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Newspaper Archive of
The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
April 18, 1952     The Othello Outlook
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April 18, 1952
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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F'RIDAY, APRIL 18, 1952 THE OTHELLO OUTLOOK PAGE 5 I LEGION AUXILIARY PICNIC HELD SUNDAY PICNIC HONORS EE'rs :mDAY W.HT Mr and Mrs. J ,hn e,- HERSHCmL REN liMrs. Fh, rence'~iilsonwas¢c!rtainedat'apicnicSu-n~tayapicnicwasgivcnmthe hostess at the rc~u]~ar meetingnear Taunton. park Tuesday evening for Den bf lhe A~er!can' 1,egio,n Aux- Guests ~n,cluded the John J. his, ~.,andy and Jackie Itersh Hiary Monday eveni ~g at her Paras, tJhe Ed Emrys, She Jackby l,ho ¢~hildrcn in their nci:gh- I/ h~m'e~ '"" .'i~ams of H:eardan, the E. K borhood. Those attending !in t Pla;ns wcre made t~, attc.nd Reynolds and Floyd Ileynolds, ,ddition to the Hersh cihild- ~e joint meetin~ .of the Lind, T, om Para and V~ekie ,the ren wcre Johnny Hallead and !~aro,ld Schlossers, 13he C~eneLinda and Marilee Terry. ~Ifz~'~]Je '~nd .Q2~he]]o Auxili' Pactificos, the Harley Dirks, ~rms m t~c::vil/e Wednesday Niss M,ary Para o,f Colfax and WHAT'S TRUMP MEETS ,~ ~venin~g. ~ L Mern~bers presentwere ~w~. Mrs. Marguerite Wilson. The Wh,a.t's Trum',p .bridg~ 01 ~ club met Tues&ay evening at }trances Hays Mis. Gail Para, I,ADIES AID TO MEET ~he home o~f Mrs. Lil~a Bro,wn. [Mrs. Marg'aret Jensen, ,Mrs. ~l,aine Toskey, Mrs. C'a4~herine'I~he ,LadLies Aid o~ ¢~he Oth- - ~Mrs. Colleen Lyons was [Para and Mrs.Wilma Terry. ello Pr'esbyteri~an church w'i]l ~high for .t~he evening, Mrs. .erl meet Wednesctay at 1:30 p.m. Brc~wn sle~ond and Mrs. L. C. ,at ~he c4hurch tk>r a dessert Thirkill low. Mrs. Ev-va Save With lu~aeo~, lVIrs. John Maddox Krupa w~n ,the gal'lolNng honoring IJheir Ladies Aid of U. S. Sa¢ings Bonds and Mrs. l~ldon Ennis will be hostesses. LUKE SEZ: POOR PLUGS COST YOU MONEY// Yes, poor spark plugs may be robbing you of precious gas miles. That's just money out of your pocked. Drop in today and let us check your plugs and replace the worn-out ones. Othello I]arage -. BaH (Luke) Daniels~n Phcene --- 3391 For Work... Maximum Strength to Wee.=-and Wear undw Right. whatevw Tom •.. wherever you go. Whtp ra • Two-Pry Blended with Nylon ~ROIIS]~tS .................... $ 1.95 JACKL"I~ ..................... $1'11)15 CRUIS~R~ ....... ~ ........... $14.95 . xlamdin wl' :~,,.. lma-t few week~ m going to be a great |nconve~ienr ~ ko ,,L eompletiou of our addition to the stoz~ we will offer many :~~ts, Ltemz, and modm~ .tore feature~. - thanks in advance for your patience, and our special thanks fine patronage that has mode this expansion possible. HARLEY' CLOTHING Othello, Washington OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 9 P.M. goo~e, M~. Th~rkill, Mrs. Olive Cameron's mother from Great Falls, Mon~rm, 'was a guest. BLUE BIRDS TO HAVE TEA The V~iolets and Tulips ga~oups of Blue 13irds ~riH gNle ,a tea Saturday ~ffternoo~ at the :Presb~ ch~rda Danekas 6( Dunkan Funeral Home RITZVILLE TELEPHONE 8'3. Monumen~ and Markers 24-Hour Ambulance Serwlce sponsors, the from 2:00 to 3:00 and their the church, re