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Newspaper Archive of
The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
April 18, 1952     The Othello Outlook
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April 18, 1952
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 4 OTHELLO OUTLOOK FRIDAY, APRIL 18,!952 ClLEGI Here's Mere About-- BUSY BEE 4-H • ; ~EET! o.oo hgt wa k • • • Monday even',in,g at the home ~.~--fi~l~ ,~, ~ ~i~ ~f the of their leader Mrs. M. E. ,~::::~:r ....... :.~ trai ght C urves that the air force not the nat- BLsehoff. The girls worked on ~.".~" ~. tonal guard--had full legal con-their sewing projects. There ~'~"~ ~~ i Plan: trol over the range at the time were six mem~bers present. ~ ~ _.--_ ~ ~ ~e jot of the practice bombing ....... ~ ~(~ ~~ To guard against fires at the ,,A state highway department crew began "straighten- I ] .~ri~ ~ ~ries i ~venir~ • an o, testimony disclosed, the trol the blaze, which soon raced out one of the worst in the series of Highway S- \ aironlyfOreeeighthadmen.a detachmentTheir fire-°f out-of-hand.Judge Driver held the air curves south of Lind Monday. A number of fatalities and ~.~~,~ :~:~,~ fighting equipment was limitedforce negligent for not having many serious injuries have occurred in the winding, twist. , ,,.~..:~.~.'::::"~ to picks and shovels, adequate fire-fighting equip- ing segment of 395 just south of Lind. High bluffs there 'k LMrs. : ~l~d~e Moreover, the plaintiffs' at- ment available. He concludedgive poor visibility to drivers traveling both directions. Your Hair can be styled to !Para a torneys showed, no means of that pasture burned over by the communication between the fire was a total loss to its own- The highway crew is con- your liking in a manner bombingReceivedrange and Larson air ers for one year and a three- concentrating its efforts on the [ M0dernthat willTI ._please everyone.ol_ _[ [ base or another source of fire- fourths loss during the second first sharp left-hand curve as ...... but especially YOU--drop fighting equipment had been year after the fire. you drive from Lind towards ~&UL F. ~ONNELL in today. set up. He awarded ctamages on the Paseo. - No Orders .basis of two dollars an acre for There they are cutting into Attorney a, ,~a~ Deamg anop Members of the bombing unfenced pasture, the embankment on the left- Laura Moore range detachment testified they The judge delivered his de- hand side 27 feet to straighten OTHELLO WASH had no orders to fight the fire cision early Saturday afternoon, and widen the highway at that , . OTHELLO It is not known whether the point. and received no assistance "- when they did attempt to con- government will appeaL ~~!!h!! ~ I!; ¢! I" N -. : • 0 ICl. ! All Or, lers F o,o,. in about two weeks '| |~I~'| 1; ts~.O of the most deadly and It I' I .' rpest curves in the series I ~ Ik# II I~ll : ! Read v-Mi ,: tcWr~.i! i hr~iiiehd" ~" ~ ltTa k::f e:r o: ATLAS "HO'e BaRery '~ [ ,:or crete musl: b '. Warranted for 30 Months _ am .o~a 3ust n, etore a Paseo- ~ ~~1 to surpass Society of Automo,ise En- in our of: ice 24 h: ! ::UZ=eT' rea~ieslghwaythe 395first gineers, spedllcations. TheFmrAthati " " " par th~sl~llyWtCrkiSkb:i it" ng saf:rd°ne ~ ~ dty~ ~Pwe:~r at: ~,e~r~ati: ,Dea~lder~y g za~rtlsC~lOpolib?sses to turn off ~ ~ throughout the U. S. and Canadh. Yvu /! prior to deliver2 merit has a 9-man crew work. ATLAS"'Gr,-Safe" Tires" ing on the S-curve project, p They are equipped with three Warrantee for 12 Months trucks, one power shovel, and ] Othello Ce ent Pro , ooo, .o F ....... ]tJ~J]~l/~ It s no gamble--they're built for ex- Othello, Wash. ~pm~tiS MAY FILE 11[111]]~1~111 tra-long wear, comfortable riding, mers m ,t~e CRhello soil tt ht bu c,. e a on ..... llllilt ll| g ( t qmet) grip on the mad. • d~ ...... ~ ~:'m ~oe One year warran a alns't dama e by ~:MA practices at 'the T~O~ \\\\\\\~ road haza,as- warrantea tot their ariall between the hours 0,,;9:'~\\\\\\\~ llfe against flaws in materials or work- I ;teaner,"ng"ter ] aprila~. 4.00 P.m. onday, "%.'.N'~.~ manship! WEATHER F'RIDAY ........ 70 42 --- [ Clothes witl : SATL~'RDAyF°r week ending .... .._April69 17321952__ Jdck Donle),s ~IHU'~SDA~Y " i7 41 "7 tI Season opens I SUNDAY i,, _l 0thell° Ci~ Chaners [ .o. ~. ,,,~.,z ~ ~~ " For Di~enfgcting and --. ~~m Garbage Cans I Good Fishing StartsHere Gallon " ......... $2.801 , [ ' , Levelwind Reei ........... .... i-__._ 2"2S ' - B~ONSO~ ............................. ~! ll ll, 5 Gallons I[ ............ p,, o e.3s . ! [ 25 yds. Flyrod Line 45e IFLYS, PLUG" 10% Off Through-out April S 4 LU IES / BAI, StandardM Wholesaleco: Of Distributorcahforn,a. ,I Kenfield Hat tware ] $5.65 to $23.95 *" shall-Wells Stores Assoc,ated PHONE ~401 • OTHELLO --- GLASS RODS M-r " "