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Newspaper Archive of
The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
August 1, 1974     The Othello Outlook
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August 1, 1974
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Rentals Real Estate M so. For Sa e Pub Notice Pet: Produce Services Publ c Notice Cralts For Sale Services H e W an ed Motorcyc es Automobiles Classified Rates Week , Minimum 15 words or less $1.50 each word 10 cents. Weeks or more - Minimum 15 words or less $1.20 additional word 8 cents• Deadline 5'p.m. Tuesdays. Call 488-3342 service hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Daily. Closed The Othello Outlook 180 E. Main Othello, WA 99344 SMALL PIANO to be seen in this area. Small monthly payments or cash. Write Credit Dept. HoJtenback Piano S: 125 Stevens, Spokane, Wash. 99204 or Call Collect 747-1157. FS-31-C ************************* OVERWEIGHT? Lose ugly fat with the Diadax plan - Reduce excess fluids with Fluidex at Potter Drugs• FS-31-33-P ***$***************0.**** MOTOROLA STEREO Component. 8-track, radio, turn table, 2 speakers. Ex- cellent condition• Call 488- 2393. FS-31-32-C ************************* OLDS TRUMPET. Excel- lent condition.$125.Call 488-2337. FS-32-TFN-C FOR LEASE: Large 2400 sq. ft. 3 bedroom unfurnished apartment. Large kitchen with lots of storage space. Fully carpeted and repainted. Close to downtown• Available August 1. For appointment call 488-5204 between 8-5 p.m. and 488-9823 after 5 p.m. FR-30-31-C CRAFT SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION, 1969 Plymouth Fury, Serial 1821 - NorthtWenatchee Ave. no. PE41F9D26~ 159, Aug. 2, 2 662-6189 p.m. at Othello Radiator, 1900 =---------m~ S. Broadway, Othello, Wash. I,, , , A-31-C you to see us =rlel ~buy. We handle I ' ' ~" ' I'J I---~ ~i************************* ], Camelot and ---- I /~^~LA.-.-..--I~... i in le d HELP WANTED LADY g and Pubic % Lady to take charge of our ~*~******~****~. modern self service laundro- 1972 SUZUKI SAVAGE [~ ~/UUy a mobile homemat in Othello. The position 250-CC. Excellent condition Dgl~A~ loan without pays a good salary.. It is $550. ALSO portable sewing ~du(l. We have V A permanent and has pleasant machine very good condition ~ " mobile Hem, and rewarding duties• CallMr. $50. 488-3063. WESTINGHOUSE Double- Plastic Flowers rown Tops Em All oven range $250. 14 ca. ft. Vases-Feathers frost-free refrigerator $200. Note Cards " ~ ERVlCEcTION . both coppertone and in like Making room for fall item., k k ATISFA d new condition. 488-3140 after 5. at and weekends. TRACTOR TIRES, one new Mel's Plumbing & Heating FS-30-32-C 354 S. First and 2 used. 12.4x36. Fit John " Deere 2020 or 2010. 488-9082. 0~e year free service on new mobile homes FE 31-32-C ************************* ' FORSALE New 10 Ac?e sales lot STOCK TRAILER 20 feet , a 40 mobile homes on display. Choose from side, rear door, completely "24'-28' wide models. Rex - Leisure Manor : inch)sed. Fifth wheel. Like Nice 2 bedroom home. Very ~aster - Elcar - Wildwood - Brookwood - Pacifica - new condition. 488-9082. clean interior. Already to I b . " T-31-32-C move into. Lots of shade Yke. Rldeau - M~odular homes by Modular Pacific *************************trees. This is an inexpensive JULY SUPER SPECIALS home. t ~ell 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday on all Travel Trailers, Tent ************ CROWN MOBILE il0MtS Trailers, Pickup Campers and 340acres irrigable ground Covers. Freddie's Trading block49. All in wheat in Post, Kennewick, Wa. 1974. Possession this fall. ' =Jlst St. Yakima 248-3090 FS-28-31-C I Excellent location. Beau- t ~ ************************* I tiful big ranch home. Priced 24' UTILITY TRAILER, to sell right. Suitable for has 3' extensions which may be circular irrigation system. LARGEST STOCK OF MOBILE HOMES IN removed. New Fleetstar Tires,************ :~ NORTH CENTRAL WASHINGTON New brake lining. 488-2441. Four 3V2 acre tracts. FS-31-32-C Domestic water available. *************************Four miles from town. Tamarack, Lamplighter, Olympian, Homette, USED COLOR television, Terms available. . used auto tape deck. 100% ************* Westwind, Sierra, Sequoia financing. Chriswelrs 441 S. Forced Sale. Older duplex, NEW 12 wides $6795.00 & UP 10th. 488-2730. priced way below appraisal ima i alue NEW Double wides $9995.00 & UP ************* LOTS OF USED HOMES Good location. 3 bedroom house, large carport, clean interior, rugs wall to wall in t,T PUBLIC A JCTI0!~, Iliving roon and dining £{)OPER'SMOBILEHOMES, WENATCHEE 19(9 Plymouth Fury, S~ri~l room. t_ppr~ dmate] r 1350 no. PE41F9D268159, Aug. 2, 2 square feet. Owner trans- Iliving room and dining room. Approximately 1350 ~quar, feet. Owner trans- ferred. Must sell. ************* Another nice 3 bedroom ~ome located close to schools, central air condi- tioning, rugs wall to wall, 2 :ar garage, 2 baths, fenced patio off master bedroom, sunken living room. This is a beautiful home. Located in ;Pod neighborhood. ************* have a large ten of used 8', hd 12' wides. HW-31-C SHOPMAN WELDER. Temporary job opening. Flex- ible schedule if desired. Two - three months employment or as arranged. Call 488-3371 after 6 p.m. HW-30-tfn-C House in Ephrata, SK 4-3526• FS-31-C ************************* 1973 YAMAHA 100 CC. 330 original miles.. Street legal. 488-9014. FS-31-32-C ************************* THE OTHELLO SCHOOL District is taking applications for custodial positions and bilingual instructional aides. 800 So. 10th - Othello. HW-30-31-C ************************* TWO VW SEDANS. 6,000 and 8,000 miles. Extra tires and wheel, ski racks, 'fully equip. Call days 488-2351. A-30-C ************************* 1964 VALIANT two-door car. Good condition. 488-2164. A-31-32-P ************************* '72 LUV PICK-UP with canopy. Low mileage. Call 488-9953 or 488-2056. A-31-TFN-C 1960 GMC lh TON Pick-up. Phone 488-9958. A-31-32-P 1972 GMC TRUCK 2 ton. HOMES 4x12 tipout. 2 except stove 234-4761. ********** TEACHER or 3 bedroom lease. Call Collect. PASTURE 6500 Sears. 488-2550. 488-9747 or FS-29-32-P LEG CRAMPS?? FEE~[ THAT HURT? Can foot pain and discomforts be eliminated without resort to artificial aids of any kind? The greatful quali- fied answer is YES. For information write Vimula- tor System, 211 Wells Ave. So., Renton, Wa. 98055. 31-P ATHLETE'S FOOT , HOW TO TREAT IT--- Apply quick-drying T-4-L. Feel it take hold to check itch, burning in MINUTES. In 3 to 5 days, infected skin sloughs off. Watch HEALTHY skin replace it! If not delighted IN ONE HOUR, your 59 cents back at any drug counter. NOW at 28~29-30-31 POTTER DRUG STORE ALFALFA SEED for sale," certified Ranger and Washoe. Call Moses Lake 765-3024, 765-' 3187 or Odessa 982-2594. S-21-TFN-C Y ard Sale '72 VEGA HATCHBACK. '*** Best offer. ContactLarry YARD SALE at 1305 sprinkl~£ Hawley 488-3094. Spruce, Fri., Sat., and Sun., and wheel A-30-31-C Aug. 2,3, & 4. All day. Clothing or 488-3734. ************************* and household items. YS-31-C ;ery well built 3 bedroom Some. Rugs wall to wall, nice fenced in back yard, lots of threes and shrubs, fenced garden spot and fenced backyard, refrig- erated air conditioning. Also located close to Ischools. ************* Large 3 level beautiful lhome on Othello Golf ICourse. Family room, 2V2 |baths, central air condition- ing, sprinkler system. This is one of the nicer home in the area. Priced to sell. Let us show you today. ************* REALTY i Next to Post Office 488-5244 Evenings and Sunday i :, 48~-3231 ..... BY OWNE1RI""3 bedroom home, family room, 2 baths, large patio, 1V~ lots. Shrubs, large storage shed. 488-9526. RE-31-32-C • ' FOR SALE 390 Acres - Cattle Ranch ************* 200 Acres row crop and pasture. ************* 156 Acres Cattle and hay ************~ 62 Acres'small cattle set up ************* 320 Acres undeveloped - ElL,pie. Land Rush Co. Located at Cimarron Motel. 488-5238. Evenings: 765-6808 or 346- 2573. Businesses Ren als Ill LOOKING FOR a business _ 4 BEDROOM HOME, fire- De- of your own? Very busy ] BUSINESS OFFICES 1 place, patio, much more. Large my home grocery on main highway in corner lot, fenced, excellent pa t-time Soap Lake. Set up for efficient | FOR RENT | location. Also suitable for: ts Call operation with walk-in coolers |Ideal locations. Various[ home and stlop/office for small~ and week- and self service gas. Call |sizes, utilities included.| business. This one was built to 765-5324 or 246-5166. IPhone 488-9077. | last longer than the mortgagef I'FR-21TFN'C / 488-9942 B-30-31-C RE-20-TFN-C BOISE CASCADE HOMES Model Homes 315 State St. & 903 Garden Dr. Moses Lake for appointment call BEDFORD & MOPS, INC. 765-560,3 122 E. Broadway Moses Lake, Washington 988,37 30 tfn IIIIIIII I CARPENTER WORK WANTED 'Carpenter. Cabinets. ,Re- modeling or new building. THE OTHELLO OUTLOOK P{100 II OTHELLO, WASHINGTON THURSOAY, AUGUST 1, 1974 formance it the offer of the bidder m TOGIVE AWAY: 3 puppies accepted. Arrangements must be and 2 kittens. Call 488-9981. made for balance of payment within P-31-32-P 10 days after date of notice of ************************* acceptance of bid. All bids must be clearly marked: "EQUIPMENT PURCHASE BID . 8/5/74". The District reserves the right to reject any or all offers made, and to FRESH SWEET CORN. waive any informality in the bidding• Ralph Parks. 488-3785. Call No bidder may withdraw his bid before 11 a.m. of after 7 p.m. after the time set for the opening thereof• ask for Mar|am. /s/ C.D. Bailey, Secretary- P-31-C Manager ************************* EASTCOLUMBIA BASIN IRRIGATION DISTRICT 8-1-3T tt ,l, OOet titlett oeltt oriel t tltt steel COMMISSIONERS" NOTICE NOTICE OF BIDS FOR THE SALE OF HEARING OF THE FOLLOWING In the Matter of the Location and DESCRIBED EQUIPMENT: Establishment of portion of Watson 1 Dodge Carryall,1962, Road. #1161211257 NOTICE OF HEARING Over 30 years experience. 1 1963 Plymouth Wagon, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN #2531224842 that the 12th day of August, 1974, at No job too big or too small, 1 1962 Falcon Vz-ton Pickupthe hour of 9:00 o'clock a.m•, in the Will trade labor for ? Call #2R27S174646 office of the Board of County l 9 3 g ~ ickupCommissioners Ritzville Washing- 488-9643. _ L6_ Dodoe A-tonP _ : , . #1261278483 ton, has been fixed as the time and NOW ~ ,,~o.~..o~k~ ~o~ ~o~ ~oo #1261278542 the County Road Engineer ap- APPROVEDSINGER I I 1965 Dodge V~-ton Pickup pointed in the matter of the #I181494947 "' ~ establishment of portion of tbe DEALER .] 1 1964 Dodge /c-ton PickupWatson Road, the termini, general i #90315362 ' course and width of which, aa • 1 1963 Dodge a/~-ton Pickuprecommended in such report being Sales and service• We] #1261278631"" ~ asfollows: A strip of land20 feetin #1281486412 Road, approximately 1600 feet east service all makes of sewingIl 1965 Dodge 'A-ton Pickupwidth, beginning at the Watson imachines. Call 765-7701 in/ 1 Monroe Calculator - ACT-10M- of the west liae of Section 20, T. 15 Moses Lake. All work] 216609 N., R. 36 E.W,M., proceeding in a 1 DictatingMachine- DIG northerly direction for a distance of Guaranteed ~ 62441 approximately 2.0 miles, ending at a l 1 Typewriter, Royal Manual polnt approximately V= mile south of $29 TFN-C I Typewriter, Royal Manua¢, Long the north line and V4 mile east of the Bar west line of Section 17, T. 15 N., R.36 II 1 1962 Falcon Vz-ton Pickup E.w.M., all of said road to lie within - MOSES LAKE [ #2R27S174645 the above described Section 17 and HONDA-YAMAHA I East Columbia Basin Irrigation 20. a NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN District makes no guarantee s to ..... on inter --" co di" "" " ment m be tnaL all oers s estea may Serving the Basin Since 1965 ] ' n tmn. ~ne equzp ay e r h r ' We're No.I &2 I inspected at 55 North 8th, by calling apPnat~:~beo;~aad(~t:::ohm~ear~n2 Sellers in the World ,I 488-9671 for an appointment be- ..~ ... ~' ..... " ,,., ,~., ~ ~n o ~ .n A an " m tlon oI tne t~ouncy t~oao Isngmeer I 824 West 3rd Ave. I M°nd~" *~ .... h v,,.;.4.~, -na bids e~ther to proceed or not to procee4 shoul(t":be'"m~ on"'a~Ws; condition with such establishing of such 765-7472or 765-8121J ~" r " Lion t~ounty ttoau. alte mspec ....... ; ..... th Dated at Ritzville Washington~ 1 ~eaieo ores Will Oe recewea ny e *his oo d ot T ~ ~o~s .... ~ .. ay . ou,y ~.~ East Columbm Basin Irmgatmn ...... ' " ........... ict t t~UAl~l) OF COUNTY COM- District at the ,race ozLne t~lstr a .......... R ....... == North 8th P O Box ~ r~thello m~u,xr~ ~ ur ~aams t~ounLy, o* , . . 1:~, v , S ' • " m State of Wa hmgton. Washington 99344, untd 3:00 p ........ Monday, August 5, 1974 when they /s/~?~mf~Snl~.zeY will be publicly opened and tabulated u ~ 9'r .......... for presentation to the Board of v-.-.- Directors at their regular meeting ,.--.-..-'*'''''''''''''''" on August 7, 1974. ~ _.~ Bids received after the tim~ fiX~l ~ ~l'l'l~bl|t ~,,,,~ .l~t~ EXCAVATION ed. Each bid must be accompanied by ~ ~ . ...~2r ICLENTRAL II for the opening cannot be consider-i~ ~r- ..... ml~,~ a certified check, cashier's check or ~_~ ~-rl~-~--~,)~3~ • I Dozer-Backhoe- truck I bid bond in the amount of 5% of the /~~ FOR SALE I I Septic Tanks I " nte o er -- ~ r~ total b~d, as gears e f p - 12 ft. rivited aluminumI IComplete excavation ser-[ ........ ,.,,, fishing boat and oars. $100.1 Ivice. Othello 488-9551 I 7Vz H.P. Johnson motor.I [24-TFN i l&J 5randTrailercoulee, Call Salesfdhtt 63]-0]03: Remote Gas tank. Extra| Prol,. Extended steerin ;1 bar-~l(, 5. Both $280. fir~ "l See at Parks|de Texaco. 1 double wide Work Wanted Prop. Extended steering] OTHELLO ROOFING ] bar-S195. Both $280. firm. See at Parkside Texaco. |New re-roofs and repairs.| SAVE $4,000.00 on a good used fAll work guaranteed. Fi-| Big 3 bedroom, 24/60, carpet, all electric. S e r v i c e s inancing available. For freeI [estimates 488-9502. l A creamy used Marlette with expando and tipPet, all -~. |TFN ,,, ,i eletric. PAIR expertly performed in [ [ your home. Any make - any LEASING Another used 12/52 - real clean model. All work guaranteed. Call 488-9641. |Cars or pickups 2~1 or 36 | ALS0 - This is where you buyMARLETTES Imonths. See us for real deal.'l INGCUSTO1Vk VACUUM & SEW- | Guenther - Lee Chevrolet ] Big Doubles are waiting for you. S-16-C ************************* I Othello, WA [ THE BIG=LITtLE CAR. GOOD ECONOMY YET SEATS 5 ADULTS WITH EASE; 2 door Nova Coupe. Radio,white sidewall tires, 6 cylinder, power steering, wheel cover . CLEARANCE PRICE ,mumm,mm,mmmm,,,mm,n,,,mu,,m,mu,,,,, 2 Only Chevrolet Executive Caprice station Wagons $1000. Discount. IIIInfllInlIIIIIIIIIIIIlUlIlUlIIIIIlUlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHI 1968 Chev Malibu station wagon. 111111111111111111111111111111191111,111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1974 Chev LUV Pickup. Only 6000 miles. Redid, Heavy Duty 00 4 Door Nova Sedan 6 cylinder, auto transmission, power steering, white sidewalls, full wheel covers. CLEARANCE SPECIAL IIIlllllllllll IllnlflUHIllUflflllHlflllUflflllilllnUgiUlUUl Chev 1973 M~ate-Carlo. Loaded. liill~UllU~ --- - 1973 Chev V~ ton pickup - 4 speed. Illlitlll IIlllulllln lUlII IIIIlUlUll imUlllllglllggglmNglllllll 1970 Datsun pickup. Radio, 4 speed. III l Ilnllnlll IInlIIIIIflllUlIIlUlIIIIIIIIlUlIIIHIIUlIHIIIIIIIIII bumper. 1972 Chev Pickup Auto. lllmllllllllltHllHllnnlllllllllUnllllllllllHUngllglglggl 1968 Chev Impala Sports coupe-Bucket seats-Tape deck-auto. '1972 Pontlae Ventura Coupe. Auto.- Power steering. liglNIglgHIIIglUlNlUUlIgUlUUnIUl IIUIIHIIIIIIIII 1966 GMC 2 Ton Truck. Beet Bed and Hoist.