY HANI,EY ...................................... COMPUWRITER Single copies I5¢ What's in a name? This was -~ a question raised at the was a climax of this year's from the Radar Base and • Revie sW lastOthell°Chamber of CommerCeweek. Chamber President FFA convention. Robin Dickson. Other players 'l The two youths, Wayne were George Finkbeiner, Ed Emry said the chamber is Hall, 16, FFA president of the Sears Matthews; the two interested in having the local chapter whose parents Michels, Clayton and Everett, :! The new traffic light added to the city operation when youngsters are u ing the Pothole lakes area designated are Mr. and Mrs. Clarenceand Chuck Grow• street system at llth and Main has now intersection regularly, but to have it as such on the maps, but that Hall, and Bob Johnson, son of Photo above shows catcher i been in operation for several months, and stopping straffic on Main when there is until the Potholes had a Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Johnson, Tom Para. collective name this could not were elected on thepoint Another game in the history judging from the public response it has virtually no pedestrians or cross-traffic, be done. system for the honor, of town team ball played received, now might be a good time for a seems completely ridiculous. ************* ************* against a team with "bor- i review of its 24-hour operation. The council assessment of speeding The Royal City SChool TWENTY YEARS AGO rowed" players occurred the The traffic light got approval from the city problems on Main was valid at the time the Board of Directors reorganiz- April9,1954 year Othello was slated to play council about a year ago following receipt of light was approved, but thanks to the new ed at their Mar. 24 meeting, The Othello Chamber of a home game with Lind in a petition signed by about 75 residents living radar unit now in use and increased speeder with Ed Spalding Jr. beingCommerce started the annual 1947. in the northeast corner of the city. citations handed out by the city police in the selected as chairman of the census for the corporate town Some of the team members There concern was for the safety of past few months, we think that situation has board, Donald Stewart as vice of Othello yesterday• Therecall that Lind was pretty chairman andEstherCorcorancensus figures are as yetnervous about facing the ~ youngsters traveling across Main on their considerablly improved, incomplete since the nose- unbeaten Othello team, and way to Scootney Springs, or coming from As was pointed out at a council meeting a as clerk. • ************ count will not be finished that they "sneaked over to More Commu Sunday School at 9:45 with morning ~or Handel's "Thine is will be presented and Pastor Brad sing, "He Lives Within~! Heart", by message will be "The Certainty" '!' "Hallelu cantata by John W. will be presented by: church choir under the tion of Marshall Butchera p.m. service. A fell01 hour will be at 8.p.m. ! The Church of the Na~ will begin it's bration with a childr~'s gram during the 9:45 Sunday School Hour, folk by worship service in the Sanctuary Choir will "Christ Arose". PastOr McCarty will ~ring ;~ me "Good News from a Yard". At 7 p.m there will musical service with Adams and the other direction to use Lions park and the couple of weeks ago, the new light may ~;~. p..A t~..~ .... ;h, t~.l- before early in the week• Moscow" and hired four of the swimmlnq idol That concern was justified actually be adding to speeding problems at ...... Dr Juamta Patterson, o ~ • rage marked its seconoyear o~ . . " . .. " University of Idaho star • ht t llth has been a hel in the intersection by drivers trying to "beat .n,..a ;,.. ~.~1 :-~ ¢'--* ...... cnalrman oz tie census corn- and the llga p ~v~--t ....... ~ ,.,~ # .................. players for the big game: a • ' " -" " " the corner mlttee, tom tne wnamner at pitcher, catcher, third base- getting the youngsters across the street the hght and avmd sitting at its own camnus with official .... . • . .... r • their regular meeting last However, there was also considerable while nothLng goes past. A council member dedication ceremomes Sun- . ........ man and 'maybe the second .... e nlgnt tnat tne census count, .... feeling on the council at the time that the reported that in order to make all five lights day, Apr. 5. WashLngton Stat ....... baseman too". ..... ..... : .... -~.-~>: ..... • •even tnougn incomplete, mdi- Tom Grow had just started addLtlonal light would be a help in con- along Mare street on green you have to be Governor Albert D. Rosehnl ._~o~,~ ......lo+; ...... ~ Town team baseball in ....... c ............. e-v ............. coachingfor Othel)othat Othello came to a closein 1954, v r was tne prlncl al speaker Ior , trolling speeders on East Main street and tra eling 43 miles per how . ., • P well be 'over 1,800." would be a bi hel in slowin down vehicles The new light does have its place during tie occasmn: ........ ************* spring, and he recalls that g .P g . . . * ............ as they came into town from the west. times of heavy pedestrian activity, but we ~,,~'Tt~v~an~-~ One ofthe spring projects of Othellowonthatgame2-1, and and thereasonis an interest- ........... " .................... o" nior'~hamber of says it happened this way: ing one: Chuck Grow had Hence, the support for a 24-hour operatmn think serious conmderatlon snoulu ne given A-ril9 1959 tne t)tnell ~u w "George Hall was the runner taken over coaching from his on the light to putting it on yellow caution on Main when R L So~rbe'r~, was elected Commerce was started in the on third, and it was the last of father that final year, and he ° " ....... " " ~' local city park this weekend. We agree that the hght should be m there ~s little traffic, chairman of the Othello School ..a~:^. . 2a" ..... I the ninth. Johnny Para was at found the same thing gradu- ~~2",.f-~~~ -- - started to take shape as bat and I gave him the bunt ally happening as had Tom. TV ~',:~,4(~j~.~ ~ Jaycees and local contractors sign. He hit a little pop fly and was then becoming firmly , '~ ............... 7"/ 1 IJ .. _ ~ |_ | ! teamed up on the park if that pitcher had stayed established in town, and iI Tour )cnools i -- improvement project, where he was it would have though the crowds were TI .rl.l~r~1~'D~'Ni rl. r-t,'~ .nlU ~ila_~ rllOt .lJl I | |r't l/~'~' i ,v__= .,w.... ~..w ~ Ben Kanenwisher did the beenallover, but heranunder always good as usual and the • .. u.... v • ML 1.... Prepared by. Othello School District off icial s ~ bull dozing work, the Massar Georgethe ball andbeatmissedhim toit andhomeSO enthusiasmteam alwaySonShOWedsundayUp after-With ~,~" .; ":' ~i~:~" :~9~::~:~?i:~::~?~::~:~i~i&~i..~:~:i~!~i~¢~ ~'Z,: ~9.z..:',-~::- ~,: :i ............ :; ..~.'..waOly:h~ ~!i:o i~!:4[i /s/Susie B. Razey Adams County | ..... | I)P : Audit.rand Clerk of the'Board of IAUnivcrsal P,¢ture.Tcchni¢ok)rl iSUNSET THEATRE I County Commissioners t Todd-AO3s 1 1 CONNER 234-3071 I 1:00 P.M. 4-11-5T i ~ n I I Public Notice