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Newspaper Archive of
The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
May 29, 1952     The Othello Outlook
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May 29, 1952
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THURSDAY MAY 29,1952 THE OTHELLO OUTLOOI" PAGE 3 LOCALS .... Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brown ~z~d children spent ,Sunday in Richland visiting Mrs. Brown's sister, 'Mrs. Miles Patrick and family. Mr. and Mrs. ~H~lp'h Nygren were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Baslee Sunday. Mrs. Paul Bonnell and son returned Friday from ~ilford, Iowa, where they spen,t sev.~ral weeks visiting Dr. F~ank ~Bonnell. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mar- sb, all and children of Hermis- ton, Oregon, wel!e guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Stone Sun- day. ~Ir..and Mrs. Bob Sargent have moved into Vhe T end F d~plex vaeat~2d by the LeRoy lowers. The Flowers have r~oved into ,the Phil Hanks house and tNa Hhnks have raoved into their new home on the hill. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nygren ~nd Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Terry ~!ant to Connell Saturday eve- kin,g to ~he Legion Chub. Walt Wilson ~f Newport Was a weekend guest, c~ %he ]Vl. A. "ilerrys. T'he Paul- Browns and the I'~al guests of the ._ Lyons were I-|erman Krupas Monday eve- ning. The occasion was Mr. I(ru,pa's birthday. Mrs. Esther Tennyhill spen,t the wc~.~kend in Seattle visit- lag friends. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Para ~nd Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Ken- field went fishing at GooP-" take Sunday. 'Mrs. Vern ttarrison and daughter of are SlCbnd- lag the week hei~ visi,ting her l~arents ~he W. Ganos. Forrr):r residents Mr. and Mrs. John Morg,an and child- ren o[ Suquamish visited with ~riends here Monday. The Matt t.!_~nnedys are leav 'ing today ,to spend the week- end ,at T~van.(~h, Washington. 'Mr. and Mrs. E~don Ennis a~e-spending the weekend at Lake Chelan. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Godon Went to Coulee Dam Sund~y. ~ht[r. and Mrs. C. E. ~.allead and grandson a~e spending the Weekend a,t Rocky ,Point. Mrs. Ewald Roloff and Mrs. Marie Su,k~ of Warden spent the day with Mrs. Harold Hod- Son Tu~sd.ay. Mrs. Manford Stromme ~v~.t to E~hrata Tuesd,ay. "Mrs. Edith Pessein and 'Mrs. Clyde, H~ws went to Mos- es I~ake ,Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Burring- ~on and Mr. and Mrs. Jim ']awlev, all of Aulb~rn, were ~t~ests" of the Everett Michels @am Frid'ay to Monday. `Mrs. C. E Gad'on entertain- ~rs:-El,don Ennis, Mrs. Victor eLeod and Mrs. Matt ~I~.n- ~edy 'at a coffee party Tues- day m,ornin'g. Try a Classified Ad They bring Results! REALLY DEPENDABLE DRy CLEANING SERVICE . It's The MODERN DRY CLEANERS OF RITZVILLE ~,hickups and deliveries each Ursday in Othello. We'll Stop when your card is up. If You don't have a card and Want one, see Harley's Clo- thing. It's the green Modern Dry Cleaners truck for depend- able dry cleaning. SPECIAL MEETING HELD A spec~'al m{~_tJng of the Othello Town Council was held Saturday afternoon ~o determinu what should be done with the lower city well. The ~v~311 has proved more than adequate for the pump- ing of largI_~ volumes of water According to the Food Mach- inery Corp. of Moses Lake th$_~ well is potentially a 1600 .gal- lon per minute .will if enlarged ~o permit the ~se of a larger cas,ng and about 600 GP~ with just a larger pump. 2. t~ council voted to rent a pump from the firm which is a 50 horsepower capacity and is c~pable of producing 240 GI:~I of water. The ~{ental on OTHELLO Shoe Repair JOHN SOBESKI OTHELLO TO HOLD LUNCHEON MEETING MONTHLY At it's regular meeting Thurs- day evening, the Oth~ello Chamber of Commerce voted ~bc oump is $20 per month, which is less t'h~n a new pump would cant li):. city. It was felt ~hat the city cannot afford ~o buy a new pump at ~he preserrt ti.n'b and the rental one will carry this summer's peak load. Danekps & Dunkan Funeral Home RITZVILLE TELEPHONE 83 Monumen"~ and Markers 24.Hour Ambulance Service m in a ® It's "beach bouquet'r-_summeFs pretffest com- pliment, done in heavenly all nylon taffeta . . . powered with Ioton, slde-shirred for long sllm I~nes. New self-lined petal bra for beautiful uplift and accent.., patented free-riding inner. panty for marvelous swim-freedom you've never known before. From Jantzen's stunning '52 col- lection of swim and sun clothes...ready nowl In 10 heavenly colors. 32-40. 8.95 up ...the most famous name in swimming Pure Hve rubber... firm, comfodable fit Watertight seal... keeps water OUT Smartly designed... shaped to cover hair completely TEN beautiful pastels to match your swim suit. ~o hold one luncheon me~tir~g a month at 1:00 p.m. at Lou- ise's cafe. The meeting will be the third Tuesday of each month. Try a Classified Ad Mrs. I-~ariey Werr~r 'and Mrs. Esther Kru~ drove Mrs. Werner's mother home to ~ev,, Plymouth, Idaho, last ~riday after she had spent a week here Mrs. ~t~ner Land Mrs. Kraft returned Monday. III Othello Plumhinq & Heating ARMSTRONG FURNACES Fairbanks-Morse Pumps DEEP WELL PUMPS SALES and SERVICE BOX 197 OTHELLO JOE CAMARATA m in a ® Fastest trunk in the water--"daredevil"--- frame-fitting lastex faille, smartly air-condi- tioned with lattice sides. Built-in drawstring keeps the waist snug...ideal swim supporter with elasticized legs. 7 hot colors. 28-36. 2.49 up WELCOME VISITORS IT IS ALWAYS A REAL PLEASURE " TO WELCOME NEW PEOPLE TO THE GREAT COLUMBIA BASIN, WE HOPE YOU VISITORS HAVE THE CHANCE TO RETURN TO OTHELLO SOON. OTHELLO, THE BIGGEST LITTLE TOWN IN THE BASIN EXTENDS TO YOU A WARM AND HEARTY WELCOME WE OF HARLEY'S CLOTH- ING SINCERELY HOPE THAT YOU WILL RETURN AND HONOR US AGAIN! 2"~8"up Wherever you go . . . you'll "steal the show".., in light, bright, fashion-right 8. F. Goodrich Sun-Togs...colorful f~ic casuals offering undreamed-of conln~-~ end comfort. Choose you. today.