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Newspaper Archive of
The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
July 25, 1952     The Othello Outlook
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July 25, 1952
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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!?: PAGE $ 0~0 OUTLOOK Friday, July 25, 1952 SURPRISE ~ARTY GIVEN A surprise party was held in honor of Mrs. Lestea" Johan- son a¢ CAne J,ake Trauanan home Tuesday. Those who at- tended were Mrs. Louise Rau- ~er, Mrs. Charley Jclh~ns,on, Mrs. Earl Rogers, ,Mrs. M,arie~ Suko, 'and Mrs. Emil ~uko. tIost'ess was Mrs. Jako Tvau,tm`an. Mrs. Herman Feted A bir,t~hday surprise party was held in honor of Ma's. P. P. H'.I~rran at the R,alph Th,.~'- " rault's th,ome Frid'ay eve,n,ing. Those who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Claud Campbell end ~amily, Mx. and Mrs, Cl`ay- ton Miehels and ~am'ily of Othello, Mr. qand Mrs. Ewald Rolo~¢, Mr. P. P. tt?erman Mr. and Mrs. I~lph Te~-riau'~t. Hostesses were Mrs. Claude C~mp~bei~t, Mrs. ,Ralph 'lhrri- ault, and Mrs. Cl~apton Michel. 4. H MEETING HELD A 4-H meeting was Iheld Mon@ay at ~he Bowlings place. "lhose who aAended were l&ar- ~Sherry Seheinder, Ita nnah Se,hott, ,and Nancy Nutley. A report was aiven on 4-H plans ~i, ~v ab:o planed to ~have a pien{e on August 13. Bob But,let, sen ot Mr. ,a~d ~, A J. Butl'ar ,to ~is service Physical e:eamin`ae~ion 1,as¢ Wednesday in Spokane. Gary Lee Berry returned lhome Driday ,after spendin:g a few .Weeks in La Gmande, Ore. wi,th his Mr. and Mrs. W. Fel,ten and Building Better Buildings Residential & Commercial For Information Phone 3342 Othello E. L. KNUTSON 1010 S. 271h Ave. YAKIMA, WASHINGTON ACIOel FBOt4 CI'TT I i J IIII I PHONE 3679 COCKTAILS CLOSED SUNDAYS PHONE I I I I tarnily spent Sur~cl~y in ll&z- l~v. ~nd Mrs. Fred Bumk- h~, ,,* ,a~:~ ~,o~ o~ "lacoma st~J~t Friday at Ithe Adolph Jeske "" Mrs. Ed K~echt 'and Lind~a, ,anc~ ,,ir:~. Akon Hardy, sper~t ~rlim~'sday in Ritzvil~e ,on busi- P.ess. ~)n': ,rel a,'ives. Doris R`auter of Ri,chland is ]~< : v' ndMrs. aake Wlalk