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Newspaper Archive of
The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
July 25, 1952     The Othello Outlook
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July 25, 1952
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i) }i ii P~2 OTH'ILLO OUTLOOK LOCALS -- The Don Enn4s'es s!~ent the weekend ~t Lake Ghel ,a:n. ~VIr. ~and Mrs. Vern H'a,Tison amd d,au~htcr 'of Pasco spe~L Friday ~ho Sunday with ~t~e~r par Iffle W. C~anos. Car}a Gano ~Rtrnad tto Paseo wilth them Ix) sp~n,d a week or erda. IMtr. C. E. G~don and ,gl~and- ~n Di, clcon spent S ,u~day ~n ;Soap Lake vi:sit~ng Mr. Go- Othello Coach dons mothc.r Mrs. It ollings- wo,r~h. Mrs. 13ill Kaufih~an ,and Mrs Charle~ Davi,dson sp,c~i~ Wed ....... n,esd'ay in SpokanJc. Mrs. J, ack iio(~d and dau,~,~h- ~ : ';!~: itor of Los An,geles and 'Mrs. ri'u~rne~r %ore of Pa~co visl,ted Mrs. Audy Hays Sunday after- rm~n. Mrs. ;I~l, basen oi Part Or,d~ard is visttir~g her broCher Go,rdro,n ttays. V2 or Whole---5 to 7 lbs. average U.S. CHOICE -- Sirloin or "T" Bone | VF.LVEETA --. 2 pound loaf REFRESHING LIPTONS TEA U BAGIS ........................................................................................ 57c POUND PACKAGE- BULK .......................................... 67c 10 POUNDS -- U.S. No. l's in PLIOFILM BAG THOMAS D. WAI~O ' Aeeepi~d as coa~ ~rec- for for ,the Othello s~u~ols is Thomas D. Waldo. 'W~ldz) is a g~adu~te of Mom- ~ma ~at~ College ~ was~ ~,wrded ;the ,M~ter of ~cienee degree ~n Phy~ie~al Edt~eati~r~ ~rom ,t~ ~¢e College of ~Wash- ~n~xm ~n June, 19~1. rrhis past year, Mr. ,Waldo ~has been #he ~ars~cy tenai~ ¢o~eh for WSC. 'He l~as had ex:pe~ie~e ,~rL b0t~ :l~igh sc~hool a~'d coltleNe level ~chin,g in ~football, ~a~ketball, baseball, ~rael~ bomiv~g and .termis. Mr. r~do was ,reccor~e~,ded w~thou~t res- ervation by bo~h universities which he a~ten.ded. ~-]e is mam-ied and ,has .tveo. children. SEE OUR NEW SELF-SEIIVICE MEAT CASEll : WARDEN MERCANTILE ~tOTT GORE STORE HOURS 8 A~4. -- 9 P.M. Sunday 9 A.M,--12 noon WARDEN, WASHINGTON ONE YEAR OLD HAS PARTY IV[vs. Clark Bogarztus :~ave a p,arty Thursday a~te~noort ~n honor o~ her g~a~dson Eckii~ :Helbig who ~as one year old ~ch~t day. Guests i~cl~aded Mr. and ~lrs. Jack '.Hu~bbard, Jackie Day and ~Bobby Pessein antl l~ttle Eddie's par~C~s, M,r..arid M_rs. IMle I-Ielbig of DIilwau- kee, Vv~iscomsin. Refreshments were served. Save With U. S. Sacings Bonds q BIG BEND ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE WAS FORMED IN 1939 BY A GROUP OF ADAMS COUNTY FARMERS TO SUPPLY THE RURAL AREAS WITH POWER~ THESE FARMERS HAD BEEN WAITING UNSUCCESSFULLY FOR POWER THAT DID NOT COME--- THE FARMERS WHO TAKE SERVICE FROM THE COOPERATIVE, CONTROL THE COOPERATIVE. EACH NOVEMBER, AN ANNUAL MEETING IS HELD AT WHICH THE NEW BOARD OF TRUSTEES IS ELECTED, THESE MEMBERS LIVE IN THE AREA SERVED BY THE COOPERATIVE. THEY ARE YOUR NEIGHBORS!! WHEN QUESTIONS CONCERNIN*G YOUR COOPERA. TIVE ARISE, YOU CAN FIND SOMEONE IN YOUR COM1VIUNITY WHO CAN HELP YOU WITH THE ANSWERS--- Your Representative in Othello, WIN INSLEE Office in Othello Really Building "A Member-owned, Taxpaying Cooperative" Friday,. July 25, 1952 Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron spe,r~t the we,e!~end camping Remember, Saturday Aug. 2rid on Icicle Creek. Hubbard Insurance Agency Insurance to Fir Your EVERY Need Phone 3455 Othello 195{} FORD CUSTOM ............................................................. $1595 R 'a,nd ,,H -- Owevdriv~e I947 MERCURY 2 DOOR ...................................................... ~$$ New Mo~k>r, just in~lecl. Radio 'and l-l~q~r 1950 MERCURY 4 DOOR SEDAN ...................................... 1795 l~adio, HeeLer ~nd OverdriVe. ~ 1V~ilbage 1947 DODGE 'lV z TON, good ,buy at .... 805 C~hassis and cab New FORD Pick-ups and Trucks for Immediate ~elivery OTHELLO GARAGE Earl (Luke) Daniet~n Phone -- 3391 OIL FLOOR FURNACES ! NOW A FAMOUS COLEMAN CAN' BE INSTALLED $ IN YOUR HOME FOR AS LOW AS MONTHS TO PAY UEASY FHA TERMS DUAL WALL MODEL FITS IN THE FLOOR-- TAKES NO SPACE tleats adjoining rooms at same time. Fits easily beneath wall or partition. No air ducts or base- ment needed-no major altera. tions. Gives a complete change of warm air 3 to 5 times an hour. A complete, trouble-free furnace REGISTER MODEL Lies flush with the floor, takes no space. Low Draft Burner-Streamlined Bottom to speed air flow- Automatic Fuel Control Vah, e. Automatic tem- perature controls available. COME IN AND SEE THESE FINE HEATERS! Comf~ costs so little with a America's Leader i. Home HeaftN reg;sterl KENFIELD HARDWARE • ~RSHALL WELLS STORES ASSOCIATED OTHELLO. WASHINGTON