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days from Fair old home in Salem where named by Gloria Jean Red-will be Mark and David Dr. and Mrs. Donald Her-
wager that George and Mabel lived when inger and Michael Stearns for Redinger, bride-elect's bert marked their 25th
le directors, and they were first married, their wedding, to take place brothers, wedding anniversary with a
~nts are begin- ************* Aug. 16 in First Church of the Margo Kasinger, pianist, dinner party Aug. 4 at the
"Fair Daze". FamilyFun Nazarene, Pasco. Othello, will provide tradi- Cimarron Restaurant.
many of you kept The Del Billmans, Del and Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. tional wedding music and Acontinuationofthe festive
Guide and Ruth, attended a recent ~ Vernon Redinger, Othello, the vocalist will be Debby Uhling, occasion followed with the
came with two-day reunion of the Richey ~:: bride-elect is a graduate of accompanied by her mother,serving of anniversary cake at
time back.., family on Ruth's father's side. ~ Othello High School and Mrs. Ray Uhling. the Herbert home.
doing... Held at La Wis Wis near Mt. I Northwestern College of Bus- A personal and kitchen Coming for the event were
that entry Rainier, 107 persons took part iness, Portland, Ore. She is shower was given Aug. 1 by the Herberts' daughters and
you had made in all the visiting, a big employed as a secreatry- Mrs: Verle McCabe in her son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lon
you saw last year's "sing-out" one evening and bookkeeper for Amoco Oil,home. Attending were friends Woodbury, Billings, Mont.,
picnic the following day. East Pasco. from Othello Church of the and Pare from Seattle.
to choose Among those gathered were Her fiance, son of Mrs. Jean Nazarene. Also attending were Mary
or cook, Ruth's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stearns, Richland, and David A kitchen shower was Margaret, Carrie, Craig and
or crafts. If Tom Richey, Meridian, Ida., A. Stearns, Sr., Springfield, hosted by Mrs. Boothe andMark of the home.
sew even a button, who arrived prior to the Va., was graduated from Regina Johnson at the Boothe Dr. and Mrs. Herbert were
tend you your reunion to see the LDS Pasco High School and em-home in Pasco. married Aug. 4, 1949 in
You can think Dancers at Expo with the ployed by Boise Cascade, The rehearsal dinner forSpokane. They have been
and minerals,Billmans July 24. Wallula Junction. membersoftheweddingparty residents of Othello for the
even Others were Ruth's sisters Pastor Don McCarty of will be given by the intended past 15 years.
If flowers and brother, Vera and Walter Othello Church of the Naza- bridegroom's father and his
you, there areMiller and family, Eugene, rene will perform the wedding wife, the David A. Stearns **************
entered. And all Ore.; Virgil and Delores ceremony. Aug. 15.
Something Richey and Ethel Wilson and Chosen maid of honor is Following the wedding a Protect our environment.
family, all of Boise. Susan Howard, Pasco, withgarden reception will follow at Help us eliminate unwanted
Sherrie Redinger, Burbank, the home of the David A. wildfire and join the Keep
of each depart- ************* INTRIGUED BY ANIMAL COLLECTION - Heather Campbell, granddaughter of Veta and Mrs, Boyd Boothe, Pasco, Stearns, Burbank. Washington Green effort.
named. Young Folks' Doings Fraser, admires some of the animals brought back from other countries by Mrs. Fraser. bridesmaids. Rachel Gould,
romalot Two pieces of family news Heather, 2, is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Dean Campbell of Moses Lake. Dublin, Calif.,will light
you? Like for the Orval Olsons. Karen
YOUR Fair. Paulson of Bowman, N.D., candles.
** named Miss North Dakota BY LOCAL WOMAN Attendants to the groom
1974, and her gelding, Garnet will be David Stearns, Jr.,
Ribbon, won the title, "Grand groom's brother, best man,
and Barry Stearns and Boyd
.... oria inger to Wed Herberts Are
'YJessieM.Plant488-2935¢Aug.8...but do Rexberg, friends vacation and were Driggs relatives around and Si~ 50 ...... ~ iii!:~: In Pa: Chuorch Rites Silver Hone reeS, Date,On
is only one Anthony, all Idaho...and the Bridalattendants have been B othe, groomsme . Ushering
ant visiting rela-
Dakota and
with her sister
the Stan-
of Fredrick,
f Yellowstone
ack Hills, they
s mother and
other relatives.
Was her daugh-
a student at
Champion All-Around Senior
Youth 1974 State 4-H Horse
Show" in Minot in July.
Happy news number two...
the Olsons' son, serving with
the Air Force in Denver, Colo.
has been promoted to the rank
of s/Sgt.
Rodney is married and lives
in Denver. The couple has one
Grandparents and Farm
Driving tractors, hunting
rabbits and fishing have been
the main subjects of conversa-
tion around the Rich Jackson
By Jessie M. Plant
[4th in Series]
In her home Veta Fraser has
two elephants, one giraffe, a
kangaroo, two koala bears, a
lion, impala, horse, turtle,
zebra and one kiwi bird.
Sound like part of an exotic
zoo? Or that Mrs. Fraser's
house might be a bit crowded?
home since the Jacksons' sons, Of course neither is true; the
concentrated on pretty ma-
terials and baby apparel."
First from Sweden
But from that trip she did
come home with a highly
decorative orange ceramic
horse, the good luck piece of
Her next trip took her to
South America and Africa.
"I should have had a llama,
One elephant, two inches
tall, is carved from soapstone.
The other, a much larger
piece, is of black ebony,
hardest wood known. It came
from Rhodesia.
Veta found the giraffe and
impala in Pretoria, art center
on the southernmost tip of
A third tour took her to
L visit with her
and a Ted, five, and Jason, Three, animals, bird and turtle are
attending a
and two
~r Night's
arrived home Aug. 1
The boys spent four weeks
with their maternal grand-
parents, the Paul Dombys, on
a farm near Huntington, Ore.
Bringing the boys home, the
Dombys spent a night at the
Jackson home. Other recent
guests have been Rich's
parents, the Delbert Jacksons,
but it wasn't until I went on
from part of a collection of figurines that seven-day safariin Africa
she has collected in three trips and saw so much wild life that I
to various parts of the world, became interested in the
"My first trip was to the native animals. Fromthen on I
Baltic countries of Europe", tried to find one each place we
said Veta. "They seem to went."
feature beautiful materials, In Africa the figurines are
Australia where she found a
cuddly kangaroo and koala
bear of real fur, which she
brought home for her small
granddaughter, Heather
Others in Collection
fine linens and clothing. Iknew sold right where they areHer own collection includes
I was about to become a being made. "Oh, they have a smallkoalabearclimbingthe
grandmother, so I sort ofregular stores in the bigtrunk of an eucalyotus tree,
cities", she said, "but in her baby clinging to her back;
Betas Lunch
At Poolside
Delta Upsilon chapter of
Beta Sigma Phi entertained
sorority sisters of Xi Beta Xi
and Zeta Tau with a salad
luncheon and poolside party
Thursday, Aug. 1, at the home
of Mrs. Everett Michel.
The summer event was
arranged by Mrs. George
Keenan, chairman, assisted by
Mrs. Henning Bech and Mrs.
Clayton Michel.
A floral arrangement of
yellow roses, sorority flower,
was a gift from Celeste Holm.
Why Not Install an
Alarm System
Lhis past
and Dan
Creek Re-
trip to
lake Saturday
the way.
days and tw-
n Idaho and
~e and Dar-
of Weiser, Ida.
"In" at Expo
Houseguests of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Zene Whipple in
Spokane, Rich hnd Karen
Lochmiller have spent several
interesting times at Expo this
Karen's mother being exe-
cutive secreatry to Expo's
Peter Spurney, they were
there for the grand opening
ceremonies and to hear
President Nixon talk.
Latest attraction was the
Jack Benny show, July 26,
Mrs. Terry, Cunningham, boy,
6 lbs., 12 ozs., July 28.
and Mrs. Harley Moore and smaller placesyou go right out a turtle, national emblem of GARZA, Mr. and Mrs.
daughter, all Tacoma. Arriv- where the peopleare working. Tahiti, handcarved from Adan, Othello, girl, 7 lbs., 15
ing from Pullman was the '"People' means little boys mahogany; a kangaroo made ozs., Aug. 3.
Sherberts' son, Ron. 10 to 12 years old. They carve of a fur-like material and a HOLLENBECK, Mr. and
High spots of the weekend the figurines by hand, working Kiwi bird. Made of paua shell Mrs. Ron, Othello, boy, 8 lbs.,
v~it were a guided tour by with simple tools, knives, and ~bought in Auckland, the ~r~ff.,~.~-~ ~,~o'~'~
Ron of the Potholes and chisels and stones for smooth- little figurine is a replica of the WARREN, Mr. and Mrs.
O'Sullivan Dam for Juanita ing the wood. national bird of New Zealand. Eugene, Othello, boy,6 lbs., 12
and Gary...a family dinner "From Scratch .... From now on in any travels Aug. 5.
Saturday, followed by men "They have no pictures, abroad I will look for the- ' .......
and women alike playing nothing to look'at while they native animals. Alargepart of Margo Kasinger.
horseshoes at Lions Park...and work. Each one starts with a the culture of those lessThe Singing Disciples have
oanied by a showing of movies of piece of wood in block form and civilized peoples of the world had a busy summer, taking
Arizona, from the Sherberts' each one completes his owndeal with the animal and floral their program to Quincy and
a with Cheri, February trip. project. He decides what to life. Nature means more to Connell and on tour to the
m, Clay ************* carve next, too. There is one them than to us. Seattle area where they sang
Ida. Expo and Camping supervisor and around 20 boys "It seems we've got to drive in Bonnie Lake and ClearView
members of after which they were invited Guests of Kenneth and in each place and they really 100 miles to go swimming,and CleElum during the
ily gatheredbackstage to visit with Beny, Barbara Clines for a month have air conditioning - anThey live on a simpler scale, weekend of July 13, and 14,
the first members of his cast and Expo duringJuneandJulywereher overhead shelter andwallscloser to nature, and seem and atateenralley in Moses
which the personnel, mother, Leone LaCostie, and built up part way." content to have it so." Lake, August 4.
on to Idaho ************* bother, Dan Swayze, both of Still ahead for the young
Yuma, Ariz. 'Young Di pies! Set people isatournextweekto
Clay to his North From Nevada During their stay they were eastern Oregon and a pre-
liana B wneys. All the way from Babitt,entertained with a tour of formance at the Grant County
ion was at Nev., for a month's visit with Expo and a camping trip to the New Musical on Sunday Fair inMosesLake.
.... that of the relatives in Othello and Royal Cline's campsite above Cle
Where they City and other points in the Elum.
Weekend, 84northwest are Louie and
The Clines' son, Paul Othello's Singing Disciples, "The Apostle" by Cam Florin.
eetingFred,s themthree Margaret Rodriguezand child- DeVore, 17, is off to San Diego teen choir of the Church of the Finale of the program, the
for a three-year tour of duty.
He was sworn into the Navy
last Friday, Aug. 2. in
back with
iat Penticton
Weekend in
an exciting
attend the
ran, Mary Ellen and Tony.
Houseguests of the Frank
Rosas in Royal City, the
Rodriguez family spent Mon-
day with her brother, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Lopez in Othello.
They were joined for the
day by another sister, Rosie
Morales and daughter, Corina,
of Wapato.
A tour of Expo is planned
during the Rodriguez' stay.
the Big Bend *************
Year from Millers' Doings
the George News from the Millers,
and Art Carol and Caroline, who spent
of news froma recent week in Bellevue
where Carol took a four-day
end of the tennis clinic from Washington
the Clown State tennis champion, Dick
in the Knight, of the Supersonics
parade, Racquet Club.
from During their stay they took
P" in downtown Seattle sights,
Everybody Home
Nazarene, will return to their
home church this Sunday,
Aug. 11, with a new program
they have been presenting in
several Washington cities this
popular "Spiritual Sing Out",
is done by a select 12 of the
group as a medley of Negro
Spirituals arranged by Otis
Skillings with choreography
summer, by Alex Plasschert. The
All the children of Herman The presentation of "Cometwelve presented it in
and Maud Fielding home for a Alive", a musical witness of Othello's Music Association
family reunion which tookthe life and writings of Paul, is reveiw "Up With America" in
place July 19-21. set for 7 p.m. at the church March and at the Columbia
Gathering for the annual with the public invited to Basin Cruscade in May.
get-together were Max andattend. Soloists featured in the
program include Don and
Mark Kasinger, Julia Jelm-
berg, Gary McCarty, Barry
and Amy Adams, Terri
McCarty, Dulcie Wheeler and
ate in the Space Needle family were at Expo July 23
that Restaurant...and dined inand 24 where they watched
Bellevue's Jonah and the the LDS dancers and heard
all over Whale, only restaurant inSusan sing with the "Sounds of
and Washington state listed in Zion".
to seeing Gourmet Magazine. {Caroline *************
reported, said the food was good, too.) Summer Story
Then on to Anacortes for a Kathy Francisco and child-
the three-day visit with her ren, Leigh Anne and Tommy,
I where 13parents, the Earl Jennings... spent last week in Seattle,
!Vis family and an evening at Masonichouseguests of Dick's parents,
and Park in Granite Falls for an L.I. Francisco.
were official visitation of the worthy Dick joined them midway of
one 34 grand matron of the Order of the week for the Home-
Eastern Star. builders Fishing Derby...
Jan with their four boys,The musical, arranged by
Othello; Lavina, Salt Lake director Louise Oord, includes
City, in charge this year; Mrs. a Variety of songs and
Roger (Karen) Barnum, Ocean scripture from "Come Alive
Springs, Miss., with her two and "My Tribute" by Andrae
sons and daughter; son, Lynn, Crouch and selections from
of the home; Mr. and Mrs.
James McCauley (Arlene) and
son Todd, Eagle, Ida., and
Susan, of the home.
Total people, 17 persons.
Following the reunion the
This past Sunday's guest ~n where he won fifth prize, a pair
to the Miller home was Hershel of high-powered binoculors.
orth Cas-Miller, Jr., cousin from"Just in time for hunting
|eir first Greeley, Colo. The day was season.t', he said.
** spent at the Pat Miller home Visited too were Kathy's
Reunions on Royal Slope with a family parents in, Seattle, with a
anions this barbecue the highlight. "dinner out' celebration of her
************* mother's birthday.
the Dillie Family Visiting Tommy s buddy, Mark
Ida., of Houseguests of Mel and Pray, accompanied the family
mothers Bernice Sherbert Friday home for the week. His
part the through Sunday were sister, parents visited Sunday, taking
Juanita Luthi, and friend, Tommy back to Seattle. Kathy
the Roy- Gary McKee, both of Kansas and Dick entertained for
in Boise City, Mo. them, with 10 couples invited
was a They were joined Saturdayfor dinner...salmon, for course,
Flick. afternoon by cousins, Mr. and from the Derby, with Dick
week's Mrs. Norman Cable and Mr.doing chef honors.
Lorie Smith and pianist,
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