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August 8, 1974 |
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With less than two weeks
remaining 'until doors on
Othello schools will swing
open for another year, local
officials announced plans for
pre-school registration here
Officials said all five Othello
school offices will be open
beginning next Monday, Aug.
12. with secretaries on duty
from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Persons
desiring information should
contact the school their
children will be attending.
All new students in the
community are also urged to
get registered during the
coming week with stgnup to be
completed at the school where
they will be attending class.
Cla~ses are schedaled to get
tmderway on Tuesday, Aug.
27, v, ith a full-day session
slated All staff members will
be back on (!uty beginning
Monday. Aug. 26.
At Othello tfigh School, all
new students were urged to
register as "soon as possible".
Principal Robert Johnson
said all returmng students
have been pre-registered and
advance signup will be re-
quired only if they plan to
change schedules.
tie said schedule changes
can be made by juniors and
seniors on Aug. 21 from noon
to 4 p.m. and 5 to 9 pro.
Freshmen and sophomores
may make changes the fol-
lowing day at the same times.
Johnson said no changes will
be allowed later than noon
Aug. 23 with the class
schedules to be forwarded to
the computer at that time.
race for Hays and Foulkes filed early
spot on the Adamslast week, with Lockmiller
board of commis- entering the race on Wed-
zville last nesday and Muscott and Olsen
set up a filing just prior to the deadline
the position last Friday.
the November
ballot. Both Hays and Foulkes had
commissioner for 10 years,
moved to Othello from the
Sand Hills area last year. He
announced late in July that he
would seek the position.
Olsen VOL. XXV NO. 32
Olsen, 34, is the local Exxon --
retail and wholesale petrol- ~=_=__=_~2_==_:.__:_:
]5 cents per copy
Current plans for destruc-
tion of the present tennis
courts in the development plan
for Lions park were opposed
by the Othello Chamber of
Commerce board of directors
in action here Tuesday.
The Chamber board mem-
bers voted to send a letter to
park board chairman Jiri
Vanourek requesting that the
plans be changed to keep the
will include two announced their candidacy for eum dealer and also has a ~ ~
and three Re- the position prior to the filing custom potato harvesting Park Meeting
' for the seatperiod, with the entrantsoperation. He has been in
Gordon Hays.coming as a surprise. Othello for 17 years and has
opposed in the .... ..... been a member of the city r.may
city councilman flays wno nas nero tne ..... call for the two courts to be
• ' .... ~ ~t ¢ouncn ann planmng com-
commlssmner positron mr tne ...... A special meeting of the demolished and replaced by
nan Lynn Olsen ....... mission mr severm years, rle Othello Park Board has been four new facilities.
past mw years ~s a reureo•
ublican aspirants ~ ., " •, ~s currently the mayor pro-tem scheduled for this Friday, In other action, the Cham-
e°mmissionerryland farmerKennyand ~arvmieg ~ehai~maPre:fet~Y fOAcuvem"mt irs ber officials took a look at the
a r theCity of Othello.ff chairman Jiri Vanourek an-
progress of the group s study
insuranceman C.R.,b°ard. and, announced ..... early ne~ is" a pastC°mmU~vresmentl Yam1 ~'tne'' nounced today. Aided by at least a this week resulted from ations. He also noted that both of problems in the area located
~r and funeral dir- rest year ne woum ne seeking 0 ~"- J-" -ee- -"'~ :" - loI Vanourek said the purpose temporary break in extremely extremely high temperatures the school district, and city south and west of the city.
• , • the,,. ~y~ ~ ~.u ,~ a o~, of the meeting will be to dis- hot temperatures,Cityof and the fact that both Car- have not been watering lawns
u Port manager Tedre-emctmn.
..... senator. Officials reported that in-
. roumes, wno serves as a Olsen stated that he feels cuss the new engineering con- Othello wells were able to nation Foods and Chef Reddy during the past few days.
- eluded in the study are the
~llllO T~lll--~1" dl~| with his experience as antract for the Inter-Agency "catch up during the past 24 ran through the weekend. HeThere are no plans at the water and sewage problems,
Ihelllle ~,ll~ Othello city councilman, he is Committee on Outdoor Re- hours and help ease the critical said that both plants plan to present time to put a ban on the closing of the dump area
I = qualified to represent the creation improvementproject water picture, city spokesmen shutdown this weekend, and lawn watering or put city located in the Canal Tracts and
IF~ 41~ll11~ ,. • scheduled for Lions park.reported here Wednesday this should give a chance to residents on a rationing basis
UthD~--II e[ town and surrounolng area mCharles Munson, project morning, push the tank levels evenfor their water use. according workforan underpass on west
_ _ the commissioner position.
w We were able to get thehigher, to Meek.
~dl~lll~lllJl~lllilD Muscott engineer is leaving Futerel Main at the Milwaukee
U~IIIIlUlIII~ Muscott, 53, is currently Associate of Seattle and the ianks up l7 feet last night and The city supervisor also , WatchingCIosely Railroad tracts.
~ ....... manager of the Othello Port board has been considering if feel we gained some on the low credited the two plants with ' We're watching the pumpsMembers announced that
Gordon Hays, county commis-
lILLE District and has held nurner- it should leave the contract pressure situation we were helping ease the water short- awfully close and feet we'll bewill
past year and a half, announc- ous other commumty" pos with Futerelor shiftto facing early this week," city age through careful conser alcight if the weather co-
o. 3 commissioner .... ed he will not be a candidate luons ..... r~e serves as mayor oI ~ Munson. ' supervisor Ed Meek reported vation steps in their oper-operates and city residents at the first luncheon meeting
Was getting lots of ior re-emcuon. - - ,; ....... The meeting will be held at 8 Wednesday. " use conservationin theirof the fall on Sept. 4 to review
last week other .......... Otheno mr nee ano a nal~ what steps the county has
rmng rrmay for ~ne pos- . . - p.m. at the council chambers at Meek said that if the cooler I% I kl_____ __[ w:~ter use," Meek said.
Ritzvillem°n waSinsuranceman.rete bemvre,Le_a ..... ~' . the City Hall. weather remains and the I~o]~n ~am ea The city supervisor saidwater and sewer problems in
fffices had few takers ...... ' years and prmr to that was on taken toward solvingthe
the c~ty council He was on the
e closing of the filing • • - -
~i" ".
zevre, a r~epuoncan, wsu oe ......;;---- down as scheduled this To IOn Post city wellwillbeconnectedand the area.
ia P°htscal);. office here ......... - anaP°rt comrmsSmna~so nas serve~mr tWOonYearStne ~------------------------ potato processing plants shut -- .- -- t h~,re is no chance that the new
unopposed for the assessor .... Also coming for discussion
.... park ooaro zor many years weekend, the city should be .... v .... on the city system in time to
posluon. . .. o .t o , "
able to build back up its water
~lynewfacet°appear .... .~nauve oi ~ne~poKane a" ~'| f I'~ ]] with "the crisis this at the meeting was the
SCene was forthet l~oneLomes~ ~ " " •" "" ~ O ].~T ~=,~eT ~eaay summer. Contractors are still housing shortage facing the
......... areane serveo mthe r~avy storagein the two standpipes.
of county assessor, lne omy contes~ mr court- during World War II and took T~o'W~y |~ce! Meek said that the water awaiting the arrival of the Othello area at present.
°ger Marshall, whohouse" positions was set early t r ...... level in tanks was at a low of 21 AppointmentofJohn Dolan,column for the pump with Members noted that many
• "' ..rranclscom°r ua y tralnlngrte openeoln ~antne T.
lastweek, w~ththe fflmgoftwo ...... f]~/ feet Tuesday, before the 52, as general manager of Chef installation of the entirepeople, who are employed
Republmans for the positron of ~ .. ~,' ..... here. live out of the area
o tioo wi e . re ea.n
d the level 17 feet during the here last week by P.~. •"
c°~nnctYmC~:n~" Mildred Wo A close two-contestant race ~i,:!b,, He ,oted that even at " ~-~-~ " '! .... o,h" heart least another
....... " have three children, all living o ~ . zagv.a,,=.~.. .... ,: . ....... ~ ~ ~ ~ ..... rentals.
macn will t)e opposeo oy • ~,,. ........ promises to go right down to ~,e ")z-runt level, the ~.,Lj, ~m Doiaa,, .~.uo an:, oeea ,viu.'," ,:,: . ~:.•, ~ L~: !ic~ ~ ¢ ,.
Fr~ances Kembel _ RitzvPp.~ m L~neuo. ~v~us¢o~ m also a the wire in the 1974 Outlook has about 750,000 gallons of the local processing firm for could be in use," Meek said. Fina~cmg p~u,~,¢..~ ~'v~
h id ,a ~," charter member of the Othello
legit secretary. Rotar Club subscription contest which water in storage, three years and was serving as ~r__, _,~&~,~_~J~ discussed with investigation of
All other county offices'will ,,. y ", ..... ends here Friday. ' He explained the biggestplant operations manager, • q~l~||~&~|~ mobile home requirements in
cc ents ......... i'm a canamate oecause i The contest will close at 5 problem is pressure, with city replaces Glen Chambers, 53, a~ * -- ,
De wltnout concests un- • the city as a possible avenue of
...... " . • hope to give the county and
,t -~arold Othello e' ° ormC 'to r[Othello residents better rep- p.m. this Friday with the top lines holding only about 10 corporation president. '- i~ramngs to he ping ease the situation
ln!r~ knee and head • . . ey ..... , resentation and if elected to salesman scheduled to win a pounds of pressure at the Chambers, who had been ~ _ ~__ , A nominating committee of
r~)w:~ln::sr fujisound an b__u nesslike new 10-speed bicycle. 20-foot level, with the local firm for l2 years, most ::ea r MaxWebb, Norm Coulter and
~tnCUamu~ren~]~i~.e~ ~_...__il.~ Cement tod allS~matters Onthebasisofsubscriptions Weekend Run Hurts cited personal reasons in his : Carl Klingeman was named.
luesday even- man R.W. Snowden for sheriff J g ......
)lice report .... concerning tne ~axpayer, turned in through the second Meek said the crisis early resignation. He reported heA drawing contest for The committee will report at
and recumbent Rmhard Miller Muscott re-orted week ending last Friday, has no plans to announce at youngsters aimed at attract- the Sept. 4 meeting.
;e:iC JaY J°hn for prosecuting attorney.All1, was taken • L~aenmmer:eP¢" "7; Wade Thompson remained the hef sProbed this time' alth°ugh he expects ing interest f°r the 1974 West M
T _t -- to continue as a director of District Adams County Fair anf'[~ ~ ~~llar~eu
are Repubhcans
:1¢ Community " A resident of Othello since leader with 5,850 points.
MacarWaS knocked Justice Posts tained1951' Lochmiller has main- However, right behind him is ..R~~'~f~ several potato trade groups in was announced here this
driven by' Final filings also brought no a real estate and John Oord with 5,050 points. "=ruties which he is involved, week. In"''-.nett Here
21, Othello. contests for justice of the insurance office here for many The one with the most points Dolan came to Othello from Fair director Joyce Rick-
peace positions. J.R. Lock- years. He and his wife have asof5 p.m. Friday willwin the Adams County sheriffs Pennsylvania in 1971 and was man reported that the contest An Othelloman was booked
deputies are investigating the
burglary last week of an
apartment in the Othello
Labor Camp.
Deputies said Jesus Mar-
tinez reported Monday morn-
ing that hs unit at the camp
had been entered. Reported
missing were a 19-inch por-
table television, vacuum
cleaner, rug shampoo ma-
chine, phonograph, portable
fan and other items.
Deputies are also investi-
the theft of two stereo
speakers and a tank of gasoline
from a car belonging to Mrs.
Laxura Zable of the Othello
Manor Trailer Court. The
theft occurred sometime Fri-
day night.
formerly employed by Pull-
man Inc. and White Motor
Two Attend
AlP Session
Two Othello residents have
been named alternate dele-
gates to the 1974 national
convention of the American
Independent Party scheduled
in Chicago this weekend•
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert
Besherse of Othello will be
attending the AIP session set
for Aug. 9 to 11 as alternates
for the Washington delega-
will be open to all children
through age 10, and consist of
a drawing with crayons on a 9
by 12 inch sheet of paper.
"We want you to tell us
about the fair and what you
like best about fairs," Mrs.
Rickman said.
She said entries should have
the youngster's name, birth-
date and school on the back of
the picture with all entries to
be mailed to Box 450, Othello,
before Aug. 31.
The ten entries judged best
will be awarded a season ticket
to the fair, with all of the
pictures to beon display at the
fair. All of the pictures will
become property of the Adams
County Fair Board.
here Monday on grand larceny
and possession of stolen
property charges following a
burglary at Evergreen Imple-
Adams County Sheriffs
deputies reported that
charges are pending against
Glenn Wayne Todd, Route 1,
Othello, on the two charges.
They reported that more
than $1,400 worth of items
taken from Evergreen were
recovered when ,Todd was
arrested Monday afternoon
about a mile south of Othello
on Radar road.
Deputies said the stolen
property included tools, tires,
digger chain, jumper cables
and numerous other items.
the a'c-
about 8:30
was driving position now held by Charles
Davidson, With city police
]try accidentjudge Lewis J. Colburn
8 p.m. at running for the local spot held
3rd and by Fred Bliss. Both Bliss and
persons were Davidson did not file for
collision, re-election.
a 1974 sedan Also unopposed for justice
M. Chide- of the peace positions are Alva
with a Lightbody of Ritzville and
Edward Schmidt of Lind.
Labor The only precinct com-
ester and four mitteeman filings by la~tt
Friday were in the Republican
to the local column. They included Kenny
Foulkes of Othello and Miss
ear received Womach and Irene McMurray
and the of Ritzville. The precinct filing
Was totally period continues for another
week and will close on Aug. 16.
miller is seeking the Othello three children, all married, bicycle, with portable radios to
be awarded to the second and
third place finishers in the
The two leaders ended last
week far ahead of the other
contestants. Point totals there
are Tony Garcia, 1,400; Lynn
Olsen, 750; Nancy Ann Briggs,
500; Marcie Krupa, 400;
Darlene DeCoria, 350; Jolene
DeCoria, 350; Meg Leliefeld,
350; Robert Lopez, 300; and
Bruce Jones, 100.
Salesmen receive points on
the basis of their sales, and in
addition to the prizes receive
commissions of 50 cents for
renewals and $1 for every new
subscription sold.
two still living in Othello and
one in Denver, Colo.
Lochmiller reports he has
considered the office of county
commissioner for some time
past, but until now did not feel
that he could devote the
necessary time that he be-
lieves the office should have
given to it.
"I would consider myself
somewhat on the conservative
side, but also believe that an
open mind is in order to cope
with the many changes coming
about," the candidate said. "I
also feel that new people
should become much more
interested in the various
government offices."
- Three firemen and volunteers spray water into the baring hay
e~d of the Kent Farms hay barn shortly after the fire started about 2 p.m.
li~at from the blaze can be seen melting the metal sides of the structure.
Losses from a massive• hay- Flames had spread almost
barn fire here last Thursday completely across the north
were still being totaled up end of the barn by the time the
early this week by the owners, first fire trucks had arrived
Spokesmen for Kent Farmsand the firemen then worked
reported Wednesday that the to keep the blaze from
hay loss from the fire is spreading to the back end of
expected to total $28,000 with the barn.
the building loss still being Volunteers and farm em-
determined, ployees were able to save
The fire, which started about two-thirds of the baled
about 2 p.m. last Thursday at and chopped hay which was
the Kent Farms location five stored in the building.
miles due north of Othello, 400 Tons Lost
completely destroyed one end Jerald Kent reported Wed-
of a new 120 by 300 foot barn nesday that about 400 tons of
and the hay it contained, hay were destroyed in the/"we
All Units at Scene and that farm employees have
The blaze, one of the largest put out three or four new f'wes
in the local area.for many in the smouldering remains
years, was fought by allduring the past week.
equipment owned by the He expressed appreciation
Adams County Fire Pro- to the work of the firemen and
teetion District No. 5, as well Volunteers in their success at
as units from Warden. As
many as seven fire trucks
were on the scene during the
peak of the blaze.
Cause of the fire was
reported to be sparks from a
welder's torch. The welder
was reportedly finishing in-
stallation work on the new
barn which, was just con-
structed this summer. He was
employed by the contractor.
saving part of the barn and
much of the hay. He noted that
many of the volunteers spent
most of the night "Thursday,
mopping up and patrolling the
Kent indicated that the hay
stored in the building was not
The Kent Farms operation
is owned by Golden Kent and
four sons.
MOPPING UP - A front loader scoops up hay to make 'Tire break" between still
smoldering hay and unburned hay at the Kent Farms barn as firemen man "mopping up*
hoses in the background. [More pictures on page 3.]