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The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
August 1, 1974     The Othello Outlook
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August 1, 1974
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Poge 4 . THE OTHELLO OUTLOOK OTHELLO, WASHINGTON THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1974 Scenes f Mrs. Para pro~+di++~,, ~h(, text. "Working for Othello's Balanced ~ :++:::+'++:+:+ ++:+::::+::++:+:::+: ::+:+:+++:: :+::++++:+:+:++:+::+:++:+:~:+++:+:+:+::++ +::: +:::::: + :+ ~ ++++ + ::++ t~+:~+'r + '~ ..... ~+ .... +" growth" Entered as Second Class s : : Matter January 21, 1947, at the Post " ~,-'- Office at Othello, Washington under the ~ +• + i 'Act of March 3,. 1879. Published every. +.. TEN YEARS AGO Focht, Jim McFadden, Leoii ~" .......................... AuavJat on .. F~ l$$$ Thursday mormngat Othello, Washmg-, ~ .~:~ July30,1964 Maine, Cliff Winter, Rich • ton 99344 by the Basin Publishing ~+-~ The Chef-Reddy Foods German, Larry Pegram, Bob Company. Corporation plant here began Turner, Lin Capps, Bob Moore !~!~:~ ~ :+ operations for the season this and Runny Smethers. ~::~ R.D. (Dan)LEARY .............................. MANAGING EDITOR week and officials reported ************* ~~:~: + ~ :~: " 180 E Main .......... : : DEAN It. JUDD ........................................................ EDITOR • that employment at the "We're 50 in 60" is the ......... + ........ :+ • ~ ........................ ......... RICHARD REX .............................................. AD MANAGER "Subscriptions $5.00 facility is expected to reach a official slogan chosen by ............~ ...... : .... IESSIE M• PLANT ............... SOCIAL EDITOR yearly in Adams, peak of 150 this season, members of the Chamber of ;: ................... -Grant, Bentort and Ran Kercheval, business Commerce special events : ..... : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : :::: HETTY HASTINGS ............................................. SECRETARY Franklin Counties, manager, reported that the committee, headed by Mel :,'.~:~i~!~::::~!~::~i:: ~ MARGE FEYI)ER ............................... ............... AD LAYOUT $6.00 elsewhere, facility on North Broadway Cyr, chairman who met last : ?~]~ Of '7~ ~ "+:,'will weh:o+me all identi+ying information, particularly corrections wlfich • have to oft'e~ +o+ t~++ctures appearing in this column. Just call The Outlook 488-334~ '+' Gladys Para ~S+2~12+ 'lhe pictures are provided by the Museum and Arts Society K,,llenberger, second from driver operated h,!+t: .~ext Ruel Estep; and guidingthe turns, which~ ~,~u'~t, driving the header, is always right-hand turns Wi!liam I-]step. the bull wheel always SItEIA.Y ttANLEY. ...................................... COMPUWRITER Single copies - 15¢ began operation on Mondayweek to begin plans for a Before the, combine, first fled in the picture are Jay which made it o with lines going full-swing on "golden jubilee" clelbration calleda"c(mfl+ined h~rv(,~t~+r", Tuesday. He explained that at honoring the 50 years ofcame into gen(,ral uxe wb~,at Park for Othello IAC? present approximately 50 growth ofOthellofromMay country harvesting required people will be employed at the 23, 1910 to 1960. two separate machim'~ and Or plant. Employment will be A discussion on program- crews: the he~t(h,r :~,~,i !he expanded to 100 within theming,slogans promotions and thresher. The Dot t>o~,~ t':~,p Those "strings" so often associated with IAC probably wouldn't approve anything next two months and up to150 publicity was begun, withheader crew i.~ sh()w~ here the use of federal and state funds when higher or stronger, fence boosters on the in November. future meetings to be held at cutting wheat in the ye:+v t906, ~ufiicient width to require applied on a local project were very much in committee and council agreed to scratch it ************* intervals during the fiveremembered by th~,t:m~iiv a~ a ,,i~ht horses to "push it evidence here Monday night as Othello park from the plan. They pointed out that theA court order prohibiting months before the actual bumper crop, " {(>t+~,+ard. Of its two wheels the board ~nd city council members made a final fence as designed would be no improvement use of the "drunk tank" in the celebration slated to take :>n(, oD t he driver's left (on review of plans for the Lions park over the:present situation, and expressed Othello city-county jail will be place in May, 1960. The Estep h()me~tet,i ~!~ ri+~ht of picture) was heavier development project of nearly $300,000. hope that the type of facility needed could issued before the end of this ************* the quarter s(+~qi,+;, :~+ t at~d cleated, called the "bull two miles (,:t~t at~+i +>+ h~dt ~}'~(.cl", and provided the As a result of those "strings" (govern- be achieved later with more city funds,week, according to an an- ment regulations) it appears the park While, the ballpark complex will be left nouncement made here Wed- TWENTY YEARS AGO mile south at ()ti~etb,. !,h'~.t" fri('ti,n for the ground-power development will require about one step unfinished at the completion of the project, nesday by Adams County July30,1954 Health officials. The Othello area came a • ba(~kward for every two that are takeneven harder to understand is the waste of Mike Schleicher, county step closer to having a rural ahead. Then, even more unfortunate, the money on the tennis court plans at the other sanitarian, reported to The mail route to service the farms finilshed project will be a far cry from the end of the park. Outlook Wednesdaythatstepsof the Block 49 and surround- "finished, model complex" which was hoped There the plans call for complete will be taken to keep the city ing areas this week as the .... :~ for+ demolition of the city's two highly from using the facility in its Othello ChamberofCommerce Time and again during Monday's meeting, serviceable, ten-year-old courts, which just present condition. He re- tookupthe cry in the form of a • reasonable suggestions for changeSplan werein metthe coating.last yearTheWerereasongiVen agiven byplastiCthe engineerSUrface ported that he had been letter of formal request ::i:~;iii: i!! ~: , :: park design and construction attempting to contact County through the local postmistress Attorney C.E. "Monty" Her-for the route. with skepticism from the engineer that "the for the demolition is that the entire area mel to have him take legalThe route had its start some IAC (Inter+Agency Committee on Outdoorneeds to be graded for the construction of a action to close the drunk tank months ago after farmers : Recreation) wouldn't accept that." new complex which includes four tennis to use on the grounds that it south of Othello got together '+ One example of the problem is the playing courts and a combination volleyball anddoes not have proper toilet and secured a signed petition field complex on the west end of the park. basketball area. Alternate proposals aimed facilities, requesting the Postal depart- There the engineer's plan calls for at saving the present courts, which would ************* ment to furnish the area with demolishing of all of the dugouts at the site. easily cost $12,000 for replacement, got FIFTEEN YEARS AGO mail service. + The reasoning will be to "square up the nowhere Monday night. Faced with the July50,1959 ************* One of the biggest upsets in The Othello town council, at This photo