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The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
June 6, 1974     The Othello Outlook
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June 6, 1974
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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TOPS IN SHOW Karla Miller were [winners in the Othello horse show here morning, with four named for :hana which followed afternoon at the grounds. had two firsts seconds in the horse nile Karla Miller was lind with one first and e I Washington, has beenset forboth unincorporated and incorpor- Saniors Set hearing said Petition.atedareas. The numberofrecreation THE OTHELLO OUTLOOK . 3 DATED this 3rd dayof June,vehicles and trends were also given. 1974. The planned use for Revenue OTHELLO, WASHINGTON THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1914 M eti g Sit /s/MildredWomach, Clerkoftbe Sharing Money in theamountof Othello Supervisor, oftwenty-eight Othello, Washington99344. e n e Superior Court $218,814. for the period of fifth thousand (28,000) gallons of liquid The City reserves the right to George R. Huff, Attorney forentitlement from July 1, 1974 to GILSONITE asphalt, or material of reject any or all bids and waive Arrangements have been Administratrix, 625 East Hemlock, June 30, 1975: equal specifications, forstreetformalities. made for the Othello SeniorPost Office Box G, Othello, Public Safety - Capital: $10,000. improvements. Dated this 28th day of May, 1974. CitizensClub to hold itsWashington 99344 Telephone: (509) Operating: 8,814. Plans and specifications may be /s/ Judith Hawley, Othello City 488-9603 Transportation-Capitah $50.000. obtained from the Othello City Clerk " el)crating: $100,000. bi-monthly social meetings at 6~T the Othello Convalescent Financial Administration: $25, Clerk, at 512 East Main Street, 6-6-2T Home instead of at the Odd NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS 000. Fellows Hall. Notice is hereby given by the General Government - Capital: Publ c Notice is married to the of Conneil one daughter, oy. The couple make east of Othello. i:!:i sheriffs office for answering service she will be employed in the INTHESUPERIORCOURTOF and her salary set at $503.00 per '~g~T ~vl~ pediatrics wardatDeaconess. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON month as of'May 1, 1974. She WSU r s The graduate was honored IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF replaces Sally Kraft, who resigned ADAMS due to ill health. bELIAVELA recently at a graduation No. 4419 Notice of call for bids for 1974 At Graduohon reception at the home of Mrs. NOTICEOF HEARING PETITION County Wide oiling project was set G d Joan Will with Mrs. Barbara TO SET ASIDE PROPERTY INfor June 3, 1974 at 11:00 a.m. ra uate PULLMAN - Five Othello Hunt as co-hostess. LIEU OF HOMESTEAD In theMatt~boftbeEstate Notice of call for bids for 1974 County Wide Crushing Project was B~~ students were scheduled to Bess receive degrees last weekend Cake Is Feature LLOYDO. MEGENITY, Deceased. set for June 10, 1974 at 10:00 a.m. Notice of call for bid for Asphalt NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Me-800 was set for June 10, 1974 at at Washington State Unicef- that ORPHA MEGENITY, the 11:00 a.m. sity, according to the spring Chocolate angel food cake Administratrix of the Estate of Notice of hearing for establishing semester graduation list re- made "from scratch" was LLOYD O. MEGENITY, Deceased, 1 mile of Dewald Road was set for )Icy and Delia Vein leased last week by the school, served members of the Crazy has filed her Petition in the Superior June 17, 1974 at 10:00. Local seniors receiving de-Eights Bridge Club by hostess CourtoftheStateofWashington, for A communications Planning and the County of Adams, praying that Study Report for Emergency Ser- m s from Kin- grees included Colleen K. Mrs. Dick Deeter, on Tuesday the property of said Estate be set vices (formerly Civil Defense) and ;s University, Sargent, B.S. in Home E-co-of last week. aside to ORPHA MEGENITY, project planned for 1975 was signed ra nation exer.-heroics; Stanley A. Sargent, Winner at bridge was Helensurviving wife of the said Decedent and sent to State. at the Ridpath B.S. in Zoology; Scott A. Fulks, with Letha Nihoul in lieu of homestead, and that Adams County Social and Crone- Monday, the 1st day of July, 1974, at mac Profile from the Interagency Stickel, B.A. in Business Ad- receiving second high score. 10:00 a.m. on said day, at the Court committee for outdoor recreation a former OHS ministration; Michael J. Ruby Leafy was a substi- Room of the Probate Department of was received giving population, in- Westfahl, B.S. in Electrical tute for the afternoon play. saidSuperior Court,Ritzville, number of families and housing in nOw Director. ofEngineering; and Gary D. iness Univermty,Yamamoto, B.A. in Political to 166 Science. The graduate list included ¢, daughter of the 2,386 candidates for under- received her granduate degrees, 150 for master's degrees and 62 for in Spokane. doctor's degrees. daughter of Also awarded were 383 Max Veil. She provisional teaching certifi- as a legal cites. The graduation list ibleys and Velas included 101 students gradu- the exercises annated Magna rum Lade and 517 Which followed, students graduated rum Laude. t]LAHEMOtq, E INBUfTRIEf, INI. P. O. BOX 48 OAKESDALE, WASHINGTON 99158 SPECIALIZING IN: GRAIN STORAGE CHIEF STEEL BUILDINGS INDUSTRIAL MILLING EGUIPMENT I-H FARM EGUIPMENT Miller, Bob Miller and Rodney be heard, the sum of One thousand oneNOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS Schmidt. NOTICE IS FURTttER GIVEN hundred and no/100---Dollars to- FORSAI,EOFEXCESSCITY Open English pleasure - that all persons interested, may gether with attorney's fees, interest, PROPERTY Raylah Holleman, Lori Craw- appear and be heard at such hearing costs and increased costs, and to me upon the report and recommenda- directed and delivered, commanding The City of Othelh) will accept ford and Bill Holleman. lion of the County Road Engineer, me to sell the following described scaled bids for the purchase of the Peewee walk trot Zackie either to proceed or not to proceed property to satisfy said judgment, f) owingitemsofpersonalproperty " ' declared to be excess to the needs of Schmidt and Dale Cox. with estal)lishing of such County towit: R.a(t. Farm urlit 203 Bloek 45 section 15, the city: Gymkhana I)ated at Ritzville, Washington township 15, range 29. 150each, more or less, usedvalves Bareback relay Shelly this 27th day of May, 1974. NOW,TItEREFORE, NOTICE ISfor park st)rinkler system 700 fact, more or less, used steel Keys, Steve Hancock, Debbie Board of AdamsCounty ttEREBY GIVEN, That on Friday Keys and Judy Bartley; and Commissioners the21st day of Jura. A.D., 1974, at 10 pipe removed from swimming pool Kenny Crow, Tammy Crow, (;ordon tlays Chairman (,'(.h)ck in the fore noon of said day, I Items may be inspected by Ralph It. Danekas, Commissioner will sell- the above described City Supervisor, at City Kevin Crow and Evanne Ster- W.F. I,ongmeier, Commissioner properly, or so much thereof as may sh,p, 136 South Broadway, Othello, her. ATTEST: Susie B. Razey, Auditor he necessary to satisfy saidWashington. Peewee barrel race - Kyle and Clerk of the Board iu(tgment, t.gether with attorney's Sealed bids will be accepted by the Bets, Jeff Dayett, Tammy 6-13-3T fees, interest, costs and increased Othello City Clerk at 512 East,Main .................................... (..sis, in all amounting to the sum of Street, up t'0 the hour orS:00 p.m., on Crow and Debbie Richardson. $1100.00 sheriffs costs, and cost ef the 10th day of June, 1974. Junior barrels Judy NOTICEOFCALLFORBIDS publication. The city reserves the right to E.R.P:NO.36 Said sale will take place at the reject any or all bids, and waive Bartley, Joel Price, Cheryl 1974 CRUSHING PROJECT Front d~.)r of the Court ttouse at formalities. Price and Karla Solbraek. Notice is hereby given by the ltitzvilleinsaidCountyanddate, and l)ated this 28th day of May 1974. Senior barrels - Kevin Bets, Board of Adams County Commas- will be at public auction, for cash in is/ Judith tlawley Shelly Keys, Rick Hancock ii!~ :: si(mers that they will receive sealed hand to the highest and best bidder. ()thelh) City Clerk bids for the production and stock- I)ated at Ritzville, Wash., this 6-6 2T and Short Keys. ARLENE MONTAGUE piling of 3.500 cubic yards of base 20th day of May A.D., 1974.~'~ Adult barrels - Kay Whi- course and 2,500 cubic yards of top /s/Clinton Rowe, Adams County NOTICE OF BOND CALL taker, Bob Garrett and Raylah D N i g course, until 10:00 AM, June 10, Sheriff" The f,)lh)wing Local Improvement Holleman. ue UFS n 1974, at their office in the 6-20-4"I" l)istrictNo, 10 Bonds will be called Courthouse in Ritzville, Washing- ,.----- ,m June 21, 1974, and interest on Peewee pole bending Jeff D g F i d y ton, at whichtimeandplacethebids Dayett, Jackie Schmidt, Kyle e ree r a will be publicly opened and read. SUMMARY OF COMMISSIONERS samenumberWill55ceaSeto 70,°nboththatinclusive,date' Bondscity Bets and Tammie Crow. BidsmustbeaccompaniedbyaBidPROCEEI)INGSFORMAY, 1974 of Othello, Othelh), Washington, Proposal deposit acceptable to TheCommissioners met on May 6, l,~wal Improvement District No. 10 Junior pole bending - Arlene Montague of Othello Seciion37. Chapter64, Lawsof 1949, 13, 20 and 27th with all members Bond Redemption Fund. Debbie Keys, Karla Solbrack, is scheduled to receive herin the amount of 5% of the total bid. present, tlazel M. Gallinger, Treasurer Plans and specifications may be The county commissioners voted CITY OF OTHELLO Steven Hancock and nvanne registered nurse degree from obtained at the office of the County adopt system of fixed price contract, .. Othello, Washington. Sterner. the Deaconess Hospital School Road Engineer at Ritzville, Wash- and a letter was written to the Published in Othello Outlook June Senior pole bending- Shelly of Nursing in Spokane this ington, without deposit. Department of Social and Health 6. 1974. Services, with a copy of Benton- Keys, Rick Hancock, Kevin Tbe right is reserved to reject any Franklin Co, Beys and Julia~w~. Friday. or all bids. Ot'der of Sale on county property, NOTICE OFCALL FOR ~ID~~ The~graduation ceremonies Dated at Ritzy/lie, Washington ' Baton race - l~ick~I-Iancock, are scheduled for Central this 27th day of May, 1974.17.81aeres and Moody, 2.1aeres and Sealed bids will be received by the Cheryl Price, Joel Price and Methodist Church in Spokane. Board of Adams County .2 acres all in Section 15, Township Othello City Clerk up to the hour of Commissioners 20, Range 31 was signed by county 8:00 p.m., on the 10th day of June, Karry Bartley; Judy Bartley, Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hays, Chairman commissioners. 1974, for the purchase and appli- An order was signed to close the cation upon the City Streets of the Steven Hancock, Shelly KeysWayne Montague of Othello, Ralph H. Danekas, Commissioner courthouse as requested by the state City of Othello, as designated by the and Deb Keys; Karla Sol- Miss Montague is a 1971 ATTEST: Susie B. Razey. Auditor for May 30th, and posted and graduate of Othello High and Clerk of the Board published. Five Receive School. Following graduation, 6-6-2T Janet Fode was hired in the DAY ~,. Bill Murphy • • • Royal Star Route from Yarger's Market Othello, Wa. 546-9285 x 7just 99¢ Deluxe linen finish free frame folder man ,, Senior Citizens O.-owned co FREE Groups & Families Welcome Photographer will be at YARGERS ,MARKET 1115 E. Main & Fri. June 13th & 14th 10 to 6 Both Days Dear Bill, It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to our marketing force. Your technical knowledge, coupled with your many years of practical experience, will be of great benefit to our company as well as to Columbia Basin farm businessmen. The Columbia Basin,is growing at an astronomical rate. Because of this, there are many firms who are trying to capltalize on this with inferior products, poor layouts that do not allow for expansion, and very poor customer service. We are entering this market with a strong staff, geared to service these businessmen with sound financial and sales programs, high quality products, and solid layout designs. We know that you are sincere in your character and believe in being straighforward and honest with your customers. We are absolutely certain that Columbia Basin farm businessmen will give you their warmest welcome. Sincerely, CONTACT Bill Murphy Royal Star Route Othello, Wash. 346-9285 R.E. Blakemore President (a) buy one candy bar, (b) buy a small soft • drink, (c) grind a ton of feed and auger it into a feed bunk, A dime will still do a whale of a job •.. electrically. Electric power is a bargain . . . there's just no doubt about it. A nickel's worth of it gives you two weeks of vacuuming. A quarter's worth toasts your toast for three months. And because electricity is so rea- sonably priced, people are using it like they never have before• That's why we're planning now for in- creased loads. So that whenever you need electric power, we'll just ask, "Where?". RITZVILLE 659-1700 Othello-Zenith 9807 Meu--265-4221 Saving gives your family strength to take care of things when the world goes wrong. Saving gives you strength to take advantage of opportunities. The flexibility of a regular savings account at Fidelity adds up to the strength you and your family need: Your 'money starts earning the day you put it in, and it earns every day, compounded daily, until you take it out.,. No minimums, No withdrawal penalties. Open an account at any of 17 Fidelity branches; do business at any of the others, too. 5,a 5. 470 .... al effective yield on ,egutar passbook savings. Rates on New Certificates 4 year certificate $5,000 minimum 30 month certificate $5,000 minimum 1 year certificate $1,000 minimum 90 day certificate 81,000 minimum 7½% 7.71% 6%% 7.08% 6½% 6.81% 5%% 6.00% Annual Effective Yield If withd, a wal is made before maturity, your certificate earns the passbook rate lass 90 days interest. MEMBER F DI C MUTUAL Savings Bank Columbia Basin: 403 S Division, Moses Lake. Tri-Cities : I 115 West Clark, Pa$co; 619 Columbia Center, Kennewick. Spokane : Main Office, Revere/de et How#~d; Northtown. 460 N~rthtown ShoPl~i~ Cent~; Shadle Center, 206 Shadle Center; The Valley. East 8112 Spr#guo Avenue. South Spokane. E. 2910 29th Avenue, 67 years safe, 370 million dollars strong. There is strength for your family in the Fidelity rose• formerl, been Milwaukee Rail- Oxygen luate of Othello High was active on sports teams, and Big ]3eiad Commun- at Moses Lake for Mr. and Mrs. the local specialize in making ng special trophies engraving or- working in for the past I point winners in the JudyBartley, KarlaMiller and ardson. W.E. Longmeier, Commissioner TIlE STATE OF WASttlNGTON ,ns were Kyle Patty Delp. Junior keyhole race - Kevin ATTEST: Susie B. Razey, Auditor IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF Debbie Keys, Adult bareback equitation - Crow, Karla Solbrack, Steve NOTICE OF HEARING and Clerk of the Board ADAMS Hancock, senior; Bob Miller and Bob Garrett. Hancock and Karry Bartley.IN THE MATTER OF THE 6-6-2T No. 11193 ESTABLISHMENT OF THE .................... NOTICE OF MOTION " FOR I)EFAULT Garrett, adult. Junior western pleasure - Senior Keyhole race - Rick DEWALD ROAD IN ADAMS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT GLADYS BENTLEY, Plaintiff, Holleman was an- Karry Bartley, Judy Bartley, Hancock, Kevin Bets, Patty COUNTY, WASHINGTON OF THE STATE OF VS. for the horse show Lori Crawford, Debbie Rich- Drip and Kenny Crow. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN WASHINGTON WII,SON BENTI,EY, Defendant. Johnson of Yakima ardson and Jack Schmidt. Adult keyhole race - Bob that a hearing will be held on the FOR ADAMS COUNTY establishment of the DEWALD NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE TO: Wilson Bentley, the Defend- Is the official judge. Senior western pleasure - Garrett, Raylah Holleman and ROADon June 17, 1974, at 10 a.m. in OFREALESTATE ant al)o~e-named. e gymkhana Mark Patty Delp, Karla Miller and Bill Holleman. the Commissioners' Office at the CauseNo. 11275 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Rodney Schmidt. Trophy donors for the Courthouse in Ritzville, Washington Mildred Smith VS Plaintiff Junesoon as17'Counse11974' ntavat ll:00be heard,i'm" at°rtheaS J i Adult western pleasure -events were A.L. Miller and described as follows: p Dewald Road - "a strip of land TheodoreB. Smith DefendantAdams County Courthouse in Ritz- e o ns Janet Crawford, Bob Miller son, BiltandRaylahHolleman,sixty(60) feetwide, being thirty (30) Under and by virtue of Writ of \ilh,,Washington. theelaintiffinthe and Bill Holleman. Kenny and Mildred Pierce, feet on each side of the following Execution issued out of and under above-entitled action will move for Jy St ff Jack Benny class - AI Miller' Jim and Nancy Smith' Full describedcenterline;C°mmencing theseat°ftheSuperi°rC°urt°fthe an Order °fl)efault Judgment" l)atcd this let day of June, 1971. • r a Bob Schmidt, Laurel Flesh- Circle of Bruce, Evergreen at the Southwest corner of Section 7, State of Washington, holding terms s l)eunis V¢. M~,rgan, Attorney T 15 N, R 35 E.W.M., thence North to at Ritzvilh,, Washington and for said man and Bob Anglese~. Implement, Lampe's Jewelry,the Northwest corner of said Section County on the 15th day of May, A.D. for Plaintiff addition of Mike Lampe Open reining - Bob Miller, Jerry Peloquin and Chuck 7, adistanceofapproximatelyone (1) 1974, upon a judgment rendert~d in Edward (;. Cross Dennis W. Morgan staffat Lampe's Karla Miller and Patty Delp. Nihoul Insurance and Ameri-mile and there ending. , said Court on the 16th day of April AIt,,rnev~ at I,aw 120 West Main, need here Novice reining Karla can Fertilizer. NOTICE IS GIVEN THAT at thisA.l)., 1974, in favor of Mildred Smith H.ilzvilh;, Washington 99169 time the report of the Engineer will and against Theodore B. Smith for 6 6-IT Laurel F]eshman, Ken Pierce, Musical sacks- Bob Garrett, charge of games. AI Miller, Bob Schmidt and Kenny Crow, Kevin Bets andThe club has an open Clair Bets. Karry Bartley. membership, and invites Winnersofthe events were:Peewee keyhole race guests to attend. Horse Show Jackie Schmidt, Kyle Bets, Senior bareback equitation- Jeff Dayett and Debbie Rich- Board of Adams County Commas- $5,000. Fleshman was the announcerbrick, Kyle Bets, Kevin Bets Richard Yost, president, sioners that they will receive sealed Totals: Capital $110,000. Opera- with Lorena Mattly ~and and Rodney Schmidt; and Jeff said the club's next meeting bids until 11:00 a.m. June 10, 1974 at tiug $108.814. A]vina Miller serving as sec- Dayett, Evanne Sterner, will be held at the Con- their office in the Courthouse in An Emergency EmploymentAct Ritzville, Washington, at which time Contract was signed for Adams retaries. Timers were Nancy Kenny Crow and Kevin Crow. valescent Home at 7:30 p.m. and place they will be publicly County for Modification contract for Smith and Corrine Bets, with Adult pole bending - Kay next Wednesday. opened and read for the following: Assistant Planner. Ken Pierce working as flag- Whitaker, Bob Garrett and Mrs. Guy Powers will be ASPHALT, MC-800 A claim for damages for an men. The arena crew included Bill Holleman. hostess, with Powers to be in Specifications are obtainable at accident at the intersection of SR 26 theCountyRoadEngineer'sOfficein and SR 17 was filed. Ritzville, Washington. Copy of same sent to Prosecuting Dated at Ritzville, Washington Attorney and insurance company. this 27th day of May, 1974./s/Susie B. Razey, Clerk of the Board of Adams County Board. Commissioners 6-6-1T Gordon Hays, Chairman Ralph H. Danekas, Commissioner IN TItE SUPERIOR COURT OF