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Newspaper Archive of
The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
August 8, 1952     The Othello Outlook
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August 8, 1952
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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FRIDAY, AUGUST L, 1552 THE OTHELLO OUTLOOK PAGE 5 I I I II I J / I I I [ It I IIt t I I I I I I It I I I -- IIII I II ~ by the ~ alx~e ~ tth~s we ~ ~ him, ~ CHOIR PRACTICE CALLED Visiting st ~he home of 1~ and Mrs. Sam ts hfs with Matthew, Mark and Luk~ for~et faot ~r, ~2~ey seek fall hasbeer~ call~l for the ~ n,~les, Ca~. By lie 18~4" gives ,the ~ of his l~e that ~o tied mmc, t~on ~ ~eir own Othello Presbyterian oh~m~h "---'- "--::_ ,_.] l J LI __" I :: II I will he~p 'h~ producing Delief t in his b~g the Son o~ God. ~deas, or for a mova~ c~de, orV¢~l~esday evend~g, At~guat IJnlzke ~e law of ~n~s, thea~or something other than ~tl~,a¢ .9.0 ~t 7:30 p.m. I Harris Home Suppl ,, HEAR Y~ HIM New Co vecmnt does no~ c~r which ~hey ctm,t~ :aJ.n. , rghe g,rou,p will sCavt pv-at'¢ic- ~ng the Christm,as Can~ta the Many ~ther sflgvm thereforearound ~ny man, or ,grot~p of '~ive ~iligence #.o preSe~ m~dd~e of September. An:~o~e Complet~e Ho~ne Furnishi~ did Jesus tn 'the p~e~,ce of ~en, bu~ around Jesus, ~ thys~l=f approwed u~r~o G~d, ~ ]ntereste~l m joining ¢~he group N~w and Used the deciples, whic ~ e no,t Christ, ~he Son of C/od. wo~-kma~ ¢~h,a,t needeth ~Ot be written in ~this book: b~,~ ~he~ B,ecaus~ :these books ~re shamed, ha, ndlin,g ar~gl~t the is i~vited to aC0~e~d ~he prac-Water Heart's are written, ~tha~ ye m, ay bte- w~itten does not mean ,that all word of .¢ra~uth." H Tim. 2:15 ,tice. Washina l~achi~ EI~ and Pltu~I:&~. If we seek, let us n~t ~k ~ Supplies ']ieve ~h~a~ /esus is ~he Christ, w~iH b~,lieve .~ha,t Jesus is ~'.be r~. , ,',~.n 1 men grasping ,at ~ire- VISITS HERE FROM ARIZ. ~the Son of God; and ~hat be- ~on ~f God, but they are writ- Phone 545 Box 372 lieving ye may h, ave life ,inten kth~t we may, o1" might, be- flys they do not see, bu~ ranch- Gutst a~t ~he ,home of 1V~r. his m~..' John 20,30-;~1 .'have. We ~are told to seek, a~d ¢~, .let us seek forthe 1}g~b:t ,and Mrs. H~old Te~ry is Here we ,fed ~h~e reason if we do we shall find. ~ ours from above. {her .mother, Mrs. Naomi W O R K S H O E $ that ~he life of ,esus was v~rit- is a seekir~g for the Son of Cod 1Vfake~ of Phoer~ix, Ariz. For Men and Boys saoe -- Sadie "- Shop --- Ha~n~es Work Fine Furnt~ra 8,sin Supply Co. FRE~ DELIVERY Phone ]1'/5 W~est I~roadway MOSES LAKE CASH STORE I STOP SHOPPING CENTRE GROCERIES DRY GOODS -- CLO~HING Merriman'a Market For Quality Moats WHERE TO FIND AND BUY IN-- MOSES L A BUSINESS AND F~tOFI~SIONAL GUIDE TO FRIEND- Kirk's Shoe Repair BOOTS-- Chippewa Pwk. ev.. and. ]Buffale-Med~..-t~ Order. LY ~ LAr~ CONCERRI WHO SUGGEST YOU PA'IINONIZE YOt~R HOME MEI~CHANT FI2~T .-- BUT ~TAND ~Y AND W1LLI~G TO SERVE YOU IN AN ADMTRA~LE MANNER WHEN THYME ~_~VICF~ ARE NOT AVAILABLE nq YOU1q HOME ~NITT-- S'M Hardware Roueswar~ -- GlflB Handtook Powortoola Frlgtd lr Appliaucw MOSES LAKE i I i Building Materials, Inc. PHONE 253W MERLE NORMAN COSMETIC| Demons*ratioa by Appointment June Hlv~Iy Telephone 787 W. 114 Broadway SNEAD TRACTOR It IMPLEMENT CO. Jedaa Doore -- Catorpiller GMC Trucks Moses Laka and Lind, Wuh. INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Good Earth Realty "We Sell It" Farmer's Insurance Group Carl I. and Joan R. Wlrk Hom~ IIS2J2 Office S?IW Neglay-Graves APPAREL, INC. "Style Cm~4~r of tim Basle" Phone 218 Box ~4J WHITMAN F ed & S K! Larro Feed -- Fidd Poultry Supplies Dairy Equipment It |upplt~ Garden Supplies Baby Chicks PHONE 579 ,,,,, THOMPSON CLOTHING Ladt~, Men's Ch~s Ready to W~tr Shoes for the Family WESTERN CLOTHING Phone 652W .. ~00 W. Bdwy. RADIATOR Cleaning --- Repairing R~oring Basin Salvage Depot Phone 291 USED AUTO PARTS Natuxal-Looki~ Port~ai~ at Modorat~ Cost Weddings, Children, Family SCHULTZ STUDIO Photogarphs -- RecordinEs Phone $48W Tractors Trucks International Harva~tor Paris and Thompson Equipment Co. lOS E. Brdwy Phone 7~0 The HUB Cafe FINE FOODS It Sea Food SpocltllJs and Visi~ our Cocktail Loun4~ for your favorite Coc~ of Mixed Drink MODERN BUILDING eUPPLIE~, Inc. Jokn Hugh., M~. Phone 466 Lumb -----H dwam Dutch Boy l~Int C & J Plumbing AND HEATING Pipe from tol " ,, PHONE -- Air CoadlUoek Hively Sheet Metal G~NMeal 61~N~t MMal Coatva~or ~07 W. Srd. it.Phone 181~ T Admirial Kelvinator Coleman Mayta| Mo~arch Eccles Appliance SALES AND SERVICE Prompt Attention to all Out-of-Town Ctmtom~m on Radio Repairing Berg & Hansen Funeral Home Distan~ Ambulano~ iaem oa PHON - 03W JUDEEN SHOPPE CHILDREN'S WEAR hduts Jo Ix and 8 Lariat Selection of SHOEII the Columbia CHASE'S Buat r Brow Shoe Store FINANCE .. And Mortgage Co. Inc... LOANS L IN|U|ANCZ ptmm NeW Dr. Arlo Dunning OPTOMETRIST Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9--15 Sat. S--I N. 109 Ash. Phom~ 857 CENTRAL MOTOR SUPPLY Auto Parts -- A~ Garage and Sarvi¢o Station Equipment PHONE 288 I Flowers for all Occs ns YERXA'S Floriet & Numorymlm Garden Supplies Complete Landscape Service Phone 445 412 E. 8~1. ~L ' Rubber Welders The WorM's Flme~ Re- CepgJae--Ouaranteed .md au .ed Mmxd. JLTIB TIRIB GAMBLE'S Wmi rn Auto Supply Co. Authorts Frank PJ~rldgo Phos~17| ii Domestic Sewing Center Sales, Service & Repairs Yardage Goods & Nofloua Ostl , Mana 20~ W. Broadway Phon~40 Electrical Appliances -Small Appllanc Wiring Suppll Lighting Ftxtur~ Raclloa Hotpolnt --- Bendix REITER'S Phone 755 -- Box 482 Good S~KI at REASONABLE PRICE8 Fertilizers -- InsocUcldes Sage Seed Co. 141 tli I t t . tt it I I I I I I Hills Jewelers 118' W. Broadway Diamonds -- Watehm Jewalrt -- St1 w Expert Watch Repair E. 122 Bdwy Phons 144W COLUMBIA BASIN HARDWARE Spor g Goods -- Houuwar~ All Line Hardware McDonald Motors IN STOCK Ford Cars and Trucks Cdmple/e Sarvies PHONE 370 Meacham's Jewelry Wkm yes key s- u lm- pma~ t m what imy. autheadm/ /saka I I ,, I, , I ,I I I ,, TOM KIRKISH MEN'S AND BOY'S WEAR Botany Slacks, Shir~ Tim, M ui. w tr, shtr muneo.1 Lugg WORK CLOTHE~ Loee. Keys and Low Phone 151 Box mS Complete Weddin@ mad Machine Work 3. I. CASE Farm Maddme~ IRON AGE COL BASIN MAC TN-E COMPANY l chinin Weldl D~igning Fabrl~tiem Phone ~t84 Lakeside Specialties VeM¢lan Bliad~ PHONE C.B. Supph] Co. MASH CARS Fe rvsoes Tractors Bt Gt Equt memt t nem Lmsd Lmvele WS,omdn Gm Itsetme Cesk Offl IXdm Smtdw Proem i tl ....... ..... . t :