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Newspaper Archive of
The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
April 11, 1974     The Othello Outlook
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April 11, 1974
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 14 - THE OTHELLO OUTLOOK OTHELLO, WASHtttGTON THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1974 DRIVE UNDERWAY Local impact of blood programs, industrial and water safety work and mili- tary service work of the American Red Cross was emphasized here this week as the Othello 1974 "Good Neighbor"fund drive got underway. "Purpose of the Red Cross has always been to help people in many ways," Jim Edson drive chairman reported. "Thanks to volunteers of the local area, Othello residents have received lots of assis- tance during the past year." Blood Program The fact that the local hospital used 71 per cent of the blood distributed to the two county hospitals last year, puts the blood program as the top benefit, Edson said. This program is supervised by physicians, assisted by regist- ered nurses and qualified technologists,.with much non- technical work done by local Red Cross volunteers. The Othello Community Hospital received 133 units (pints) of whole blood. Actual bloods used - 49 units - the unused blood is always re- turned to the Columbia River Red Cross Blood Center at Yakima for processing into blood derivatives (parts) much in demand by physicians in treatment of special cases. The local hospital called six rare donor types for emer- gencies. The doctors used 28 units of derivatives such as, red cells, gamma globulin, blood platelets that assist in blood coagulation. First Aid Safety programs have pro- vided local industrial plant workers, citizens and staffs of the Day Care Center with precautionary and emergency training for protection and saving lives in first aid. Five volunteer Red Cross trained instructors, in seven standard first aid classes trained 66 individuals, 63 of whom were certified. The same instructors trained 76 men and women in advanced first aid in five classes, all offered in Othello, 68 of these students were certified. One class in standard or industrial first aid was taught to eight workers. Water Safety Edson said Othello has an exceptional water safety pro- gram each summer. Last summer 273 students-boys, girls and adults were enrolled in classes offered in three dif- ferent sessions and taught by seven certified instructors, all trained by Red Cross instruc- tors in colleges and special summer schools. All life guards are also trained in senior life saving courses and fully certified. The pool manager taught junior and senior life saving to 10 advanced swimmers. Five passed the junior life saving examination, and one older boy was certified as a senior life saver. Two Othello girls attended the American National Red Cross Aquatic School in June, each receiving a half scholar- ship from the local chapter for their tuition. The school was held at Twin Echo Resort, Rathdrum, Ida. Each girl was certified to instruct water safety classes as volunteer embers of the local pool. Military Service With the ending of hostili- ties in Vietnam, the communi- ations and emergency leave cases as well as cases involving dependents of servicement who needed financial assis- tance have decreased under- standably, Edson said. Work and services are now focused on assisting veterans find their places in the com- munity. Some 50 veterans have been visited by Rev. Dayle Johnson, local Red Cross veteran's representa- tive. The Rev. Kenneth Torvik, who has left Othello, and Rev. James McGreevy who is now Pharmacy Phacts by Bill Bethmann IMPORTANT VD INFORMATION Here's an explanation of the early signs or symptoms of the VD disease called Syphilis. The first sign of infection is usually a signle, painless sore called a Chancre (pronounced Shanker) at the point where the Syphilis germ has entered the body ap- pearing from 2 to 6 weeks after contact with an infect- ed person. The Chancre sore will eventually disappear, but this merely means the di- sease has en- iodred more deeply into the y (the disese is not cured!). n from 2 to 6 months ymptoms such as' baldness, in rashes, sore throat, fever nd headaches appear. Even these will eventually dis- appear without treatment (but the disease is not cured!). Syphillis, left untreated, will finally go on to develop such conditions as syphlitic in- sanity, crippling of the ner- vous system, heart disease and, of course, death. So PLEASE, if there is the slightest chance you may have contracted Syphilis PLEASE have your medical doctor check you for this possibility:. When yuu bring your pre- scription to us here at 724 Main, Othello Rexall Drug, of course, please be our guest for a free cup of coffe or a soft drink while you're waiting. serving as local representative on the SMF committee gave service to some60 families and servicemen with emergency leaves, extension of leaves, and financial assistance for emergency reasons. The Adams County Chapter is an agent of the National Red Cross Field director's office at Fairchild Air Force Base in Spokane. As such, approved loans to servicemen and their families stationed near Othello are provided for from a fund kept in an Othello bank. This same fund is, of course, used for emergencies for all other service people. AMF is a 24-hour daily service - seven days a week. Fortunately the disaster service has not been called upon in Othello during the past year, Edson added. However, two-one family fires were the cause for committee action, but no assistance was required Local Member Due At Credit Union Meeting Delegates from the Chef Reddy Credit Union in Adams county will attend the Wash- ington Credit Union League's 41st annual convention in Spokane Apr. 11 to 13 at the Ridpath Hotel. Lori Murphy will lead the delegation. Over a thousand delegates will participate in the three day convention program. Con- vention highlights will include an address by Sharon Stark, Madison, Wise., editor of Everybody's Money, on how credit unions and credit union members can assist consum- ers, a number of information and training sessions for credit union officers and members, a tour of Expo '74 World's Fair site, and many entertainment events. The Washington Credit Union League is one of the largest membership organiza- tions in the state, representing over 600,000 people through its nearly 400-memer credit unions. by the Red Cross disaster .committee, which in Othello is chairmanned by Niel Wright. Smart Investors are Coming to Community for the best interest rates... 7- /2% Four Year" Savings Certificate with $1,000 Minimum Deposit 6-3/4% 6-1/2% 5-3/4% On 90 Day Accounts No Minimum 5-1/4% On All Passbook Accounts April starts our new quarter.., start your savings plan now. A substantial Interest penalty is required on early wiilbdrawuls from Certificate accounts. Othello 450 E. Main 488 -9601 Wenatchee • 700 North Mission St. • Phone 663-7146 Branch Offices in Moses Lake • Ellensburg. Othello. Spokane A, CANDY AND TOY FILLED reg 99¢ SHEER TO THE WAIST PANTY HOSE sm., med., long PAIRS FOR EASTER Reg $1.19 ea SAND PAIL eilh shovel, candy and toy reg $1.18 FLECK'S EASTER EGG DYE 6 colors priced from reg 48¢ ea CULTURED 2V2" POTS FOR ! TODDLERS I I I and I I I I I FOR GIRLS I sizes 2-3-4 reg $4.99 I I I MENS' and SPORT LONG SLEEVES sizes S-M-L-XL reg $5.99 "HILTON HEAD" POLYESTER KNITS TOPS $9.99 NEW SELECTION BLANKET SALE Prints-Solids-Tri Tones Acrylk or Polyester 72" x 90" Nylon Bindings rag $6.99 2 $9 m sizes 5-10 reg 54.99 ZIP CAR B. 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