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The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
April 11, 1974     The Othello Outlook
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April 11, 1974
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Page 6 - OTH[LLO, WASHINGTON !i THE OTHELLO OUTLOOK THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1974 HONORED DISTRICT PRESIDENT - Mrs. B.J. Plant of Othello, 12th district American Legion auxiliary president, was the honored district president at a special dinner in East Wenatchee last Saturday evening held for the national auxiliary president. Mrs. B.M. Garrett, national president, is at left, with Virgina Dallam, East Wenatchee, state president, at right. Resident Feted During National Leader Visit Mrs. B.J. Plant, Twelfth District president of the American Legion Auxiliary, Department: of Washington, was honored district president Saturday evening during the official state visitation of Mrs. B.M. Jarrett, National Auxili- ary president, of North Carolina. Twelfth District's member- ship stood at 103.67 per cent, highest in the state, with all CWSC Honors Go to Eight EI,LENSBURG- Eight area students are included on the ('('ntral Washington State ('ollege wintrr quarter honor roll announced last week by ~i('e president for academic affairs l)r. Edward Harring- Ion. Among 113 students with at{-A grades were William F. Neely of Royal City and Richard Collins of Othello. Other local students were (;.nnie Danielson of Othello and Dennis W. Grimmer, Cheryl L. Neeley, William T. Maher, Janet E. Sa]inas and Kelly Dee Morton, all of Royal City. A total of 1,474 students a('hieved a minimum of 3.25 ~rade point average for the quarter to qualify for the honor roll. To be eligible a ~i udent must complete at least 12 credit hours (luring the quarter, Units at 100 per cent member- ship goal or over. Units are Lind, Othello, Connell, Mesa- Eltopia, Pasco, Kennewickl Richland, Benton City, Pros- ser, Walla Walla, Dayton and Waitsburg. The banquet and reception for Mrs. Jarrett was held at Eddie May's Inn in East Wenatchee, home town of state auxiliary president, Mrs. Larry Dallam. More than 200 Legion and Auxiliary members attended. Singing Disciples Plan Bake Sale The Singing Disciples, teen choir of the Church of the Nazarene, have planned a bake sale Saturday, Apr. 13, at Jack's Bargain Barn, be- ginning at 9:30 a.m. Among the items for sale will be the popular TV Time popcorn many have re~ested, Proceeds from the sale will go to provide sound equipment for their choir. Correction Noted Gall Johnston assisted with the reception for the Karl Johnson and Pamela McKeen wedding instead of Gaff Johnson as was incorrectly reported last week. Skills Event Set Apr. 19 MOSES I,AKE - Fourteen high schools are expected to send contestants to the first Business Skills Tournament, to be held Apr. 19 on the Big Bend Community College campus. The tournament will feature contests in accounting, short- hand, typing and spelling. In addition to the contests a special communications work- shop, conducted by Mrs. Betty Burns, educational represent- ative of Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone of Spokane, is on tap. The event is being sponsored by Phi Beta Lamb- da, post-secondary business education organization, with the assistance of Big Bend faculty members. The tour- nament begins at 9:30 a.m. and will end at 2:30 p.m. Students will bring their own lunches. t Truck Tractor, Passenger, Batteries 1255 S. Broadway Crusad Christian Life and Witness courses, which have been taught to thousands of indi- viduals in conjunction with Billy Graham Crusades around the world, will begin in the Columbia Basin area next week in Moses Lake and Ephrata. This important lay-training program, to extend over a four-week 0eriod, will be taught here by Billy Graham team member Lowell M. Jackson of Atlanta, Ga. Jackson explained that the course covers the basics of Dinner Slated For Saturday The Altar Society of Sacred Heart Catholic Church is sponsoring a Mexican dinner Saturday, Apr. 27, in the church basement, 7th and Juniper. Serving will be 5 to 9 p.m., with the menu including enchiladas, tamales, tacos, Spanish rice and refried beans. Cost will be $2 for adults and $1.25 for those under 12. Tickets may be obtained from Altar Society members or by calling Mrs. Santos Veliz at 488-2515 or Mrs. Julian Bustamante at 488-2455. United Meth~list the featured speaker at a United Methodist Women Juniper Baptist Association will meet with Mrs. George Youth Retreat Apr. 12 and 13. Sundgren, 1115 E. Rainier, He will speak on the theme, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Apr. 17. "Free to Choose - His Way or Mrs. Ray Logan will be Mine". His wife, Connie, will co-hostess. The program will sing special music. be given by the Rev. and Mrs. The retreat will be at Camp Don Larson on the topic, "A Santian near Suttle Lake, Ore. Meaningful -and Relevant Around 200 Junior High, High Theology". School and college students ************* are expected to attend. A laboratory training school for all levels of teachers in Christian education will be held Apr. 19-21 at the United Methodist Church in Wenat- chee. Contact Mrs. Jim Taylor, 488-2819 for details. Pilgrim Lutheran Monday, Apr. 15, Council Committee meets 7:30 p.m., followed by Church Council at 8:30 p.m. Junior Choir rehearses at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, Apr. 16. ************* Ruth Circle will meet Wednesday, Apr. 17, with a noon luncheon served by Mrs. Don Smith and Irma Mercer. Mrs. Neff Thompson will lead the Bible Study. ************* There will be a library meeting tonight, Apr. 18, 7:30 p.m. at the church. Southern Baptist Pastor Dan Brandel will be Due To The Increase In The Cost Of Living. We Are Forced To Increase Our Prices 25¢. Increase Goes Into Effect Tuesday, April 30, 1974 391 E. Main So. Broadway THIS IS 488-2742 Othello NEW & USED ! was raised in the church # | Life, Witness Classes This Week resulthave always g°ne' but aSl|of these classes e~[J thing seems to come tog~ | which begin at 7:30 p.m., will ing the four classes said, "I've The whole thing has tal~! be held in Ephrata at Holy been a Christian for years, i new meaning!" Christian beliefs and ethics, what a believer's life should be and how one should intereact in society as he seeks to wit- ness to his faith. The classes include the following topics: The effective Christian Life; The Well- Balanced Christian Life; the Christian's Witness; and Ef- fective Follow-up. "The classes are open to all without obligation. The Study Guide is provided free along with other class materials. It is expected that all signing up for the classes will attend two classes per week only in the location most convenient," said Jackson. The weekly sessions, all of 67 So. 1st Prko 5oll.Sorvko 11ro Mounnghng. 900 x 20 Steel- Radial $110 + F.E.T. $9.08 (Reg. $]37) Supermarket for Tires Cash and Carry 488-51"41 LOOK HERE FOR Trinity Lutheran Church on Mondays and Wednesdays, Apr. 15, 17, 22, 24, and at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Moses Lake on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Apr. 16,18,23,25. Local leaders urge youth to attend particularly, since youth counselors will be needed. Anyone wishing to serve as a counselor at the crusade must attend these classes. "To the average person," continued Jackson, "this course provides real oppor- tunity for renewed Christian experience and discipleship. A young man recently complet- TWO 4520 JOHN DEERE TRACTORS WITH FOUR BOTTOM PLOWS This Weekend .... Featuring WAYNE THOMAS Friday and Saturday 488-2T04 We've found a new way to make check cashing easy at 54 ONB offices/ Have you ever felt like a stranger in your own bank? It shouldn't happen. It can't happen to ONB checking account customers. Now your signature is on micro- film, at the fingertips of each of more than 300 tellers in 54 Old National offices across the state. If yot to cash a personal check, just step up and ease.., no questions asked. Your handwriting i', enough for us. You're at home with us A new and exclusive service of.. A Wuhington Bane, shams Bsnk An ~:q,=! Opportunity Employer