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lay, though it wasn't 24 years old Sunday, Apr. 7.
Gathered for dinner which
Ii Diane Phinney and Alex Hampton Workshop Set ,,,o,,mo ouaoo, . ,i,.,
Exchange Vows Church Rites ArtistTuesdaYGroupf°r Bunny°'"'"° '"'
• Diane Phinneybecamethe oTeh~loLergU/~a;ocm, eetinvglll~ef For Young and Adults
':J:{~sl~29tMt35::::d of a bratedBi::t:aB:llO~:;:rata's- ~f:de:de;f ca:]:: i:a:Pott::
And another birthday cele- (Buddy) Mar. 15 in a setting of brief Tuesday, Apr. 16,
candelabra holding arrange- because of the one-day art
e going great guns
excitement came
Atlanta Braves, had
Ruth's record of
He had just hit
really not that
ball fan, but
record! Just had to sit
watch the rest
featured Veal Parmesan,
cooked by Bill himself, and
homemade noodles, made by
his mother, Ida, were cousins,
the Angelo Mandelas and their
three children from Moses
Lake; Father James Mc-
Greevy and Mrs. Jim Dietrich.
Here for Vacation
Arriving Friday from Spo-
kane to spend spring vacation
with her parents, the Sherman
Rowes, was their daughter,
Sharon, with her children,
Michael, eight, and Melanie,
Joining them Sunday was
her husband, Dr. Frank
New House Warmed
A surprise housewarming
for Max and Janet McCombs...
with the making of a fondue
supper, followed by an even-
ing of "Ninety-Nine".
Attending couples were Bob
and Shirley McCullough, Dick
and Sue Bunch, Dick and
Kathy Francisco, Dale and
Linda Bowers and Steve and
Kay Proctor.
Portland Visit
once a hard-
has changed
as of last
the distinction of
the Miss
Dam Pageant
in the Roosevelt
the pageant was
tea followed by
pageant judges
and well-qual-
Art named the
as Don
director for
and Mrs. Ronald
of the first Miss
Dam pageant,
1960's, and now a
Worker for Expo '74.
Rice was named
a group of tenEdythe Yokem and Shirley
all from Roose~ Clabo of Royal City spent a
School. A recent five days in Portland,
ments of lavender daisies and
purple carnations with baby's
breath and ferns.
The 8 p.m. wedding cere-
mony was held at the Bethel
Spanish Assembly of God
Church with the Rev. Everett
Cole and the Rev. Dayle
Johnson officiating.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E.
Phinney are parents of the
bride and the bridegroom is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex R.
(Bud) Hampton, all Othello.
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore a white
gown of crystal polyester with
gathered skirt and wide
ruffled hemline. Ruffles edged
the high neckline, bib front
and long gathered sleeves. She
carried a teardrop arrange-
ment of five lavender cym-
bidium orchids.
Attending as maid of honor
was Paulie Silva in a
floor-length purple gown styl-
ed with ruffle-edged collar and
puffed sleeves.
Bridesmaids were Jennifer
Phinney, bride's sister, and
Debbie Fegert, wearing lav-
ender gowns in identical
styling to the maid of honor's.
Attendants carried laven-
der-tinted white carnations.
Todd Bowers, groom's ne-
phew, and Raymond Phinney,
bride's brother, were candle
lighters. Heather Phinney,
bride's sister, was flower girl
workshop being held that day
at Lampe Art Gallery.
Members will make plans
for the art show to be held in
Othello Community Library
during National Library
Week, Apr. 19-26. Members
not taking the art class are
asked to contact Joyce Rick-
man at 488-9774 or Colleen
Stock at 488-9950.
Anyone wishing to display
paintings at the show or
attend meetings is welcome.
Food Preserve
Sessions Set
Canning, freezing, smoking
and drying will be the topics
for discussion and demon-
stration for Grant-Adams Ex-
tension food preservation
workshops scheduled here
later this month.
The series of four meetings
will be at the Washington
Water Power building with
each session running from 10
to 11 a.m.
Meeting dates and topics
are Apr. 24, drying fruits and
vegetables; Apr. 26, canning;
Apr. 29, smoking meat and
fish; and Apr. 30, freezing.
The general public is invited
to attend the meetings,
Extension officials eplained.
Ore., visiting friends and and ring bearer was Gregory Final Round Held
it a "most pleasant relatives.
Ditty. In the last round of play for
that hefelt Houseguests of her sister, Dennis Jordon served as MR. AND MRS. ALEX HAMPTON the season, Othello Derby
than last Mrs. A1 Hudnut and mother, best man. Ushers were Steve Photo by Mike Biack
Stime, ArtnotedheMrs. Martha Carter, Edythe McCabe and Bill Hamm. Bridge Club winners were
cattle, paradesand makes claim to "taking inMr. and Mrs. Melvin Phin-the groom's aunt, Mrs. Alfred Hollenbeck, Lewiston, Ida.; Emma Lot Hurliman, first;
ver the years, but every antique shop in theney, bride's aunt and uncle, Miller of Post Falls, Ida.Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Miller Glorian Roloff, second, and
by far "the most area". (A big order, we'd say!) provided vocal wedding selec- Cutting and serving cake Post Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Genevieve Blanchard, third.
~xperience of all'. She also visited with a niece tions, and Mrs. Barley Norton was Mrs. Miller assisted by Bruce, Tekoa, and Mr. andPlay was Thursday, Apr. 4,
his wife, Vi, were and nephew prior to theirwas at the organ. Robin Phinney, cousin of the Mrs. Wilbur Hollenbeck, at the Eagle Hall.
houseguests of his going to Europe for mission- A reception followed in the bride. Pamela Hampton, sister Lewiston, Ida.
her family, Mr. and ary training, church fellowship hall. of the groom, served punch The new Mrs. Hampton Scout Meet Set
lley of Elmer ************* Assisting were Mrs. and Connie Williams, bride's attends Othello High School.
OfftoIdaho Everett Cole, Mrs. Ike Pecka, cousin, poured coffee; Holley Her husband is in farmingThe monthly meeting of
***** Off to Twin Falls, Ida. for a Mrs. Raymond Kostad and Preuschoff held the guest book operations with his father in Othello Girl Scout leaders and
ewed ten-day visit with her grand- Heidi Norton. and Debbie Glenn and Cindy the Othello area where the service unit was held Apr. 2 at
and Jeannie Baileyparents, Mr. and Mrs. E.D. The three-tiered wedding Coffelt attended the gift table, newlyweds will make theirthehome of Mrs. Chan Bailey,
six children spentPippitt, was Melissa Molthan, cake was decorated in lavcn- Passing groom's cake was first home. chairman.
~n~ family outing to who turned two on St. der and white, with whiteBunni Ann Bowers. . $ F~,
F lls. Patrick's Day. doves and lavender violets Bride's relativescommgfor |Hn~ Un~l |~ p I Add d
tll,y stopped over She was accompanied by her featured. A'miniature bride the wedding were her grand- /ltJIIlha' Ih411 ,.,.,m S e
~)k ne for an early mother, Sandy, and aunt, Mrs. and groom under a weddingmother, Mrs. Roswell Johns;
hi( _ e Bill Strom, who had spent a bell formed the top ornament, aunts, Mrs, James Elvington T~ f~_~ a.| ' ¢. ~..l, p g
30( miles upther, previous few days visiting the It was baked and decorated by and Mrs. InaMae Williams |U ljJ|[| ,~}t~ UU[ ro ram
)rt the trip," noted Molthans in Othello. with Connie and Threasa; aunt ,,
The Falls are ************* g" _ / ° ~ / and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. A"first forlocalGirlScouts at Scootney Springs. Mrs.
.OOKle urfler Melvin Phinney with Robin, iLbein~..nan e e~ t "
~ RooseYelt_Lake .... Visitation G~mata ........................................................... ~ ......... .~I~fl~.r ...... ,~_ Davis artd Mrs. Bailey are
• _ ralcneJm ana'xarl, an ~poxane." Fear The" will ~ ~Ve~£he chairmen with Mrs. Will Coats
be seen when the And a town full of friends A a. r~,•~ e ~A r 'Groom's relatives included oJvnortunitJv of Dartici~vati~ng in~ directing Fly-Up ceremonies.
as now. The and relatives, many former .......
ed to build residents, here for the official rtl/l¥~ /U/ his grandmother, Mrs. Emma a day camp in Othello for the Brownie Play Day will be
L Grand
Falls were really
the site was
, what
the last
will be seen."
Roloffs made
annual trek to
ABC Bowling
held in Indiana-
- they
Amtrak because
sister and
and Mrs. War-
class in cozy
they found the
but "noisy"
wheels on
his 78th
21 bowling at
Saturday evening visitation of
George Danielson, grand
sentinel of Washington, Order
of Eastern Star.
Among them were the
Clarence Showalters of Ta-
coma, houseguests of Lorraine
Michels; the Jack Hubbards
from Lincoln; Vern and Hazel
Marsh of Garfield, Mrs.
Clarence Goden from Spokane
and Dick and Martha Benson,
now of Kennewick.
Clarence and Avis Jennings,
parents of Caroline Miller,
came from their home in Ana-
cortes. They took a Sunday
drive around the Othello area
before returning home.
Mrs. Gertrude Bach was
here from Spokane, a house-
guest of Lucy Clark.
Mrs. Walter Krause was
here from Spokane, too. And
we understand that the
Danielsons, Burmah and
George, had their children
home, too, among others.
An exciting evening for a lot
of people!
Girl Scouts
Neighbors of the Chan
Baileys must have been kept
wondering for awhile Monday
morning when a large delivery
truck drove up to the Bailey
home at 6:30 a.m. and began
Altogether 289 cartons
were unloaded into the Bailey
garage and home.
That meant 2,890 boxes of
Girl Scout cookies had arrived
in Othello for distribution.
The Bailey home was a
beehive of activity during the
day as girls began arriving for
their orders, to be distributed
to customers.
"Sweet tooth" cravings in
Othello soon will be satisfied
as residents answer their
doorbells to find the young
salesmen with their orders,
placed in March.
Girls who haven't picked up
their cookies may obtain them
from Mrs. Bailey at 1235 Ash.
first time.
Meeting Monday It is scheduled for June
17-21 in Lions park for all
Milwaukee Women's Club interested Scouts.
will hold a postponed meeting There will be one overnight
Monday, Apr. 22, at 1 p.m. in camping experience.
the Pearl Taylor home. Mrs. : Mrs. C.L. Lintvedt has been
C.R. Morisette will be co- named camp director with
hostess. Mrs. Glen Hysjulien, assis-
INIGUEZ, Mr. and Mrs.
Santiago, Connell, boy, 8 lbs., 5
ozs., Apr. 9.
WEITZ, Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn, Othello, twins, girl, 5
lbs., 12V~ ozs., and boy, 6 lbs., 5
ozs., Apr. 9.
tant. Mrs. Jim Davis and Mrs.
C.D. Bailey will act as finance
Registration forms will be
distributed to registered Girl
Scouts in May. Girls who will
be in the second grade next
year are also invited. For more
information, Mrs. Lintvedt
may be contacted at 488-2967.
Anyone who can help or
share a craft or activity is
asked to please contact any of
the above-mentioned women.
Unit leaders, assistants and
consultants are also needed to
help with the greatly expand-
ing local program.
"Even one hour of your time
will be greatly appreciated,"
urged Mrs. Bailey, leader
Marilyn Montgomery from
Mid-Columbia Girl Scout
Council office in Richland
assisted in outlining the forth-
coming day camp activities at
an Apr. 2 meeting of leaders
and service unit members. The
meeting was at the home of
Mrs. Bailey.
Mrs. Will Coats was named
director for a Junior Scout
Camporee at Fevy Landing in
Pasco May 17-19. Scouts from
Lind, Connell, Othello, Ritz-
ville and Mesa will be partici-
In years past, the girls have
gone to Lake Chelan for the
Camporee, but because of the
gas shortage, it was decided to'
hold this year's event closer to
Tentative plans were made
to hold the annual Mother-
Daughter Tea May 8, 3:30 p.m.
held Saturday, May 4, in
Moses Lake.
Fair Activity
Plans are being made for
Girl Scouts to have a booth at
the Grant County fair in Moses
Lake this year. Girls from
Othello will be able to enter
and exhibit any craft, baked
goods, sewing and other
activity product they have
made during the year.
• By Jessie M. Plant
Youngsters ate breakfast,
didn't eat breakfast...had their
pictues taken, didn't have
their pictures taken...played
with a pretty pink Eastern
Bunny...or shyed clear away
from her.
Grandmothers and mothers
admired their children and
those of others...or wondered
why "the other children acted
better than theirs...and who
made all the gorgeous de-
Some children wondered
why the Ester Bunny didn't
bring them a present...and
were satisfied with the answer
that it REALLY wasn't Easter
yet, and they'd get something
'specially nice later....three
men voluntarily braved the
feminine storm. Small boys
were there, brought by their
Breakfast, a style show by
Ginny's Tots and Teens, with
Ginny herself the fashion com-
mentator...the Othello New-
comer Club's Saturday morn-
ing Easter Bunny Brunch at
the Cimarron has to be one of
the most fun happenings in
Some 60 prizes were award-
ed, many of them made by club
members as decorations, the
balance donated by mer-
Holly Sloan was winner of
the jelly bean guessing contest
with a guess of 986. Number of
jelly beans in the jar was 988.
STYLE SHOW MODEL - Ann Marie Blanford, daughter
of S/Sgt and Mrs. Tom Blanford, modeled a spring outfit
with the help of Easter bunny Bambie Stock at the Bunny
Brunch last Saturday.
BREAKFAST WITH THE EASTER BUNNY - That was the big occasion for three
area youngsters during the Bunny Brunch held by the Newcomers' club here last
Saturday at the Cimarron Restaurant.
- Girl Scouts Pam nd Jennifer
a Part of the many dozen boxes of Girl
filled their garage here Monday. The
cookies for local delivery arrived at the Chan Bailey home
where they were prepared for distribution.
MONDAY, Apr. 15- Italian
spaghetti, green beans, apple-
sauce, cinnamon rolls and
TUESDAY, Apr. 16
Weiner on bun, sweet rice,
corn, fruit cup, peanut butter
cookie and milk.
WEDNESDAY, Apr. 17 -
Hamburger gravy, mashed
potatoes, peaches, hot rolls
with butter and milk.
Chicken and noodles, green
salad with dressing, apricots,
sweet rolls with butter and
FRIDAY, Apr. 19- Poor boy
sandwich, soup, fruit cocktail,
cake and milk.
GRANDMOTHER IS GUEST - Starey and Karen Johnson, daughters of Mr. and Mrs.
Gil Johnson, models at the Bunny Brunch, show special Easter decorations to
grandmother Mrs. Adelaide Larson who came from Bremerton for the event.