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The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
June 6, 1974     The Othello Outlook
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June 6, 1974
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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,,TII| OTHELLO OUTLOOK - Page 7 WASHINGTON THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1974 HIGH VOLA TILE its 1974 regula- permit use of high A-D for an additional April 15 to April a late spring and of 2,4-D. Bledsoe conditions "man- all available herbicide for control in the rest of wheat crops". said the depart- schedule hearings I Hearing Set Eyes Merger For Further Quinn, Chairman of the Mil- 2 4-D Stu uy waukee Road, in response to I an announcement today by the OLYMPIA - A State De- Burlington Northern that partment of Agriculture pro- discussions of inclusion of the posal to prohibit the use of Milwaukee Road into the high volatile formulations of Burlington Northern system 2,4-D in the state in 1975 will have been terminated, stated be considered at a public that the significant savings hearing in the Yakima county and improved service, which courthouse at 7 p.m. in Milwaukee's opinion would result from inclusion, would be Director Stewart Bledsoe mutually beneficial and in the said the hearing is the first public interest, step to implement a program Quinn said the Milwaukeehe announced last week to High volatile Environmental ProtectionRoad will consider the ramifi- further restrict the use of ,*,4-D would be Agency to institute a Wash- cations of the Burlington 2-4-D because of recurring banned in East- ington-Oregon air mass moni- Northern's action and the damage to grapes from use of gton under a toring program to establish soon-expected order by the the herbicide for weed control ~am announced the source of 2,4-D causing Interstate Commerce Corn- in wheat. by Director of damage and the drift patterns mission in the Union Pacific- Stewart Bledsoe for the herbicide. The depart- Rock Island merger case Use of the high volatile er restrict use of the ment operates such a moni- before deciding what further formulations has been illegal elbecause of recurring toring program in Washing- action it will take. since April30 and Bledsoe said Sp the proposal to continue the to grapes, ton, but Oregon has no such Units onsor ban through 1975 is being program. ~e discussed the pro- made now so the chemical ~ ring a public meeting -A request to the State of d industry, commercial appli- ilast Tuesday attend- Oregon to establish herbicide TWO Stu eRrs cators, and concerned farmers rote than 200 graperegulations similar to those in t h C willnextknOWyear theand regulatiOnScan plan theirf°r • The meeting was effect in Washington in the At YOU amp operations accordingly. ; las a result of serious northern tier of counties along ~lnage to grape plant- the Columbia River. Two recipients of campships "When the results of field L~: ¥akima Valley and -Use of all available depart- are scheduled to leave this surveys to determine the ex- '~r Columbia Basin in ment personnel for field sur- Sunday for a week's stay at the tent of grape damage and the -~r part of April and veillance of herbicide applica- Inland Empire Natural Re-types of 2,4-D causing it have ay. tions, plusrequeststothe1975 sources Youth Camp. been fully evaluated the of high volatile 2,4- has state legislature for funds to The camp, which features department will consider the since April 30. increase the field staff and classes in outdoor recreation, necessity of any additional t of Agricul- surveillance.Pr°vide for additional aerial soils, water, range manage- restrictions necessary to pro- ment, forestry, conservation tect grapes," Bledsoe said. -Increased research to de- planning and wildlife, is termine what part of the air scheduled June 9 to 15 at mass pollution results from Camp Twinlow on Twin Lakes low volatile and amine for- mulations of 2,4-D and wheth- er the damage from these for- mt~lations is substantial. "Unfortunately, this year we got the earliest damage in history," Bledsoe said. "We can't unscramble that egg, but we can take steps to prevent such damage in the future and that is what we are doing. We hope to get full support from grape growers, wheat grow- ers and the chemical suppliers in our efforts." Bledsoe said he made the near Rathdrum, Ida. Officials reported that Betty Bongiorni, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bongiorni, will be attending the camp on a campship provided by the Othello Kiwanis Club, with Chris Bos, daughter of Bill Bos, sponsored by the Othello Conservation District. Both campships for $40 cover camp expenses. I,ocal officials reported that the two recipients were the lone applicants for the camp- ships for tiffs year's event. decision to extend the use of ........ on regulations to the ban on high through 1975. If confirm the indications that 's April damage high volatile ons, Bledsoe said he Governor Evans to tee an executive re- measure in the 1975 the legislature to permanent by high volatile 2,4-D to April 30 "because the available stocks of low volatile and amine forms of the herbicide fell far short of the amounts needed to control weeds in thousands of acres of our wheat." QUALITY MOTOR REPAIR 108 N. Mctin,, Warden, Wash. 349-8892 Electric Motor Rewinding And Repairs. Owner Larry Jeske said grapes suf- serious herbicide m late April. ~year's damage was the ever reported," Bled- even though in pre- ars high volatile use permitted through- in some areas of In 1973 was applied Lpril than was used same month this such serious proposals also request to the Federal IUNE 16 IS A SPECIAL DAY FOR by Wey.en berg Jarman SUITS SPORT COATS by Brookfield Cricketeer Richard Eric Michaels Stern Fashion Craft Wembley by ux's "We are pushing as ener- getically as possible for those results and will discuss them with the entire agriculture team the minute they are available." ! / $I.09 WITHOUT COUPON mmm ,QUART KRAFT WITH COUPON EXPIRES 6.12-14 GIANT SIZE CHB 2 LB. JAR VALENCIA U.S. NO I LBS. e' hy tn~ingwear ven RTED tS hY aris Carreer Club Arrow Campus Da Vinci Impulse good name for value. FIRST AID SPRAY Aerosol antiseptic for summertime cuts and scrapes. 5 oz. /HAY FEVER ALLERGY CAPSULES For relief of hay fever ~~ allergy symptoms. QUIK BANDS,. i iiiiiiiiii Adhesive Bandages i!iiiiii 80 plastic strips of as- il iiliii ~ sorted s zes ~i ii:~ii ~ P a n or iiii!i! I~~ transparent, i c l 29¢ each oker size eck. 20+3 No-stick formula for B?RAY easy ironing! BTARCH KAOLIN & PECTIN MIXTURE summer travel and ~1 irregular diet. 12 oz. • LIQUID Ihl/ Gentle-to-hands '.-.-., II]/P~I II Pink Lotion or lemon. TOOTHBRUSHES 9c For treating diarrhea, a frequent partner to 24 oz. Nylon bristles; Min~ HOUSEHOLD , sty,es. @ SCALE Weighs in ounces 3fo 1 [t'~-" I andgrams. 99c i ~2zaca " Metal i mm.i"''':''`~ WIND CHIMES I 1 ,,au,UBES P Windjammer or i 1 Hanging 0wls. ii: I flashwiilloutb-aSelf-p°weredtnt- i teries! Pack of 3. PLAYING FAMILY PAK HYGRADE SLICED WEST VIRGINIA BACON 99¢ LB. YARGERS NEW HOURS 8 to lO WEEKDAYS NOON to 8 SUNDAYS 65¢ WITHOUT COUPON LIMIT 1 COUPON PER PURCHASE ;I.14 WITHOUT COUPON 10 LB WITH ST-15 COUPON 15+3 EXPIRES 6-12-14 _WITH COUPON 15__._+_3` EXPIRES 6-12-74 YARGER'S BANQUET 8 OZ. QUARTS CARNATION ASSORTED PINTS KRAFT 12 OZ. CAMPBRLS lOS OZ CHICKEN NOODLE 100 AMERICAN, PIMENTO, SWISS SEGO OZ. HALEY'_S 31 OZ. PORK N' MILK MY-T-FINE 30 OZ. TIN AP RIC-OTS 59¢ MY-T-RNE FRUIT 17 oz. C-OCKTAIL 39¢ OREO 19 OZ. 77¢ PARSON'S 56 OZ. VANILLA iz oz. WAFERS 49¢ NILLA UNCm II HEADS