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Newspaper Archive of
The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
May 29, 1952     The Othello Outlook
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May 29, 1952
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THURSDAY MAY 29,1952 OTHELLO, WASHIN~GTON--IN THE HEART OF THE COLUMBIA BASIN VOL 6 --- NO 22 Dr. Warner Tells Kiwanis Club ~oSPECIALMerchantsNOTICEcommitttee 6ov'er, or/ Bro~dc~,tI L~,d Dr~vi, g o, Com or e To M k 0 h il ' B'g D y, "B g" has announc~ed that all stores ~ ~ t ~ O S I 8 Of Desperate Need for Hospital ,,,~ be closed tomorrow, Fri- ____ --------- A combination of .govenors, day, in observance of Memor- REV. WEYRICK TO BE forign dignitaries, a network ial Day. PRESBYTERIAN MINISTER broadcast and a land drawir~g Dr. Glenn Warner was the Rev. Ralph Weyrick of Yak- ~or 32 farm units, all lend speak~erat the regu-100 0O0 May View Rez0ning Asked ima wiH serve as minister of tbiemselves to n~aking Othel- the Othello Presbyterian chur- lo's big day really '~B~g." Tuesday night meeting of w ch during :the month ~f June, Governor Arthur B. Langlie or until a ,l~ermanent minister Othello Kiwanis club. Dr. of W,ashington state, cons~ent- ~, his em.ha- Farm-in-a-dag Today for Street arrives. Mr. Floyd Torrence, ed l'ast week to ,be ,the speak4er the need ,for hospi,tal fac- who has served as minister of the day at the ceremonies s in the Ad,ams county MOSt0S 'LAKE, Wash., May for thee past few months left ,and will also draw the ,first I~ ~nkhandlJe area. 25---P~ans to enable an estima-5hpl"'0 p'ng Center weo ,o continue ~his stud-numt~r for the'first one of 32 He cited the fact to the Ki- ted 100,000 persons to s~ee the ies in California. farm units in block 11, ~rhich ~anians that the Moses bat~e Farm-in-a Day under construc ~ is seven miles sou`th of OChello. Ilospital is at a distance of 38 t ion near her~ Thursday w~re P-TA INSTALLS OFFICERS II~iles from Othello and the Some 20 foreign countries .lteWRitzvil]~e,Adams 57c°untY, mileshOSpitalaway, is andBasinann°uncedMos~Watert°daYLake,FestivalbYchamberC°lumbia°fficialsof ;eTthe' "c ~lr °' e ~r e r~aaloposed forthe e:' " als~s~-''" ~side of'~°~' ~ent-TeachersAt the meetingAssociationOf the ,Par-of landWill dra~wingbb representedby 30 menl~t whothe ,the Oth~ello school Tuesday are interested in irr~galion for The need is definitely here Commerce directors. Othello took on a rrmre tangi- evening new officers w~ere in-their home-lands. " ~r sick ,19ed facilities and in Drivers will enter a "onle- ble form Mond'ay evening as stalled by .Mrs. Wes Klivhard.t e near ~uCure it appears thatway loop" highway ,~t Moses Perry Statton and Kei'th Wil- Tho~e who will serve for the Oth/er states will ,be repre- the need will l:kocome a des-Lake. This will take tl~em toliams of Ellensburg presented comin~ year ~are ,Mrs. Etdon sented by their governors or l~ate situation, the public viewing point on adetailed plans for a three-bus- Ennis, president; M~. Carl represen.tativtes for them. ttigh Accordir~gto national fig- table land overlooking thee 80- i1~ess building to the town Lochmiller, vice p~tfsident: officals of the Burea~,u of ltec- Mr. Edwin S`temen, second lamation and the U. S. Ar~y acre farmsite. Departing visi- council for their approval and ~es, the need is governed tors will travel a dif:llerent, asked for rezoning of Lots 1, vice pztesident; Mrs. K. 'I). Engin~rs will .aLso ,be present ~he rt~,l~e of the thum, b of 4 ds per 1,000 people, one-way route on returnto 2, 3, and 4 of ~lock 160 from 'Smith, secreVary; and Miss Al- .to lend th~eir note of dignity to 'He mentioned the fact th'atMoses Lake ariea. R-2 to C-1. ma McNall, :treasurer. 'the proceedings. the town of Rept~blic was in Visitors---a thousand ata The planning commission Mrs. Edwin Sternen 'and Mrs A broadeas,t from eche city ~rae situation as Othello andtime--will listen at loud speak had previously tabled their re- Lochmiller were hostessesfor ,oark in Ot,hello. w~htere the ~hey now have a 17 'bed hos- er stations on th~ 'hill view-.~uest forlackof sufficien,~ the meeting, drawing will emanate ~vil~l ,take ~ - .~ • :l~lace from 12:15 to 12:45. The 'tal to tal~e care of the,r point, while guides trained in bluep.rints. Sch 001 F.nds l~tIents. -_.. phases of constructio~ des- The council set a public show 'is the Glen Loran'g ~a,t- ~ll The county has been uamcr crible the job under way. hearing ¢or June 9 .for tl~e urdav Farm Show ,and will ,be |i 3-rn~ll ,assessment since Approximately 25 students purpose of listenir~g to the broadcast over station KtHQ !946 for the purpose of build-from W~shington, State' Coll-nros and cons of t'De matter. Spokane and c~ortions over a The pair l~resented a p~itionT0dat] with n~%ional ne£worle |~g hospi, tal and there are sup- ege are arrivir~g Tuesday to , ~he~% will be l~n~ ~peakers :|: thsedly funds available from"rehurse"their ro~ at six signed by ov~er 50 ,percent o]: |: is .leVy. ~he property owners of ,the or- to represent the old times of ~el:)r. Warner is to meet ,witbh loud speaker stations, the a06~a and also the new Public visitors ~are advisled (~a surrounding the four lots ~.. Hospital Associationin to bring binocularsif they in question :approving the re-~,..e~,L1,' ~armer in Othello. ~.d, tzville .before June 14 to want to t~ke their own "close- zonihg. " h r~To~d~a ~?th~e].ly Those chosen for their ean- u~Scuss the mattter, up" views of thle Farm-in-e The pair are to ~ w~t did thumb-nail view of tNe urogress of the area are Alec , ~ Day. Because of the large nuvnthe plannin, g vommissmn ~- t da of Hampton, Frank Miller, Myron bers of h~avy machines that gain for their recom~enda- .y ' as , y sch- rit"rs- Street LID o~, forthe students of the Cham~ and D,ck Godon. will be operating on the farm-tion. " -- the OtDelloshools. The fnal d, ay The bi,g day is "0art of the site property-~a ,total off 47 The drawings snowe~ wi'll be spent in an award as- Columbia Basin Wa%er Festi- tractors alone--tNe public will buildings would housle a hard:sembly ~nd the picking up o~ val and has 'been ntted :in as llasse s Tuesday] ware store, a drug store and not be allowed onto the a 40 .by 6.0 ,foot grocery store. .final grade cards by thle stu- OthSello's part in the celebra- grounds. Statton ,estimated the con- ~len,ts. . ~ion. struction time .to ,be 70 days The ~arm-in-a Day ~ea~ture 'Phe awards to be made at ~'he whole pagent is 'bein¢ has caught thle imagination af from the time they zleceivetod,ay's ass~embty are: covered ,by news mien and writers, ~and their readers, .the "ehe fro ahead if .the council Scholastic aw'ard to Ei'leen r~dio and movie coml~anies ~, At a spt~cial meeting cd the n'ation over in one of thte mo~t approv,~ the project. Evans who chalked up 3.48 and i~ receiving nation-~rid~ ~iOwn Council Tuesday after- highly successful "one-time" ~ ~points ou~ of a possible 4.0 pu~blictty. ~ , programs ever stagledin the _0~n 'the LID for the improve- . A, thletic award .for tNe year ~ent .of First St~leet was pass- state of Washington. Seven Sem0rs to Fritz Ktiphardt. MAY ~Y ~u un'animously. _ Purpose is to create in 24 Activities award to Bill Op- Frank Schumacher, owner Councilman Johnny I-'ara pli,ger, of the new drive-in r~tttrant .~.~ade the motion, seconded by hours, ,from sagebrush and na- Citizenship award ,to Janice at the corner of 'Pou~th and ~r~y 'Dirks, ,that LID No. 2 edtiv~e 80-acreC°Ver' airrig~tedcompletelyfarm,plant-to Graduate M0ndag Kanntenwisher. Main strelets, rep~ed this ill passed as written witn the symbolize what is 'h,appening ~School will be dismissed ~t week that an attempt is being ~tention o~ postponing black- Graduation exlerclses held ,approximately 9:45, at which made to hax~e ,the new estab- .~ping until such time as wa- 13,000 ~lmes over by creatir~g 13.000 nlew irrigated farms, last Monday evening we~e one time summer vacation will lishment in readiness by ~Sat- of the most imp~tessive cere-officially start, urday to be open for business. ,. drainage ond sewer prob-ultim,ately, in the Columbia monies seen in Oth~ello in ~etns are 'taken care of. Basin Project. quite som,e time. The program ANS~---R C&I~ TO -:l ,~'l~e Local Improvement dis- Symbolic delivery of first ~as started by the seating of Baccaureate Service ~ ~"~et has been off and on the irrLgation water by ,the Bureau ~he ei,ghth graduate. ~olitical fire i~ Othello ~or the A fire of undi termined or- ~ast four months 'and h~as ,be~n of h~larna`tion will take place The ool aduates Held Here Sundat] g,n in ,he V. S. eau ~e object of controversy both at the ~arm-in-a I:~ay starting were pttesented through a cor- Reclamation a~grek~t~e assay- at 4:00 p.m. Pl'ans are being ridor of seven boys and seven Pro and con. Baccalaurleate services wereers buildin~ at the Othello Oe- ., The bending house of Bur- made to erect a speakers plat-girls ~each carrying a t}ghtedheld last Sunday at the Oth- me~t Products plant cal'led ~.ara and Blair will now takeform on ~ public yiewin,g ~, tl'~e ,LID ,and proceed with ,grounds for the form,al pro- candle.ched to ASthethefrontgradu'ateSof the gym-mar" eHoThePresbyterianaddress to ehurc~h.~he students noon.firemen out Tuesday after- :licit investigation of it. If the gram. nasium through the two col- was given by ,Mr. Floyd Tor- The fire started in the in- fence, acting minister for theterior of a small buildin~g us~ed ~roperty assessment is high Workmen will start on the .umns of students, the candles ~.~ou.$h to warrant eond~mna-house ~for the ~Farm-in-a Day,were extin,~uished one by one ~on of the ten feet asked forat 12:01 e.m. and the candlle bearers seem- ~om th~ front of the lots oh The com,pleted farm, valued ~d to fade into ,the darkness. p e west side of the street, in excess of $50,000----~'all by The valedictory ,addOess was i~rten condemnation proceed- donations c~f equipment and given by Eileen Evans, and l'.~.s will be started. Money1.a'bor--will be pPesented free the salutfltory tbv Lorraine after the con@~mnation to "the nation's mos'~ descry- Hai~ht. church. The invocation for the services was given by Bill &p- pliger, and the r~eading of ~he Scripture was by Dorotlky Schumacher. A solo, "The Lord's Pray~er" was sung by Mrs. l~aul Bon- nell. Further music was furnish- ed by the high school girls' s~extet,te. The benediction w~s by John Hays. Recessional and processional were by Janice ~ann~enwisher. ,~,Yments wilt be ,available for • " . • , , , WEATHER95,. V~,e~k Ending May ~0T~XIMUM FOR MONTH 90 NIMUM FOR MONTH 32 AL PPT. FIR MONTH .58 ing veteran,?' Dormld J). Dunn, Thursday afternoon. Dunn is ,a former Kansas flood victim who w~as chosen by the Veter- ans of Foreign Wars. MILWAUKEE WOMEN TO MEET TUESDAY The regul,ar meeting of tl~ ,Milwaukee Women's Club will hie held Tuesday evening, June 3, at 8:00 at the clubhouse. ,Mrs. Corn Jacobs and Mrs. Wanda ,Berg will be hostesses. Mrs. Lewis St)~wart will give a report on the biennial meeting in Chicago which she ,attended last weekend. Tl=~e Drincioal soeaker was ,Dr. G. H. Sehlau~h. head of ~he de~artment nf ~ocioR>gy ~t Whitworth colln~o Dr. Sch- ~augh was introduced by su- perin0endent Clell Warner. T]~e .present~ation of the graduating class was made by ,Mr. E. B. Stemen, principel, ~nd the diplomas were pre- s~.~ed by Mr. T. R. Bookler, chairman of the Othello Sch- ool Board• The invocation and bene- diction were given by Fr. C. M. DePiere of Ri,tzville. The processional and reces- sionul were played ,by Janice Kannenwisher. The seven high school grad- uateh are Eileen Evans, Lor- raine Hai ght, John Hays, Ken- ny May, Bill Oppliger, Bon- nie Ro}off and D~)~othy Schu- maeher. ,The motti of Vhe senmrs this year was "Not to the Top, but Still Climbing," 'and the class colors were blue 'and white. Mr. E. B. Stemen was the class advisor. as an assay office by the Bur- e~u of F~eclama,tion and burn- ed up the inside of thee north ~.~al]. The firemen arrived in time to keep th!e fire from do- ing further damag~e. The damage was negligi,hlte, only from water and smokle to a few papers which we~e on a desk. IIIII I VS. .KAHLOTUS Here Sundag 0 iili 1