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April 18, 1952 The Othello Outlook | ![]() |
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April 18, 1952 |
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APRIL 18, 1952
le lon,.a awaited day for
0, and prospective sett- Clean-Up Time |
'Will be here Monday with
firs~t ,0~f tl~' IOr~hell0 k,nd Named H .~r(:
is third and 1.a~gest 'land
'hug ,t,~ date in ~ohe t~asin Fire Chioff Lee Yerguson has
~eeted tr~ d~aw some 300 issued a plea to all citizens 04 ~I
ders to Othello em hold Othello to coapevate ~n '.S~pring
breath w~ile the n~rn- Clean-Up to safeguard ~e
are draw~. There are community against fire, ,~cci-
aPplications in the pot, dents, disease, and to ~-l%prove Former Citg All0rne9 Wins Case
there will be orfly 3186 its __a~pI~_ .a~_ co. delay~ed"Waterbyf°rasOthell°mu~h maYas one'be
will be eligible i~-~cause For the home cheek-up, the year beeause off Pack of hous-
eir ve~rans' status. Cb2ef suggests ~dmt househol- er4g" facilities' for construetian.. ,,
-~ Othello C'han~ber of 'dots." Get rid of all rubbist~ ,o~nar~Fnj workers and ~heir ~amiIies.
nerce has secured ,the andpapersLn~.heattie, v-losets For Two Othello Area
Ri,:hard B. Ott, Swperk)r basement, yard arm ~rage. by M. ~L. Long of Long Con-
: jud~, as one of the lead Tie ~em into "btmd~les ~ar sal- struetion Company.
erpe~ers at the event, valve. Cheek stoves, ~m'mces rrhe Loi~ company holds
. Ot~ is a past rmtion~ ar~ ~ea.ters. ttave all r eI~abr P L
ander o~ the American work done now. See ltlat NEW BAD(;E~ TO seS:?Kitz~vEle~oneof.three ithe contract"for ~he construe-
't~on of the latera,]s in ~0he
~Dbdson, county engin- tfloors under stoves are I)rotee- BE GIVE2~ attorneys winning a ${)2,727 Block 49 area.
ted ,by metld, ,bricks t)r ceme~ The Othello Volunteer (Fire- judgment for ten Adams ana Work has ~lready been s,low
)r Grant county will also Insula.te ale %urn~bte vnate~al men are plmmL,~g a dinner Grant county ranchers in fed- ~t by about 25 percent be-
speaker, subject to heat rad.ia{ed fr~nmeeting ~n place of ~heir reg-eral court in Spokane last week- cause off lack, of living space
de Mat,thews, mayor of stoves, 'fua'rmces and pipes, ular monVhly meeting Al~il end as Judge Sam M. Driver .for addi~ianal men. The si,tua-
1o will ma'ke the reel- ~nI>ty hot ashes into metal 30. found the air force negligent in tion wLlll glow worse unless
~g address ¢o ehe pros- coe~:tamers. Clean chimney and The volunteers an~ ~eir a 1949 fire which destroyed something is d~ne soon, ac-
'e newcomers, dheek ffor cracks, loose ~br~cks
' 'drawir~g will be heldand mortar. P~-e metal scr- wives w,iH witness the a~mrd-several thousand acres of pas-cording ~to Mr. I.,oi~g.
e Bureau of Reclamation eens in ~ront of fireplace, i~,.g el gold ,badges to eig~ht tureland. . .... Bo,arding houses ~:apable of
muse at 1:30 p.m. NIon- Place . ,l~rtable heaters so ffirementhre earsW'h° orhaVemoreserved~n llhef°r besidesAtt°rneySjansen,Z°r thewerePmin~ins,H K ~anct~ing at least 50 men
P~pril 21, ~d will %>e un- they can t be knocked over. e Y " ' " would be '~ne most de, s'ir~ble
Othello deDartmen.t. T&e bad- Dane of Ellensburg and Darrellsolution to the ,problem,' Long
he d, ireetion off ,bureat~ Distribute .ash ,trays in con- ges are inscr~:bed with the in- E. Ries of Moses Lake.., "but anything ~rlll help."
ds. vemiea~ places for smokers, dhridua`l's name and 'Fire l'wo of .me piaindlzS live in
It a trailer court is .built, he
~-- ' See t~at ma.tehes ,are ,out off District No 5.' The ,new 'bad-Adams county. Clayton ~ichel
reach .o¢ young children arid .~es wilt b: oerm~nent T~asses- of Othello was awarded $8.064 is willing to .guarantee (x~cul>
Fire ..... ~ of a stated n~mber of
phuced in safe containers, st(ms of .the firemen, m damages and Phil Herman of spaces.
vern Check gas cormeetio~s on per- . Warden $2,500
~'able he~lers. Shu~t-o~f valves ~wo commat%ees are work- _ . . ".
^ostl-" ,..... ,,~,o ,t,~*oils of t~e eve Amoums ot aamages recover- Water 'is schedu{led to ar-
shouad ,be h~cated on pipe be- n'~'*;s" e~nt-er~a~ent an~t re- ed by Grant county ranchers rive m the O~hello area in the
~re r~bber tu,bing. ; ~ __, . were Royal Rauter of Warden, sprir~g off 1953; .it may not ar-
~lever .use gasoline, .benzine - - $20,226; .L.M. Boeh of Smyrna, rive until 1954 unless s~ne
larm called theor n~ptha ffor cle~anlng. ~on't .,- .~r~ $6,815; Archie V. Raser of Smy,- provision is made for hou~ir~g
Voluneeer Fire De- quic~en 'a slu~Ngish tire by ......... "* ...... rna, $10,660; James M. Booher new workers. Some cons~'~c-
t into action sounded 1~ouring on kerosine. It may TO IDAHO MAN of Smyrna, $3,285; M. K. Gil- tior~ ,wx)rkers are now driving
-5'clock Friday nmrn- easrly {lame out of cor~tri~, The T anti F Builders Sup- bert of Smyrna, ~3,281;. Floydfrom as .far as Soap Lake ~n.d
Desta'oy paint r~gs omd oily ply ,which has been o~erated Harris, $3,816, and Edward Rob- Ephrata to work ,in t,he area.
fire had started .under clean,rag clot~s or put them m ,by Fritz Tax and lee ~Nergu- bins, $I',940, both of Moses Lake; Good ~ve~rkers are t~rd to ~b-
in the Brunswick Tar- a metal con.tainer wi~ a coy- son ffor the past' ~iVe yemrs and James A. Hepburn of El- t~An under those cond'itio~as."
%~are.atl~/ in a tra~. ~-:..-~I:~ '~1~ .~i~..~ .... ~as sold .~,~.~- len@b~0~. ~ ..... .. .... .... ~ / ~~y
' air can circ~il~ue-"~~" i~i-d P~ 6~fftfeT~¢lt~o. '~)I"a~"l~i~~" ~~~Y~'t~e~ a
Owners, ,Mr. end Mrs. ,mem. . Mr. Pease will ~0ake posses-The case, unless it is success- camp ,for ~its mien, ~leahou~h it
Ka~ffman, had gone Inspect .all electric serwce sion Monday Mo~. fully appealed, may have set a° has ~ his exper.mnee in ~1~/
precedent in that it is believed- pv.$t flaa~ .th~s ts no{ 'a sati~fae:
~ter closing the estab- eo, ds and eormectio~s on Fergus~n and Tax plan to to have been the first instance .tory solution near a tbwn:
t at midr~'~gh¢, la~s and appli~meee. Use on.- continue with ,their businessin which the liability of.the fed- ~ merchants committee
~larm was turned in by ly ±a ampere zusos ctor house-¢>t genero.l cantraeting in the eral government was establish- ot the &l~'~r ~f Comine~ce
n Hoehn ~ho h~p,pened ,hold c~rc,ui.ts. Never pe~nitOthello area. . .. .....
~s by and notliee the "br~lg'mg' of "burned-out ,tus- ed for losses and damage ~. due m.~..'Duesda~" eVe~-~ in ~'~e
Fire Chief Lee Fergu- es with wLres or coins. Such CON$~T8 to spreading firiL" : ~,i,. : .u~n ~;, ,~2.~'~'~'~ ,,~.~
The fire was started on June .... e .,~, .......... ~ ......
eStimat, ed the darn,alge ~at pract~:es re~ove ,all protec- "" 1 ................. "¢he ,~: hmri.ber could tl~ to ~fur-
)xill~tetly $'/50.00. ,rich against "shorts" or over- ON NEW MARKET HOME win~o~' ~h2e2i~net~o~a~e*,g2~,ar ther t:ae de.vel~en~ iff anoth
loading o~t circuits. C~nstI~ction skarted thfs eom~ sed of "air * ~"~i~s er ~ra~ler cour.t., in-;.~h~l16.
week on lahe new ~aome off the f . pose -. __ ~u ' ..- It was decided ~a,t the-~I~m-
I~LE TOURNAMENT rI~he Chief said thaL~ Spring Market Basket. rom wasmngxon, oregon, me- ~.^_ ~...,,~.~ .... , ............
Jaycee sponsored 'mar- durm~g me week of Agr~l 27 " T~he 32 by 100 ~oot "building he and Montana conduct,ed ..... ~,~ ~ri,,,,* .... i*.~" *--
~nt finals ~ill be Ctean-U,p w~ll ~be observetl , ut:~ s,~.,u t~ 'a. *'~ *cm~ ~ ~n-
bombing and machine gufl prac-: • ...... .. , ... .
his a{ternoon a¢ 2:00 a~ to May 3, incl. is being co~truetOd ,by. John~ioo at tho lc~o,a~rl~ l-~vnhin~ OU'IlI:I a- COLII~. l'ne ~"O~T.!N~. k
~cbo~l grounds. Coln~ti: J, Para. General contractor ~s - ............ ~ ........ ~ ---" ~h t i, ............
range near E-.hrat~-a o.-*.-;,~ agreeu ,a . t m w ngr~-,~t: ,.-
Will be ,amor~g the eig~h¢ BESIGNS POST O~e~lo Building Service own- tar7 of T.=rsonVair }o'rce i~S'g"~; for 't~e town itself to ~4!~::.i~:,"
of. t;he Nimina.tima by Brian Decker and ~a Mos,~, v.~,~ ' *.take, the c0ns~uetion and..oper
already held ~in Mrs..Ida Me, lone, Clerk of C~lor ..... .~ ..... " "-~ _.~._~v., , ..... • .... .~:..• • •
..... the Oehello seahool board, re-
:. The bullets "gnid/o~ bombs ~ . :-~ ;
,and .Richard,. ~t~etinN of the ,board. 'noener bu~ldir~g will ,be ready .for oc: staz:ted a ~ire in the Crisp,, dry CI~ANQE IN G~It~A~E: : :
seventh grade are. ,Reno h~s ~een .appointed So eu~aney-by the ,middleof grass which burned for four BII,I.S I~ ANIqOUNCED ':
Carr and Gary Zeph; iill %he vacancy eauv~:t ,by her June. days. before being brought un-
sixth g~ade winnersaction/ Ed Emry, owner ~f ~he der control along Crab creek :. C~le Mat~ews, mayor, an-.
Market BaUke.t, states tha~ the near Othello by the Othello vol- no, need %his week. llmt: ef-i
Kendall m-M •Wayne
xard; and third ,and
grade are ~Billy Kim-
Kenneth Kendall.
local' winner will be
): ,~he district "tourn~nen~
to be h01d son~e-
May. In addition, there
'three medals awarded
will sponsor
wm,~er a's ffar .as Vhe
In the event *ha~
!'hat, the Veterans of
Wars will send ,h~i,m
~ational tournament in
T~e ~ also pro-
medals ~or the '.local
The nationa,1 marble
is ,an nnn.u,al ~0ro-
~f the veterans ,or~an'iza-
s. Jehu~:m. Miss Hu,tch-
a~'d Mr. M.cAbee have
'ed the, Jr resignations, e~o
~.ive at the end "~tially self-ser~iee meat de- An area aboi~t 6 or 7 miles ,property, and %hey in turn
c~lIlect ~om ~the een,an.ts:
,p artanen't.-
At the regular mee.~in?g Qf
~he Othello Junior Ch~am~ber
of. Commerce 'las.t nbght in t)he
town hall officers for" the com-
ing yemr were elected.
Phil Hat, ks will serve as
president Jack I~nley aa-first
vice .president. Hal Lydas as
second vace president. Paul
Y~rown qs sc,.~retary and ~(~hn-
',~y Me~c.-r as treasurer. Dirce-
Cots wi.!l ~e" Iterm,an 'Kru,pa,
H,~mer ~Renoand Carl Loch-
Dr. G,lenn Warner, immed.i-
,,re past preside~nt, will auto-
matieally become a sta'te di-
It was reported at the meet-
ing that r'e~ervat!ons ,have
bven 'made for fourteen Jay-
tees ,a'nd their wives to uttend
,the state convention in Bell-
ingham April 25, 26 ,and 27.
wide and 20 to 30 miles long
had been almost completely
burned over. It was one of the
largest grass fires in the history
of the Adams county area.
The 10 ranchers sued. for dam-
ages to pasture and fencing,
and the loss of some hay and a
few small buildings, in the a-
mount of $103.000.
Says Guard In Control
At the trial, which lasted
from Thursday to Saturday of
last week. District Attorney
Iiarvey Erickson contended
that the federal government was
not liable because the fire had
been started by the national
But attorneys for the plain-
lift argued.- and Judge Driver
agreed--that even if the govern-
ment, through the air force, had
not directed the guard unit to
use the range, at least they had
invited them to use it.
Judge Driver held further
(co.r~¢inued o.n p~ge 4)
:He also stated ;that every-
one will be billed for two