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April 11, 1974 |
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WS.O $tudeJIts h, Tour To Niessner i i i
Dairy, Feed, rot T pday w,o io ,na
five-way race, Frank Niessner
of Royal City was elected to a
District I position on the OLYMPIA - Motorcycles Then an appointment is made
, EPHRATA _ Members of Warden and discuss the Washington Potato Commie-have always been popular in to take the riding test, during
~elariet Club of Washington Carnation Genetics Bull Test sion in a mail election conduct- Washington State, both for which he or she will be asked
itu~te University are echo- program This will give theed by the State Department of pleasure riding and as anto perform certain skill
ledtomak • " • Agriculture. economical means of trans- maneuvers such as making180
~reo ~ • estopsm thelocal studentsan opportumty to see
~ uurmg a tour of the high gaining bulls that have The other candidates wereportation, but during recent degree turns, zig-zagging
~01umbia Basin scheduled the records to prove it Robert W. Holloway of months their numbers haveslalom style through a cone-
0day,. according' to Grant- The last stop in" the Ephrata; JackReichert, Sr., of soared with the gasolinemarked course and riding
F0d~m.~ Extension Agents Columbia Basin area will be Othello; William M. Watson of squeeze, slowly in a straight line.
nnM~re and Ladd Mitchelthe Vantage Point Farms with Quincy; and August Giraud of
vn!°.c°mpleted tour arrange: Ron Palelek at Vanta e. Quincy, incumbent, cyclistsA's a result, there has beenappearing at Depart- h~me~ma (]'v ~e~rmlo~to;cZ;dc~e :~° tak~tnth'e'r~d~n:g!es!"-the
"~,~s. ~ g Two other incumbents were an unexpected crush of
aiThe, club. members, whoare W/'l~/~r ~l~/'~tlk~' reelected to the Commission
• .- ~ sclence st,,,h~,.~., • • ~m~/ m~Jl4 JH without opposition for three- ment of Motor Vehicles' must be in good working
~eSU will start their visit a~ t l_._ I~_ _7__:J year terms beginning July 1. Driver License Examining order.
J~xtension office in Snhra VOTe ~Jverrla Harry D. Bair of Pasco was Offices across the state.State law requires a rear
a at 10 a.m. ~ - e reelected in District IV and A special driver "endorse- view mirror, a muffler in good
After a hrief preview of the |" ~ ~ J Hugh Hawley of Ferndale was ment" is needed to operate the working order, handlebars no
:ea at the Ext .......|~ ounDor,eo c,,io on the street.
reelected in District V. • higher than 15 inches above
new ,,,m • Unslon UHICe, r r
" "-' v,sit the Finnshee
~ashm to P OLYMPIA - Sen Dan Jolly~ Jack Nelson, Department the seat level and the driver
fill s g n farm. Here they . . Director, explained that in and passengers must wear
ee purebeW hw~l v~rrlrna~s°~epn SenateSenate(D16th Dist.) stud Monday theAgricultureoverride Commit- r_ d C?
• *° Recor urse 1973a total of 91,184 motor protective helmets with chin
10w~reedSdesired Governor ~ | cycles were registered in the roadway°r neck mustStrapS'have a wind-A cycle
nder°ss~l~lt.-.? ~.~ show tee has recommended that the state. He noted the figure was operated upon the public
~ra~s zrom , • ror panJsn an increase of i3 per cent over
everalbr~^~ . - . Evans veto of legmlatlon to shield or the driver must wear
~.hined ~tos n°trSaneep canoe exempt certain irriation water T | 1972.
goggles or have a face shield.
erlOreweth_,~'.:~,"~ "~ ~,,~- right applicants from filing /rucgers Set However, even more stag- A motorcycle that is used to
ab Will enerauy . lim actstate-
~Vetwo or more fag ,,ai-i-- envlronmenta p gering has been the increase of carry passengers must be
-,~os per lambing e, .... 5 mont. MOSES LAKE - A seminar applications to take the equipped with a passenger
~tartin~ a~ ...."_ The chairman of the Senate onrecord keeping for Spansih- motorcycle skill test required seat and passenger footpegs.
it' ~ ~ IIUUII [,fie ou • • •
l(l tour the D ..... ~ P Agrmulture Committee studspeaking truckers will be con- by law.
~ke. Here~ amen°_I lVlm?;S the billrelatedtofarmerswho dueled at Big Bend Cerumen- Nelson said that in Febru-I 100 3
~gs the ........,g .~Y applied for use of 50 cubic feet ity College, starting Tuesday, ary, 2,069 riders took the test. TOP
~ uulJ Will See l, lle
Vestocitl k .... el,;ppmg........... Iacmues per second,. . .mr less, of water Apr. 16, at 7 p.m. on the South The figure is more than double /
L additi ~ T ..... "o from lrrlgatmn purposes. Campus. that of 1973. And that trend 1 BULLS
o, ~,u~;an ~eam o~"When the~ Senate passed Rex Wilks, chairman of the has held steady for the past
eP°rt D~strmt has made ar 34 t 11
agement~ f~r the ou tothe billby a vote o f: o , It economics and business ad- three months. The number for|IW,-LSEU- ATaUCr,o~ |
~r the Ja ...... gr"' p was the feeling that use of ministration division, said the March is expected to be near I NOON APRIL 24 |
~i~g 747 brV~e~;e ~]rnnes water in this amount should course willcoverthose aspects 4,000 applicants. |Sestof122aVLLSP,oduct,onTested |
Zter lunch th- " ..not require the red tape of an of record keeping useful in
ra e group wm . . The local examining offices
/ /
, eel to Othe ....... envwonemental ~mpact state- running one's own business. It do not have the manpower to I LACROSSE 1
~tlt lie [,O tour [fie ,, •
'air Parmsto~a~ ...... connnement merit, .... Sen. Jolly sa~d. will include preparation of meet this unexpected in 1 BULL SALI~ I
in:- y" Th'ls ,,~ge~ ....... tota~ con- In the trad,tmnal wr]gatlon financial statements, annual crease, Glenn Crawford, Driv-
, e~enl dai., :~ -~- , areas of the state, we have reports, an explanation ofer Examining Administrator, lI s,,,,o,, under superv,s,on--I|
'eentr, l.Wa " gslnc will for many years and the I Wash,ngto. State U,,vers,tYl
', r~s~natoOmy one lived with these uses of water banking procedures and thesaid. The only alternative| ann Washington Beef Cattlel
Chet ~ rmr, Prm handling of payrolls.
h0w ~ , • would be to cut back on other
th ........ " .., thought of having to file an The instructor will be services and those areas / /m~rovemem As~c,~t~o,, 1
Edulio (Al) Alvarez, who has
~ding fa%~t~stn:~)rtT~t~ impact statement with some continue to require the same |" Heref°rds wChar°lais 1
j bureaucracy in Olympia isconsiderable trucking experi- level of service as in the past. |. Santa Gertrudis •¾ Simmental |
Ifir~,,..,o¢ /r"r • . very repugnent to farmers. . . ence. The seminar is being 1,½ Limousin • Black Angus 1
alrllrl(] Farmers depend upon xrmga- jointly sponsored by the Crawford asked cyclists to |. ½ Chianina • ½ Simmental l
• - : tion for their livelihood and Grant-Adams Extension Ser- be understandingaboutdelays 1 " ½ Maine Anjou /
n bcfiurdoy this use of state resources is vice, the Small Businessin completing the tests. He
recognized in the basic laws of Administration and the col- noted that wherever possible, I Fie~d DaY at Lac~o~ S~atio. I
| 10 a,m. April 23 l
e training session for the state, without any qualifi- lege. the skill tests are now being I WBCIA Banquet & Annual Meeting I
!-H club members is cation other than that the The seminar will meet each given two days a week at many l Pullman, evening April 23 /
I for this Saturday water be put to beneficial use, Tuesday evening from 7 p.m. locations instead of the usual | World Famous Or. John Hodoo$ |
at the West District as adjudged by the state.' to 9 p.m. in room 107 on the one day a week. / of Canada Will Speak 1
ounty fairgrounds Sen. Jolly said the commit- South Campus. The cost for The normal routine is upon lf:ofweightmlormanon: i
e~ is scheduled for tee decision to recommend the those enrolling who have not payment of a $2 exam fee, the l carol Henning, Route 2, Box 53, I
tO 3 p,m. weatherveto override was made at its yet graduated from high rider takes a written test.
meeting Saturday. school will be $5. For those
,rt Exhibition
will be sessions on The bill's sponsors are Sen.
equitation, halter Jolly and Senators Hubert
and basic horseDonohue (D-gth Dist.) and
Sam Guess (R-6th Dist.).
The committee recom-
mendation was forwarded to
the Senate Rules Committee
BBCC for consideration when the
Legislature resumes on Apr.
LAKE - The Gov-
featuring 26
~ened at the Big
and will be on
Apr. 30.
are paintings,
weaving and
~e show contains
Works by artists
never participated
to Mrs.
works were
~n the annual Gover-
Stival of Arts, held in
ad were on display
Capitol Museum
enrolling who have graduated
from high school, there will be
a $6.30 registration fee and
approximately $8 will be
needed for books and supplies.
Additional information on
the course may be obtained by
contacting Fred Hasten or Dr.
Robert Batie at Big Bend,
phone 765-7821.
EVE .m
LARGEST Rt .....
Big Showing and Still Going
Free Coffee and Cookies
There's been a lot of people looking and many
people buying ......
One Third More Mobile Homes Showing
Five Double Wides Set Up
Also, plenty of good used trailers .....
Reg. $1.65
Good thru April 14t5
loves what the Colonel cooks
Have abarrel of fun
12 OZ. PKG.
2 LB.
I • • • Shulton'
~i ~,~ ~logne, ,
t 7~ ! Powder,
" lllk _
• Y @ • tu~
Your one stop shop for a happy April 14! Cardsg2.25
•.. candy.., baskets.., gifts.., egg coloring
kits! Hop on over. for egg-ceptional savings
TH RU Brylcreem Soft
A n'a I-; e s-'icJ e I _Hair.. Apra_y__ $_ ze_ -- 29 !
Non-runny jel brings ~'.l~a~m, iA ~a.l.~_
cooling, temporary relief ' ~|||~;~t~|~ ~l~¢lH[~lr
to stiff, sore muscles~
" Repellent 99:
._Cellophane Tape 2 ~or27