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i "Working for Othello's Balanced ~ ~~ i~ 7,;~
• -, .... ,: ~ ...... ?= ...... growth" Entered as Second Class ~ nl i i
" '~'P]PI ~ L'll~il~tNI. Matter January 21 1947, at the Post i ~i ~:~J~ ....... ~ ~ ::
- , • ' • ~ : : ~ .. .~:~ .:,,*~
i; ! | • ' : W I rAP=II Act of March 3, 1879• Published every i:~ ..7:.. !,~)~::: "~'~ :';: ......
~.. ,a~Jiilon - ~ INS Thursday morning at Othello, Washing- ~t~__.. ,b- l ...... ].~: ~:,~:, ..... ....::.: :: :: :: : :! ~i
: ~ ............... ton 99344 by the Basin Publishing .--¢,m~ •
Steam threshers came on ployedaminimumof20 men to
,R.D. (Dan)LEARY .............................. MANAGING EDITOR .... the Othello scene when thekeep it running•
• : DEAN H JUDD ........... EDITOR 180~:. ~aam homesteads in the Adams Including in those shown
:; RICHARD REX AD MANAGER Subscriptions $5 00 county panhandle first began above are Blankenship, Low
r~.~c,~- ~ O,A~T~ ................................... SOCIAL EDITOR yearly in Adams, harvesting wheat, from 1900, and Hodson, (hands together,
........... ~ .......................................... ('.,'ant 1~.,.. ~.,! and remained in use until right center); others whose
i BETTY HASTINGS ...... ; ...................................... SECRETARY l~'~l~'~''~ountie-'s. WWI. This 1911 scene of a names are large in local
MARGE FEYDER .............................................. AD LAYOUT $6.00 elsewhere, stationary steam threshing memory are Joseph Headley
'~ ~HEI I Y HANI EY COMPUWRITER Single copies- 15¢ machine andits crew has been Tice, brother of Mrs. Mary
' . " ' _~ ........................................ t" loaned by Nate Lewis, form- May, Othello; Bill Gifford;
i ~ " ~ erly of Smyrna and now of Sam Chavis; Sol Thurman;
. j~ Othello. Claude Blankenship, Charles Reed and Frank
• ~,~.,...~ uncle of the late Ern Hodson, Enberg.
" ~f,~:.*.-'.:'.~i ~t~ ~l VUDIA C~mgMg By ROBERT Othello, owned it and em- This machine, a J. I. Case, [repa~c~3~~~
"/III Ul I mrl lt, liil CUMMINGS ,
;" an Resourses, Catastrophics Are
ettln oo or n esslon ,
! OLYMPIA - Human re- ing before the C gr . scholastic sports. ' - -
source ro ams are recewm Currently numerous pm er s rob
p gr "" g • , , . "" This poses hum ou p - TEN YEARSAGO amounting to over $200,000
considerable attentmn Irom rarely owne~ insurance cornm m th ]eld of state a
" " " le s " e f" P- August 6, 2954 are fast becoming a reality at a
:legislators as they work on panics are writing catas- propriations for school sup- The ap~Pointment of a local industry, Anderson Feed
ro osed le mlatmn for retrophnc health insurance at rt n le tor ould be
p p g" • - ' po , a d gisla s c denutv county nrosecutor in and Produce Company, owned
/commendation to the 44thnominal rates in. this state, surrounded by three fires.Adams count): was announced by Newell Anderson. A great
~egislature. " , convening"m' though much of it is sold to Male sports enthusmsts" can last week by E.E. "M, onty" deal of buildm" " g has been done,
nuar older ersons to cover pos t to ose an
Ja y. P , : be expec ed opp Y Hormel. Wallace T. 'Bud" and at present construction of
Much of it containsm slble expenses over and ov tot one wa ~hi~: ~i]il
• " • - " m e ake m y a y Whitford took up duties as a new 30 by 40-foot sales and
edmnts for controvers and be ond that covered by ro ort
gr " Y y f m currentmale sp s denuty county prosecutor at display office is nearing
could face rough going before Medicare. programs to even it up for girls the county court housein completion.
it reaches final draft from. The Cut LegalCosts and womens. Woman activistRitzville last week *************
Senate Local Government The House Judiciary Corn- groups seem certain to raise a **********~** Mr. andMrs. Jerry M. Dodd e
Committee has scheduled two mittee, chaired by Rep. fuss if the, don't_ ...~., an,.~....,s ....... ,,,~.~ .,,,,~.~;~'-n .,.~ ~.-f ¢lil~,,...~..~.._ ....l~--, ,t~_ ...~'h-/~ |..l.iri ~t~ktro~dc~C:n~i:
meetings to consider legilation Walter Knowles. Spokane, is There is another answer,orovidin, increased disvlay Royal City Trading Center, .oo,,ng Note dt~a~ingpa'-t
which would authorize count- meeting Aug. 10 at Gonzaga Leave the male sports' pro-~,~,~ an~l imnrnvod aee~.~'u at formerly managed by Sam
" a d certain cities to ex end Law School to discuss logEs - e u aliKe~r ........... r .............. ___.......^, f~~~~
los n p - grams alone and q theTri-Countvfair~oundswas Poarch also of Othello. They
17:lgrfaUndsS. ~rhUt~n~ns~et°ulr:e lsa:~°Tc~.::~h°:::°u::: ev~ry;h~ndgdibYnaii~Pl~s P;o~ COgpl~d 1;£i~i~lse.~k~:CwCO;d' ~ssumeds, mk?:g~,ment of the
authorizes expenditure only of the p P ., girls and women s programs, which was completed Friday,Mr. Dodd has given up
oralfundson such re- re aid services to groups tne ter solution is sure• :,;...f th~ two farmin~r and th~ family will
~ed p p P ..... But the lat consisted of mov,.~ .................. ~ ........ , -
s same as is now provmea zor TECHNIL-U~'.~:~,;o
gram . . to provoke violent opposition disnlaybuildingson the move to Royal City. The
t the measure before the medmal and hospital care. o believe too ~" • " in t
Bu .... from those wh m'ounds avoroximately 75 feet Dodds have resided 0 hello
mnttee would ermitallPresumabl it woma perml~ i alread beEn "~ -- • a h l
corn p .Y . . much money s Y g to the east. The two disl~lay the past four and a f years
counties, alon., g with first- class persons, of average .raceme ~o spent on sports -vrograms-- . ........ h,,n,~i ..... ~ .......... ,~ ,,w ,, ti,o ~,ith where Mrs Dodd has been
and code citrus, to spend local recewe legal advice, on a From Cradle to Grave each other employed as a window clerk at
revenues as well. The bill is an retainer basis, sim~r£ t::~ Subcommittees of A.A. ************* the Post Office. She plans to
mended versmn of HB 1455, available to corp
a " ' Adams' House Committee on A complete lack of contests continueworking in this
which would have extendedbusiness firms: But current Social and Health Services is ontne" county" level for boththe capacity.
this option only to first class plans wouldn't include cost of delving into a broad spectrum primary and general election *************
citrus re resentatmn m court e ' m v
;'' . P " " .. • of th states soc" l ser ices in Adams county this fall TWENTY YEARSAGO
Thou h the legislation NewViewsiorrarKs ............. - ......
" g ......... e t,-"s ....... appeareo Last rmoay as the Augus$~,lgb4
~ould be onl erm~sswe, it The rmuse rarKs anu r~
; y p " " " . . " A subcommittee headed byfinal day for adding names to The Sacred Heart Catholic
ears certain to rovokecreation Committee has form- • arker. Tacoma heard ~ with .- oh .... h h-ildin,,- h~ h,~n
.app p . . . Mike P . , the ballot passed .............. a ...... I; ',
b ections from those who are ed a subcommittee to WOrK ._stim^n ..... ':-- *~': ..... " urc a ed
p j ' o , , ~= u y ~=--vr ~..~ mu..l action. The lack of action left p h s by R.O. Daniel oi
• " r ....
reluctant to o en the door to towardlocatmnozparKs cruse the a uac of exmtm
p .. . on deq y g the three incumbents for the Seattle, nt was announced this
such use of local tax mone to o ulatmn cen~ers ~u ~mnr O~
" y. P P , . • .... lawsagainst child abuse, and three county positions up for week. The new church which is
x-Themeeting will be heldA~ in ahi espied ,v t)Ataneardermeetingnelaln has another scheduled at election as the only cand~ate$ r~owpnderconstructionat the
~a~aud Seattle, on u~ :~ k'~, .pr iq~ ~ e,~ ~ Tacoma Commtmity-~oltege-"bn tAb~ batIGt 6n the c~hty cornier of~4th afl~l~iifiil~er,~s STARTS wed,'
.~6 and 17. Donald Garretf,. Y~ikima, it Aug. 30, to discuss feasibility level. -~• now placed under a deadline oI
Ex lorm Catastro hies ex lored the funding aspect oz
p " g P " P ..... of consolidating all child care The Republicans will have Oct. 15. This is because
The need for a statecounty cityparks, aria
" . - _ services within a single Henry Franz unopposed foroccupancy must be given on
re ram of catastro hicscheduled ahearingon a ......
~P g P " " ...... state aguncy, re-election as commissioner in the old building on that date. . Aug. 14
health insurance will be proposal to airect tne At the other end of the r~i=i.iot NI,~ 9 while R~hart *************
:investigated by a subcom-Parks and Recreatmn Depart- spectrum, a subcommittee Danekas~'incuml~n(comm~is.~ A new shoe and luggage
• mittee of the House Corn- ment to conslaer county-c~y h~s~l~fl b~ l~.dws~d l~.lll .................. ~~
....... J ............ , sloner in UlS~rlct l~o 1, and store WIll open in tne near
mittee on Financial ~Institu arks around populated areas V~k~m* is meoti-=i" v~bl ........... " ....
' - P .............. ~, ............ t~ w "lviont riormel county mture, accoruing to owner
~tions and Insurance, meeting in its planning. Au~ 9 o;*~'~-=,, w~llbeuno~osed on Harlev Dirks The new L0'" (
at Barton House, Seattle, Aug. Another subcommittee, ~ "" °/ . ~ ". ~l~e"I)'em'ocrat slate,r~" establishment," located just [!~ pRi~I~I¥iC7
~10. headed by John Honan, esnaent KecruIT ************* north of Othello Furniture will
It would rovsde covera e Tacoma, will meet with
~nlyforillnesP~eswhichtendgo various state agencies at th: For Coast Guard FIFTEEu~NYE,~RSpAGO 7:k~l~7::S:cio~DhTtHerto
xun up astronomm costs, such Kztsap County Courthouse
• " C/~PEMAY, NJ -Murray Newcomers to Othello are Harley s which is immediately /s/ Richard H. N. Yost, Pres. tremendous school year. Get HEARTBREAK
~s cancer. Two states on the Port Orchard Aug. 12 to A. Williamson, son of Mr. and Rev. Robert Martin Keller, his across First avenue. Othello Senior Citizens Club ready now at the homefront.
~Eastern Seaboard have such determine if there is need for Mrs. Clifford L. Williamson of wife, Betty, and their 13- *************
~programs, but no bill has yet more in-depth legislation on Othello, is undergoing ten month-old son, David, whoSome of the busiest people
been drafted on the subject easements, weeks of basic military train- arrived here in mid-July,in Othello these days are the
here. And on Aug.15 a committeeing at the Coast Guard Roy. Keller was installed as icing crews in the Milwaukee
The meetingwill be purely chaired by Robert Gaines,Training Center, Cape May, pastorofthePilgrimLutheran railroad yards.
exploratory, and also willAuburn, will hear testimony in
delve into national healthSeattle from a broad segment N.J. church by Dr. Kiefke, prosE- According to crew foreman,
insurance programsnowpend-of interested parties on He will receive instruction dent of the Northwestern Bill Oppliger, the five-man
in seamanship, damage con- District of Portland, Ore., at crew handled60 tons of ice in Thursday-Friday- Saturday
establishment of priorities for trol, close order drill, first aid, regular 11 a.m. services here one hour and 35 mintues.
various types of statewide marksmanship, Coast Guardlast Sunday. Tuesday the crew readied 10 AUGUST 8 - 9 - 10
trails and basic camping history and militaryreg- ************* cars of potatoes for eastern
Representatives will be ulations. Plans for future expansion shipment. Woody Allen
present from the Departments
of Highways, Natural Re- ill
sources and Parks and Re-
creation, and the Interagency
Council on Outdoor Recrea-
Enter Women's Lib
A House Education sub-
committee had a work session
and hearing presided over by
King Lysen, Seattle, schedul-
ed for Spokane earlier this
;KYLINE DRIVE-INweek on ramifications of
762-2271 AUG. 11 - 17 guidelines proposed by the
~ ~ln lUN ~NINII mllUl
r-J "I've come h
U.S. Department of Health,
Education and Welfare (HEW)
to guarantee equal oppor-
tunity for girls and women in
Trailer Sales
Grand Coulee,r Call Collect 633-0 3:,
Real good used double wide 24/60, 3 bedroom, carpeted, all
electric. This one won't stay long.
3 used 12 Tides
3 New 14 Tides just arrived
Special price on Marlettes - order soon for fall delivery.
They are real nice, the permanent home.
At The Piano Bar Nightly
The Lotus Room
Su nday-Monday-Tuesday
AUGUST 11-12-13
Where The Red Fern Grows
A First Run Showing OF A Truely Wonderful Family SHOW'
DON'T MISS 1-13.
AUG. 15-16-17
TI~ STAt4.Lm¢ I¢$taMER
& The Honkers
AUG. 25-26-27
AUG. 18-19-20
From Wglmor Srolu
AUG. 29
AUG. 3
Count Yorga
The House That
'AUG. 22"2y24
Adros Sabat¢
starring Yul
SEPT. 1.2-3
Panavisione, color