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Newspaper Archive of
The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
May 29, 1952     The Othello Outlook
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May 29, 1952
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PJU2 S OI TLOOK T~AY MAY H, lf~q (Formerly the Othello Progress-News) year. This sort of thing, plus .the fact that there was noth-. ir~g obscene of clip-joint about it and th.e cle~ condition in which they left the grounds is reason enot~gh to want them back next season. Entered as second class matter January 21, 1947, at the post office at Othello, Washington, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Published every Friday afternoon at Othello• WARREN BASLEE Editor and Publisher Subscriptions $2.50 per year in Adams, Franklin, and Grant counties. $3.00 per year elsewhere. By WARREN BASLEE Editor of the Outlook A welcome, all visitors to Othelio-~we wart you to ~el at 'home while you. are hede. It is a fervant (hope of ~ll Oth- elloites that you w~o are here ~o look over the country and the people of tl~e area will be pleased with what you see. Saturday is probably once of the bisgest days w-htch has been seen in ~is end of E~e" Basin since the ~ounding of the irrigation project. lit is true that many o~ you will probably never r~urn ¢o our town, but those of you who do, we "~ant you to ap- preciatie it as we do. Saturday marks the prog- ress of nearly 70 years of dreams and lhopes and many disappointmt~nts the pioneers of the past experienced before this day havle finally been al- leviated. As 'all Basin towns, Othello is having its share of growing pains-- everything from the pangs of ind~erence to out- bursts of practically open war- fare, so to speak. This is to be expected of any town which doub~!~s its size in one year as we ~ave done, and probably will do many more times in ~e future. 'I~be Columbia :Basin ,Pro- ject is one Of the last frontiers on the North American eon- tinent----tl~e new land over the horizan which has been man's inspiration ,for as many years as man is of age. The new ~and of promise--promise of a 'home for his family, where he can raise crops in peace. (~oosing any point in tbJe Basin and looking around you sets fire to ~he imagination--- s~ge brush covered `hills trans- formed into grleen fields, the countryside dotted with ~hite houses and red barns--those who can see this are truly pio- neers in every sense of the word. ~Last wL-~ek Othello had a small carnival in town. It is not usual procedure to uphold ,this type of entertainment as being an attraction to a town, ~specially one the size of Oth- ello. We must admit: however, that the small "ride" show was far a.bove par. I took in tl~e show, as must all parents with a small child who is one of the merry-.go-round set, and discovered it was clea~er than the average and the ridge, s in better condition than most. One of the rides was new this I'm very ,glad to see tbat the ba~ll has started rolling in ~che divection of a new hospital, and with organizations such as the 'Kiwanis• Jaycees. ehe Chamber and other service or- ganizations in town behind the project, there is hardly a reas- on we cannot obtain the much needed hospital services here. I feel certain that if the pew ers that be were to observe conditions first hand. they would be down the next mor- ~ing with pick and shovel to lend a hand. LOCALS --- Mrs. W. F. Oppliger of 'San Francisco arrived last Mbnctav to spend ~ summer with her son W. R. Oppliger and fam- ily. Mrs. Oharles Actor and children Joan and Chuck of Connell atten'dled graduation of Mrs. Actor's nephew ~ill Oppliger from high school Monday e,~-mir~g. ,Mr. and [Mrs. Fred Fast of Addy werte guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schumacher last week. Guests for the graduation of Miss Dorothy Schumacher were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cole and Mrs. Emi.liie Zickler of Moses Lake, Mrs. Christine O'Leary and C}ayton of Pas¢o, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schttmac- ~her and ehild~'en of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Schumaeher ~and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Crones ,of Bichland. All were house ,guests of the Frank ~Schumac- hers order the weekend. OUTLOOK WANT ADS Visitors We hope you are pleased with Othello and we want to extend to you our warmest VV'elcome - - - Congratulations Seniors We wish you success as you take another step up the ladder toward your individual goal Othello arage Earl (Luke) Danie on Phone--3391 FOR SALE 1940 WILLYS four-door mech- anically OK. Leroy Flowers FURN~TU~RE Othello Second Hand Store_ Phone 3322 FOR SALE 27 FOOT Alma House Trailer. Reasonable. Can be sden at Nygren's Cleaflers. ltp LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- EN of a pu'blic hearh~,g to be held Monday, June 9, at 8:00 p m. in the town hall in Oth- ello, W a~hin,gton, for tt~e pur- pose of ,hearing arguments ff)r ~nd against the' rezoning of Lots once (1), two (2), three (3) and ,four (4) of ~lock 160 of the Othello Land Company's First Addition to the Or~gin,al Town of Othello from R-2 to C-1. TOWN COUNCI~ Town of Othello Attest: Horder Reno Town Clerk 2 and 3 Bedroom Homes Now Available Under Critical Defense Housing Plan MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS NOW WHILE -- Choice Locations are Available INTE~IIOR COLOR SELECTIONS WHEN PURCHASED BEFORE COMPLETION EXCLUSIVE SALES AGENTS FOR HAROLD RORVIK PHONE 3382 ACROSS FROM CITY PHONE 3432 BULK STYLE we have everything to YOUR A REAL SUCCESS If You Don't See It, Ask For It, WE HAVE IT!!! A-~ER ALL, THE BEST PLACE TO TRADE LEACH'S GROC MEMBER OF U. R. M. STORES (You Name It, We Get II) WE TAKE ORDERS FOR FLOWERS Funeral Sprays and Wreaths Boquets and Wedding Arrangements FILM DEVELOPING -- Bring Your Films Here We ~ake ordezs for Special Cakms Always A Friendly you in and get At Your Friendl~ Local Bank Othello State Banh COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES OTHELLO. WASHINGTON Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ] r, i~ fl F ~r r il ] r, e [I . ] r: r~ ~J [i !o r ] ]:r ~ 1 h e u l¢ b It[ v~ 0 S( 1(t{~ n tl i :r !i ~t r~ I. ! |~ n i] ~. h L,p [r [r n ,6 :e :[r a g ~ t O ~J n h t [r i[ ~e Ir a ~t 'b n }q ~]d ¢ :i C 0 lr [r i d s L [r o L' Sl r, n h- I~ ,Y m I 3: ] E: ] C : Lc ', ~t " o] ' a]