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Newspaper Archive of
The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
August 8, 1952     The Othello Outlook
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August 8, 1952
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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. fRIDAY, A~$GUST 8, 1552 T H E O T H E L L O O'U T L O O K PA~E $ I)apartmen,t o~ Agr~eu,~tu~e for ~the famt~y in, d~v~lop',mg a fisea'l year 1953 a,t~thovized plan for sound fm~rn anti home Farmers ope T is is ttwou, gh lie mi e8 worl g with ration the use ~f $120,000,000 cooperatin~g.~,.agencies such as for m,alki~g Produotion and ¢b3e County Ex,tension ~ce, SUbsistance Roans, $6,000,000 C-~tl C~nserva~ion Service, Pro ~r Wa, ter Fa.c~li, ties loans, ducCion 'Mark~5~g Assoc'~tion $19,000,000 for Farm. Housing, and ot~er :available sotm:es. t-'rshipand $38,000,000to meetf°r ~el~arm cl'ec~tOwn" Since the Ephrs~a office was ~eds of eligible fm~m eamikiesl oper~d: .i~:~ l~ay, 1~i0, Farm Ownership ~l~ans ~o~li~g $466- t~hese amoun, ts th~ Ephra, ta 550~ K~us~g. loans of $84,200, Office has been a|lo~ed $350,- Wa~-q~*ac\tl~tries ~o~ns of $56,- 000 for Produ~,ion and Sub- ~/~tence loans, $600,000 has 400, Wa,ter Associa¢ion loans bf $62;600, and Production ~nd been .allotted for Farm Owner- Subsistence loans of $176,300, ~.hip loans in Recl, ama~tion Pro- ;e~t ,i.n ~h~ state of W~hington or a total of $866,000 ~d -00,000 for l~arm /Housing been made.,' .~ns in t~ s~ate. If the need ~~~du,~y '~mes eVidev~t, i¢ appears mat additiorml fur~is can be ra~d~ av~i~b~ ¢~o. ~et ,the work of ~2~e C.otmty o]~fiiee, , ¢ .~_~.~. P~d~,g..,.,- .~__en~/b~es t~e Ch'ar~es R. Eg~leston and Za- dxtvir~g Wor~ld V~ar II as a has- Ther ~ R.~.! in a - " "" dain ........ , _ , nuam . pR l iet ien, T t- ......... -' ,,7 of World War II, a,ttended Okla- bel ,,make up ehe clerical s aff . .... .": :' p~~'~t~IC~/ uated ~..~,Was.b~g~i tSt~e*'i Office days in Othe]to w~ll Wa~ Dr~ andII~m~d r 11: A~ ... ..... , /' c,r'~'f~~_~er ~er~.~t~g eft, College. He v~ras it~'e~ eal~d ~o b'e ,t~h,e a!f, ternoorm of t~e sec- , ..... T ..... ' ~e~PW~'Y . ass~nce. ~ct~ve dt~ty w~th the A~my ~ and and ,fourt~ Tuesdays of LAUNDRY ~ | l-~]['][~ LN~;~TI_~ ........ ~y~ Cotillon'" sti~tvis~' ~s.e~,h~een mon$hs. Mr. Hudgin each month in ehe S~>il Con, OTHEIJ.,O 8I~l~'.8~R~rZC~ | -,~*~,~ ~ -*-~a~ zu~s .ponsib~.e for assistdng ~:he- ,is a native of ~o~l~tana and serva~on Office in Othello.; | . . • ~ ~a~.~ m ~ing d~led graduated ,from Montana ~5~.ate .The appropria.tkm ~or %h~ ~¢i~. ~h:W~ll guide College. ~I~e ~ sper~t t~e last .... ~s,tar M. B,u~gess, County ~e~ervisor,emph~sizes theft ~ funds will be released, iii ~er Ithe supervised oredR~ lab, ram of ~h'e Farmers Hom'e A~i~inistra,t'i~n. SulYerv/sed er~ ~R 'means pl,.anni~,g for .the ~n and hom~, not 0n,ly for ~ comir~g ~ '~ I~o for ~t~e ,rmx.t ¢ive ov more years. .~g-:~ime plarmin~ ~n.~01Ves a qt~ of ~he major ~als in fa~n organization and ~n ,and home tmprovemen~s ~d~ ,~ccomp~ished over 'a p~r- af years. Ann~a.l planning atolv~s a d~termtna¢ion of ~e steps to be ~aken be planned year ~to reach the ~g-tinXe g~a'ls, ou~li~es t~e i~er~ti,a~ practices ~and permits ;e development ~f a budget ~ which to ~est the soundness %he propos~ ope~a~0ion. i~i_fie adjustments and im- ~l~vern,en~ on ~he farm ankl ' ~the home; ~e best use of _ d, Ilabor, power and t~qtnp- w~ent. 4.~tinlg ~dhe ~inaneial ~0t|nd.ness of ~1~e farm ,and Ome opera¢ion; ,and ~he wise~ ~e of ,income ~e ~the basis of 1EN01 ~e Ho~al: 8:30 to 12:~ 1:00 p.m. ~,$:00 p,m. stein Cample~ ~e COSMETICS AND PURFUMES :a,R 2. .cl t,) help with H~ R~ i= ]h'l~ to Fl/ Your P~k~tb~k Brown's 101 3rd Ave. Phone 420 MOSES LAKE, WASH. little II I I II at PHONE 367~ COCKTAILS CLOSED ~UNDAYS I I II I ad~ustmeaxts amd: im, ~O be made, f~arm II Ihome pra.etices to ~be .a- CO 3reee | d, ~and the amoun~ of ca- :': color l~eq,uired to carry on '~, 'and h~ome bus- ,a ,g~aid~ ,the h armonics th~ bes,t use of /land, • ~ ~ily l,a;bor, power andb~siseqUipfor fashion ~¢ provides a by NDABLE wear it l X .LY ;, open or : ~V: CLEANING SERVICE closed It's The ! Such out and out flatteryl Tiny convertible ~ODERN DRY CLEANERS Co]Jar opens to a perfect neckline. Ever OF RITZVILLE ]Overt, ever washable combed cotton l roadoloth, in a wide range lush and deliveries each l~te]$. See this and oth&'new in Othello. We'll ~ ~[~01~ f~ P]~l~$s pl~l~ and Stl4p~. ~p when your card is up. ~S~0t040, It you don't have a card and Want one, see Harley's Clo- h's *e green Modern D~lr 10 oz., Double Knee to, dq md. Sweaters * Skirts ,,: Take a terrific:new Jantzen turtleneck:, match or blend a slender knit skirt... add sOx for c~sucd... and you're color harmonic, top-to-toel All of .... Kharafleece-- phenomenal cashmere-rich fabric that's practically wrinkleproof, beautifully a new spectrum of harmonic colors. JANTZEN "Honeybun" sweater, 32-40. 8.95 Turnab~t sweater-skirt, 10-18. 11.95 Full-fashioned nylon ~x to match, 9-11. 1.15 pr, ...... $7.98