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Newspaper Archive of
The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
July 25, 1952     The Othello Outlook
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July 25, 1952
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Friday, July 25, 1952 OTHELLO, WASHINGTON---IN THE HEART OF THE COLUMBIA BASIN VOL. 6 -- NO. 3~ watch Is pment Kiwanis to Ask ned On For City Park ,urBasis Othello was ab4e this ~c~d; ,take Iher phce at the ,head thee li.:pt .as t;a,r 'as public spit- is concerned ~s "Opera,~ion Twa,~ar' was pu~t imo act,on ~d the first week of abserva- ,~n completed w'Rhoui miss- ~g a shngle s,hiR. Opera.uion Skywa~ch, whi¢,h sl~a~Led in ¢onaec~on with Air l~rce to .help sm=ng~- ~he network of. ,the is how operating ~n 24~nour basis. (~Umier the Spol~ane F£ter ter .are some 116 observer of which Othello is one. .I~ormetion is compiled by various posts on ~Jae of aircraft in %hair mn area ~d us ~t~le- to the cem%er in Sp~k- "lnhe course d the ~t OTHEI.J..O--The above ske4ch is ihe designer's distrlci i~e arut will include the Dr. Glecm A. conseption of Lhe newly proposed Flower HillWarner med_ical clinic, (lower righi corn~). Shopping ce~te~ and residential subdivision h) The projeci was designed by Willimns the town of Othello. In addition ~o the s~opping Myers of College Place, Wask. Bids Called for JAYCEES INSTALL SIGN The Othello Ju~ior Ch,ambe~ of CommerCe has installed a BASIN MOVIE DUE A ~ movie emit]~ "Col- At the regular Tues(lay eve- ning meelttng of ,t~he O;tihelD ~.~i:wanis Club, a ~:omm~ttee ~o con,Saot ~the Oi~ty Council for permission ito take ItNe in~la~ s~eps to stast a park-reeve..- ~tion~al a~ea in the two rgy owned blocks Lrnmecli~t~y .t~ tLhe eas~ of ~he present ~y pask. If the courm~l approves th:is ~Ct~on, ,the corn~ t~ ,empowered ~o draw up tea~- ,tive pl,an~ ~for ,the ~pprov~l of the council. The committee is headed ]~ ~au~I ~nnell, v~ho will 'he sisted by Rod Thompscm, Sam B tes Jbe Joe C~nm-ata A second: com_rnRtlee ,av~>ointed ~to draw up pt,ans raise ope~ting funds for ~b_~ newly ¢orm~,cl Ca~p Y%re g~rk lo~a~ coundl. ' Pug Terry, H~4~ey Dirks &n~ ~,alvh Nygren ~a'e tahe It~ee members. ~hen plotted there ~nd ~rty in 1~tern of fl~ht umbia Basin Wa~er Festival" large sig~ ~maribed "Kello di~ec~on ~ ~/he~ obvious ~s sdheduled ~a" shorting a~t ~om Ot~hel,l,o" a,~ ,he Mflwau- Chamber To the A~rb~oreem~n in cn.,arge the Othello ,tah~atre July 24 Othello Roads ~ de~st ,co wel~>rn~ nt~m Long range bombers have q%,, ,~;~,,~,~,, ...... gtb~,~ ~- ers ~nd passersby ,to town. ,~unk the world ,to ,the po,m . "-L.~y':y" 2=.'':: .... The =n is the Protest Land ~at ~ny place (m ea~l~h is sus- mae ~ommma ~asm Projt~ was used ~or the Block 1~1 land .~st~h]~ ,m ~n ~tta~k The a~ wlfile t~e elewen-d~ay wa~:er ~s'~rUv~e.~Vp~ is to l~e low'd .$.'al v,,as t:~de~iiway May OLYMPIA--Mr. Ftred G. /ted- drawing. TNe Jaycees ~md the "~ ', ,'oh m*~ iV, be z.~-~une i ceie~a~xg ~ae s~a~¢men, Chairm~n for ,i~ke W~s~h- 4 by8 ~oo% sign h-amed andWithdrawals Ymg mrc~aft whi g • Ln~xm S~te H~ghw,ay Com- glass ~,nstalled over the fro~t ~i" ~ ~n.,g~,~on on the 1,029,000 The Othel/o Chamber (~ ~ue.. ........ acre Bureau of Reclamation mission ~oday ~u.nced '.lnat of ~t ,to i~reServe R from %heC~m_rae~--e "zi~~ d~,}lga.. raougla ~ae ,mca t ~ ~