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Newspaper Archive of
The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
July 25, 1952     The Othello Outlook
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July 25, 1952
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Friday, July 2S, 19S2 T~ 0~0~ PTGE 7 ATTEND PIONEER PICNIC Mr. and Mrs. Ern Hedson 'aU:ended a pioneer's pionic ~n Puyallup, Wa.~hin~ton ]a:~t Sunday. T.he pi.cnic w'as a ~allhe,rirbg oe pio:~ec~rs who were form!or Cor[u residents. NusicTeacher Remember, Saturday Aug. 2nd DEPENDABLE FOR REALLT DRY CLUING ~VlCH MODERM DRT CLEAMERI OF R~ Piekui~ stud dmliv~iu m~h 1"maml lm Ot llo. We'll stop wha your eara is up. If you don't l~w0 • msrd sad wast or~, see lqarl~'s Cie- Xa'I /ko posa Msdwn Drr (~bonno. Inak k dolHmd- drT ~. LOWELL C. CORBIN Mr. Corbin is ~a ~teran of 4 years in t/he United ~tates lgavy. Three y~ars d,uNng ~ahe second world war ~Tom 1943 1946. He w~ re~:all~ for one year ~m a~tive duty in ~orean eon_~I/ct and serv~ during ~1950 ,and 51. Mr. Corbin ~omes lto Oth~lo [highly re~- ¢omm~,nded by merr~bers of ~h college s~fif arid .by ,the ~eac~ers un.d~r ,whom he did [his beginning tea~[htr~g. His ~ide var~ge of t~ler~t in 'etll f, ml'd~ of music, ~thoral, string ~and d~tt~nental will help t~he 'stud~ents off OFnello devedope ,a w~l ~ounded music ~rogram. 'Remember, Saturday Aug. 2nd Helena Rubinstein Complete Line of COSMETICS AND PUBFUMES With a trained e0smetician to help wi%h your seleations ! , Helena Rubinstein is Priced to Fit Your Pocketbook Brown's Drug Store 101 3rd Ave. Phone 420 MOSES LAKE, WASH. • • • • FEATURING CURB SERVICE TRY A FROSTEE DELICIOUS SHORT ORDERS Hours-lO a.m. tim Mldnil He will receive his d~cgree at ~ne ~nd of ti~is summer, he ,i's *Mso a member of ~he ]loner ~:~" for m,m stud'.'n,~s at WSC. 2Fir. Corbin is sinffle. WHAT'S TRUMP MEETS The Wh,at's Tru)mp kridge e]ub met Tuesday ,a.t th!e home of Mrs. Jane Hanks. 1V~rs. Olive Cameron was ~igth, M,rs. Ann Loehmiller second ~and N[~s. D,annie Cwin- et~t~e tow. Mrs. Loc~hmiller ,won ~the ffalloping goose. Guests ,for the eveni,ng were Mrs. Gw, i~ette ,amt Mrs. J~ Baslee. FIREMEN ANSWER 21he Othello Volunteer Five- me~ turned out Sumtay eve- aing ~o emswer a call f~r a gire ~pl:/a~er~tly burnling jus~ north of Ithe Nov~va elevalo~. The men ,~ook one ~'x~ck to the ~o~h edge of ~heir dis- ~ict to d~scover tha~ ~t~e fi~e was much ftmhea- n~th. They a'eturned t~ Othello ~ter in- vestigeS, g. The fire '~as be- ~tween tTti~l~s ~nd' l-~gl~ray number 10. Remember, Sahtrday Aug. 2rid DO YOUR OWN WASHING In New, ,M~rn Machinea~ OTHELLO SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRY ASBESTOS ROOF COATING ALUMINUM J~BESTOS ROOF COATING PRIMER SOLUTIONS eOX m-G M. A. TERRY, Wholesale Distributor Standard Oil Co. of California PHONE 3401 The forests of the Pacific Northwest have great value for all. Le+ us guard +hem carefully from their greatest enemy, r an- caused fires ... for they are indeedWorfh Keepingl The Washington Water Power Company trains its construction and llne crews in forest fire prevention and forest fire fight- ing.., and cooperates with communi / efforts to save our forests . . . Such c,v;c responsibility is a llved-up-to tradition at Washington Water Power... a responsibil- ity the Company and its employes accept as gladly as they do +hat of providing you, always, wlth the finest electric service at rates among the lowest in the nation. O.lq can KEEl) WASHINGTON AND IDAHO GREEN! 8