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A chance to see many of the
top high school track stars
from throughout Central
Washington will be offered
here this Saturday at the
annual Othello Invitational.
Coach Glenn Weitz' Hus-
kies, who were stopped 95-50
last Friday in their only dual
action of the last week, will be
hosting the event at Huskie
track with at least a dozen
boys' and girls' teams ex-
Under the format adopted
last year, both boys' and girls'
teams willbe competing in the
action. The schedule calls for
field events to start at 11 a.m.
with running events getting
underway at noon. Plans call
for timed heats in most of the
running events.
Weitz reported Monday
that the meet was originally
scheduled for Apr. 27, but was
switched at the request of
Omak which wanted the later
date for a meet there due to
later spring weather in that
As a result, the entry list for
this weekend's meet was still
not complete early this week.
Weitz noted that spring
vacation this week was
hampering entry arrivals, and
the total number of teams
participating probably won't
be determined until today or
Conference Teams
"For sures" early this week
included all North Central
Conference teams - Eastmont,
Girls' team entries are
expected to include Wenat-
chee, Ephrata, Quincy, Soap
Lake and Selah.
Top hopes for the Huskies
for firsts or high places appear
to be Kurt Garner in long jump
and triple jump and Gary
Peterson in the 880 or mile.
Those two Huskies led the
effort last Friday as the
Huskies had almost an identi-
cal showing as an earlier
season performance against
the Class AAA Chiefs.
Double Winners
The Chiefs dominated most
of the sprint and field events,
with Garner and Peterson
coming through strongest for
the Huskies.
Garner missed his'season
bests at 19-5 and 39-11, but still
produced firsts in the long
jump and triple jump, respec-
Peterson, who doubled
again in the half and the mile,
was well off his season best of
2:05 with a 2:11 clocking in the
880, butran his best mile of the
year with a 4:53.5 clocking.
The only other two firsts for
the Huskies came from
sophomore Rob Johnson in the
pole vault and Roger Beus in
the low hurdles.
The Huskies went into the
meet without about eight of
their regular team members
with a stage band trip and
illness keeping several out of
Meet results follow:
Ephrata, Quincy, Omak and Shot put - Ransford (ML), 40-3;
Othello - along with Moses Ferguson (ML), 39-101/z; Johnson
(O), 39-6 V2,
Lake. Other teams which have Javelin - Ransford (ML), 152-21/2;
been invited and could be Gomez(O},139-8;Cox(ML),124-11/z.
sending at least a part of their High jump - Ransford (ML), 5-8)
team are Hanford, Selah,Albrandt (ML), 5-4; Blackburn (0),
Royal and Warden. Long jump - Garner (O), 19-5;
The Othello High School Huskies was again freshman
girls' track team renewed its Joanna Norton as she won the
rivalry with its counterpart javelin, took seconds in the
Brice (ML), 18-81/2; Albrandt (ML),
Pole vault - Johnson (O), 9-6;
Denham (ML), 9-6; Prickett (O), 94).
Triple jump - Garner (0), 39-11;
Albrandt (ML), 39-1; Bolden (ML),
Discus - Ransford (ML), 126-5V2;
Gould (ML), 107-4; Peterson (ML),
High hurdles - Collier (ML), 18.3;
Holland (O), 18.4; Merrigan (ML),
100-yard dash - Brischle (ML),
10.5; Brice (ML), 11.4; Kling (ML),
Mile run - Peterson (O), 4:53.5;
Morkert (ML), 4:56.7; Acosta (0),
440-yard dash - Brischle (ML),
55.8; Kling (ML), 58.9; Buckman
(ML), 61.8.
440-yard relay - Moses Lake, 47.5.
880-yard run - Peterson (0), 2:11;
Cox (ML), 2:15.4; Galven (0), 2:20.2.
Low hurdles- Beus (O), 22.9; Brice
(ML), 23.6; Holland (O), 24.3.
Two-mile run - Morkert (ML),
10:56.6; Acosta (O), 11:10.5; Balli
(ML), 11:53.6.
220-yard dash - Brischle (ML),
24.2; Garner (O), 25.2; Medina (0),
Mile relay - Moses Lake, 3:53.7.
SAFE AT HOME - Mike Grow slides safely into home as
Connell pitcher Jaskala waits for a throw from his catcher
PICK OFF TRY - A Connell runner takes a quick stride back to first base as Huskie
pitcher Paul Stephens makes a pick off try to firstbaseman Jeff McLean in action here
last Friday.
on a passed ball during action in the third inning last
Friday. Looking on at left is Huskie batter Kevin Stickel.
ton State Game
Tuesday established
dates for the 1974
Of most interest
was the
for the general bull
Again, as in past
years, the State
mission established a
opener, Nov. 4, for
starting date of
hunting season.
Oct. 12 was
the opening date for the s
wide buck deer season,
sant, quail, partridge,
hen, sharp-tailed
ducks, geese, coots, sniPe,
turkey, rabbits in (
Washington and black 1
Asotin, Walla Walla
and Garfield counties.
Sept. 1 was
the opening date for
tailed pigeon and
dove. Sept. 7 is the
date for forest
include blue, ruffed
A non-league doubleheader earned run this season. Heby Stickel and
at Walla Walla against the said he was pleased with the The Huskies
DeSales Irish will have the junior's performance last Fri- open in the third as
attention of the Othello day. Colley walked,
Huskies as they return to In the contest Stephens singled and Chuck
action this Saturday after allowed just five Connell hits, Colley home with a
having more than a week's walked one and struck out Stephens singled
break, three. The lone Eagle run Cerrillo minutes
The Huskies, who boosted casme in the top of the fourth alert base runnin
their season mark to 5-2 with a on a deep drive to cener with a pair of passed balls
solid 5-1 victory over the man on second. Centerfielder Grow and StephenS
Connell Eagles here last Tater Bustamante, went a Preuninger cited
Friday, were scheduled to re- long way for the drive, got his for a pair of fine
sume practice today afterglove on it, but couldn't hold
"resting" through most of the on. Preuninger said the close
spring vacation, play was scored as an error.
"We're glad for the break Score Early
and are generally pleased with The Huskies came through
the showing to date," Coach with most of their offensive
Daryl Preuninger reported fireworks in the first three
following last Friday's win. innings of the contest.
"We'll be hoping to get two Tbeyloaded the bases in the
more victories atWaUa Walla, first but couldn't score and
but expect DeSales to be then got just one run in the
tougher at home." second despite a double by
The Huskies stopped the Stephens followed by singles
Irish twice in their season-
opening doubleheader here
three weeks ago, but Preunin-
ger noted they have a strong
squad. The Irish won their
way into the Class A state
plays at third base
Connell 000
Othello 014
S. Erdmann, Jaskala
(5) and T. Erdmann,
Stephens and Grow.
HITS: singles - Vela 2,
Stickel, Pecka and
doubles - Grow and
Porter Shares
First in Pro.Ant
Othello Golf and
Club pro Bill Porter
Another meeting for for- top honors in the pro
mation of a local girls' softball of the Liberty Lake
from Ephrata in a dual here shot put and high jump, andran playoffs last season and have league is scheduled here for held Monday.
last Saturday and came away alegofthe winning mile relay • won the Connell Invitational next Tuesday, Apr. 16, Porter fired a
key members out of action last Discuss - Shannon Davis (O),
Saturday and the meet 97-41/2; Luann Heer (E), 92-3; Susan
probably wasn't a true test of Royiance (O), 68-V2.
Shot put - LuAnn Heer (E), 34;
their strengths. Joanna Norton (0), 32-51/2; Terri
She noted that Jan Roy- Georgeson (O), 28-41/~.
lance, defending state high 80-yard hurdles - Marsha Kinney
jump champion, missed the (E), 12.5; Terri Georgeson (O), 13.7;
event last weekend due to a Jayne Mayeda (O), 13.8.
with a 61-52 victory, team. since their earlier loss to the Community Schools director and shared top h(
The Othello and Ephrata Othello Huskie firsts came ~n Huskies. Mike Lang announced thisevent with pros
teams were close competitors from Shannon Davis in the A new pitching machine, first $500 payment was made Probable starters week. man Valley and Li
through all of last season and discus, Julie Holland in the l00 The McFarland Mustangs obtained as the result of a joint through the community dona- Preuninger indicated thatThe session is set for 7:30 The Othello pr
will be colliding again here this and Marilyn Mitchell in the got their baseball season off to community and school effort, tions, with the school planning Paul Stephens, who went all p.m. at the McFarland Junior composed of Porter,
Saturday. Ephrata will come 220. a winning start last Thursday will be put to use later this to make the final payment on the way to get the victory over High roundhouse, dusky, Orland Favar~
into this weekend's Othello OTHELLO 61- EPHRATA 52 Connell, andKevin Stickel will Lang said all parents of girls Sargent and Ron
Javelin - Joanna Norton (O), 108-7; as they ripped their Warden week by the Othello Huskies. the $895 machine.
Invitational as the defending Terri Georgeson {0), 89-8; Jan counterparts for a 17-1victory Coach Daryl Preuninger Planscall for the machine to probably get the starting call interested in participating in posted a 223. Fi
champion. Roylance (O), 76-61/~. in just four innings, reported that the versatile be used both in the school on the mound at Walla Walla. the league should be in standings werent
Coach Betty Logan reported Long jump - Marsha Kinney (E), Coach Cecil Johnson's Mus- "Jugs" unit arrived last week program in community base- The coach noted that attendance. Preliminary plans earlvTue: day, but
that both teams had several 16-4; Susan Roylance (0), 12-11;
Marie Mischell (E), 12-91/z. tangs completely dominated and should be assembled and ball programs during theStephens has now worked 17 call for divisions in age groups the team probably
the game as 20 members got in use late this week. summer, innings without giving up an from eight to 18. the final standings.
into action, with the team He said the machine has the
scoring 17 runs in just three capability of throwing all kinds
innings at the plate, ofpitchesatvarying speeds. It
Starter DougDonahoo, who can also be set to throw
got the vicory in working the pop-ups or provide ground
first two innings, also led the balls for practice work by
880-yard run - Jan Roylance (0), Mustangs offensively withindividuals.
heel bruise and will also be 2:43.8; Sue Cowley (E), 2:47.9; Marie three hits in three trips. Doug The coach said the machine
sidelined this Saturday. Mischell (E), 3:27.5. Jordan added two of the 14 was made possible due to
Despite the injury the 100-yard dash - Julie Holland (0),
12; Shannon Davis (O), 12.7~ Diane Mustang safeties in the game. donations from a number of
Othello senior still came Whitlow (E), 12.8. "The kids hit the ball well individuals in the community,
through with a first in the880 440-yard dash - Susan Schuh (E), and were in control of the with efforts having been "in
and placed second in the mile. 63.9; Susan Roylance (0), 73.8; game all the way," Coach the air" for a couple of years.
Top point-getter for the Cheryl Mack (E), 75.
220-yard dash - Marilyn Mitchell
The Para Ranchland-OtheUo
Auto Parts team piled up 41.5
points to claim the cham-
pionship in the women's
Hurricane League completed
last week at the Othello Golf
and Country Club.
The league, which featured
three rounds of play, lived up
to its name with one week
rained out and another blown
(O), 30.7; Kathy Yenney (0), 31.5;
Terri Healy (E), 31.55.
High jump - Marsha Kinney (E),
4-10; Joanna Norton (O), 4-9; Susan
Schuh (E), 4-8.
Mile run - Sue Cowley (E), 6:05.2;
Jan Roylance (0), 6:09.2.
440-yard relay - Ephrata, 55.6.
Mile relay - Othello (Francine
Trepanier, Joanna Norton, Patti
Berger and Susan Roy|ance), 5:16.6.
880-yard relay - Ephrata, 2:07.
A second straight Wind-
breaker League title came
easily for Roloff Farms here
Members of the winning Sunday as the defending
team were LeeTrescott, Ruth champions breezed to a big
Sabotta, Fran Smith, Gallvictory over one contender,
Para, Betty Regimbal, Dutch
Hayes, Eddie Metzger and
Bernice Matthews.
The Potter Drug-Lampe
Jewelry team finished a close
second in the event with 40
while the other two were busy
knocking each other off.
The Roloff team closed the
five-week event at the Othello
Golf and Country Club with a
convincing 14V2-3Vz decision
points. Team members wereover Peoples Bank. Mean-
Ruth Livesy, Doris Moore,while, Para Feedlots and
Dorothy Johnson, Elvena Washington Water Power -
Tam, Gwen Billington, Jerry the only two teams with a
Preston and Linda Johnson. chance of catching Roloff -
The Sargent Irrigation- were finishing in a 10V2-10V2
Hostetter Ford team corn-tie. In the other match Potter
posed of Milly Vogel, Ruby Drugs jumped all the way
Sargent, Burnie Elmore, Sadie from last place to fourth with a
Cyr, Shirley Yager, Thee 10-8 victory over General
Mowery, June Pontius and Potato.
Mildred Lauer was third. Final standings left Roloff in
Fourth went to the Cronin's first place with 71~/2 points far
Corn Cutters-Hurliman Heat- ahead of Para in second with
ing team of Emma Lou Hurli- 60. WWP finished third with
man, Margaret Pease, Fran46, with Potter Drug getting
Weible, Betty O'Brien, Ethel fourth with 52V2 points.
Krug, Bonnie Holm, Nel General Potato was one point
Clayton and Wilma Dainard.
More Sports
On Page
back in fifth with 51V,, and
Peoples last with 48V2.
Individual league honors
went to Doug Buck and Dr.
Ernie Dorow.
Buck took the low net title
as he finished just nine-over
par in his best four of five
Johnson reported. Julian Bustamante headed up
The Mustangs will now be the drive to obtain the
idle until next Tuesday, Apr. machine.
16, when they host Royal at Preuninger explained the
Lions Park. They'll follow that
on Apr. 18 by hosting Lind. Field
Thursday: R H 5
Warden 100 0 -
Othello 52(10) x 111:~ Shaping Up
Ortega, Tucker (3) and Laib.
Donahoo, Rodriquez (3), Skogen (4) For Chapman
and DeLoach, Logan (4).
round with a 289 total. Del
Holmes was well back in
second at 316, with Orland
Favaro third with 323.
Dr. Dorow won net honors
with a 269 as he edged Russ
Johnson by just two strokes at
271. Jack Sandusky was well
back in third at 283.
In a final day four-man best
ball event on Sunday three
teams tied with identical 56
rounds. The winning groups
included Bud Mowery, Bill
Halpin, Dave DeLoach and Ed
Kemp; Steve Conners, Har-
mon Baxter, Del Holmes and
George Huff; and Bob Roloff,
Joe Buck, Mark Lawrence,
Jim Way and Rod Powell.
Individual match scores for
Sunday follow:
ROLOFF FARMS 14/,- Joe Buck
3, Ed Kemp 3, Orland Favaro 3,
DougWay 2V2, Bud Mower), 2V=,
Jim Way l/z; PEOPLES BANK 3~h -
Rod Powell 21/z, Dave DeLoaeh V~,
Dick Neymeyer V~.
Para 3, George Huff 3, Dave Pegram
3, Kirby Billington 1, Bob Regimbai
%; WWP 10Vz - Del Homes 3, Jack
Sandusky 3. Fred Pease 2~h, Ted
Smith 2.
POTTER DRUG 10 - Larry
Anderson 3, Doane Pedersen 21/2,
Jim Moore 2Vz, Jack Potter 2:
Malloy 3, Harry Sargent 3, Russ
Johnson 1, Ron Hardt V2, Stan
Trautman l/z.
A "red-hot" field featuring
many of the top golfers from
the Spokane area is expected
for the Fifth Annual Chapman
Tournament at the Othello
Golf and Country Club next
Pro Bill Porter reported
Tuesday that a full-field of 60
teams is expected for the
36-hole event which is set for
Apr. 20 and 21 at the local
"We've been getting a lot of
calls from out-of-town golfers
and the tournament is filling
fast," Porter reported. "I'm
sure we'll have a full 60-team
Porter said a couple of
strong entries have come from
Tacoma, with Spokane again
sending an outstanding dele-
gation. Larry Williams and
Pete Wertz of Downriver of
Spokane will be back to defend
the title they won last year,
with Jack Sheen and Steve
Lucas of Avendale, the 1972
winners also entered.
Another strong favorite will
Walt Devlin and Bob Flarety
of Spokane, who have finished
second all four years.
Top local hopes for gross
honors appear to be Doug
Buck - Bud Mowery and Del
Holmes - Lew Johnson.
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