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The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
August 29, 1974     The Othello Outlook
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August 29, 1974
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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TED SMITH WEEK'S Page 14 - OTHELLO, WASHINGTON THE OTHELLO THURSDAY, AUGUST 2q, The Outlook "Who's Who" off with the entire jackpot. contest produced another $10 Ted Smith of 402 S. 3rd was winner this week with the the winner of $10 for correctly third-week jackpot climbing to identifying Terry Vess as last $70 for some lucky person who week's "Who's Who". can correctly identify the Smith's was the first name mystery personality and get drawn from the entry box the right number of clues, located at Farmer's Electric, For the second week in a but hisentry set the number of row the contest winner came clues at 17- one short of the 18 within just oneclue of walking found in the ads of partici- pating merchants. "We thought there were 18 and had it on the entry blanks, but changed it to 17 when our daughter called and said she had found just 17," Smith reported. Entries will be accepted this week at Akin's Thrift Center. All entries in the contest must be delivered personally and Public Notice ANOTHER $I0 WINNER - Chuck Booth, left, of Farmer's Electric, presents a $I0 check to Ted Smith as winner of the second week "Who's Who" contest. Smith barely missed winning the additional "clue jackpot" of $40. A local businessman, who is a 21-year resident of Othello, was the featured personality in the second week of The Outlook "Who's Who" contest. Terry Vess, owner-oper- MYSTERY PERSONALITY - Terry Vess, "Who's Who" last week, poses with two of the unique model cars he has constructed. can not be phoned into the store which has the entry box that week. The deadline is Monday at 5 p.m. Last week's contest had 236 entries. The 18 clues and their ad locations last week were Came in 1953 and To 6th in 67', Jack's Bargain Barn; OHS graduate, Earrs A&W; Born in Ruth- drum, Othello Bowl; First on First and unique models, Basin Tire; Well bearded, Hostetter Ford; 755 E. Hemlock, Farmer's Electric; Bought from Holmes, Celeste Holm Florist; Time fixer, Cimarron; model builder, Ron's Cabinet Shop; Staey-Sue at Scootney, Benavidez Care; Adam in fourth, Woodworker; Arloene, Freddie's; top garden, Akins; 488-3809, Zavala's Place; 488-2852 and 170 pounds, Yargers. NOTICE OF CAI,L OF BONDS Notice is hereby given bv the undersigned Clert~/Treasurer'of the Town of Royal City, Washington that the following numbered bonds are being called for redemption as of -August 19, 1974. 1964 Water/Sewer Revenue Bond #t 1965 Water/Sewer Revenue Bond #2,#3.#4, and #5. Notice is further given that the Clerk/Treasurer pursuant to law will redeam said bonds on the first day of December, 1974. ATTEST: ator of Vess Jewelry, was the Alice F. Delay Clerk/Treasurer person fitting the clues in last 829 1T week's ads. NOTICE OF CALL OF Born in Rathdrum, Ida., WARRANTS Vess grew up in the Sandpoint The undersigned Clerk/Treasurer in area and came to Othello in and for the Town of Royal City does 1953. He gra'duated from hereby give notice of call of Water Warrants numbers 841 through Othello High School in 1954 in numbers 870 in the amount of a class which totalled only $8,793.56 plus interest. about a dozen members. The above Warrants are here-by called as of August 26, 1974. After attending a jewelryATTEST: trade school in Spokane, Vess Alice F. Delay Clerk/Treasurer returned to Othello in 1962 to Royal City Washington purchase his business from 8-29-1T Bob Holmes. He operated the store in the Kenfield building on First avenue for about five years, moving to his present location in the Sloan building on Sixth avenue in 1967. TFN Vess and his wife, Arloene, have two children, Stacy-Sue, a fifth grader at Scootney, and Adam, a fourth grader at Hiawatha. One of Vess's hobbies is building model cars from old clock and watch parts and other odd items. He has two of the intricate and intriguing models on display at the store. The mystery personality and his wife also spend part of their time in the summers cultivating a productive, back- yard garden. II EPHRATA - Commission- ers of the Grant County Public Utility District rejected the bids received last week for modifying and rebabbitting 10 generator thrust bearing pads at Priest Rapids Dam. Both bids received exceeded the engineer's estimate. The work was re-advertised and_a new call for bids issued. The bid opening is set for 2 p.m. Sept. 16. The commission also authorized the withdrawal of Grant County PUD's Re- served Share Power from Priest Rapids and Wanapum Dams up to the maximum amount available to the PUD under the contracts signed with seven power purchasers in 1956 and 1959. This action by the Commission is intended to provide Grant County PUD with the greatest flexibility in meeting its poffer require- ments for the future, officials said. Withdrawal of this power requires a five-year notice. Therefore, the notifications given this year will become in 1979; by then the PUD will have withdrawn about 26.6 per cent of the capability of the two dams. Grant County PUD Com- missioners have expressed the intent to increase that each year to 36.5 per cent in 1983, the maximum amount avail- able until the year 2005. Portions of this withdrawn power excess to the immediate needs of Grant County PUD will be reallocated to other utilities from whom it can be withdrawn upon two-year notice. • Officials said these com- binations of actions not only bring Grant County PUD nearly to the point of totally supplying itsown load from its Priest Rapids and Wanapum BURGLARS BREAK INS? Why Not Install an Alarm System CALL DAN SIMPSON 488-2337 nn nlnn .~ Dams, but will also make power available on a two-year notice for needs which are presently unforeseen: R.W. Gillette, PUD Man- ager, stated, "The challenge to future Commissions of this District will be to rates and policies to this position of ability which Grant PUD has attained." Advertisement For Emergency Radiator Service On Trucks and ,+. Rick, Audy and Pete Johnston are at your service for radiator repair at Shop located at 1900 South Broadway in Othello. if! Pete and Rick Johnston will hours. The Othello Radiator Shop located at 1900 South Broadway in Othello is owned and managed by Audy Johnston and his two sons, Rick and Pete. Rick has been with the business since 1968 and Pete since 1972.Audy has been in the radiator business for 25 years. Audy pointed out that the radiator is one of the boil out, repair or put a new core in your radiator most important parts of hours. During the h$ your automobile and should season Othello be checked and serviced by Shop is on call 24 experts. Othello Radiator day for emergency has three experienced men on truck and on duty and has the radiators. Othello equipment to handle all of will remove and your radiator needs, radiators. Whether it be boil out, For further repair or complete recore, either stop by Othello Radiator Shop can 1900 South Broadwa~~ get the new core or call the Johnston~: complete radiator in 24 488-2762. m WHERE TO LOOK FOR CLUES Cash Prizes Cash Prizes Clues may be hidden in ANY AD IN THIS SECTION. When you. We invite you to do your Employees of other sport- "Where to look for Clues," this is:~ue. You do not have to ren under 12 must be a star appears in any of these best to outwit us! soring merchants ARE eli- above). If by coincidence, the list all theseclues-just give the accompanied by an adult. ads, it means that additional CONTEST RULES gible, name of WHO'S WHO (or total number of them. Dofft6. This week's contest advertising of that firm This is a family fun contest! 2. Nothing to buy- use any other facts about him or her) forget to add your name and starts when you receive this appears elsewhere in thisOne entry per person (family slip of paper for your entry happen to appear in news address, Then, drop vour issue and closes at 5 p.m. issue of the paper and of four could submit four blank. Not necessary to be items, editorial matter or entry in the box located at the Monday of the following week. additional clues may also be entries(. Anyone may enterpre.~ent to win. Not necessary other places in this news- sponsoring merchant, whose 7. At that time (5 p.m. next UNLESS a member of your to be a subscriber to the paper, these will not count as ad hasa heavy black border on Monday) a drawing will be hidden in any of these ads as family is employed by the Othello Outlook to enter,clues in this contest, this page in this issue, held at the store where entries well. Clues will be scattered... Othello Outlook or by the 3. WHO'S WHO may be 4. To enter, write down the 5. There is no other place have been received for this there may be from one to five merchant whose ad is heavily anyone in the Othello area. name you think WHO S WHO where entries will be ac-week's contest. The first entry in any ad - or none. This is a bordered this week (this Clues for his or her identity is. Add the total number of cepted. Any member of thedrawn that correctly identifies contes't of skills...and we applies ONLY during the will be hidden ONLY in ads for clues you can find in ALL the family may bring in all the WHO'S WHO will win $10. If intend to doourbesttooutwit week this ad is bordered(, sponsoring merchants (seeads ofsponsoringmerchantsin entries for that family. Child- THAT entry also lists the correct total number of clues hidden in all ads of sponsorir, g merchants, a BONUS OF $20 will be paid. Whenever this BONUS is not won, it will be added to next week's BONUS- which will continue to grow until it is won. 8. Every possible precau- tion will be taken to prevent typographical errors that might be mistaken for clues, but errorless typography CANNOT BE GUARANTE- ED (by anyone). of the Othello the judge in all his decision is Family you a better chance jackpot...your wife, or some bright- ster MAY spot miss! Got any you? Think the contest? can't win if you do~ * Lowrey Organs BENAVIDEZ CAFE * eiano * Complete Music Store * Electrophonic Stereo Service Is Our Business Mexican & American Foods Trustworthy Stores Open 7 Days a Week RADIO SHACK Sup~arket o! Catering Service to Ware- ~[ McLEAN'S houses, etc. ,~ d~ HARDWARE : ceAE uslc 96 S. 1st 488-3651 32 E. Main Othello, Wa. 702 E. M,in 4ss-ar~4 Champs Ist year Off Taylor Road One House For All Your Insurance Needs, ' GIVEN AWAY IN PRIZES! 4th&CedarStreets AGENCY 488-2451 22 N. First 488-9751 Complete Tire & Farm Sere RICCIO-JENKINS , BASIl1 EARL'S A & W INSURANCE TIRE CEN Don Ruttan PH. I I I I |l i i IndustrialcommereiaResidentia AexandAm ?, Cameini99 : 'WIRING Custom Cabinets-Sawfiling *.~ ~i.i~iz ~~ ~,),h ¢,~.o '~(/d'z'/z/.i ~,C'd -Kitchen Cabinets ZAYALA'S PLACE '* -Carpeting No Job Too Small Furniture Refinishing ~ -Wallpaper - Paints Electric Baseboard Entertainment Lounge Now At 97 So. Ist St. ~ff~g~ ~l'~(" Mexican Food-Beverages N Heating R 0 N'S Huge Dance Floor Floral Arrangements Beer & Wine to Go Owners: "Chuck" Booth & [ Sons Charlie & Frank ' , CABINET-SHOP c~oN I~OT~L . Business-OfficeSupplies ~(,~/~ .... THE Open 7 Days a week and mmT,aU a r • BENTLEY'S WOODWoRKER 488-3 1 I FARMER'S ELECTRIC 60E. Hemlock 488-3993 ~4s, MAIN STREET 97S.lst PH.488-2751 488-3902 26 E. LARCH 341So. lst PH.488-5219 1796S. Broadway ,Othello OTHELLO, WASH. 99344 ,,Heidi at ,Hiawatha , 488 , '" Authorized Singer Dealer ' ~ DOC :,.*/..x~'~.',l~ ............... * ..... "~**¢~" ~/~Llll~ COPELAND ~11 All~ TlllllHipEgPl~ 0vIll~l~ ~~'O1 ~ FREDDI| ket that saves on yourThe"Friendly'SuperMar" ~(~;-);' Fabrics-Lessons- ~ HOLLIDAY LUMBER • RESTAURA ~=~ Notions ~i • Dry~Oo~ ' JH * Meat grocery budget every day. ~ CHEVRON SI RVICg[ ,,, • Frown EVERGREEN Chinese-Ameri' Attended CBC ~'i ~"~ 745E. Main Free Pick-up & Delivery,,~1= ~ u_'*Groc~ry Complete Building Sup- ~~q~ Nightly &gIN'S THRIFT ' i Othello Air Conditioning Servicew ~& ~E~* Notioa~ plies for Contractors and ~~ I~PLE~ENT~ INC. Featuring"*-T.-~ ~ i ~NI ~[~jZ~ Do-It-Yourselfers 425. E. Main Othello " Expert Atlas Tune-up "---- ~ ~¢~ * Produ¢~ Financing Available Roy's AI~$ ~IN~o United Industrial Park InFam°usFtatheLotusl , /I~¢~ IkL~ 488-3233 445E. Main PH. 488-7636 Open 6 Days a Week 12e s. Broadway 4SS-20~2 Othello 488-5222 67 S. 1st i iii i iT°p Grade CELESTE HOLM I~ FREEZER MEAT J OE'S E N JOY FeE SH YESS JE WE LRY For Home or Locker h VJ,~on ~SWr~*d FLORIST NTR PASTEURIZED Sign Up For Ig 488-9953 -New Holland Hay Equipment This Week's "Who's Who" CE66At HOMOGENIZED Men-Wo~ Special! Husband'sSpecial-Flowers GRADE h Milk *Diamond Rings Mixedl~ For your wife on her birth- *Earrings if No Answer Serves Blades & Cutters New '75 4 wheel drive Ford day 20oh;~:~ 488-2056 NEW HOLLAND. pickup available. *Flowers *Office SuppliesTires Lubrication Slushes - All Flavors *Seiko Watches BOWS LOCKERS OTHELLO ~OSTETTER *CeramicS, Terrarium*Candleplants~_prner Batteries-Motor Oil ~_ ~ *Ear Piercing OTHELLO F 92N. Venice Othello 645 S. Broadway 488-9607 FORD SALES, INC. .~r~i,,~ Invitations 110 E- M.i. aaa-7696 $ 4~,8 5381 At Jr. High First ~ ~h .~ ~. u~, ~3~o~ 61 So. 6th 488-2852 1312E. Main In 4th season IH H i ....